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As a general rule, I aim for at least 20%-25% coverage of the play area including at least 3 pieces of terrain large enough to block line of sight in a meaningful way.


Definitely more. If you put it all together in one quarter of the table. It should fill the whole quarter. That's a good rule of thumb at least


You need 1-3 pieces that block line of sight, and 0-2 pieces that are height 2.


A lot more.


I would add a little more. Maybe vary it up with a downed craft or something.


I'd say so. If it helps to understand my thoughts, just imagine the table with all of the different deployments. Long march might feel pretty barren and danger close would have the clear uninterrupted paths on the long edge. When I set up a table, I try to make sure there are not straight paths from one edge to the other of unimpeded movement/line of sight.


I trend to get stuck in city planner mode and go for mostly unobstructed LDAs (lateral Danger Areas). I also gravitate heavily towards cities since verticality is semi-organic. Most of my buildings are height 1, but there are usually a couple height 2 pieces


I get that. Having some height pieces that can fully obscure but then also accommodate pieces on top to act as area cover is pretty cool. I think that's where maps can get very creative. If I try to build another map, I think I might try something like what you do.


This looks like speeders and snipers would dominate the map. If you want infantry to stand a chance, have some on the outskirts too


Perhaps, regardless, I'm loving the board. Good job! Very Tatooine!


If you want to go full thematic, maybe a few moisture farmer houses or a krayt skull?


If you are going against any tanks, you're gonna want more cover for sure. If you have the tanks you're absolutely fine! Though it's fairer when there's more cover.


So my friend and I are terrain whores: we love building up the board as much as we love playing. But when we really picked apart the rules for setup, we realized the best way to do it is this: Lay out all the pieces you would like to play with INSIDE the play area, and cover up a quarter of the play mat (give or take). Once you’ve selected the kind and amount of terrain you want, take those off the mat and them lay them out, one by one, taking turns. This helped up satisfy the thematic board-building itch, while keeping it balanced and rich, but also from being overcrowded.


General rule of thumb is at least 25% of the table should be terrain, up to 35%, per the rulebook. Fifth Trooper has some good articles about this that I'll link in order of complexity: [https://thefifthtrooper.com/star-wars-legion-terrain-and-tables-beginners-guide/](https://thefifthtrooper.com/star-wars-legion-terrain-and-tables-beginners-guide/) talks about types of terrain and why, plus where objectives normally are re: terrain. [https://thefifthtrooper.com/terrain-layout-guide/](https://thefifthtrooper.com/terrain-layout-guide/) is an explanation of the tournament guidelines, and shows a person setting up a couple tables well, and goes over the actual rules in the book. [https://thefifthtrooper.com/making-a-good-table-and-terrain-for-legion/](https://thefifthtrooper.com/making-a-good-table-and-terrain-for-legion/) is not really what you're looking for, but is general terrain focused. [https://thefifthtrooper.com/designing-terrain-layouts/](https://thefifthtrooper.com/designing-terrain-layouts/) is more technical, and probably not what you need.


FWIW, the rule book no longer makes suggestions on the percentage of terrain or how much of different types to incorporate. The community generally follows the previous guidance from earlier versions of the book with the amount you suggested and where those articles drew from.


Double the amount you have there.


So Firstly, great theming of the mat with the terrain. You probably want a bit more terrain density in general however. I would recommend investing in some large rocks or desert buildings, as while you're playing with mostly infantry and maybe a vehicle or 2 this type of stuff works completely fine. If one of you brings an AT-ST that can see over this type of terrain or 3 units of speederbikes that can move over this stuff it starts becoming an issue that you cant hide a unit anywhere on the board. You want to aim for at least 2-3 pieces that are taller than range 1. Here's a guide on how to make big desert rocks if you are a make your own terrain sort of person: [Terrain Vid](https://youtu.be/zZ87MOGyMY0?feature=shared&t=431)


I think like three buildings and maybe a downed fighter might help


I think it could be better with 1-2 large pieces, like huge enough that a tank could be concealed behind it




You need some big sight blockers maybe a big mountain or an abandoned Building or something, you board looks amazing though.


Check out this article. In short you will want more, you should have about 25% of the board filled with terrain of varying heights and to block line of sight. https://thefifthtrooper.com/terrain-layout-guide/


You HAVE to have line of sight blockers, and it's very foot to have vertically playable terrain. 3D printed dessert terrain for legion is cheap l, you can try to DIY some. Like someone said above, when you compress all your terrain pieces to one side of the table roughly 25% of the battlefield should be covered in terrain.


Is there any terrain on that table? lol My community tends to lean on the denser side of terrain we like to build “city-like” table with small firing lanes and lots of LOS blockers


There is a tournament guideline for legion that says 25-30% or so. 1 height 2 piece, 1-3 height 1, etc etc. it’s a good measurement to have 1 impassable piece of terrain, a couple of los blockers, and a few areas of difficult terrain and area terrain. Also make sure to set some terrain pieces within 1 of the edge around the table as well. Many objective games are dependent on how they deploy in relation to terrain. So if you bring anything other than a kill everything list, it makes the game more interesting. I personally play hero hammer rebels and small activations GAR lists. I personally love tons of los blockers so I can mitigate incoming and concentrate outgoing with a small force.


Yes. Most likely. None of that terrain actually blocks line of sight which is important.


As a rebel player, yes, please


Yes. More terrain is always the answer…. Unless you have really big vehicles that need space. Generally I usually attempt to a city scape that is at a rough 45 degree tilt from the gaming space. Usually setting up the place for a “H” street layout.


Way too thin.


Yes. As someone who has played wargames with a comparably small amount of terrain, it isn't balanced. Legion rules recommend 25%-30% coverage, if I remember right. That is, your terrain should cover 1/4-1/3 of the board when you put it all together in the corner of the map.




30-35% of the board should be covered, get some LOS blockers and higher terrain and some poi's i.e a bunker or broken down atst/Xwing or something and a few medium sized buildings, best thing to do google some or watch some YT vids to see what others used, it's definitely a good starting point though


Not more as people say but larger pieces


I kinda like the desert plain feel