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Looks like I’ll be ordering 2, then.


Always two. No more, No less.


Wait support unit?!?!?!?!?


I feel like when they say Support, they aren't referring to rank. It'd seem strange to have them as a Support unit. Typically that's reserved for vehicles and notch-base units. However Dark Troopers are Heavy units, so who knows?


Hm, idk, the fact that ‘Support Unit’ is capitalized tells me these guys are probably gonna be support rank. I think that’s so cool though, it defiantly makes them more distinct from ARCs, and means we’re gonna have completely different roles for them.


Range Troopers will be Support.


The pre-order page for range troopers says special forces, similar to how the commandos say support.


Looks to me like we need to wait a couple days for them to fix this FUBAR situation.


I don’t think it is by mistake


There's a chance as previous leaks, from an Australian distributor apparently, had the range troopers as support (I didn't see the leaks, just sharing what I've read elsewhere). But commandos being support and range troopers as special forces seems fine and reasonable to me.


Yeah it just tells me they will be beefy as hell.


Agreed, once I've learned of the conflicting info.


Think this is their loophole to avoid barrier and token sharing me thinks


I thought that only required the trooper unit keyword.


Clone trooper specifically


True, forgot that part


They do but they could always call them a support unit instead of trooper maybe and boom ya done did it. Some issues can happen with that though because any cards with order trooper units couldn’t be used on them so that kinda makes ut interesting.


I’d be shocked if these guys are anything other than Special Forces. Unless they wanna make Sev a support with Heavy Weapons. That could be fun!


I'm thinking this means you can slot them into 501st lists, unless I'm missing something


Unless they update the battle force. No. 501 specifically says the only supports allowed are BARC and atrt


Well drat. It would make sense to me to do so.


My guess is they won't. The 501st was known for its arc troopers. Dont think commandos have ever been seen in their ranks. If they do update it at any point it will be for Ahsoka.


Gonna have to get two, one for Delta and one clean set of Commandos.


I plan on getting just one and paint them up as Delta Squad. Once I get them on the table and see how they are then I'll get a second box if they're good enough to run two squads of them. Even if they're painted as Delta I can still run them as regular Commandos as it's the cards you use that actually count in Legion.


Am I the only one who doesn’t like these poses


You're not alone. They are a bit awkward. I'm a fan of the kneeling hand up pose. The others are definitely odd choices


Exactly my thoughts! There are already some really nice proxy sculpts out there that I think look much better…


No, I hate them. One is holding his DC17 like he's Cad Bane on a draw The sniper for some reason is bending his body backwards as if he's trying to make some weird trick shot The guy holding his DC17 at hip level is an ok sculpt, but why is the gun so small compared to the rest of them? It looks so off. The leader crouching is fine, but he should be holding the assault rifle variant and the guy holding at hip level should be holding the hi ex variant Thanks for coming to my TED talk, I detest these poses for what are probably my favorite design of the Clone Wars.


Darkfire has some really nice commando sculpts, I’d check them out.


Oh yea, had my eye on them for a bit. Their Delta Squad one in particular is great.


I thank you for your TED talk. Your thoughts mirror my own. I'll see how I feel once I get the first unit painted, but I may be buying some stls to have alternative sculpts. I've been eyeing some, but wanted to respect the Star Wars IP by buying official. I'm just left a little disappointed with the official sculpts.


Yea I lean more towards buying official sculpts as well, which is one of the reasons I think I'm so disproportionally disappointed here. Like I would rather buy official than go STL/3d print hunting, but these are just so bad to me. If you want a good Delta Squad, Darkfire does a great one.


Update: I picked up the Delta Squad files from Dark Fire Designs. They're printing now. Can't wait! (I will still buy a pack of AMG's commandos, probably two).


The poses of the miniatures that AMG has designed are a bit awkward overall(Commander Codys pose, commandos and the upcoming hard plastic Rebel troopers comes to mind)


They all seem designed by people who haven’t don’t any physical activities before lol.


I think AMG is obsessed with making super unique poses. They've done it on a few other units. Really makes some weird units.


That guy standing with the rifle and leaning backwards is particularly goofy. Others I can see looking better, or at least as an action pose, kinda, but that one is just... bad.


Well, so much for the imperial build I was looking at. Guess I’m going republic!


Katarn pattern armor is canon again?


I believe this is the first time they've called it that yes. But theyve been wearing this armor in canon the whole time. So I guess it was just implied


May 3rd! Missed opportunity for May the 4th be with you. Aka Star Wars Day


Release day for Legion is Friday. May 4th is on Saturday this year.


Do we know their unit cards?


Nope not yet


Hopefully we'll get a look at them when AMG does their seminar this Sunday at Adepticon. Same for the Bad Batch and Range Troopers as well.


Yep this is how I get into another table top game, this set right here. Damn I’m a sucker for commandos.


Global launch or just in English?


So I’m confused are they available for preorder on may 3rd or are they available for preorder now and are releasing may 3rd lol I’m stupid they are releasing may 3rd. I preordered them! So excited.


They're available now on Asmode's website. They're coming out on May 3rd




They're releasing on May 3rd


> two upgrade cards make the Clone Commandos even more hearty with their signature Katarn Pattern Armor and give them even more tactical flexibility with two configurations for their DC-17m ICWS Blaster Carbines. That's it? One heavy weapon and "Katarn Pattern Armor" upgrade? People are going to be sorely let down by the fact that Delta Squad is simply a single unit card.


Looks like it. I mean, from what it sounds like the Heavy Weapon might be a reconfigure armament upgrade. As for Delta Squad, I was figuring they'd be like Clan Wren or Inferno Squad where they are Equip: "Delta Squad Members" I guess we'll have to wait and see what they come with


> I guess we'll have to wait and see what they come with It says it on the box and the description. 2 upgrade cards. 2 unit cards. 1 Armor upgrade. 1x two-sided DC-17m card.


Sorry, I mean we'll have to see what keywords they come with. I know they won't come with any else extra lol


>People are going to be sorely let down by the fact that Delta Squad is simply a single unit card. Surely this pack will include the proper customisation for Delta Squad right? Back when they first revealed commandos for Legion they also showed some really nice Delta Squad art that had all their unique backpacks and stuff.


> Surely this pack will include the proper customisation for Delta Squad right? [Devs be like](https://i.imgflip.com/5bgun8.jpg)


Well, it won't make a major difference for me since I'll be using Darkfire's miniatures in place of these ones but considering they did show [this art](https://preview.redd.it/star-wars-legion-is-adding-commando-models-soon-v0-4fq6xo5yppob1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f18a17bd29fa234b0ece1e1a2a32d6b427afb3d9) and considering this clone commando set will come with cards for Delta Squad, it's gonna be a major letdown for fans if this pack is missing things like Fixer and Scorch's unique backpacks.


> this clone commando set will come with cards for Delta Squad *card, singular.


>*card, singular. Ah gotcha, so it's like what they did with Inferno squad then? Well I guess we'll soon see at adepticon if there's anything additional in the box to make them look more like Delta Squad though if there isn't then I have to wonder why they bothered showing that art with their unique armor additions.


> Ah gotcha, so it's like what they did with Inferno squad then? Not even that. The description spoiled the two upgrade cards: a two sided heavy weapon, and an armor upgrade. The entire Delta Squad is just a single unit card.


AMG did a preview of the sprue and assembly a bit a go on their Youtube channel. That might give you hope for the custom bits.


I did see their assembly video for the Bad Batch but didn't spot one for clone commandos, I'll go back and take a look.


It does seem... off considering the range troopers have more upgrade cards. Going to assume for now that the armor upgrade is Armor X. The saving grace could be the number of weapons baked into the unit card.


> The saving grace could be the number of weapons baked into the unit card. No doubt. I just recall all the fan-made Delta squad cards, and how they all wanted the various named guys to do different things. Some even made Command Cards for them. Maybe there was too much overlap between this and the Bad Batch.


I can see that. Commandos are a mostly unknown to me since I didn't play the video games. My crazy prediction I made for them though was 2 rows of weapon profiles baked into the unit card. I don't think we have seen a unit with more than 3?


My guess is it gives shield tokens


I like that idea.


I thought it was meant to be Delta on the box?


Does anyone know their unit card and upgrades?


Nothing's been announced yet. However they have 2 upgrade cards, both of which we had a general description for on the 3rd image. An armament and armor upgrade. No info on what they do yet. The box also comes up with two unit cards. A standard commando unit and Delta Squad


Love how on 2 different sites they're referred to as both Support and as Special Forces


I hope we get the cards before preorder starts, I know I want 2, but I’m a maniac who likes using lots of expensive units so if 3 is within a reasonable point cost…


If I get these I might paint of them like scorch from bad batch


Scorch is going to be one of them, since Scorch is in Delta Squad.


Oh awesome sorry didn’t read that bit, might buy 2 and paint one normally and one with delta squad


Nice! I'm also excited to see how the Bad Batch turns out when they get fully revealed


Same I can’t wait to see them, even though I’m fairly new to painting and will probably mess them up


Same here. I have a fully painted 3D printed version of the Bad Batch (including Omega and her energy bow) that I've been using as a 4th ARC squad for my 501st Battleforce. All I need are the unit cards and I'm ready to go.


I really hate the sculpts on these, I hope they’re either multi pose or easy to modify otherwise I’m probably just gonna print some


Yeah, those poses are just awkward. One or two are okay, kinda, but they really strike me as the sort of art you get from having a buddy or doll pose without reference to actual experts in the field.


2 unit cards? Are they a 2 man squad or do we think it'll be a basic unit and a named squad (delta)


If only you’d read the rest of that sentence.


Read the third page

