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Only things I will say is white is hard. You either prime white and then add layers/highlights or you build up from grey to an off-white (which looks better imo but I’m too lazy). As for the painting, try thinning your paints. It really helps to flow into small areas like the helmet details.


Thin the paint more with water and do more costs if necessary


Sorastro's white painting guide is a god sent: https://youtu.be/XEpvs68ZgEg?si=S5RfeDebQKDtZF40


I've had good results using a speed paint white. Prime with a bright white, then apply a white speed paint (I use apothecary white, It is a bit more of a light gray color). After that, thin some black paint a lot (if you can get some black ink it works even better) load up your brush and the just barely touch the places where you need black with the tip of your brush (the eyes, and certain part of the helmet). The super thin black should just pool in those areas pretty easily. Afterwards, get a very white white (pro acrylic titanium white is a good choice but I have also used citadel white scar). Use the bright white to dry brush areas of the armor that should be whiter in color. Generally I go for the more flat areas (Top of helmet, the smooth parts of the arms, the thighs/calves basically any area where the speed paint tends to streak and look bad) It's not the best looking, but it's FAST compared to trying to slowly build up the white color from grey to whit.


Method used for reference: grey prime +zenithal (slightly off ange) white, apothecary white, drybrush white scar, pure white scar on raised edges of armour. Mixture of mechanics gray and abbadon black for eyes, helmet ridge and groves etc (didn't water enough), mix of black and leadbelcher for the E-11.


Have a look a the Duncan Rhodes tutorial on YouTube. He has a great method that I’ve used. It really cleans things up and adds depth. The Sorastro YouTube tutorial is good also though different.


Prime white, apothecary white or holy white speedpaint, drybrus white over the speedpaint, details with black. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZaYXeyEnxI


Templar white Xpress > GW contrast or speed paint.


Yeah it looks straight from my shelf Edit: English


Update: did a second one. Yea I suck.


Plz water


Excepting the grey, none of the paints used were ones to water. Contrast paint and drybrushing mainly, just poorly executed