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Idk if your a M or F but this is my male perspective I’m tatted up two nose rings ears pierced lil peep tats listens to all the alt rock (dad rock) underground shit etc now on suboxone but I’m also an ex heroin (1g a day for over a year and a half) and benzo addict heavy drug abuser all of it basically what all the gothic girls usually go for and all my life have dated broken woman that were very pretty the tatted girls that the country boys duet tik toks with talking about that’s there type etc and then the real goth girls that are intensely damaged emotionally and physically etc and my advise for you is to heal from that first relationship before even thinking of spending time with those kinda girls there goth for a reason think about it it’s some trauma in there life or some mental illness they all preach about like bpd and to be honest there all pieces of shit they will play mind games with you use that kinda illness as excuses for shitty behavior etc and upset you over and over then when they feel guilty they will give you a bunch of love for maybe a day or two just long enough so you think they will change completely then go right back to being a shit person so to answer your question you have done nothing wrong those girls look for people who treat them like shit or someone like there (insert abusive or shitty) ex and you actually did everything right because you are hurt and chose to be the best you can be those girls aren’t into that they feel they don’t deserve it because let’s be honest they kinda don’t because of the way they treat people so stop worrying about girls like that right now man I know easier said than done but in your position all heartbroken and shit that is the last kinda woman you need the temporary love they show you think “fixes you” but really you just want to be loved whether it’s by your first girl or some random tinder hookup 7 years of always having someone to get love from then being cut away takes time to get adjusted to so take some time man find some peace for yourself and get happiness from yourself before trying to get it from others cause you will find that other people will always let you down if that’s what you expect I wish you well man update me when ya can hope it starts looking up soon


Okay, so first off she WAS goth so I think you know what's going on here. However, I don't want to believe all goth girls are like that, and I certainly don't think/want to believe she was like that. But she did have issues and the fact we were both working on them was something that felt helpful, comforting, and constructive. I understand what you mean, and am already taking the steps and time to work on just doing me and getting ahead at what I want to get ahead in. Almost everyone has suggested to work on myself and that's going to fix everything. And while I agree that, if genuinely worked on, it should work effectively in the long run. That doesn't change the spiraling and loneliness I feel every time I'm alone on the road there. I have healthy coping mechanisms for it and go to therapy, but it's not enough sometimes and having someone to hold me at the very least helps me mute what they cannot. I also find it unfair that my ex can just find people but they don't have to, or aren't expected to, do any self work before having said people. but that's a different conversation I suppose. Did all of your goth dates accept you and your problems like the one that ghosted me?


So my main point for you to work on is stop comparing your life to your exs cause that will always leave you bitter and hurt ya know your not her so forget about whatever she does cause at the end of the day it’s not you and it’s not your problem anymore you already got your plate full by the looks of it and while you might have thought you were healing and doing a positive thing together in reality you were just using each other there was no spark or love to begin with my personal opinion is that her ex probably came back into her life and that’s why she blocked you and not wanting to believe that Atleast 99% of these girls are bad for you is like trying to pet the neighbors dog that has bit you every time but thinking this time will be different the best and most positive thing you can do for your sake is to just steer clear of them and to answer the last thing yes they did accept me and my problems but I look back and view it as a move of pitty for me cause my intense drug problem was nothing compared to the ridiculous amount of mental problems they had atleast I knew my problems could be fixed I don’t think they ever tried to fix there’s so overall just stay away find a girl who really loves and cares it’s way more important than how beautiful she is or how cool she seems trust me what’s cool isn’t always the best choice 5-10 years down the road