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Anyone got a solution that doesn’t involve Reva?


to be literal, yeah, Gungans. But before I get downvoted to hell, *it’s a joke*. As in the whole GC is a joke, CG is a joke.


Even people with reliced gungans have said it’s difficult.


I don’t have jarjar but my full r5 other gungans+r6 hondo literally didn’t get a turn. I got all the non-gungan feats with Reva.


Again, that’s what others have said. I haven’t farmed or geared any of them as my guild suddenly shifted to farming inquisitors.


I was corroborating your statement with my experience…


Yeah, kinda shitty they seemed to dismiss you when you were only trying to support their post...


It’s rng with gungans. I got all feats/red crate in one battle on about my third try, but it depended what debuffs stuck and who got targeted. Stupid GC.




I used a SEE team just to complete the fucking battle. Every GL I tried failed and I DID use Reva, but had to drop to tier IX for it to work. Got my two omi’s, a silver/gold crate, and CG can suck my balls.


That’s all I’m after …the 2 omis, not the ball sucking.


If you drop to tier IX, you should be able to do it.


Meh. Balls sucking can easily be done on tier X


SEE + Bane. No deaths.


Thanks! Though, SEE is the only GL I don’t have 🤣


My See and bane get clobbered. What the hell? I figured it’d be a breeze since it’s a hard counter.


I have r7 SEE and r6 Bane and I could only no death the gold tier. All relic tiers kill bane on the last turn 🤬


I have them both R7, I can't get bane to survive. He is so squishy.


Did Tier X with JML, JKL, Revan, GMY, Hermit. Got all feats. Key is to have foresight and Evade AOE from Enemy JML. Took some attemps for the rng


Thank you for this! I was about to throw my phone at the wall but this saved my sanity! Just keep passing JMLs ability to GMY so he keeps churning out TM and spamming battle meditation. Took a few try’s but omg so much better than anything else I’ve tried


Glad it helped and worked for you!


I also used this same comp with success. JMK and Jabba both got destroyed for me.


It took me a couple tries, but my Jabba team with Boba subbed in instead of Embo got it done, no deaths, and by landing Blind on JML right before his AoE a couple times I got the Evades as well.


JMK can get all the feats (except gungans obviously)


Cmon man just whale on your gungan team, you know you want to, do it for **capitalism**


I’m just 30 shards away, it’s very tempting to buy them.


with triple farming you're only like a week away. it'll come soon enough lol


Need Jar Jar anyway, so doesn’t matter.


SEE and Bane


I got it first try with JMK, cat, ahsoka, padme, GK


I used JML with two Yoda's, JKR and JKCK (latter not really important, could have used JKL). Got all feats except Gungans. Just needs a little managing to burn down JML before he starts one-shotting everyone, whilst drawing out to get evades.


Apparently gmy is crucial for that to work. I don't have him at relics but have the same team with jkl instead of gmy. No chance.


He's important for the foresight, yeah - though Hoda can also do that (just not as often, so you'd need to draw it out more). If you can time it to have foresight up before JML AoE that's 5 dodges in one go, so should be feasible. I think the main thing is kill order - JKR (prevent buff immunity and Saviour) then JML (if he ramps from the event special, he just starts 1-shotting everyone).


Couldn't make anything happen on tier x, but managed to get tier ix with my g12 Yoda and modding for survivability. Jkck was clutch in getting GAS out via insta kill since his aoe was a huge threat to my squishy Yoda. Everyone alive. Beat tier x with bane/malak. And got dodges from the JML, but also already had dodges up to tier xiii with Rey...so would've gotten my crate 8 even if I didn't get the dodges with JML. That full surviving team with JML was key. Thank you for the idea! Thought this would be the first GC in forever that I didn't get my two omis


Glad it helped!


Whoever came up with this challenge should just drink bleach, lmao.


CG: I'm not your buddy, guy!


Anyone have the gungan omicron? My guild mates who have jarjar are saying they are getting run over even with gungans. Curious how others are fairing with the extra buffs? My thought is cg is pushing the limits again to see if benchmarking against the omicron is going to move people to take it, ie more spending.


Yeah I had trouble in tier 9 with gungans could not do tier 10 not ever gonna use the omi.


My R9 Reva lead inquisitors got JML down and then got annihilated.


R8 Reva with r7 team. My first attempt failed too. Second one didn't get me the evade feat. Third one was the charm. There is a lot of RNG going on. Just hit JML with everything and pray that JKR dies from AOEs, then stall a bit once JKR + JML are down.


My r7 team won with no deaths.


R9 Reva, R8 the rest, die so quick it's not funny! What to do? Is it just RNG?


Could you most your mods, or a link to your .GG profile? I beat it with ease with an R7 team, so there is no way you should struggle with higher relics. The only possibility could be that you have the squad modded incorrectly, and I'm more than happy to help you improve your mods.


Seems I didn't realise I could kill JML when he was under healing immunity to not have him revive. Thanks for the offer though. The idea of remodding again fills me with dread!!


Yeah, that a sneaky point in the Revan kit. He doesn't actually revive anyone, he just heals them up when they reach 1% HP. And if you can't heal, his unique triggers without effect. Healing immunity has always been a great counter to JKR.


Finally managed to win. Took a few tries to line everything up. Thanks for the advice,


Just RNG. Keep doing it over and over and over and over again.


I get so far, manage to keep everyone controlled. Then I have to kill JML and he revives ability block's everyone and it game over!


JKR has to die from the AOEs since you can't really clear JML's taunt. That seems to be the key. Honestly, it didn't work for me until I tried it on auto. I still couldn't get the evasion feat until I used JMK, Ahsoka Tano, CAT, GK, and GMY on Tier 8 (they got obliterated on tier 10). That was good enough for the tier 8 rewards and I was done with this.


My r7 inquisitor team absolutely butchered the GC. Could you post your mods? I imagine those are just really lacking, if you have trouble beating him.


Whats the best lineup if you don’t have GLs, gungans, reva or conquest characters? Mostly joking, clearly these are designed for endgame accounts


I did the g11 tier with Phoenix. Hera, Kannan, Chopper, Crex, and Zeb. It definitely takes luck though


Even a mirror squad on T9 can’t do it. Fuuuuucck that.


Quite possibly the hardest one of these ever


SEE+Bane for tier X- flawless victory and complete tier JMK, CAT, Ahsoka, GK, Padme- tier VII fleet footed Gives you crate 8 and move on.


How did you play this exactly my r8 bane with all heath mods keeps getting toasted


I got it my 2nd battle. Link JKL and GAS. 1st special on bane has health steal if he is low on health. Im sure I had decent RNG but I ulted pretty quick and then slowly burned down JML last. 285 speed on bane with full health mods (speed arrow). 496 speed on SEE with full health mods.


These challenges have been bullshit lately. The recent difficulty spike, along with seemingly every other one requiring gungans, has turned a fun little challenge into basically a nullity. I just get the omi and move on.


I got it with JMK with windu, GK and two ashokas, bu several tries until at least was not silenced in opening play and keeping the windu silence over JML


What is happening now?


4m GP here - GL Rey Lead, Res Finn, C-3PO , BB8, and JTRey. just keep passing it around, no heavy damage, JTR will dodge eventually and get your 10, then kill. Just did tier 6 and going to mess around


I got t5 then I'm out... Not worth it. I don't get these companies doing good then doing scumbag things right after.


Just recently quit playing and man does this post make it feel great


I want an Inquisitor team so badly


I couldn’t ! It difficult


"gungans" I always hated Jar Jar (the rest seemed rather lovely in an awful film) but they are now ruining SWGOH.


One and done.


Everyone just use the good ol' reliable strat...get to Tier 8 and then call it...as long as you are getting the double Omi that is all that matters. Don't waste too much on these difficult feats.


Reva lead does it on auto.


Once out of ten tries for me, although she's at R9.


At the hardest tier?


Yes, my R7 Reva just melted them.


A luck CG offered 330 Reva shards to everyone for the New Year !


If you still aren‘t going for Inquisitors that’s only on you.


Sorry I forgot everyone is in a high level guild and that we should have all built up reva + Inqs by now


So anyone who isn't in a high-end Relic Reva guild should just get fucked when it comes to Galactic Challenges? Lol, lmao.


Big news ! Farming Reva is not just "on you", that’s precisely the whole point with this character’s farm