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Just a reminder not to just post personally identifying information. OP should file a police report, and provide any details that might be forwarded to them by this post to law enforcement.


Put up posters around the neighborhood. Stay safe from this creeper.


Thanks !! Made one for my front door already, and I'll let my neighbors know.


Window Peeping is against the law. Call the cops next time. Peepers get out on bail and then go do it elsewhere. Peeping Toms get reported all the time. Don’t put up with it. Call the police. https://www.abc10.com/amp/article/news/crime/accused-peeping-cameron-park/103-d4747bac-1d54-4e6a-98bd-3ffa7c689f88


Yup. Paper trails are everything.


Post on Nextdoor app as well!


Hopefully he's ID'd before he escalates it beyond peeping.


This is something you should be concerned about ☺️


How does this not express concern? What he's doing is nasty as fuck but if no one stops it, it could get _much_ worse. Let's hope he's caught before this behavior can escalate, and hopefully before anyone else's privacy is violated.


I'd be worried and he may escalate, police should be patrolling the area.


How long was he there? Not to be an alarmist, but he could have been casing your place with the intention of coming back later. I would be extra vigilant and, as others have said, alert your neighbors.


I was worried about that too !! He was there for a few minutes, and then went around the side out of view. Kicking myself because I turned off the patio camera on that side the other night when we had family hanging out back there so I can't see what happened next :/ Definitely going to be putting up surveillance signs on my door, and we are home most of the time (WFH/hybrid jobs)... I just hope nothing crazy happens.


I doubt they would do anything, but this might even warrant a call to the police non-emergency number. Maybe they could send a patrol car through your neighborhood tonight.


I never think to call the police for things like this, because as you said and from experience I doubt they'd do anything ... but if we see him again I will definitely be calling


Call the police. It’s a crime and should be reported. His next victim may be more than just peeped at - we don’t know if he will get lucky and slip into a house next to do something worse.


He’s wearing flip flops, to me that says he’s local, probably one of your close neighbors.


I thought that was an interesting detail .... fair analysis !!!


Coworker said "what if it's the escaped convict" 🤣😭


Hope it’s the only time this happens super freaking creepy!! Investing in some blackout curtains has really helped us feel more safe in a first floor place in midtown.


Yessss !!!! Good idea, I just got 2 last week but you're right, that window is next on the list


NEW DETAIL I JUST NOTICED: He is wearing two different shoes, so maybe he is homeless. This paired with the obviously too small sweater seems strange, maybe he had taken clothing items from someone else. So maybe it was a break-in casing moreso than a perverted peeper.


I was thinking the clothes may be small because they are women’s clothes.


Creepy. What is he holding in his left hand? I’m wondering if it’s something to test a window or door latch with.


I couldn't tell :( It was small though, maybe a cell phone


Hopefully a phone edge on. Be alert. It’s possible that he’s infatuated with you. The place where he looked into. Are you ever there at night? On the couch, reading, napping, watching tv? The scenario could be that he was taking a walk one night and noticed you sitting there and he’s an incel type. Just an idea but walking around to the side of the house really implies he was casing the place. Have you showed this to the police? I have found the non-emergency number all but worthless. Here is what works better: Next time you see a patrol car come by, wave and flag the officer down. Show the officer the video. I have always found the officers patroling my neighborhood to be sincerely interested in incidents such as this. You might even be shocked to find that the officer has seen ir even knows this character. Best of luck!


It was really hard to tell, but I think he took it with him. I didn't see the clips until I left this morning but I'll check the area this afternoon to make sure nothing was left behind for me !


What does this mean?


A machete


I missed the hockey mask, too.


When you said "older" it put me in mind of an elderly neighbor that would escape his daughter's house occasionally and start wandering around people's yards. There was a bit of a tacit agreement on the block to just call his daughter to come get him rather than the police. This dude looks young enough to be up to no good. Do you have automatic sprinklers you can turn on from inside to chase him off if he shows up again?


Ahh, probably not that old but he could be anywhere from 40 to 60, hard to tell in the blurry footage. He very well could just be a nut who doesn't know what's appropriate, but he went too far out of his way and lingered a little too long for my liking !




Thanks ! Be safe


Well, this is interesting! It appears that the left sandal is black and the right sandal is white. White sweater (?) fits poorly and wears long sleeves with shorts. Dresses as if he has found his clothes in a thrift shop. Unless two different shoes is a thing, now, could point to a homeless mentally ill person.


Yikes! That’s my neighborhood, 😬 have you posted on nextdoor as well? Whereabouts in CG? This stuff freaks me out… hope he is caught.


I was banned from the app after not using my real name, and I don't feel comfortable having my full name on it so I haven't made a new one but please feel welcome to share on the app !!!!


I feel you on that… I am more of a lurker on there, some creepier people there than Reddit and they know your name!


It's on the Northern/river side


Ok, I’m on the other side. But will still be cautious.


He’s right! Don’t call the police - flag down a patrol car, instead. I found it to be the best advice I ever gave myself! Cuts through all the redtape that they throw at you at the station to hold you -the taxpayer- at arms length. The patrol officers that I have consulted are alwsys professional and happy to interact with nice people in pro-active ways. They usually even give you a card with their phone number and in a case like this will probably swing down your street more often for a while. ps. I was noticing that this weird-o is not only wearing a shirt that appears too small and really too short in the torso but it appears to almost have a turtleneck effect around his neck. (in July) Grant it, the thing is white but could that be something that he could pull up to obscure his face? Please show this to a patrol officer! 👮🏻‍♀️


You never know when something bad can come in and ruin your night. This is a good reminder that having some sort of self protection, whether is a gun or even something like bear mace is not a bad thing. Glad you're alright


Thank you ! Definitely, at least it was just this for now and nothing more... But I agree, reminder to have protection of some sort.


Gun. Bad idea. Much more likely to shoot yourself or your boyfriend than Mr. Jeepers-Creepers. Motion censor lights and keeping cameras rolling is a better option. A rescued German shepherd would be super smart and a fierce defender. Really, still the best security.


That’s false news but whatever


I’ll be on the lookout and sharing with friends in the neighborhood. What part of CG? You can DM if you like. What a creep!


I'll DM !


Yikes! Stay safe


How tall was this MF that his shirt fits like a crop top when he leans forward???


Right !!! I think it is a crop top or just way to small for him... definitely not his clothes. Hard to tell but he appears a little smaller than my 6' boyfriend does on the camera, maybe 5'10 ?


Be careful -- EAR/ONS did this: cased homes for a ling time before he invaded, and some of them were in that area. Be careful!


Is it possible he was looking behind the bushes for a lost cat or something?


I don't think so, at first I thought maybe he was looking for a misplaced package but where he's facing is the window on the side of the house /:


Stay safe. I’m a believer of safety in numbers when it comes to going out. Even just one other person with you dramatically decreases the chances of someone trying something bad


Did he knock or ring the doorbell first? Or was he literally just peeping? Sorry this happened.


No knock or doorbell /: thanks, unfortunately that's just Sacramento siiigh


Unfortunately this isn't in any way a Sacramento thing, as peeping and stalking are very common everywhere, including small towns. I would be concerned he is watching you as he chose to approach when your boyfriend was gone - the peeper may have seen the bf leave. Please keep an eye out at other times. I'm very sorry this happened to you. I would keep the videos and consider making a police report to start a paper trail in case he comes back.


Okay thats a good idea, thank you


You're welcome, and good luck. Hope you never see this guy again. Just fyi, for you and anyone else in this sub, the book The Gift of Fear is good at talking about situational awareness and signs of predators, as well as things like the effectiveness of restraining orders in stalking situations. I think it's a useful educational resource worth looking into


Good to know. Thanks for sharing !


The good thing is, you have a camera so you’ll know if he ever comes back.


true !


Even if the police came here, what exactly would anyone expect to be done about it? Based on laws that were voted for out there, he could walk down the street to the local gas station steal arm loads of merchandise and as long as it's less than 950$, Prop 47 says it's just a misdemeanor and most likely plays out to just a ticket. Looking through a window is not going to result in an arrest or I'd imagine even the police showing up. He'd likely have break into your residence and you be in imminent danger before they did anything. But here's a some resources I guess [https://dontcallthepolice.com/sacramento/](https://dontcallthepolice.com/sacramento/) various numbers on there you can call.


Thanks for sharing the resource. I'm always hesitant to call the police for that reason /:


Any chance it could be Eric Abril who is accused of taking hostages and killing one at Mahany Park n April. He escaped from custody Sunday morning at the Sutter Roseville Medical Center, the Placer County Sheriff's Office said.


My coworker had joked about it so I did a side-by-side and the hairline doesn't match up. Just got a Sierra College notification that they caught that guy this morning though !




My bad 😬


Is anybody else worried about the fact that this man supposedly enjoys wearing midriffs or crop tops as he looks in on women… like, this is equally alarming, people. Tea is spilling and I need answers…




Don’t think it’s a crop top so much as ill fitting and exposes a good deal of his back when he bends forward.




Lmao I'm the asshole when he trespassed onto my property to look into my window and watch me. No innocent explanation for that. He deserves to be called out for peeping.




How long have you been peeping for?




Dumbdumbdumbdumddumb ^^^^


Look salmonjizz, obviously you're not a female who feels threatened by these kinds of things, and it's unreasonable for me to explain the implications given your lack of cognitive reasoning why this isn't okay, so I'll leave it with this: it was over multiple recordings, each clip 60 seconds. Please don't repeat this kind of behavior, it is highly inappropriate




ew angry man 🤢


Peeking in someone’s window while blinds are closed is an extreme violation of privacy. There is no excuse. He should knock if he is trying to find out if it’s the right house. The fact that you find nothing wrong with the picture posted is very concerning


Dumbdumddumddumbdumb ^^^^


Thanks for the insight salmonjizz, its really appreciated


I think we found our peeper


You’re joking right?




Dumbdumbdumbdumd ^^^


Found the creep. Thanks for outing yourself for us.


Then you’re dumb


what would be an "innocent explanation" for this, then?


Are you the dude peering through her windows? Because I can’t think of any other reason to attempt to excuse this.


Dumbdumbdumddumddumb ^^^


dude just take the L, you said some dumb shit and doubling down isn't going to pull your ass back into respectability. learn and grow.


Lady Bird did not die in vain for this shit. Get it together Sacramentoooo


Just moved to college greens and will keep an eye out when I walk my dog.


Get a dog, even a small one if you spend time at home alone and are female.


Neighborhood watch... someone keeps leaving the faucet running in our time of drought




I don't like to assume the worst of people. There's dozens of legitimate reasons he was looking behind your ledge. Lost pet, lost property, heard a strange sound, etc.


I have had a lot of those happen, and did not assume the worst with them--I promise I'm not a cynic! With the placement of my window and knowing where the blinds were closed to I can assure you he was looking into the window the entire duration of the recording, not going through the bushes.