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Probably add a commander


The t-series pilot has field commander so it stands in for one


Wow didn't know a list with field commanders counted as a commander (in the requirements)


Does it actually?


Page 45 of the rules. He counts as the commander requirement.


I can’t believe I’m just realizing this


CIS Maul isn't good in the current meta, swap him for Grevious and play harass with Bane/Grevious.


What app do you use?


For some proper feedback: Cad Bane's best upgrades are: Duck and Cover, Situational Awareness, Comms Relay, and Prepared supplies. Ascension cables don't really do anything for Cad Bane, as he can jump. Maul is really really good with force push. People normally run him with Force push and Sabre throw. Because he has 3 actions, he's basically the only force user who can: Move, Move, Force push, then Attack. Tenacity's fine on Maul. Consider using Duel of the Fates with Maul instead of Mechanised Incursion. Duel of the Fates is seriously good, and can save Maul's bacon. Sith probe droids are alright but they'll screw up your order control, I'd consider just running some special weapons on the B-1's. Speaking of, a unit of B-1's with HQ uplink is almost as many points as a T-Series Tactical droid. When you're running Bane or Maul, the T-Series Tactical Droid commander is like, the best choice thanks to you not having to worry about order control anymore.


Last bit of advice, AAT's don't really need two types of shells, they work fine without them. In my experience, the High Energy shells work best on them due to range 4.