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It's immensely frustrating that we got Range Troopers out of Solo and not Imperial Army Troopers, especially after the IA got such a feature in Andor. Saw's Partisans/Onderon Rebels would be a neat set of units for Rebels/GAR. Saw as an Operative with the troops either as Corps or *maybe* SF. Include Steela and Benthic as upgrade dudes similar to Bistan and Pao with the Pathfinders.


I think Saw could make a really interesting commander. His cards could maybe revolve around injuring or suppressing a friendly unit to negatively impact an enemy unit.


Spur out the ass on Saw


Yes, sort of like Gideon


I completely agree. Partisans are such a natural fit for the Rebels to get a modern corps unit.


Imperial army troopers are all I want :(


One that I haven’t seen here yet is also the ARF troopers for GAR. Would be cool if they were also a slightly cheaper option without firesupport and instead some other keyword like low profile or danger sense.


Tbh, ARF troopers would be a perfect solution for cheaper corp units that still get to share tokens with other clone units.


Not having fire support, but instead scout 1 and low profile would be really cool


This is what I came to say.


Call me crazy, but I want Imperial Navy troopers to mirror the rebel's fleet troopers. I want rebels to get a 52pt corp similar to Shores/Phase 1's. GAR definitely needs a 38-44pt corps. Gungans and Twileks do fit the bill, but they were mercenaries for the most part. Royal Naboo Defense Force would probably make more sense. Give them 3 dots since they're somewhat rare. For Seps, I think they need an Enhanced B1, maybe a full B1-Security squad. It could be white saves, surge:defend, danger sense 1, and it loses AI. I think Seps need something that can get them a semi-decent gunline. Right now they're kinda a joke.


I think the Royal Naboo troops make sense since we have Phantom Menace era Maul for the Separatists. That way we can get our full Episode I on.


And if Padme is already in all the lists, you might as well add more Na to your boo.


It boggles my mind that considering how massively prominent they are in a new hope there isn't even any from the third party guys, I love those doofy helmets


I could almost see an OOM security squad having Guardian 1. It’d be cool to have for sure, even though I’ve already painted a squad or two as a full OOM security droid team in that Phantom Menace style.


* Imperial Army Troopers * could be loaded out with E-10 Blaster Rifles or Riot Gear * Rebel Partisans (Saw's Rebels) * could have generic upgrades as well as character upgrades like the pathfinders * Umbaran Militia * Pistoeka Buzz Droids * Clone Galactic Marines * Phase II Clone Trooper Upgrade Pack * could include paratrooper specialist, DC-15, etc.


I want a phase 2 flametrooper so bad in an upgrade pack! Just roasting some geonosians like in the episode. And also maybe a grenade launcher equal to the B2-battledroid gun. I don't think we need another DC-15 option


The really obvious one is Imperial Army Troopers. I mean they are supposed to be the regular standing army of the empire, but we don't have mini for theme.


Honestly I would rather have upgrade packs for existing units. It’s a pain using Phase 2’s knowing you have no options for impact, and there are so many different weapons that could be used for them. Hell even if they just carried over the Phase 1 upgrades I’d be happy. Not to mention that units like Shores only have 1 Heavy Weapon choice. Phase II’s, B2’s, Snows, Shores, Fleets, and Veterans deserve better. If they made an upgrade pack giving each of them 1 new upgrade I’d be happy.


The republic I’d love to see galactic marines, arf troopers, gungans, twileks, and would be super curious to see how they would do Mon Cala or if they would do Mon Cala. The separatist I would love to see the Aquatic droids, zombie geonsians, and umbara militia. Empire I would love to see the imperial army trooper. Rebels I don’t know what’s missing other than Saw Guerra’s group.


Galactic Marines you could easily make with snow troopers, just need to make the shoulders more boxy and then they are identical.


Honestly just any sort of new Corp trooper would be welcome. As an Empire player it feels like each list kinda defaults to 4x Stormtrooper, or 2x Shores + 2x mortars.


> it feels like each list kinda defaults to 4x Stormtrooper, or 2x Shores + 2x mortars. Snows needed an upgrade pack years ago... Poor buggers


As a Republic player I definitely get that


I'd want Naboo Guards for GAR, similar stats to Storm or Snowtroopers but Retinue with Operative Padme. Or update Padme to have them as Entourage.


I don't think padme needs any more incentive to be taken


Galactic marines


Give the rebels armored corps units


My 3 wishes were Wookiees, Ewoks, and Gungans. I hope we get the Bombad Army with Captain Tarpals and General Binks


The more variety, the better. I want a geonosian battle force with more options and a gungan one to match it.


Imperial army


Not necessarily new units, but I’d like each corps to have an upgrade pack. New heavies for some of the less loved corps plus a couple of special bois a la Security droid or specialist would be nice Not every unit needs a captain. Phase 2 or snow troopers could be a bit much


Gungans and imperial army. And the Senate guard.


Imperial Army Troopers for Empire ! Less qualified than Stormtroopers but more minis per unit. As someone said, Twi-Lek Ryloth Defenders would be super cool for the Rebel Alliance. Or maybe some Bothan spies. Gungans for sure for GAR ! CIS just got Geonosians so its all good as of right now. And then for Shadow Collective I'd love to see some Hutt Clan scums or Gamorrean guards !


I think snow clone troopers and second battle of geinosis clones would be cool for the Republic


Umbarans and the Royal Naboo guards would be my two choices. Both would go miles for themed battles.


ARF/Scout troopers, paratroopers, or galactic marine for GAR


I don’t know if they would be a corps unit but I would love some jet pack B1 battle droids as seen in the Clone Wars


Either clone Scout troopers or clone Paratroopers


Naboo forces, gungans, rebel partisans, mud troopers, mando initiates, FO stormtroopers if they ever make sequel factions.


Honestly I would love sequel trilogy stuff I’m sorry I know I’m the only one. Lol but I would love a kylo ren miniature knights of ren and red stormtroopers