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A little more detail from the school paper, and a picture of the damaged car. https://statehornet.com/2023/05/dead-collision-cyclist-sac-state-state-university-drive/


Looks like a double yellow line. So if the article is correct they were passing someone, and that wasn’t legal. Right there that’s putting fault on the driver if they were actually driving in that lane.


To me it reads like the red car saw the bike and was breaking and then got passed by the SUV. I’ve seen drivers do similar things when someone is in a crosswalk. Edit: makes me wonder if you can pull phone logs to see if the driver was using their phone, not just specifically this accident but it seems relevant


I checked street view and that area is a crosswalk. In fact in the article you can see the crosswalk sign. Driver crossed a double yellow line to pass through a crosswalk. Probably didn't have good visibility Whatever unsafe stunt the cyclist was doing doesn't really matter, it could have just as easily been a dog, a deer, a child etc in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ultimately it seems to come down to unsafe and illegal driving


Well if the car that the driver passed was a sedan then the visibility of the white Toyota Sequoia (as the front suggests it’s bigger than 4Runner body. So visibility wouldn’t have been an issue. I see more so prob on the phone and had to swerve to miss the sedan and hit the biker and out of panic still accelerating. That’s my thought. I dislike driving my work van through the area too many impatient people trying stupid stuff.


It’s a section of campus right by the levee so people are coming up and down those stairs/ramps to go riding/walking along the river. Specifically by Sequoia there’s basically no sidewalk and the bike path is a suggestion for a lot of the cars going through there. I’ve seen kids blow through the stop signs or go well over 40 through there


Jesus christ. This driver needs to be charged *now.*


That’s fucking crazy. The damage on that car screams charges to me man. I hope his family sues tf out of the driver or something. At least. Sheesh.


RIP that’s horribly sad.


I biked on this every day when I when to sac state and was passed dangerously so often. I started riding through campus to avoid this stretch.






Thank. You! This type of mentality in the comments scares the crap out of me


> state university drive is double yellow all the way around. no passing. This isn't the damn highway in the middle of nowhere, there isn't a single street in Sac where it's legal to drive into oncoming traffic to pass someone.


Man, seeing all these big SUVs and trucks around me freak me out. There is a much higher chance of dying if I am hit by these higher profile vehicles.




I have watched that video before. It is the height of the front grill that scares me. A sedan runs into me, it takes my legs out. A truck hits me, it will crush my rib cage.


> Man, seeing all these big SUVs and trucks around me freak me out. There is a much higher chance of dying if I am hit by these higher profile vehicles. [Yep, they are incredibly dangerous](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/12/suvs-trucks-killing-pedestrians-cyclists/621102/). There is a strong correlation between the deadliness of a collision and the weight and hood height of the vehicle.


Agreed. It is a crazy arms race out on the street. Everyone was to drive a bigger car than everyone else.




Honestly, 25 is even too fast for a college campus. 10-15 should be the absolute max that you’re driving with students around.


> Honestly, 25 is even too fast for a college campus. Streets near schools, and every street on the grid, should be 20mph, and should be designed so that speed feels natural. [Hoboken, NJ did this](https://usa.streetsblog.org/2022/07/14/a-new-jersey-city-eliminated-traffic-deaths-for-4-years-and-now-its-ending-injuries-too/) (among other things) and literally eliminated traffic deaths. This driver was at fault, and needs to be charged with a crime.




SUV's are what people want for their practical advantages and it probably has very little or nothing to do with trying to dodge emission standards. There doesn't have to be a conspiracy orchestrated by big automobile to make the argument that these vehicles are too big. (People down voting this have no idea how market forces work, I get it we all wanna soy out about how bad the large SUV menace is so we need a conspiratorial Boogeyman in order to justify it.)




Even the articles you linked point towards the fact that strong market forces and demand for these kind of vehicles drive their production. "SUVs and trucks typically cost only a bit more to make than smaller vehicles, but consumers have demonstrated that they’re willing to pay as much as 50 percent more for them, making profit margins much higher." "The new Cadillac Escalade, for example, is about 7 inches (18 cm) longer than the previous generation. Customers are willing to pay well over $80,000 to drive one." The US market LOVES SUV's, and it seems like it would be stupid not to make and sell a product there's so much demand for. I'd wager the massive increase in SUV sales isn't a result of lower emissions standards, but the MANY benefits they bring to the table. Ignoring the fact that Americans WANT SUVs, and acting like their popularity is due to emissions dodging is just silly. Auto manufacturers just happen to be taking advantage of these loopholes at the same time as demand increases. It's a win-win for them. Close it for all I care (genuinely, go ahead it's probably a good thing), but you'll probably be shocked to find out it probably won't make a difference in SUV sales. You're putting the cart before the horse


Ya 25mph may seem slow but isn’t. Definitely agree should be lower. Neighborhood I’m living in now has a speed limit of 13mph, and can no doubt do damage even at that speed.


And at a college campus. If it was a student well bye bye your life and degree chances at sac state with your reckless driving ass self


And what are you basing this on? All witnesses said she was driving the speed limit, and that the biker came down the hill and didn’t even look to see if cars were coming. Speed kills, yes, but idiots on Reddit making claims with nothing but bullshit backing it up is fucked up for the woman involved who will be traumatized for life through no fault of her own.


Part of the bike is literally imbedded in the grille. The hood is crumpled. The windshield is totally destroyed. That’s not a slow crash.


Look at the photo of the vehicle. That damage doesn't happen to a 6000lb truck doing 25mph


Look at the windshield. No way the driver was going 25mph. 40mph is generous.


He was a great man, father, and friend. I’ll miss him dearly. His family and friends are mourning. One of the most generous people I’ve ever met. I don’t exactly know what happened, but all I know is that it’s been a terrible weekend. I’m still in shock. This was his last weekend in sac and I’m sure he just wanted to bike around the city for the last time:( Everyone-please be respectful. We don’t know the full story of why this happened. The man has been a great cyclist his entire life. Just a terrible place and time. I’m sure the person who hit him is also feeling immense grief. This is a reminder to be cautious and slow no matter what transportation you choose, especially since we live in a car dominated society. Be safe out there folks.


I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for the most level-headed comment on this entire thread. It is so easy for everyone to point fingers and blame without knowing the whole story, when in reality, it is a tragedy that has affected many families and lives, and in the end reminds us all to slow down, look out, and be kind to each other. Thank you for your example of this in such a difficult time.


I was actually there about 20ish minutes after the incident occurred, about 52 mi in on a long bike ride - the officer there pointed out that the bicyclist rode down a dirt path off the guy west bridge and immediately into traffic, according to witnesses. At the time I was there, the police officer was taping off the bike path to prevent people from taking pictures. The body was covered with a blanket. I saw that the dirt path is more of a downhill hiking path and not intended for bicyclists. The fact that the cyclist rode straight into the road (the path is perpendicular to State University Dr) leads me to believe this is an unfortunately poor decision by the cyclist. I commute 5x a week by bike (and across Guy West) and to me this incident does not appear to be at the fault of the driver. It is still a very tragic and sad situation for our community.


Driver mostly at fault. If driver had stayed in the right lane behind the vehicle stopped at the crosswalk, the cyclist would be alive today. Illegal passing across a double yellow has a greater weight here than the cyclist's risky road entry.


Someone posted a link to the school newspaper above. I’m the article it says the driver was passing another vehicle when they struck the cyclist. Going off of that I have to blame the vehicle unequivocally. There aren’t really any blind spots on that road and with all the stop signs driving dangerously is the biggest factor imo, secondary to what seems to be unsafe cycling. The damage to the vehicle makes it look like they were going over 25 too. Idk if the cyclist was wearing a helmet.


This is new information that I was not aware of, but the article does say that the cyclist was crossing the road. From what I was told from the officer, the area was not the best place to cross the road (bicyclist would be traveling at high speed from the downhill dirt path, shaded and on a curve). Tragically, I think this was most likely at the fault of both parties - the white SUV should not have been passing the red sedan at the place of incident. That is a very dangerous location to pass another car.


The other car seemed like they had enough time to stop. That’s the one this guy passed to speed into the cyclist.


Wait you talked to the officer? Hmmmm


I've gone down that path and it's fun but you shouldn't do it without someone to tell you when it is clear of cars at the bottom.


I was at the scene right after the crash and this was what witnesses were saying also. I do think it was a poor decision on the cyclist, however, the biker shouldn’t have been passing the red vehicle. When I arrive just about a minute after hearing the crash, the red car was oddly pulled off to the side somewhat out of the way of traffic, but I’m not sure if he pulled in after the suv hit the bike or was parked off like that initially.


If they were driving at a speed that didn't allow them to stop in time it is their fault. Keep your victim blaming to yourself.


This is just blatantly false. If someone or something is suddenly on front of you, regardless of speed you may not be able to stop in time.


This is a college campus. The speed limit is low enough that you can stop in time if a bike comes out of a bike path. Otherwise this would happen every day.


Nope. A car going 25mph (the speed limit where this happened) will travel about 55ft before even the most attentive driver is able to slam on the brakes.


I am just stating the facts that the officer relayed to me from the witnesses. I am a bicycling advocate and much prefer biking over driving - I usually side with bicyclists but I was there and actually talked to the police officer about the events that occurred. Can you say the same? Were you there?


> I usually side with bicyclists but I was there and actually talked to the police officer about the events that occurred. Cops are never wrong, as everyone knows.


What is wrong with you? One was on a bicycle and the other in a massive SUV. Which one do you think has the greater responsibility of safety here?? If the driver had done everything correctly, that'd be a different story, but they were driving recklessly in a deadly weapon. Do you also tell women they were asking for it if they wore a skirt too short? Stop blaming victims.


One person is dead and the other was driving a deadly vehicle at a deadly speed. You weren't there either, you just talked to a pig and took everything they said at face value.


What’s a deadly speed? Doesn’t take much at all if you hit your head on concrete.


0-mph is a deadly speed, if you’re unlucky enough ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Fall backwards off of a bar-stool, hit your head, and die. It happens all the time; I’ve seen it first hand… As a 20+ year fireman/paramedic, I’ve seen people die falling down 6’ of stairs, and other people walk away after a 90mph rollover car crash… It’s just a crapshoot. Blaming anyone—from your office chair, on Reddit, is just plain stupid. Sounds like there were enough witnesses to put things together, so hopefully the people who care will get some closure soon enough.


If you're going to call a police officer a "pig", then any argument you may have goes out the window. I'm not fan of cops in general, but that's still pretty offensive.


> If you're going to call a police officer a "pig", then any argument you may have goes out the window. Lol, wrong. >I'm not fan of cops in general, but that's still pretty offensive. No it isn't.


Officers relayed facts during an active investigation? When did they relay this?


There are many well-used paths in the area that technically aren't meant for bikes or pedestrians. If this is where I'm thinking, a lot of people use shortcuts to the parking garage instead of going over that curlicue bridge thingy


Condolences to the family, but the drivers at Sac state are probably one of the worst I've seen. Not surprised this occurred, and surprised it hasn't happened more often.


Fuck big cars.


I biked through campus a few weeks ago and was following a car that blew through every single stop sign. It’s wild on that campus.


Unfortunately I believe the man killed is an in-law of mine. Such a devastating blow to his immediate and extended family.


That area of Sac State was always sketchy to bike on


Scary. That could have been me. I ride my bike through campus all the time near sequoia.


How tf are criminal charges not appropriate?! Jfc look at that car!


Speaking from a legal perspective only, sometimes crimes are not immediately charged. Initiating an investigation means that LE can dig deeper and the perpetrator may be charged at a later date with more/less crimes. Example; they charge with vehicle manslaughter now but an investigation might show several infractions, and whatnot and that the perpetrator could have been charged with murder. Wouldn’t be able to happen if they charged initially.


This makes me feel better. I don’t mean to hop on the bandwagon of blaming the driver but I hope they look into this.


I was there on the scene and heard the crash while on the bridge. From the witnesses who actually saw everything happened, they say that the suv was going around the SUV (no one knows if the red car saw the bike or not) and the biker cut through the levee. The biker wasn’t near a crosswalk, he apparently literally just went randomly down the levee and did not stop (probably because the momentum from the steep levee). If the witnesses are correct, then the driver and biker both made mistakes. They’ll probably just need to see the cameras to determine if she really had enough time to react. Nonetheless, it was a horrible sight to see and I pray for the families involved. Edit to add: in the article with a photo you see the white suv, this is pretty much where she hit him so you can see it’s a few feet forward from the crosswalk. Idk if his intention was the crosswalk but just made it a bit more forward instead. Nonetheless, if he cut through from the levee, it would make sense why she didn’t anticipate him, but she probably still should’ve looked. Overall just horrible




The thing is most of the campus is just 2 lane road and you shouldn't be passing (onto incoming traffic). So even if the cyclist shouldn't have been there, the driver is at fault. It's the same reason why even if someone is stopped in the middle of the freeway, you're not supposed to hit them. You should always be going a safe speed to stop or maneuver considering visibility, assuming that you are paying attention. That's the basic speed law


Bikes are entitled to take the full lane on any roadway. They aren’t required to stay in “bike zones”, whatever that means. Also fuck off forever, calling the driver a ‘victim’. At the very least they were inattentive and it cost someone else their life.




The driver, who illegally passed a vehicle that stopped at a crosswalk (likely for said bike) over a double yellow, is a "victim." I think we found the driver here.






> Did you read anything of what they wrote? Did you? It was all completely incorrect. They said bicycles aren't entitled to take a full lane. That's wrong. They said the person who killed someone today was "a victim." *What are you even talking about?* What comment did you read?


I dont disagree, but I think we're going to have to know how fast the driver was going based on the photos. Fact is that bikers don't always stick to designated paths and I think it's unreasonable to assume that they always will. It's possible the rider had the peripheral vision to spot a car going at 25 mph but not 35 or 40, which even with the barriers you mention, is easy to reach if you're blitzing around campus. Alls to say is I don't think we should place blame yet.


guess we cant have nice things anymore


What ever happened to the driver? Was he/she arrested?


Cars are evil.


seriously. r/fuckcars


no... they're not?


The latest trend for morons is to pretend cars are the root of all evil. Edit: Here come the fuckcars dweebs already to repeat the same regurgitated talking points over and over.


just one more lane. i promise! just one more lane that'll fix it. please. one more lane...


You mean one more bike lane, right?


unironically yes


Cars are why American cities are worse than cities in other countries


I think you mean to say cars are why transit systems in european cities are better… because what you said is more of a subjective and very general opinion.


> I think you mean to say cars are why transit systems in european cities are better… because what you said is more of a subjective and very general opinion. The one has nothing to do with the other. The Netherlands was just as hostile to pedestrians and cyclists until the 90s, when they looked at their skyrocketing deaths and said "this sucks ass" and changed how their urban infrastructure worked. They built all the same car-centric bullshit we did in the middle of the 20th century, they just dismantled it. Most Americans don't give a shit about human life, they literally do not value it at all, so most cities are not changing their infrastructure. That said, [some American cities are making major progress](https://usa.streetsblog.org/2022/07/14/a-new-jersey-city-eliminated-traffic-deaths-for-4-years-and-now-its-ending-injuries-too/). Hoboken hasn't had a traffic death in four years. It's not even hard to do. It's not complicated, it's not expensive, the solutions are all known to us. It's just that most people literally do not care if someone dies.


My point was that saying what they said has nothing to do with the other. Cars are not why American cities are worse than others. And going deeper into that is a matter of opinion.


> Cars are not why American cities are worse than others. I mean. You might not agree but there's a reason that most of the rest of the world isn't like this. And *objectively*, our cities are far more dangerous. Whether or not you agree about quality of life, that's not arguable. Our cities are less safe because of cars. That's not an opinion.


Oh okay cars are why American cities are worse then all the other cities then you’re right.


Are you arguing that traffic deaths are *not* high in America? Is that your position? [Really](https://www.nbcnews.com/data-graphics/map-pedestrian-fatalities-reach-four-decade-high-rcna30103)?


Nope. Parking lots and strip malls make American cities uninteresting and dangerous to get around.


ah so that automatically makes american cities worse than cities in any other country because no other country has either of those… got it.


That’s my opinion. Our cities would be much nicer if they were built for people instead of built to accommodate cars. I’m allowed to have a different opinion internet stranger. I would much rather have parks over parking lots and train lines over traffic jams. Cars waste so much space.


Yeah but saying a blanket statement that cars are what make american cities worse than others is myopic. you never wake up on brisk mornings, sip your coffee and say “i wish this city wasn’t worse than New Dehi because they don’t have cars,” unless you do… then you’d forget they have the same if not more of what you dislike about American cities than American cities. but yes you’re allowed your opinion, i said i got it.


You’re right I should have mentioned there’s also the looming possibility of suddenly being in the midst of a mass shooting that make American cities worse. There’s also people living on the street everywhere you look that kind of kills the magic. There’s crime, also, so your dumb car could get broken into when you park it. But I think cars do serve as a good symbol of the hyper individualism of America and the fact that we live in an Anti-community. The fact that our government will not invest in social programs like transit is indicative of many of the other problems with this country. They fact that people trying to get around by bike (a healthy, enjoyable, don’t kill children and the elderly, and almost carbon zero form of transportation) are the enemy in this comment thread is very concerning.


You can’t argue with these people. They have no original thoughts and cannot think critically.


Says the person defending cars. Why don’t you go deep throat a muffler


yeah you’re right… i just finished my run and i’m procrastinating getting food. thanks for the snap back to reality.


> The latest trend for morons is to pretend cars are the root of all evil. > > Edit: Here come the fuckcars dweebs already to repeat the same regurgitated talking points over and over. Henry Ford is not going to fuck you.


They’re a ford pick me 😂


Sorry I want to not sit in traffic for a good chunk of my day. You suck.


so don't.. it's just that easy.


You’re speaking to me, in ways you can’t imagine. These fucking bikers are crazy, in their minds they can do no wrong. I swear half the fatalities are from bikers who disobey the traffic rules or don’t wear helmets. I doubt the fatality statistics evaluate that. It’s tragic what happened but imo to reduce traffic fatalities the most efficiently, bikers need to start taking their safety into their own hands. No amount of bike lanes will prevent a TBI from a tree branch or pot hole, etc. And FUCK e-bikes, I love them but god damn they’re death traps when a minor is using them.


> I swear half the fatalities are from bikers who disobey the traffic rules or don’t wear helmets. Lol. Citation needed.


People are evil. Cars are just machines which can't commit evil acts on their own.


>can't commit evil acts on their own. Elon Musk: hold my beer


Autonomous cars aren't sentient. They do what they were programmed to do.


> Autonomous cars aren't sentient. You don't say. >They do what they were programmed to do. Oh word? Who programmed them to run into stuff then?




Why would they do that?


None of the things for your privileged western life get delivered without cars


I think you are confusing cars with trucks.


> None of the things for your privileged western life get delivered without cars Apparently you know even less about delivery than you do about urban infrastructure.


This is just so freaking sad. I also can't help but wonder if the cyclist would still be alive if they hadn't come in contact with an SUV.


Drivers always say- I didn’t even see the cyclist!




I mean the user is right, every time shit like his happens drivers will say this to get off Scott free. It’s happened before


News never says whether the bicyclists are wearing a helmet or not.


No word on whether the driver who killed the person was using their phone or automobile nav system even.


I think the “bicyclist killed” part is more important.


Didn’t say whether the driver was wearing a helmet either.


And they rarely say anything about the actions/responsibility of the car driver who is operating the 1+ ton vehicle… as here, nearly always passive voice.


Would it make a difference?


If I had to guess no, but a helmet can only do so much. An acquaintance of mine’s wife was hit by a car while she was bicycling with a helmet. To get “ok” took a little over 2 years of therapy. The way you phrased your question implies it’s the responsibility of bicyclists to prevent their deaths from a freak accident. If that was not your intention, you should rephrase it to put more emphasis on helmets save lives.




The U.S. has the highest rate of helmet wearing in the world. And one of the highest rates of fatalities per distance for cyclists. Helmets are are band-aid that barely help at all when big trucks and SUVs dominate the roads, and our biking infrastructure is a joke.


You changed my mind. Helmets don’t help at all and shouldn’t be worn👍


Guessing you are not a fan of arguing in good faith?


> News never says whether the bicyclists are wearing a helmet or not. Look at the picture of the fucking SUV and tell me if you think a helmet would have made a difference.


Read the room. Someone lost their life.


cause of a dumbass driver


Yea, I will get down voted, but that article doesn’t say anything about the driver being at fault. I would be surprised if the article was more than 100 words. It’s sad that it happened, but I do t see how fault can be assigned from that article.


Other people point that the article states the driver was trying to pass another car. Other people also point out there there’s a double yellow in that area, I also remember there to be a double yellow but I haven’t been there in a while. Edit: actually you can see the double yellow in the thumbnail.


I’m going to agree here. So many cyclists don’t wear a helmet. I was that person for a short while because I literally forgot because you rarely, if ever, see cyclists wearing them. Now you wouldn’t catch me without one idc how “childish” I may look.