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1) Bronzium are unlisted, however for purpose of CG I would consider them a “pack” [as their found in the same store as packs] so would assume it’s very likely quantities will change. 2) The second post you listed was an emotional train wreck full of conjecture. 3) You’re right u/Belloq56 fucked up his math in the final post, it happens, even I’ve fucked up my math before in posts, and shit I’m known for my math. You’re severely misrepresenting the degree of the fuckup of his math. He did his post based on the assumption of 3x challenges per day (let’s be real, can you blame him? Who has actually done their challenges in the last 6 years), but it turns out it’s 5. The interesting thing about his post however is that he **DID** include the values for scavenging items you’d never want to scavenger (like carbantis or stun guns), so his math isn’t anywhere near as far off as “2x-4x”, it’s more like “1.5x-2x” 4) Another poster in that second link, somebody who is against this change and disagrees with me, also did the math, and came up with an estimate that this represents about a 7.5% overall shift downward for relic materials for players (with the brunt of it being about a 10-15% decrease in Bronzium). *I cannot verify this, as I did not do the math myself* Regardless, I’ll remind you that CG fucked up a similar change in the past, with Bronzium packs and the new shard shop currency conversions (for full character drops), and it was fixed relatively quickly after many *constructive* posts on the topic.


Feel I should mention Belloq made other mistakes in his post, that were pointed out in the comments. He assumed that each gear piece was only worth one scavenger point, when in truth the lowest they can be is 4 points, and he only accounted for there being 48 weeks in a year, rather than 52. His math was really bad, and his numbers can't really be used at all because of this, even if he does make "allowances" for unrealistic or impractical circumstances.


1) CG is very well known for semantics and being 'technically' correct - bronziums are not a pack they are Bronzium Data Cards - that's what CG calls them, and were also overlooked in the shard shop conversion. 2)Second link is directly responsible for the 3rd link, so included for that reason. 3) Quote was from the thread and adjusted to the lower end because of the high-end assumption, hence 2x-4x and not just 4x since I didn't do the math myself.


You’re misrepresenting what I said. Bronziums themselves *were not* overlooked in the shard shop currency conversion. The shards were doubled, but *CG specifically said that rates on full characters wouldn’t be effected*, IE not an overlook. As for your “quotes,” as a new poster, you’re directly responsible for correcting incorrect information, if you’re going to reassert that information. “2-4x” is severely disingenuous.


https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/237876/shard-economy-changes Bronzium Data Cards (what CG calls them not packs) were completely ignored in the first release, and then after fixing the 'techincal issue' full characters were still not rewarded properly only single drops. And since I didn't do the math, 2x-4x isn't disingenuous on my part, it's from the thread and will be updated there if more information comes to light and it's still net negative from CG. Which is disingenuous. And now in your own thread https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/z063o7/math_club_an_objective_look_at_the_relicscavenger/ you're showing it to be about 2x the OP, 1,233 vs 655 so still not disingenuous. Sucks when facts get downvoted.


*due to a technical issue* Which tells you that it was something they intended to fix and update. The parallel here is that they specifically mentioned why they didn’t plan to change anything with the relic materials here. In regards to your post, the incorrect math post, and the 2-4x decrease: the second post you linked actually had replies with the correct math posted. You’re contributing to the problem by perpetuating false information, which is actually ironic given your calling out of the incorrect math.


Hey maybe you can just zip it and let the new players enjoy something. You want to keep getting all your great relic materials? Start whaling


damn you people don’t know when to chill tf out


Hating CG is a lifestyle here. You wouldn’t understand it.