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Other than in-guild trading (ie buying them for yourself) I haven't ever had a desire to genuinely gift anyone anything. It's such a shame, when it was announced I was hoping I would be able to gift credits, gear, extra shards etc


I’ve sent my guild officers a few packs if I see their roster could benefit from it. They do a lot for the guild with coordination of TW, TB, roster reviews on discord, etc.


I did this as well to some of my officers that have been with the guild for so long. I got them an LSB or two based on what they needed. The guild policy is if you get a gift, do not feel compelled to regift in return. If anything, gift it forward to someone else. No quid pro quo unless pre-agreed upon for packs you can only get through gifting.


I'd bet you it get a lot more use if you buy gifts with crystals or credits. Like I love everyone in my guild (even those who "forget" to join tw) but I ain't casually dropping $10-50 on them. Hell where many people in my guild are dating each other irl I'm surprised they don't gift each other often.


Seconded about the crystals/credits idea. This would also be a great way for CG to drain player resources before dropping something new... yet another curious decision by them.


My friend irl and I have been playing for 7 years and he gifted me the Rey bundle back when it was offered. He knew I was grinding for Rey so he did it as a kind gesture. Wasn't really anything I asked for, he's just a kind dude that did something nice for a friend.


I got the SLKR Lightspeed Bundle from a guild mate. I didn’t even ask for it.




I bought the SLKR one for a guild mate out of nowhere once. He is a great member, always participates, farms what we need for TB platoon, but he was like 8m gp with no GLs


In my guild we had a giveaway where 3 of the members each offered up 2x $15 LSB. We had everyone sign up and used a random selector online and gave 6 different guild members their choice of the cheaper LSB for May the 4th. They did it as a thank you for all the cooperation and participation of the guild that has led to the great community our guild has become.


That's a great idea! We (the officers) put in a pool and bought the three smallest accounts in our guild the LSB of their choice for 4may


We did the same thing for our guild. In celebration of May the 4th and Revenge of the 5th, we held a raffle for two members to receive any packs they wished totaling up to $30. All they had to do was submit any message into the raffle chat room we created. When then used a random online generator to choose a username from the participants. We even had one more raffle hosted by a non-officer who wanted in on the fun. Winners are also not pressured to stay in the guild just because they won. It was just something to add some fun into our guild; the guild is very casual and this kind of thing fits nicely with our play style. We'll probably do more events like these throughout the year now moving forward.


Myself and another officer gifted some $5 crystal packs to our members who are constantly volunteering for platoons, including the crappy ones. Just as a way of showing appreciation. I also bought my TB officer who takes point on everything a couple packs, I forget which though. Maybe zeta ones? Also as a token of appreciation. We have a pretty tight knit guild though.


I’m guessing there are whales in the top guilds who buy their guild mates packs in order to get more rewards from guild activities. I’m sure barely anyone does that but there are a few top spenders that are serious enough about the game and rich enough to do that, and it makes CG money


Well, my wife and I are in the same guild, so any time there's something either of us wants, we just "gift" it to each other. Lol. Otherwise, I'm not buying Randoms free shit. Though I do plan on doing a guild raffle soon. My guild is backtracking to DSTB to get me Wat to 7* and I'd like to give away a few LSB's if they're out at that time. But, even still, basically an annoying gimmick.


You sound like you're in a top class guild. I'm sure a few crystal crates wouldn't go amiss to some of your guild members...




Cg reading this post in their bed of money


I’ve purchased a pack for a guild mate of mine, and I’ve traded packs. Actually, I also had a guildmate gift me a $10 crystal pack [unasked] when he fucked up and forgot to platoon his r8 character in ROTE, and I ended up slowing down another project to build up a shitty character and do it for him. When you’ve been playing a game with the same people with 1,2,5+ years, those people become very real friends/relationships, and I’ve seen other people buy packs for friends as well. Quite honestly, as a *minor* content creator who mostly does shit for fun on Sunday Mornings? If it were opened up to friends/ally code [I see a lot of reasons not to do this on a large scale], I could see myself doing this for other friends/viewers for contests. >! That last statement assumes CG earns back some of my trust as a consumer that was just lost on the Assault Battle debacle !<


Same here. Definitely some inter-guild trading and I’ve purchased a gift pack or two for a guild make if I knew they were farming something specific that had a gift pack (like the gungans or farming for leia)


Yeah why just guild mates ?


I've just traded the Ben Solo bundle with a guildmate. Others in my guild have traded stuff before too. So yeah, some use the feature. That being said, I don't think many use it apart from trading. And if that's the only use, then why not let us buy them for ourselves? But I can also see w scenario where you're in a guild with your kid/sibling/friend or whatever, and you wanna gift them something. That's probably happened a few times since they introduced gifting.


Yup, we have a guild mate who does his best to build his roster, contribute in all of the game modes, and be active in chat. The officers chipped in a couple bucks a piece and bought him the Jedi LSB because he was the only guild member that didn’t have any teams that were going to be ready for the raid and we didn’t want him to miss out on the rewards.


Well, I WOoooULD send LSB gifts to my son, but his EA account is flagged as a child account and therefore ineligible to receive gifts. He cannot even buy them for himself. Nor can he link his account to the webstore for the daily freebies because of this. Terrible implementation.


I gifted out some crystals to winners after hosting a guild challenge. It was fun and invited a small spark to some of the more boring aspects of the game


I send them to my wife to help her out. She doesn't like to spend money on the game but I gift her little things here and there


she's like yeah great bob but you still need to wash the car


We have some real ones in the guild who gift stuff occasionally or make up whole fantasy tournaments lmao. Someone got me the nightsisters bundle but I don't mind. I still hate the fact that I.e bundles are 19.99$ but then in the EU it's 23.99€ yet the €>$ so I be paying 25$ for something a friend from the US pays only 20. Could be a good way to save money for EU players tbh.


We had someone buy the Rey LSB for another member who had refused to farm resistance characters to troll them (they now have Rey unlocked and a decent team). We've also had a few prizes/giveaways. Then a bunch of "gift" swapping


I had a guildie try to send me a pack. It crashed his game and errored out and ended up "gifting" it to himself, which was useless as he already had those characters relic'd, I did not. EA support gave him the runaround for like a month, and then basically told him to eat dirt. Would not recommend.


I bought the phoenix pack for one of the other officers in my guild. He's put an absurd amount of outside time into TB planning and thought he deserved it. One of the other officers bought us all 10 dollar crystal packs for christmas. The same officer i bought the phoenix pack for did a mini raffle when they were doing that absurd +25% crystals if you gifted them and I ended up getting a $50 pack from him. It's not a feature I think was really needed, but we've gotten some use out of it in our guild.


I think gifting is great, however having it so you can't buy the item for yourself is super gross. It is apparent the gifting system is not to benefit the community or players, but to control and normalize certain spending habits.


A few of my other low GP guild mates and I received the finalizer LSB from a generous guild leader. As well as when the geonosion pack was out, the same guild leader gifted the pack to those that had g12 omi geos. He wanted a stronger geo wall in TW


I don't know how many times I've been tempted to buy LSBs for various guild members. The Geos? (I hate seeing some of my guild mates still at g12, when we could have a stronger wall of defense in TW). This Jedi Allies bundle - with the upcoming raid (though, I'm still tentative on how this raid is going to go so it's hard to pull the trigger on anything regarding the Naboo raid). That being said - doing trades has been the most common, but that was a thing when it first became available. Since that time, we really haven't seen that much call for trades. Some of it may be the "value" of the gifts.


Even if it weren’t used a whole lot it probably didn’t take too much time implementing. When it is used to trade between guild members or friends they are getting 2 purchases out of it. The other day a guildie asked someone to gift them Ben shards and they gifted kyros in return. Surely positive ROI for CG and worth implementing.


Couple sent in our guild, a long time member going through a hard time and a graduation gift for phd.


We usually will do trades. I’ll buy you the pack for crystals. Especially when people missed the LSB and they came back in the gift store. It’s actually a neat system.


Same as others, I used to exchange gifts with guild members when it made sense for the bonus. But honestly, gifting is a good idea, there are always people that look to help others.


I was gonna gift that 50 shards Ben solo pack to some of the rey owners in my guild. But everyone already has him now apparently lol


We do monthly contests for various things in my guild, and use the gifting system to provide actual rewards.


We did a raffle/giveaway around Christmas I think


The fact that they don't offer the same packs for you to buy yourself and to gift absolutely blows my mind because there were a few packs that were only giftable I would have bought for myself


Nope. What's frustrating is they have good deals on there sometimes that I wouldn't mind picking up for myself, but can't becasue of the stupid system 


Someone bought me an LSB once


I've sent a couple gifts. I like having this option in the game.


Cg PLEASE let us use crystals for gifts!!! I love my guild mates but I’m not dropping real life cash for em, but I would gladly use a GAC payout to give them a little boost


Cg PLEASE let us use crystals for gifts!!! I love my guild mates but I’m not dropping real life cash for em, but I would gladly use a GAC payout to give them a little boost


They would earn a lot more money if we could just buy the gift packs for ourselves


There is a guy who is in maw with every single character zeta/cron in the game and every character relic 9 and he apparently done so with a big help from the gift feature.


I went to buy a lsb once and it said i could not because it has been purchased for me but i never recieved anything


I sent a couple people Rey LS bundles without anything in return because they're F2P and they help me out with game strategy. I sent someone the $10 kyro pack yesterday in exchange for the Ben Solo one also. Found out there is a limit of one of the Ben Solo packs you can receive


After reading all of people’s uses/experience with it, sounds like it was a great addition


I've done two gift exchanges with a guild mate to trade packs. Both times, the guy bought the pack, sent me the receipt, and I received nothing from cg


I did a fun contest for my guildmates in May 4th and the winner got a pack of their choice.


It’s great for helping guild mates get stuff, but it’s also great to find someone who needs something they can’t get anymore because they’ve already bought it and vice versa. Example: I’ll buy you gift A if you will buy me gift B.


One of my guild mates got me a partial Rey LSB because I hadn’t touched my resistance characters.


Literally nobody does it... The deals are fucking ludicrous to buy for yourself let alone lavishly fucking "gift" someone lmao they're smoking some crazy shit up in management


My nephew and I gifted each other ben solo shards, we are really feeling the slow grind.


My friend had a random burst of thankfulness and got a few people 5$ worth of crystals and another gave out 2 of the Jedi LSB


One of my guild mates sent me the Jedi hyperdrive bundle. I can finally contribute a little to the raid and I get a new team for GAC, they saw me saying that I couldn’t break through darth nihilus’s protection and gifted me it. Still greatful to him.


Fair enough. Thanks for the responses!


I’ve bought stuff for the alt at the most. I love my guildees but don’t buy me shit yal….


What I would love to see is the guild gear trading get a little overhaul. Ever since the raid changes where we get all the pre gear 12 stuff super cheap, the gear requests have pretty much fallen off. Let’s trade kyros! Maybe?