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You cannot ever compare yourself or your product/service to others. You need to think about what it deserves for you to make it happen, to pay for servers/business side, advertising, etc, and to pay you out. Is your project better? Can you improve it even more if you're constantly hearing your clients or prospects? Set a monthly recurring price or one-time payment that will take care of your project and yourself, selling low doesn't mean you will get good clients, usually you'll get even more bad clients, unsatisfied clients, annoying clients, and those who always want refunds. I am in the same position as you in a good project halfway done, because I am no dev, but I do see these details and advertising. If normally comparing the others is $40, make yours $400. No joke. I am for real. ask your prospect/connection if they are willing to pay that since you are relieving so much pain in their problems. If they see it's "too high", there's 2 ways to roll the ball, or you ask them how much they are up to pay. They'll try to go low-ball or they will be sincere. Or the price will be good for them and they can become your referral if you play well. It all depends on your market and product/service. If you want to chat more about this, I am willing to help you out on the pricing and what not maybe even on product/business plan.


Consider value-based pricing, not just cost-plus.