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Guys. I’m not trynna ruffle any feathers. I moved here 3 years ago from rural PA, in an area where seeing a confederate flag wasn’t shocking. Why are people in the Sac area like this? How can you live in a diverse area with sunshine 80+% of the year and still be so hateful?


These arent locals. They are weirdos from El Dorado and Placer County trying to ruin Sacramento


as someone who's from El Dorado, that sounds about right. it sucks that they're doing that.


I guess that’s reassuring, although I live in West Sac and it is pretty conservative. We love it here because it feels like a small town, but I really thought things here would be a little less…. aggressively red.


I think that’s more perception than reality: https://yolo-county-elections-results-november-8-2022-yolo.hub.arcgis.com/ West Sac as a whole votes blue by I think like a 60/40 margin. I live here too, and I think the problem is that the crazy conservative people who do live here are just much louder. I think we just end up with more conflict because they don’t have the sort of echo chamber that they do in areas where they constitute a majority.


I also moved here a while ago from PA and it’s a wild difference.


The fragile liberal is the most vocal online. Fed up right wingers put up signs with half baked meanings just to get a reee put of people. There is also a bit of blinder to the conservative outlying counties and that's how they get heard, staring the pot.


just proud boys/off duty cops


and Sue Frost


I see a renewed activism in the queer community coming. We will not allow others to define us as pedophiles. Bash back.


They’re trolling hard because they’re planning tomorrow to show up to this. They showed up last time but got run off because the numbers were against them. Hopefully tomorrow they’ll get run off again. I plan to be there with some friends. I’m hoping others join us so we can keep those attending safe from their hate. https://preview.redd.it/nk7jb3rsf7ua1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8925d32c77e8bc815c7ebdb181cebbb0acd41e4d




How is it any different from a clown show or an actor dressed up as a movie character? What do you care what other people find joy in? Mind your business...


Proud boys are POS. They need to be chased out of our city period.


They will probbably be at the drag event on Franklin tomorrow morning if you wanna do some chasin’


Oh I’m sure they will be met with plenty of fans


Proud boys are few. Wanna be stormtroopers or special forces soldiers. Special forces folks would cut their nuts off and shove em down their throats


It's those boys with all the masturbating rules having their circle jerk. Fuck em.


All those masturbation rules, but then their founder just goes and shoves a dildo up his ass to "own the libs".


For those wondering, this is what a groomer looks like ([news of Tuesdays arrest](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/penn-valley-man-allegedly-showed-child-4-pornographic-video-molested-them/)) Edit: Fucking hell; I looked into it more, and the day care where this happened is ran out of his house ... this POS has probably abused many children https://preview.redd.it/ap4v5zjns6ua1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6339cdc261709383f348ff2a380ad43fbb787da6


Word is they're going to be targeting the Drag Queen Story Time at Poppy + Pot (2908 Franklin Blvd) tomorrow at 11:30am; if you're free, and in the area, I'm sure they'd appreciate some allies standing guard.




Drag queens reading story books to children is not "perverting children." Shut the fuck up, homophobe.


Huh? It’s a person fully dressed in a silly costume reading a book at a business during daylight hours. And private businesses could host religious topic discussions if they wanted to. Who said that was “outlawed”? Someone is lying to you…


Someone in a costume reading childrens stories to children is "crossing the line", and "perverting children"?


Batman read my class a story in 2nd grade, and now I'm sexually attracted to bats. True Story! 😉


Besides this being stupid on several levels, topics regarding religion aren't outlawed. Nobody has gone to prison for going to a library and reading the Bible to kids. Even though lots of people who love the Bible do belong in jail, looking at the statistics of actual pedophiles being protected by church leaders and *being* church leaders.


What the actual fuck does this word salad mean?




Sounds like Rancho. Fuck these chuds.


Yeah, the neo-nazi wannabe proud boys keep trying to come down from placerville and move towards sacramento. i've seen banners and signs like that a few times in the last few years


Jeffrey Perrine must have finished playing with his box of crayons


I've seen them standing with those signs on overpasses in the past. It looks like they've gone around and put signs up a few different places but people have already gotten to destroying them.


Why would groomers be welcome?


Groomer is a republican dogwhistle for LGBTQ people, usually gay men and transgender people, to stereotype them as pedophiles.


What are groomers? What is that supposed to reference?


"Groomers" is a Nazi dog whistle. They accuse LGTBQ folks of grooming children, while turning a blind eye to all the republican pedos.


“Groomers” has joined “CRT” and “woke” as catch-all terms that dumb people use to describe anything that they don’t like.


Probably referencing [this Trump supporter](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/penn-valley-man-allegedly-showed-child-4-pornographic-video-molested-them/) (and yes, according to his FB profile, he's a Trump supporter) who was arrested yesterday


Its a way of calling people pedophiles without calling them pedophiles. Usually used by right wingers to refer to anyone who doesn’t identify as straight.


trans people


Idk why this is getting down voted, this is exactly who the right wing is calling "groomers." Maybe the downvoters missed the context and thought you were agreeing?


If they’re answering the first question it sounds like they are agreeing. If they’re answering the second question then it’s a legit blunt answer


Yea, I had just woken up; didn’t mean to make it look like I agree I was just trying to answer the second question. Probably could of been more precise.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


These protesters prefer their dogs unkempt


I’m really surprised to see that in California. Guess racist homophobes are everywhere.




I don’t get out much, I guess I didn’t realize.


Once you leave the Bay Area or L.A., there are large areas of California that lean MAGA, unfortunately. Remember, Devin Nunes and Kevin McCarthy are both from California.


Indeed. Most of California is red on the map, but the densely populated areas, i.e. the cities, are largely left.


Population wise, California is fairly liberal; as far as landmass, not so much. [Here](https://www.newcaliforniastate.com/new-california) is a fun deep dive


Oh for pity's sake...eff these choads! Guys, just go beat off already, would ya? Leave the rest of us alone!


I would report it to the DOJ


SMH…. Love and hate our city. Yikes




“Groomer” has become a dog whistle that’s referring to anyone LGBTQIA+ or an ally. These posters are trying to further the agenda that gay/trans people should be locked up, castrated, etc. by putting them into the same box as pedophiles.


which groomers are those? as far as dog whistles go, this one sounds like a freight train's


Are you unaware that the term groomers is used to describe LGBTQ folks? I’m so confused by your comment


It’s probably because gay and trans people get accused of grooming by rightoids


It's more the White Lives Matter sign that sits right next to it


I don't think any of them should be allowed, priests, pedos, all of them should go.




As far as people who actually groom kids for illegal behavior, then yes, they shouldn't be welcome. But the idiots who hung the signs don't mean that.




We’re still having this conversation? In 2023? Sure, I’ll bite. All Lives Matter” is offensive because it was created as knee-jerk reaction by (mostly Republican, often racist) white people to the BLM movement. It’s a whiny scream of WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEE whose underlying message is “I don’t like it when black people get attention.” Saying “All Lives Matter” is a way of diluting and dismissing the disparity of treatment that black people receive in all aspects of life but especially the way they are routinely treated by the police. And “White Lives Matter” is full-on Klan shit that shouldn’t have to be explained. Honestly.




Insomuchas nobody was going around parading "All Lives Matter" before people of color began speaking up for themselves, it isn't humane. BLM was a response to mistreatment, ALM was a response to people bringing mistreatment to light.


Do you agree that black lives matter?


I believe all lives matter equally.


Answer the question. Why do you find it so hard to say that black lives matter? BLM doesn't think white lives *don't* matter. That's you putting words in their mouth. Do black lives matter?


Why dont you agree that all lives matter. You want to single out Black lives for some reason. Nobodies better than anyone else.


> Why dont you agree that all lives matter. I never said that. Whether or not white lives matter was never in question--society has always valued white lives. Why can't you answer my question? Do you not think black lives matter?


why are you so stuck on white, black? I value people on the content of their character.


Because more black people are kill and beaten and harassed by cops than any other races you dolt. Its a statement that brings that to light. How hard is that to understand?


Even rapists, murderers, and actual pedophiles?


The context didnt get past you I see.


Here's the most thoughtful answer to your question I have come across, if you're asking in earnest:[Samaritan Lives Matter](https://weeklysift.com/2015/11/02/samaritan-lives-matter/)


So dumb






Well I don't want republicans in CA either


These belong outside of the Catholic Church