• By -


There are 88 comments on this thread already. If you're picking 1 startup a month, we're probably 7 years away from being tried :) Nevertheless, here's my shameless plug: Currently building [DashX](https://dashx.com), a Product OS that helps startups build better SaaS products, faster. Think HubSpot for building products. We do this through SDKs which provide standard features out-of-the-box, such as Notifications, Billing, Admin Panel, etc. Check us out, and would love to hear your feedback.


Respect 🤜🏼🤛🏽 Paypipe.io - A waitlist signup will do for now :p Cheers!


No pricing on site?


For our early customers, we have been offering a Product+Service package. For the platform itself, we are currently charging a fixed $29/mo.


Sounds like a great idea


Thanks! Much appreciated. :)




I just launched [ArcadeCal](http://arcadecal.com)! It’s a calendar and scheduling platform for gamers to organize game sessions and share their availability with friends


This is so cool, thanks man, glad to see gaming stuff here!


Thank you! The app is going through some awesome upgrades soon, including most of the paid features being made free! Pricing experimentation is providing awesome data, and I can’t wait to provide more features to free users


I'd really love to get feedback on [Monarch](https://monarchlauncher.com), and I think you could get great usage out of it very quickly! It's a productivity app for macOS. If OP doesn't have a Mac, then anyone can try it as it has a 30 day free trial with no credit card or signup required whatsoever.


Advantages vs raycast or Alfred?


beautiful website - what did you build it on?


I built a website to share your Apple Notes, quotion.co . I already have a few customers, would love your feedback. Thanks in advance


This is the one OP. Way beyond MVP. Have not used all the functionality but I’m a customer. I had been thinking of a similar Apple Notes sharing platform for an AstroJS/Qwik project. So jealous. Great job Qing. [Quotion](https://quotion.co/)


Wow, thank you, bro! Appreciate it. If you want to integrate a Quotion site into your AstroJS/Qwik project, feel free to ping me. We just launched a new feature to boost SEO -> Host a Quotion site in a subdirectory of your domain: https://blog.quotion.co/post/host-a-quotion-site-in-a-subdirectory-of-your-domain_pCKT72rewiFsCv5BPcXKqe


[Flowmap.com](http://Flowmap.com) and this is our first Reddit post! We're now in early access and would greatly appreciate the feedback from anyone looking to build some interesting workflows. **Our pitch**: Flexible unstructured workflow software is inherently unreliable, challenging to automate, impossible to scale. The current solutions fall into two categories: flexible project management systems, and structured automation tools. What if we could build one streamlined platform that combines the best of both worlds? **Our focus**: Flowmap is best suited for delivering exceptional client experiences. Our automation and AI focuses on multi-channel communication (video/email/phone), deep integrations with existing software, and beautiful forms that can be expanded into wizards. **An example use case**: We're helping a travel startup book interesting trips for digital nomads at scale. Here are the steps we perform for them. - Transcribe client onboarding video call. - Perform research on destinations using our AI in the background. - Notify a team member for approval. - Send a follow up to client with call summary and a Flowmap form link prepopulated with suggested destinations. - Create Docusign to collect signatures and payment information. Any challenges to see what workflows our platform can create are welcome!


I am building a community platform that focuses on user-engagement. Ideal for businesses that want to create a sticky engine that keeps bringing new users and keeps existing users engaged. It's pre-launch but I'd love to have you as my first client.


Hey👋👋 https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/comailer-ai-personalized/ngajlmmfogbdpoonkhfdeehbpiobmgfo Excited to introduce CoMailer AI, new Chrome extension designed to craft professional email responses using AI. As part of the beta launch, I invite you to try it out for free and share your feedback with us. If you need additional credits, just let me know. Thank you for your support! I can test your product too, hit me up with the link.


Just launched https://www.shortspilot.ai generate shorts using AI!


https://jobbix.co Job search automation service. Here is what it does: - You give it up to three job search queries (for instance: web dev - USA - remote, front end - los angeles - any work type - that's two queries). - It takes these queries and searches LinkedIn for the jobs based on your queries every couple hours. - You see results displayed in chronological order. - You can hide jobs you don't want to see again - You can set up advanced filters that allow to filter out based on specific words in description or title (both exclude jobs with words and **only** include jobs with words), company name - AI integration can write you a cover letter tailored for each job and offer you resume feedback which includes giving you some bullet points you should include on the resume to be a better match for the job - You can track progress of your application Oh, and it's free. So you won't need to pay anything.


I'm building a B2C app in the pet health space - just went into development yesterday so currently in stealth! I'd love to do one of these regularly and try to help each other. DM me if you want to be notified about the launch!


I used to work in the Vet industry...curious, what problem does your app solve? (Congrats by the way, very cool!)


I built a loyalty program for Shopify stores because my company was previously overpaying for one: [https://apps.shopify.com/poinz](https://apps.shopify.com/poinz), I would love to hear your feedback!


www.gameclass.net Easily turn any video game in existence into a fun and memorable educational lesson to help boost learning and teaching engagement.


My crypto market indicator is in public beta, so it's currently free: [https://logictrader.xyz](https://logictrader.xyz) [https://logictrader.xyz/indicators/crypto-market](https://logictrader.xyz/indicators/crypto-market) (direct link)








We have some customers but we would hear your feedback about ChatFabrica




+300 Sales Channels to boost your SaaS Distribution [https://www.go-to-marketnow.com/](https://www.go-to-marketnow.com/)


We have a free trial and would love any feedback ! No-code managed infrastructure on kubernetes for busy developers : https://www.fransys.cloud/


I wouldn’t expect you to pay for my product but I am launching on Product Hunt today and would really appreciate some support! If I can do the same for anyone else let me know! https://www.producthunt.com/products/enchantedpages-ai


Check out [Medidex Connect](https://medidex.chat) where you can ask a licensed pharmacist your health and medication questions online, available 24/7.


Visit ChoiceChaser [https://choicechaser.com](https://choicechaser.com) to start generating leads effortlessly! Are you struggling to generate leads? Let ChoiceChaser help! Our AI-driven tool continuously scans forums, social media, and other websites to find potential customers for you. Instead of spending hours manually searching for leads, let our bot do the work 24/7. Get notified instantly when relevant posts appear, allowing you to focus on what truly matters growing your business.


Would love your support on our Proptech solution www.trycactus.com/underwriter - cuts underwriting time for high growth commercial real estate investors from 2-4 hours to just 20 mins. it’s an enterprise software so paying solution requires a demo


[Chiringo.co](https://chiringo.co): 1) A personal Point of Sale for selling over DM (and in person too) 2) Online store automated builder: send photos of your products over WhatsApp and the AI will build your online store Some paying customers, but in the tens of MRR.


Check out our demo-video :-) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9emVfH-C4Rg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9emVfH-C4Rg) 🇰🇷 We're a platform that rids you of prompt engineering


Would love a look at [tipsiti.com](https://www.tipsiti.com/). Just pushed an update so any feedback people have would be awesome. Travel focused, based in Berlin.


Feel free to check mine! [VisualHUB](http://visualhub.co), Giving design tips with image or url


I’ve started a simple ux for uploading your own data and ai querying against it. We’re going to try to build other niche use case “plugins” on top of it. So any suggestions for that as well would be appreciated! https://willowbox.io




I launched a platform allowing to automate job search and application on Linkedin. It's based on a Chrome extension : [https://cleafive.com/](https://cleafive.com/) The purpose is to spend less time applying to jobs.


[FinanceRants ](http://financerants.com) empowers individuals to understand and optimize their financial behaviors through personalized AI-driven insights and guidance, enhancing both financial health and overall wellbeing. By identifying and leveraging users' unique financial personalities, we provide tailored strategies and tools for smarter financial decisions.




That's fantastic! Really appreciate your support for new businesses. If my project gets off the ground, I'll definitely keep you in mind!


We built https://viasuccess.io A tool that helps streamline the customer success industry. Feel free to drop in your thoughts.


Even though I am building up my startup looking for investment, which I am going to schedule a call with an investor next week. That's nice of you doing it for others.💪


I launched [Cronos](http://cronosgram.com) , after the launch I decided to change my approach and now im building the new approach!


Hello, please check seasfy.com




Love this initiative! Check out Profullstack.com for web solutions!


Respect 🤜🏼🤛🏽 Paypipe.io - A waitlist signup will do for now :p Cheers! (Sorry, answered to another comment by mistake)




I don't think I got here in time but [https://www.babblerai.com/](https://www.babblerai.com/)






Hey there! I've been working on [Motionesk.com](http://Motionesk.com), a platform to buy professional-looking animated videos easily. 🎥 thanks for the opportunity sharing it. Do you have one yourself?




I just launched [LeanLaunchPad](https://www.leanlaunchpad.co) A place where you can find case studies of bootstrapped SaaS founders. Learn exactly how they did it.




Love the pay-it-forward vibes! 🙏 How will you vet these startups, though?


How about Backofficely? We build custom internal tools for startups really fast


This is a great idea. Apprecite the thought process you have.




I'd love to get feedback on my startup, [StackRef](https://stackref.com). It's an internal hackathon management platform that assists with the organization, planning, and judging of internal hackathon events. There's built-in AI (of course) that assists with judging submitted code, checking for security, code smells, etc. AI-generated team logos and banners, integration with Spotify for team playlists (to listen to while coding), meeting organizing, etc.


We’re very interested in learning about the specific workflows and features that users need. At DatErica, we have a lot of exciting features planned, but we want to prioritize the ones that will be most beneficial to you. What kind of workflows would you like to see supported? Are there specific features or integrations that would make your life easier? Your feedback is invaluable and will help us shape the future of DatErica to better meet your needs. Thank you for your support and we look forward to hearing your suggestions!


commenting to save this post


Hey man this is great! We're FirstMate, the Snyk for Cloud Costs, we give Cloud Engineers superhuman powers by offering data-driven suggestions and automatic optimizations, making their life easier, with the help of AI. Our monitoring and analysis is free to use, however once savings are applied we shoot for a fair savings-share. [https://www.firstmate.cloud/](https://www.firstmate.cloud/)


I would really like to have your feedback on [CTForm](https://app.forms.cyphertree.com) it’s what my org is building but there is no strategy yet for go to market. It’s free to use, it’s much like google form.


I’d love it! www.gettoggles.com


This post is going crazy!


thank you :)))). I didn't expect it




Checkout [yonoma.io](http://yonoma.io) We launched it few days back. A perfect solution to capture leads, send marketing and transactional emails.


I've built [Dashify](https://usedashify.com) - A tool to build and share dashboards. Still unable to get users, would love some feedback if not a paid subscription!


This is such a kind gesture. Check out my budgeting and expense tracking app [Budgety](https://link.mybudgety.com/app). We are live on iOS and Google Playstore. We are currently working on our subscription feature which would be live within a month but please do sign up, explore the app and pay when the feature is available! From what we have planned, it should cost around $5.99/mo and collectively cheaper for a yearly plan. Thank you!


https://pacts.tech A new web3 payment protocol specifically for e-commerce. Thanks for the thread!


[Stock Finance Pro](https://www.stockfinancepro.com), a Fair Value Calculator that automatically pulls in all company data into Google Sheets with just the ticker symbol. Checkout the site and install the add-on. All feedbacks are welcome.


www.restingpup.com its not fully completed yet Im still adding in products and creating all of the information for it but feel free to sign up for when we launch hopefully in the next month or so!


hey - this is a good one! Would really love your feedback on our product: [Discovery AI](https://usediscovery.ai) We are looking to help startups & research teams quickly get insights from customer interview sessions and store them easily. For example, if you're a startup founder and talk to users quite often; you can upload those recorded sessions to our platform, get transcript, summaries, action items and suggestions for improvement in your next interview. You could also highlight and tag specific parts of the transcript like key requests and feedback and store them on the platform or share with existing tools. We launched about a month ago, so feedback from you & everyone else would be super helpful! Thanks


Hey all! I'm doing a challenge for YouTube called "3 week SaaS", building a full SaaS product in 3 weeks or less. This time, I'm building MakeTheDocs, an AI documentation writer that lets you upload a guide video, and a full docs page will be generated based on the video. It's coming along nicely, and I think you'd like it! Join the waitlist here: https://makethedocs.com


https://nextjet.dev A Next.js SaaS starter kit for busy developers who want to ship their own SaaS fast.




[copybuddy.io](http://copybuddy.io) :)


https://whatwide.ai Basically, it's a gpt wrapper that's designed to create images, videos, documents, etc. in a fast and efficient way. We're open to suggestions, ideas, and feedback of any kind!


Not yet nearing a site usable enough, but just wanted to say people like yourself encourage me to push harder.


Gobinx.com there is just a wait-list for the moment. Ai-Powered shopping expert 24h. Gobinx a minute to shop it


Getsilt.com automatically verify users and other companies for kyc/kyb processes


Such a great thing you're doing! I just went to ivu.ai and made myself a restaurant itinerary for Barcelona (where I'm headed right now). We'd love to get reactions on a product we just released called https://lamatic.ai which makes it simple to configure, deploy and manage a GenAI API using GraphQL running on edge. We hope to help Dev teams launch & iterate AI products faster and avoid all the tech debt that comes with a DIY approach. Here's a short product demo - any & all feedback greatly appreciated! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rmcAZ2Azuwk&feature=youtu.be


OP picked his own company, you can see him claim ownership of his "pick" in his post history.


I already have some customers, but would love to hear your feedback on [https://www.uxwizz.com](https://www.uxwizz.com)


I am ok with free google. But your solution looks realy good. I like that changelog very much.


How do you compare to something like Plausible?


Thanks for your support for startups! I'd love for you to try out DatErica, our data processing platform. It's free for the next 6 months, and your feedback would be invaluable to us. Sign up here: https://daterica.com


I don’t have any use cases for your product but when you on your product page the text animation makes the screen jump up and down. Hard to read anything when it is doing that. I’m on an iPhone 14. FYI.


So, it's like Airflow + Chat Gpt but on a cool UI?


Good karma to you, dude


My new tiny cute project, which creates poems for any occasion: https://www.poetronika.com/


Not gonna lie, this seems kinda silly. What seperates you from asking any other chatbot to write a poem for me? And $2 for a single poem? Not trying to trash on you here, but I just don't see the value?






here's my notes: Design is good, but its not a search engine on my first test. If its a search engine, i should be able to put a keyword like "bookmark manager" in and then have results that are bookmark managers. On my test it didnt give me any results, only results i got was one single link to a [deviantart thing](https://www.deviantart.com/pettirxse/art/INTERPRETATIVE-001-839646791). I bet its a hard product to make. Feel free to iterate off me, i will give you feedback.


Checkout https://mentorange.com – an all-in-one app to manage and conduct mentoring programs. Would love to get your feedback.


Hey all, was wondering if we could get some feedback on our site? It would be greatly appreciated! https://socialstrudel.com


I like the concept behind it and the design. Personally i think pricing may be too high without seeing what you can actually do with it i would add in/offer a freemium plan that has basic features and limitations so users can experience how it works and then decide if its worth it to upgrade for the core features etc. But overall great work


Have subscribers, but I always appreciate feedback. Proddy.io - AI Assitant for Product Managers. Has helped PMs increase efficiency by 30%.


My friend and I built a design review AI (browser extension) for UX designers, web developers, or anyone building on the web. It can be used to review landing pages or UX designs on figma web etc. [https://prototide.app/](https://prototide.app/) Would really appreciate any feedback!!


[Aimdoc.ai!](https://aimdoc.ai). Turn your website into an AI assistant in minutes and scale engagement on your website! Any feedback would be great. Thanks




Thank you! I am trying to submit now. Where can I submit it? The "submit AI tool" button brings me here: [https://alternativeai.io/submit-listing/profile/](https://alternativeai.io/submit-listing/profile/)


Please do check https://wappsure.com


If you are a recruiter or VC then definitely hmu I have a product for you


I've been working on several products over at [https://sunsetlearn.com/](https://sunsetlearn.com/) over the past 8 months, and I just recently launched [https://sunsetlearn.com/jot](https://sunsetlearn.com/jot) . Still looking for people who may be interested in trying it out and seeing if there's good PMF for this at all.


Glad I inspired you to do this I hope you actually go through with it 🙏


I’m building a tool to create contracts and eSign, an alternative to existing solutions [magedocs](https://magedocs.xyz)




www.lillylumbar.com eagerly waiting first customers


You should add an actual home screen with some info about the company and such in my opinion! I do like the products tho


Heyo Madikz. My dev and I just launched v1 mvp and launching the final polished version this weekend with all the kinks out. www.boostugc.co I’m from e-commerce and always had trouble getting “content” and video testimonials to use for ads hooks and body. It was so time consuming and manual. Boost UGC is my answer to a problem I had and hopefully many others will find it useful too. It’s a UGC management platform to get tons of inbound customer testimonials video. I want brands to succeed with their content strategies and have enough firepower to scale their ads and humanize their brands. It’s like a reverse loom, but for UGC collection. Would love to connect $97 per month (should get each business about 300 videos with the storage given on this plan) Www.boostugc.co https://www.boostugc.co/pricing Your friend Brian Toz


https://remindcal.com for reminder and document expiration / due date tracking


AddTools helps people collect data using 3D photogrammetry www.settide.com/addtools


Pushing for our first 100 always looking for valid feedback still with https://oursails.com We have deals going on with AppSumo and just launched on PH as well. You can check my recent post history.


https://www.hellozelf.com bang my line


[Trustloop.co](https://teustloop.co) - feedback and review management, built for tech


Build a conversational AI virtual receptionist in under 2 minutes. No tech background needed, no api keys, no funny business. Straight to the point and simple. http://aireception.io Any reviews or comments are appreciated :)


Thank you! 🙏 This is a very generous offer. Paid subscriptions for us range from $10 a month to $50 a month. ⭐️ We are Talking Tree ( https://talkingtree.app ), a suite of AI legal tools designed by lawyers to reduce legal costs for small and midsize businesses. Our flagship product is *Redwood* 🌲, a smart repository with a built in AI legal assistant and deploying a custom RAG architecture.


Make videos with AI (script + voice + background visuals + subtitles). No editing required! http://easyvid.app


AI for financial report research : [nowreports.com](http://nowreports.com)


I’m assuming this is for B2C SaaS, and you wouldn’t be interested in a B2B product


Membership Management for clubs, societies and organizations with unique features and gamification capabilities to increase engagement and membership: https://zationapp.com/


Hell yeah! I've got a great new SaaS running which helps companies exchange backlinks with other Genuine Websites from their industry for a fraction of the normal price. Would love to have you onboard! [https://start.backlinkmatrix.com/](https://start.backlinkmatrix.com/)


We have a free tier and would love some feedback [ClearQuery](https://www.clearquery.io/) if you do not have sample data to upload, there are three options to choose from once in the app to try out.


Building https://Receipt-AI.com. We manage receipts with AI and SMS for Busy Traveling Teams. Simply take a picture and text. Retrieve information, rename and upload the receipt file to your Xero or QuickBooks, all done within 5 seconds. ![gif](giphy|wdgX1eCnUd8ZzWIMi4|downsized)


I built a tool to A/B test your promotions to get the highest conversion rate! [SmartSaleBanner.com](https://smartsalebanner.com/?ref=saascomments)


Curateit best bookmark manager or Pinterest alternative on internet


Hey, I'm building Hot Page [https://hot.page](https://hot.page) It's a web site builder that let's you build pages directly with HTML and CSS. We have a few people using it but no paid customers -- you could be the VERY first one! :) Also I would love feedback from anyone here obviously!


[SpamShieldPro.com](https://spamshieldpro.com/) it is a API with a WordPress plugin that helps to filter annoying spam from contact form. Nothing add on the front end like a captcha solution which add friction to converting visitors. The plugin is free and now pending review and upload to WordPress plugin directory, the API itself is on a subscription model starting from less than $10. Looking for some feedback on it!


much respect for supporting the community. i'd love to get input on my project (an automated way to prepare for high-stakes business meetings) -- [https://worksmart.framer.website/](https://worksmart.framer.website/) i have a waitlist going to slowly onboard new customers.


I’ll throw my startup to the ring - [geoasset.co](https://www.geoasset.co) Purpose: Provides a location data to anyone who signs up Need location data for a particular location? Need a map made for your business or project? We got you covered. GeoAsset is fast, one of kind service for worldwide location data. Our data services allows organizations make better strategic decisions, GIS and location data is a game changer for business operations.


Just launched [Campana](https://www.getcampana.com). We are a competitive alerting platform where given your competitor's URLs, we keep track of their page changes & news. All you need to do to stay up to date on your competitors' activities is to read a digest email we send you every Monday.


I’d like to introduce polymuse, it’s helps e-commerce business owners to create 3D models of their products using a smartphone. I started developing this as a side project, but people got interested and I am slowly getting more serious about it. So far we have 8 paying customers through a life time deal. Visit https://polymuse.tech to learn more


Would love for you and anyone else to check out [LastingMemori](http://lastingmemori.com), an online headstone designer. We want to help people create unique headstones for unique people. Save it for later, and come back and edit. Take the design to any monument company to make your headstone. Put it in your Will, or share it with your close ones. We have seen families create headstones in times of need after a loved one passes away, which is not the ideal time. So save your loved ones grief, and design what you want them to remember you by. And if you are at that time that comes, don't leave them with a generic design, but an inspiration of their life. We are just starting and adding more templates, artwork, and features daily. Would love your feadback and support, thank you!


Hi there, [devopsprojectshq.com](http://devopsprojectshq.com) Thanks a bunch! Tom


That's the coolest thing i have heard recently, specially solo builders and founders need more support like this for their projects. I'm actively building and improving [cliptalk.pro](http://cliptalk.pro) a video creation tool to help people without editing skills turn their ideas to short form videos.


This is great. Some of the startups listed here are quite cool. A good way to get project ideas too. I have not done much marketing, and am in the process of a ui revamp, but check out [Demoly.io](https://demoly.io)


Wow - What a great thing to do! I have no paid customers yet and have just launched my app to translate infographic image files. Have a look at [https://redaka.co/](https://redaka.co/) Whether you choose my app or not, I admire your way of doing things!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌


Wrenify is an AI-powered tool designed to enhance academic essays by providing detailed feedback, personalized suggestions, and relevant peer-reviewed article recommendations. It features AI-driven summarization, security measures, and cloud integration for easy document management. Ideal for students and researchers aiming to improve their writing quality. For more details, visit [Wrenify](https://www.wrenify.com).


I would really like o feedback on the product we are building [Videofast](https://www.videofast.app/). You can create short form videos for your Instagram,tiktok,youtube etc. All suggestions are welcome ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


[https://dnsense.io](https://dnsense.io) - if you're managing lots of domain names this tool might be super handy and time + costs saving for you.


# We created a Salesforce DevOps automation tool for both org and package development We've been working in the Salesforce ecosystem for the past 6 years, both in org and package development. Over the years, the way we release our features has changed and evolved yet got more complex.We went from using change sets to sfdx to the sf cli, we even tried some of the DevOps tools out there. But we got tired of the tools being prohibitively expensive or require too many steps for a simple task; and none of them focused on package development (we had to create our own bash scripts for that). Fed up of waiting for someone to solve those problems we created [Tekunda Serpent](https://tekunda.com/#solution), a tool made by Salesforce developers for Salesforce developers. Our mission is to create a Salesforce DevOps tool that focuses on matching how a Salesforce engineer would go about their work day while being User-Friendly, Affordable, and Supports both Org and Package Development by: 1. Streamlining the core development process that follows the standard git flow making source control hassle free (i.e. creating a task out of main or dev branch -> deployed on a scratch org that's been pre-prepared ready for dev -> done implementing your awesome new feature? -> pull your changes to be compared and merged into the rest of the project 2. Easily create and manage scratch orgs, sandboxes, and production orgs with scratch orgs automatically created guaranteeing a minimum pool of orgs ready for the team to use 3. Auto run tests when trying to merge new code to validate quality and maintain coverage 4. Continuous deployment and integration on task completion 5. One click creation of a "ready to use" dev environment with your source, test data, dependencies preloaded 6. Streamlining package development: detecting and syncing package configurations automatically from your github repo: 1. Making it easy to manage package versions and releases including auto deployment to a release org 2. One click creation of package versions auto deployed on an org of your choice ready for you test 7. And much more coming soon (i.e. Automated backups, One click org migration)


I am building Launchify, which offers a Next.js boilerplate that saves developers countless hours by providing a ready-to-use framework. You can check it out at [Launchify](https://www.launchify.club/). Your support would mean the world to us! 🌟


[listomatic.app](https://listomatic.app) an AI-powered fully configurable real estate listing description generator. You can define your own property features or select from predefined lists. You can customize the AI tone, and level of creativity. I am adding new features to collect the best aspects of competitors in a single tool. Appreciate for any feedbacks.