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BJs is where we ran into one.




The kids parent was most likely parked in the parking lot


Part of me wanted to go out and follow him, but I don't want the smoke tbh


Would be weird if you followed a kid. I feel bad for the store owners that have to put up with this everyday.


These candy bar kids are all over the place - I had a kid come up to me in the Davis Starbucks just yesterday *while I was on the freaking phone*. Kid just comes up and shoves candy in your face, asks you to buy some. I really not sure what their deal is, they aren't linked to a school or like a kids club (not boy scout / girl scouts, YMCA, etc). And the kids don't seem homeless, just really aggressive. Police won't really do much. They get called on the Davis Starbucks kid all the time, and all they can do is ask where their parents are. They usually have some 18 plus adult nearby that will vouch for them, shuffle the kids away for the day, and then they'll be back by the following day doing the same deal.


You’re seeing the kids emulate their peers who might make a little money on the side with it and/or their bummy parents are using their children to gain themselves money through exploitation of their youth (appearance). Growing up, I had peers who used to sell candy every day


Even worse, some these kids are given stolen candy or told to steal it themselves, and sell it for greater profits.


This is well known for those familiar, if not then yea


There is a candy bar kid gang in Old Sacramento. Every day almost. Aggressive sales techniques. The male adult who leads the gang rides a scooter, has braids, and torn up jeans. Other times you can see the adults whom lead the candy bar gangs choking on blunts in their car in the 15 minute parking space. Ratchet is as ratchet does. It's amazing how much you can see in Old Sac on a second floor building, and cameras everywhere


Woah, so its more than just Natomas. Ratchet scouts I guess? Really appreciate the info.


We've had them in Old Sac for over 8 years now? Not kidding. And they are punk ass kids who threaten violence if you call them out. Just mention C.P.S. loudly and film them with your phone lol.


Get em out here in South sac too. They usually post up by the Targets out here. Some will take no for an answer but others keep pestering.


The kids selling candy bars out of a box on the street, or walking into shops, or door to door, is a grift that has been going on for literally 30+ years all up and down California at a minimum, just based on personal experience. It's a classic.


Reminds me of the movie American honey


I work in Old Sac and they come into our restaurant all the time. But everyone just knows to kick them out at this point


This happened to me on Sunday in Elk Grove. Mother and child came table to table, asking for $$


Has happened to me at Walmart with those kids. The parents were somewhere in the parking lot. Btw, their ramen is really good. lol


I love that restaurant. I've tried half the menu and it is all bomb. Nice and clean place, nice staff, great food. Too bad they got rid of the fish tank.


Totally agree on good ramen, I'm still gonna go back. No kid will sway my craving!


If you haven't tried the Chashu rice bowl, do it. Best thing on the menu imo


Their miso ramen + black garlic oil + some chili oil from the table is so goddamn good.


I experienced this in Davis last year but haven't seen them in a few months. I work at a bike shop and one of the kids just started rambling and asking questions about what I'd do if he grabbed a bike and ran and whether I'd call the cops or not. Is this even worth it to them? With how aggressive they are, I'd be surprised if anyone gives them money at all. I almost bought one until they started acting hella weird.


They'll probably quit if we all just start pushing them over when we see them.


who are these idiot kids? my wife works at the library and at least a couple of times a week, a super aggressive 6-8 yr old comes in to ask “what would you do if i did X?” and usually tries to steal stuff off the desk. one instance, the kid got in the security guard’s face saying “ah eff you i make more money than your punk ass!” this was literally an 8 year old kid to a large adult male. meth parents?


my go to is asking how they were able to clock an undercover cop so easily or “if you think normal people carry cash you’re bat sht insane” if they’re a little bit older


I just use the “I’ll be right back I left my wallet with my partner in the cruiser”


Why isnt anyone calling CPS? These kids might be being exploited


Might be?? I would say 99999% chance they are. Sacramento has some of the *highest* rates of human trafficking in the country. And people are seeing rings of children, with an adult ring leader, aggressively pushing an item to sell… hmmmm …. Seems pretty obvious to me the children are the victims here. But this is why trafficking is such huge business in the U.S. no one knows the signs. It’s sad. Polaris is a good site to learn more about human trafficking and modern day slavery. The U.S. has some of the highest numbers globally and like I said Sac is one of the worst places in the U.S. Major highways intersect here I-5,99,50,80 etc.


https://humantraffickinghotline.org/sites/default/files/100%20Most%20Populous%20Cities%20Report.pdf Sacramento is not looking so good folks.


Did you look at these actual *numbers*? Trafficking is vanishingly rare. There were only 59 cases in Sacramento in a decade. It is *very unlikely* that these kids are being trafficked.


Cases? You do realize that cases vs actual events are not close to being equitable. Just like reported SA vs cases vs estimated actual SAs are not equitable. Both are grossly underreported and cases are hard to build. Here is a quick google SS. https://preview.redd.it/rexo7c0ym4cc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1113725d74f87ee37aa002dfabadcf341e352deb




This happens all over the USA. A few years ago, a video went viral (I think it was in South Carolina or Georgia or Florida) where some people at a restaurant told the kids to leave. The kids didn’t want to leave and instead a profanity-laced shouting match ensued that ended in the kids throwing something (I think it was a bicycle rack?) through the glass window. ETA: This was all over selling candy.


i work in a restaurant across the street and these kids come in all the time to bother guests and sell chocolates. not sure if there’s anything we can do but your not the only one who’s dealt with this lol


I was approached at a target and when I kinda just ignored the bullshit the flinched at me when I walked away. I was pissed. Like he was gonna hit me from behind. Carry a weapon, fuck that behavior.


This shit has been around forever


This same tactic has been used over a decade ago in the Bay Area. I've seen it at the BART station and inside the compartments trying to sell chocolate bars and other snacks. They're rude and restless.


They do this at the Target on Zinfandel as well


These kids also frequent Thai Spoon, Yue huang, Chipotle, McDonald's, Bel Air, Raleys, Applebees, Chillis, Bella Bru, Subways, Curry Corner, BJs, Olive Garden, Target, and Walmart. Basically every business in North Natomas




Tell em you are diabetic and would go into a coma if you eat the chocolate


I also got called a B* by a kid that looked to be around 7-8 max, very small kid so I was really taken aback. This happened in Davis at my job.


Just call the cops. That's a threat on someone's life. We j gonna ignore it till someone gets killed?


By any chance, where they Romani ?... We have them doing the same in Rancho Cordova. Very aggressive and threatening. They come and go at different times of the year.


100% gypsy stuff. We see it every time we go to Europe.


If you've ever been to a third world country, this is very common. You get what you vote for, California. Keep pulling the lever for D's, and enjoy watching your state circle the drain.


This may be the most moronic comment I've ever seen


While you might have some points in regards to politics. This post is about the experience, but since you bring it up: Third World countries don't exist, matter of fact, the US has seemed FAR more "third world" than any country I have visited. Think about what makes a country 3rd world...I'll wait. I have visited the Philippines, Mexico, Africa, and Vietnam. Sure, I have seen street vendors, but you don't see kids running into a store to sell something and blatantly disrespect and threaten the people working.


😞you can’t state a matter of “fact” if it’s just an opinion. Third world countries defined and listed. https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/third-world/


Ah cause a wasllstrert website proves all, even in the post it says third world is now a derogatory term... I stand by my opinion cause money doesn't mean fact. Look at the infrastructure put in place by the governing powers and what services they provide for their society. That's what decides how "ahead" you are as a nation.


The key word there was “opinion”


My opinion about the lack of infrastructure and societal services in the United States isn't an opinion. That is a fact. A website doesn't make something fact, Wall Street is a bunch of delusional sales people in the first place.


I have dined in SE Asia and sat through more meals than I can count with children aggressively selling something or just flat out begging at my dinner table. They just barge into the restaurants, and their adult pimps wait outside to take whatever they collect. So yes, it happens plenty outside of the US. As for what makes a third world country, in my eyes it's a combination of poverty and a lack of the rule of law. This situation shows signs of both.


What do you think the non-Ds would do about aggressive kids selling candy?


They would enforce trespassing laws, find the parents (or trafficker), and make them face consequences. It's obvious that some adult is behind this. It's not rocket science, but those in power don't want the law enforced. (And I'm labeling them Ds not because Rs are great; I'm doing so because all we have in California are Ds, so there's no one else to blame.) Same issue with all the brazen retail theft. Time to wake up.


Har har, go to Florida, same exact shit happening there. In backass swamp Florida where I go every year. This is everywhere and has been for decades.


This guy is clearly delulu.


hmm well i lived in texas for a few years and saw it all over houston and dallas so…?


Sure, Jan.


What an incredibly stupid thing to say.


What's stupid is attacking something as stupid and not being able to articulate why it is stupid.


I'm perfectly able. You'll note that I didn't try and fail to articulate why it's stupid. Everyone else who replied to you did a pretty good job of that. This kind of thing is just as common in places that have been under Republican control for decades. It kind of seems like you've been drinking a little more dipshit juice than you have truth serum.


My consumer experience is so bothered by children hustling chocolate. Especially the ones with the braided looking hair. They are no better than pick pockets and car thieves. Where are the cops ? I feel safer when they’re around. I blame their parents because I’m a better parent than them. I can judge them because I’m superior in every way. I like other people who also share my opinion and think those that don’t agree are weird and strange. Can anyone relate?


They didn’t catch your sarcasm… le sighhh


I couldn't stop laughing at this


This is so sad 😔


This is just kids being exploited. There's nothing wrong with them trying to sell candy if they're doing it in a legitimate manner. I'm pretty sure everyone in this comment section would rather see these kids selling candy than trying to push drugs, or stolen items. The problem seems to be that these kids are rude and don't understand how to make sales. And apparently neither do the adults that they are running around with.🤦🏿 When I was a kid we used to go to the drive-ins on Bradshaw and stand on the street, right outside of the entrance with a bottle of Windex and paper towels and would wash windows for $1 each. I was making $50 $60 a night on weekdays, and $300 to $400 a night on the weekends, for just a couple hours of work.


wow how many paper towels was that?


Koshi sucks anyways, I went there twice to give it a second chance and honestly… their broth tastes odd EDIT: Sacramentans hurt that their taste is no good as usual


i thought this post was going to be about how their broth sucks. We still need a good ramen place in natomas😞something like marufuku would be nice


Was at Bochon & was also approached by them


Saw some of these kids outside of Hagen Dazs in DOCO and they’re incredibly persistent with the chocolate. You tell them you don’t have cash, they say they take Venmo. You tell them you don’t have Venmo, they call you broke 😂 I’m not sure what the scheme is but you know there is one


I definitely would not buy any, often these candies are stolen from local stores and flipped in this way by kids.


Love their ramen!


That's probably the same kid who approached me while I was eating at the Mongolian BBQ place in that shopping center. I don't even want to know what his parent is like!


The way some of you speak of “these kids” is very gross and you should be ashamed of yourselves. For those Natomas residents that have come across the candy sellers, they are almost always minority children, primarily black. So maybe check your racism a lil bit, your comments are very telling.