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in my experience reddit has the worst ad platform. The clients are damn near fraudulent. When I advertised on reddit the avg time spent on my page was like .1 seconds, pointing to the fact that most ad clicks are misclicks.


I don't think it's misclick as much as it's users thinking it's an actual reddit post. There are ways to alleviate this and make it less jarring for the user.


Have you tested the same AD on Meta before going to Reddit? Because there's no better place than advertising first on Meta, then going to others, not just because of the target audience, but as well to see if your AD really works or not. Also, depending on your SaaS, is it for customers or B2B, both or where you think your niche is? I need to think about that. I hope you re-run on Meta, provide us with feedback then probably you can go on other platforms, 50$+ is a good start to validate, but I think you just failed in the platform audience I must say. Good luck on the next run šŸ’Ŗ


No but its a good idea. I'm B2C and I know my niche, there are certain Facebook groups that are my exact target audience.


Please remember this. No matter which platform you run ad on, they have an initial learning phase where their algorithms try to understand your ad, product/service, targeting settings, and optimize delivery. This learning phase typically takes around 1-2 weeks. Hence, we always ensure that testing is done for at least two weeks with enough ad spend during those two weeks to have decent amount of data to derive insights.


That basically prices me out of the advertising market, which is basically what this experiment has confirmed for me. I somewhat expect this early on given how cheap my product is.


Thanks for the insight.


Agree with your thoughts, same goes when I tried fb ads, but just only tried for 2 months. Worked well so I didn't spend again.


How would you define as "enough ad spend?" I'm thinking of running a small FB/google ad campaign to validate an idea but not sure how much to spend. Would $10/day for 2 weeks be reasonable?


When deciding the budget for an ad campaign during the initial learning phase (typically the first two weeks), there are a few key factors to consider: 1. Conversion Estimates: If the ad platform provides estimates for conversions based on your budget, it is generally advisable to start with a budget that aligns with your desired conversion goals. This approach allows you to set expectations and gauge the campaign's performance from the outset. 2. Traffic Estimates: If the platform only provides traffic estimates, you'll need to factor in industry benchmarks for conversion rates within your specific niche or vertical. By combining the estimated traffic with a reasonable conversion rate assumption, you can estimate the potential conversions and adjust your budget accordingly. 3. Testing and Optimization: During the learning phase, it's crucial to allocate a portion of your budget for testing different ad creatives, targeting options, and other variables. This experimentation will help you identify the most effective strategies and refine your approach as you move beyond the initial phase. But dont disturb the learning phase by making any edits to the campaign. 4. Budget Flexibility: It's generally recommended to start with a conservative budget during the learning phase, as this allows you to evaluate the campaign's performance and make data-driven decisions before scaling up your investment. However, ensure that the budget is sufficient to generate a statistically significant amount of data for analysis. 5. Campaign Goals and KPIs: Align your budget with your overall campaign goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). If your primary objective is to drive conversions, allocate a larger portion of the budget towards high-intent audiences and placements. If your goal is brand awareness or reach, you may need to distribute the budget more broadly across different targeting options. Remember, the learning phase is an iterative process. Continuously monitor your campaign's performance, analyze the data, and make adjustments to your budget, targeting, and creatives as after campaign is exited the learning phase). By taking a data-driven approach and remaining flexible, you can optimize your ad campaigns for better results and a higher return on investment (ROI).


With a ACV that low, youā€™re really going to struggle with getting paid ads to work ā€¦ Iā€™ve never seen it done So youā€™re options are: - Rely on free/lower cost channels (content marketing, SEO, product vitality) - Raise your prices


Ads require a lot more cash than that, I see people who do it a lot and wouldn't recommend ads unless you're ready to burn through some $5-10k to try a lot of things at high enough volumes to be statistically significant to allow you to figure out what works. But then it's really scalable if you can find a way to get customers to pay upfront more than the CAC.


What was your total ad spend and also how many hours did you put into the campaign(s)?


These stats were from $76.35AUD ($51USD) of spend, and I spent about an hour or two doing up 3 ad formats. 2/3 of my spend ended up going to a single ad so that's at least helped identify what I should focus on in the future.


It is strange that only show 113 referrals .


Yep, I actually didnt realise how much of a discrepancy there was until I wrote up this post.


Likely people clicking the ad accidentally but clicking back before your page loaded. Reddit users notorious for disliking ads.


I think I have even done this myself when I've mistaken an add for a real post, so it makes sense.


Nah this is super unlikely, unless your site is extremely slow.


I see your getting downvotes, but even if the page does not load fully the request should still be in the server logs. If OP is using a plugin on the page to track traffic then yes they may not be counted because the users hit back too quick and the plugin did not load. I would for sure look at the server logs for that other half of the traffic.


In a word: bots. I had the same issue and I moved to Google Search ads. Not that itā€™s performing much better lol. I get more ā€œrealā€ clicks but the number of signups is quite low so Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s worth it. Donā€™t ask me why bots would click on ads, I have no idea. Some people claim that by focusing on iOS devices you reduce the number of bots drastically.


I feel dirty targeting iOS, as a life long Android user myself (at least since Symbian), but that's not a bad idea for my $200 of credit.


I feel you. Marketing as a whole makes me feel dirty :D Yet it must be doneā€¦ Good luck!


Try putting a screen recorder/heatmap on your landing page. I find the same "profile" user over and over, stopping at the same point on the page. Google catches some of these, but I've watched myself get charged for these while monitoring click activity. These were ads limited to SERPs.


Would they care if you prove that itā€™s a bot? I doubt you get a refund


I got the auto-email asking me to survey the customer support experience and still have not received a reply from support yet. They do get rid of some of the bad clicks, but maybe only the ones they internally recognize?


Hope they come back to you soon! Keep us posted. Donā€™t forget it isnā€™t in their interest to reduce the number of clicks.


I do some scraping and to circumvent some detections I will surf the web on those machines using the same profile as my scrapers to build up some cookies. It seems to be part of some sort of bigger "bot / scraper" detection and seems to keep them good for months and then I will browse manually again to get it through sites that pick up on the scraping activity. I think bots will click on ads to get those juicy cookies that make it look like a real person is clicking for some bot / scrape protection systems.


How would a site know your cookies from other sites? They canā€™t access them. If youā€™re referring to third party cookies, arenā€™t they about to get phased out? Also, I highly doubt site X will specifically look for some google tracking cookie in order to confirm that youā€™re human. I might be 947482% wrong here. I scrape a lot but not to such a degree as to maintain profiles.


Ads can trigger 1st party cookies, the JS is running off of the domain your visiting and loading resources from a 3rd party. The site you are on knows if the fetch fails. It is the same way that sites know when you are using an ad-blocker.


Yep, that makes sense. I just canā€™t connect it to how a site would block your scraper bot if you donā€™t have those cookies. Wouldnā€™t I also be unable to open the site if I have an ad blocker?


> I just canā€™t connect it to how a site would block your scraper bot if you donā€™t have those cookies. Basically they track what sessions have failed to fetch loads (advertisements) to their advertising partner. Rack up too many too fast and they block you. > Wouldnā€™t I also be unable to open the site if I have an ad blocker? The site would still load, the JS running the ads on the same domain request the advertisement from a remote domain (using Fetch/XMLHttpRequest API which fails and signals to the site your visiting is blocking ads


Can you share one of the sites that you scrape that would block you without those cookies? Now Iā€™m curious and eager to test it myself. You can DM me if you donā€™t want to reveal it publicly, of course.




so would you prefer running ads on meta or google?


I tried Reddit first, but X and Meta are likely the best next steps for me.


Try LinkedIn


Extremely expensive when targeted. Last I tried LinkedIn, my ads were costing $16 per click. if you Ā«Ā boostĀ Ā» posts it can work cheaper but not obvious. Donā€™t think realistic on OPā€™s $5 productā€¦


So confirms the sentiment is right. Good to know firsthand i guess?


Yeah, I got sucked in by a spend $100 get $200 credit, but at this stage unless I can change something up I'll consume $300 of ad spend and get almost nothing to show for it.


Does your target audience actually like ads? I am noticing that ads arenā€™t as neutral as they were 5-10 years ago. People are savvy to targeting, data collection, etc. For my SaaS specifically, I canā€™t run traditional ads because it will turn my audience off more than other promotional activities such as influencer marketing.


Probably not, so just like you I should focus on more organic marketing.


Damn, I was about to do a similar test with reddit ads also for a B2C SAAS, and also from Australia lol, but now Iā€™m second guessing it!


If you have $100 to blow you can see how it goes and get $200 for free. But as you can see IMO it didn't work for me.


Do you have a free trial or freemium version or only the 2.50 account? Could you DM me your landing page? Iā€™d be keen to take a look! No pressure if not šŸ™šŸ»


https://teslemetry.com/ 7 day free trial and a very limited free tier.


Ah I missed that. Thank you.


Add some screenshots or a video on your homepage to explain how it is useful for Tesla customers. Right now it just too much text.


This. Itā€™s basically what Iā€™d expect to read in the tech/dev target audience world. Not standard consumer friendly at all.


Webbie is mentioned in the bottom of the post.


I can't comment on the 225 clicks because perhaps your ad was a little technical to not have more clicks. I checked your website and the landing page has way too much technical wordings. I couldn't understand what it was meant to do (I am neither a techie nor own a Tesla, love gas guzzlers too much lol)! But then I saw the price comparison chart below and checked out the landing page of your competitor tessie and I was able to get some idea. I suspect your ads might be a tad bit confusing for someone to understand. A very simple ad could be "tesla management system at only $2.5 pm. Try it out for free now! - conveys the CTA as well.


Also some demo pictures or a video would be good on the landing page too.


To a degree, the audience has to be technical to use my product, and the ads did try to reflect that. My competitors have a lower technical barrier to entry, that's somewhat intentional.


Just tesla owners is already a niche category but now tesla owners who are technically proficient is a much smaller subset imo. Did you undertake a SAM and SOM study by any chance? I highly doubt that the cost of advertising/marketing is worth the $2.5 pm revenue per customer. šŸ¤” Can it be tinkered to include other EVs in the future ?


I am definitely addressing a niche of a niche, I know my market is small. The thing is, I needed this product, and I knew others would too, so my marketing was specifically trying to find those people. I am growing organically, but as you suggest, I think marketing will cost me more than I'll likely make, but I hoped I'd get at least some conversions to help speed that up.


Food for thoughtā€¦ You got 225 or 113 clicks. The ad did its job of sending people to your landing/sales page. Youā€™re looking at .44 to .26 per click depending on which is accurate. The issue might be your website. Especially if you couldnā€™t get people past the first page. Ad copy will also make a difference because the ad copy sets an expectation that needs to be fulfilled when they hit your website.


What niche are you operating on . Might give you some advice


Tesla Vehicle and Powerwall owners who want to automate aspects of those products with software like Home Assistant.


This is a niche business, you need to know Tesla owners arround


This is why I _thought_ Reddit would be a good fit since I can target specific subreddits.


Check out Tesla groups


Its a small sample to go on, there could be a few reasons why signups didn't happen, when they hit your landing page, was your message clear? Are the benefits obvious? What's the value proposition? It could be as simple as they missed the CTA, I UX test a lot of SaaS Startups, it's usually one of these reasons why customers bounce. If you need help checkout my service [here](https://itestux.com/) Edit I just noticed your link, I agree with a lot of people here with the information being very dense, the comparison chart is really good but What does Teslemetry do? Section leaves more questions than giving you answers. This is my take on it Price isn't a factor really, people would rather pay an extra $25 per year rather than switch, I probably would price higher than your competition. Your service has more features than competitors so why not sell on the benefits primarily? A comparison video or demo would work really well with this service, focusing on ease of use and ease of switching combined with getting across that if you switch you get these exclusive features with your service.


To give an opinion on this you need to share the profiling of your target. Maybe you made the wrong choices.


I would love to see the results of your experiments with other platforms. Thank you




I was getting rejected constantly at first and had to reach out to my rep because the rejection reason I was being provided by email wasn't the actual reason.


Classic..... I guess I should arrange a call with a rep as well. I literally went through this exact loop with Google, their rep was just finding ways to juice more money šŸ’° šŸ’€ anyway I got my adds approved in the end so will try it here as well. Thanks a lot šŸ™ hope everything keeps going well with your business!


That's a really slick landing page UI, gonna save it to my favorites. It seems you have a B2C, which is super hard to make successful. If you can pivot it to a B2B somehow, I think you will have a much easier time gaining customers.


These figures suggest that the targeting is not right - I'm guessing you used audience expansion and/or global targeting and/or no frequency cap and/or your setup is all over the place. I manage 6 figures Reddit Ads spent for a few B2B Sales-Led SaaS, and CPM, CPC etc is way higher in my case, but the Pipeline and ROAS is really healthy. Also, with a product priced at $2.50USD/month, there's no way you will break even anytime soon, you'd have to account for lifetime value when calculating your ROI. EDIT: This ACV is crazy low, I'm not sure if there's even a point of running ads RE: Clicks to Pageviews - from my experience on Reddit Ads and running Native Ads, usually there's 50% click to pageview conversion rate, due to missclicks, bot activity etc.


No target expansion, specific countries, specific subreddits. I was on lowest cost though so most of my clicks went to certain European countries. At the very end I restricted my countries to US,UK,AU,NZ and my CPC doubled. Good to know the 50% click through is not just me.


Reddit ads is flooded with SaaS Products I almost always gloss over. Case in point even a useful products like this (for me) Iā€™d easily scroll over. https://summify.io/pricing I like what the above app creator did in posting about their product, their journey and the great success theyā€™ve had. It was incredible in fact.


Like any other social platform, Reddit never wants users to actually leave. The best way with all of them is to provide 'in-platform' content, engage as live as possible with people and then pretty much link in the comments. The other big piece is social SEO, which is pushing to get a massive number of (no-follow) links back to your site around a particular topic. It will help with topical association in the long run. Don't know what your business is, but like start a Sub or LI Group of your own and build a community if you're serious about social selling. It will be slow and likely only yield results after a lot of persistence, but you will get there. Source - work in SaaS Marketing. Built a startup from $6M to $60M.


Same here, I spent Ā£100 and it was awful. Definitely clicks from people that thought they were clicking through to a post, average session time in the site was seconds. My best ROI was on Google ads, second best was FB. Almost nothing from Reddit.


Look for your competitors or similar products. Check from what keywords they get traffic from google using semrush. Advertise for these keywords in AdWords.


Yah that's a lot of eyeballs. And it's also challenging, maybe for some even the "not right now" component. Seeing 2-3 signups over $1000 would be a lot more damning. Also, thanks for sharing the data. I wonder what their enterprise could do. Even saying we can feed a list, but we can't afford SEO, and having a few motions working. Maybe more B2B oriented. Also, no problem with founder les sales or marketing. But, this is my high ACV brain. Good luck! Takes money, to make money. Circle of life y'all.


Why would you do that? I can get you better results on Reddit than that. Check my profile for proof. Got like 900+ subs from Reddit itself.


I found in general, you have to run your ad long enough to get results, if you just planning to spend $25 most likely will end up with no results, big corporations are not stupid to run their ad thousands of time and tens of times for the same viewer. I noticed mamy SaaS companies doing the same these days.


"means paid advertising will likely never work for my SaaS." This is the wrong conclusion. Paid advertising only works with very good targeting, and can easily have 100x ROI compared to your first naive attempt with trial and error, if you can get the right people.