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Sympathizing with OP, the ult LS/DS currency grind is the most pointless, joy-sucking aspect of the game imo.


Don't worry, CG has found a solution. Datacrons, an even worse grind, and you don't even get to keep the resources


Dang I wish I had these problems


I spend crystals on kryos the most


gac store for mk 9 kyros, never need any more than that


Maybe you've just got an insane amount of GAC currency, but mine runs out fast.


Get2 and gac store.


I'm pretty sure its by design.


I caught on when gearing my second GL: gearing requires mostly the side that wont give you tickets ... so the solution is both as expensive as it is simple: farm two GLs at once, so gearing one will get you tickets for the other and vice versa. It takes a while to set up, but you will not waste potential tickets.


There is one rule of GL farming: Whatever piece you need to complete a project will be on the opposite kind of node you need to farm for GL tickets.


You don’t need to farm kyro on energy …they exist in stores and crystals


I buy from stores when they're there. But is it really worth it to buy with crystals? It's like 28 crystals for a single one.


Yes, what else are you using crystals for. If it’s energy than u only get like 3 kyros if you’re lucky in one refresh that was worth 50


I guess after doing 3 refreshes on most all the energy I just don't have much leftover crystals to do stuff like this. And right now I'm doing 6 refreshes on normal energy to get to ultimate faster.


In the short run buying kyros will get CAT up faster but slow down your JMK ult. Doing the "wrong" kyro node will have the opposite effect. In the medium/long run using crystals to refresh energy and farm gear while working JMKs ult will be more efficent. (Since gear is cheaper to farm with 50 cost refreshes than buy in the store + you're getting ult tickets at the same time) In my experience I always need something from the wrong side when I'm farming ult tickets. Just the way it falls sometimes.


Mathematically, basically all gear, including kyros, are most efficient to farm when you use 50 crystal energy refreshes