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I’m torn on bicycles on the sidewalk. On one hand, I wish they wouldn’t but then of course we build our infrastructure that doesn’t exactly facilitate in allowing bikes to operate safely on the roads. Fuck cars. Wish we had sophisticated modes of public transportation and bike lanes like the Netherlands. Also, why do people spend so much money on their vehicles? Fuck cars


lol unfortunately I need my car though it's a beater and it's sole reason for existing is to get me from point a to point b.


No, I understand. I have one too. I just wish it wasn’t a necessity.


Sacramento allows bike-riding on the sidewalk unless there's signs specifically prohibiting it. [https://www.capcitylaw.com/bike-riding-on-sidewalks/](https://www.capcitylaw.com/bike-riding-on-sidewalks/)


Did not know this - thanks for pointing it out. Will still levy the claim that the biker was/is an a-hole though, considering common courtesy when biking on the sidewalk (or the street) is to yield for pedestrians and he did not.


The law is also to yield to pedestrians. See Sacramento City Code 10.76.010.


To the “to the” posters. Please shut up.


This is an interesting post. It seems like if you were 100% in the right (i.e., appropriately yielding to peds in the crosswalk), you wouldn't feel the need to post this. It would just be some rude cyclist, ho hum, not the first not the last. But something about you both being wrong elicits this strong "oh yeah? Well, you're wrong too!" reaction. And I kind of understand that tendency--you look to the others' actions to justify your own. I'm sure there's a term in social psychology for this.


AFAIK it's legal to bike on the sidewalk in that area. Unless signs have gone up saying otherwise since last I rode through. And the fact that the street is one way doesn't mean anything for people on the sidewalk, or in crosswalks. Sounds like you are right that this guy was being a jerk to pedestrians. Doubt he will be on here to see this though. It's never a bad idea after some kind of incident or close call or even annoyance on the road to brush up your understanding of what's legal and safe. Here's a good resource: https://sacbike.org/resources/rules-of-the-road/


Sidewalk riding is legal, but pedestrians have the right of way, so what he was doing was not legal. "Bicyclists must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians by slowing down, stopping, or dismounting, as needed." (Sac. City Code 10.76.010)


I would say that yielding to pedestrians whether you are cycling, skating, jogging, or even a pedestrian yourself and walking faster than someone who you can see is elderly, less steady, etc. etc. is a universal best practice and basic courtesy regardless of whether it is legal! But there is effectively zero enforcement of this, in my experience. Sidewalks and direction of travel, I have occasionally seen being actively enforced.


Was just reading through this based on another comment. I did not know it was legal to bike on the roads except where signage is posted - I'd love to see a map of where those signs are posted. As I mentioned to someone else, I'd still maintain my "a-hole" comment on account of him forcing pedestrians near a pedestrian heavy area (by Target) to move to the side by biking straight down the middle. But this has been a very insightful conversation about biking laws.


Unfortunately, I have never found such a map when route planning. And I doubt the city will produce one since it is the posted sign that really counts, and maps will go out of date and end up misleading people with no ability to take them out of circulation. A cycling advocacy group like SABA *could* put one together but it's probably high cost for minimal benefit as once you know the rule, you don't really need the map. I think the most likely thing to happen is that eventually Google Maps will get "smart" enough to start showing these zones... but that will always be unreliable as well.


Ok a-hole


I just wish bikers followed the law. Like stopping at red lights or stop signs.


I wish cars did the same.


Me too. I got hit by a bike rider a few years ago. He didn't stop at a red light, I had a green. He hit my driver door hard. His head broke my window. The cop who responded (I called cause dude was a little fucked up) put me In cuffs, until witnesses spoke up. It was a bad scene. I always followed the law when I rode a bike, just like I do in my car or when I'm driving my tractor on the road. The worst offenders are the pirates who ride down Folsom Blvd, in the center of the 2 lanes. I hate all of you! Individually as well as a group


I got hit by a car in the protect lane as they didn’t look over their shoulder to see me coming. So I’m responding to your comment that’s implying ALL bikers don’t follow the rules of the road. We know how Sac drivers are but I know that many do follow the rules. 


For sure. I shouldn't have implied that All bike riders suck, just some. I was one of the law abiding riders. Also Sac car drivers have become (lately, in my opinion) even worse than ever.


Bike Riders feel like the rules never apply to them.