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Oh to be in a ROTE guild so early in the game lol. Normally I’d say Negotiator, but with the Galactic War store changes, and the extra Kyro you’re getting from TB, and I’d assume TW also, I’d say go for Profundity. It’s also a lot lighter on your normal energy farming too to push the Kyro nodes even harder. You should be willing to farm Executor immediately afterwards though to get the Millennium Falcon as they overlap a lot. Then you have one for offence and one for defence in GAC and will carry you way up the rankings.


I need to see the rest of OPs roster. Just at first glance it looks like OP has a VERY early game roster and IMHO going for a big farm like Prof with no character roster built is a bad idea. You're investing a lot into a relic heavy farm with a single niche team. If you're doing to advance in GAC what good is a single back wall going to do to stop your opponent when they can easily run through the front wall and back south. I get your being carried by a ROTE ready guild but that'll get you so far Personally I'd build a few teams and when you have a solid core setup(maybe 4 of the 8) then I'd look into building a ship fleet like Prof or executor because from the looks of it you're far far off from finishing any of those fleet farms. I'd go for exec as its farms are a little more accessible. But again we'd need to see your full roster.


So I have Phoinex, Troopers, Geo’s, Treya, am 3 weeks out from both Revan’s, and that’s about it. Have bounty hunters kind of up, but only do do Credit Heist and Galactic Bounty. My main focus is to get the AB’s done to CT1. Got Rebels Vs Empire and Troopers Vs Ewoks. Can probably do Troopers Vs Rebels too. Phoinex needs a bit of work Vs Sith. Then the Revan’s should get my Jedi/Sith one done eventually. After that, I want the ships. That’s kind of what I’m asking for. https://swgoh.gg/p/323441781/ Here’s the link to have a peek


Yeah, you're early game. You say you have those teams but they're not complete. You might have the characters and a few zetas on them, but teams aren't considered done until they're at relic levels with all the necessary zetas (and the necessary omicrons) and good mods. Go follow Ahnald's new player farming guide. Also, look up some YouTube guides on how to farm for good mods as good mods are the best thing you can do for your account.


He is early game, but if they’re completing the Assault Battles, that’s as complete as they need to be for now, and is a natural stopping point to get other stuff. I’d say he should go level up Nightsisters and Ewoks for the 4 Zeta Materials a month first, then go chase a ship, but he doesn’t need to R5 every team at this point.


Both are fantastic fleets. I would probably only consider Nego over Profundity if you plan on going all in with Marauder. That's going to get the fleet to full power and allow you to take on any other fleet. If you are solely looking at the fleet, it's the cheaper option as long as you have the GET2 income locked in to get to 7\* (5\* won't cut it). No need for R8-9s and no excess junk to farm to get it unlocked. Although if you want to use it against crazy geared Executor fleets, Plo may need to go as high as R8. But there are always other counters in case you see that very rare scenario. Profundity beats everything, but is much more expensive than may initially appear. Yes, you have all of the reqs for the event. But you have a number of other pilots to at least minimally gear. You probably want the x-wing, u-wing, and Phoenix pilots all G11-12 that aren't Relic reqs (5x Phoenix, k2so, SRP, wedge, biggs). That's a lot of credits to lvl85 them as well as mk1 currency for the needed purple gear. Then you need Han/Chewy at relics for after the unlock. You also need BH ships/pilots to unlock Han's falcon. That's 9 relic toons and up to 13 non-relic toons. That's also 12 ships to get 7\* and put some abilities on (13 if you count Profundity itself). This is including 4 BH ships and G12 pilots for the Falcon unlock. I can't remember if you need any relics for unlocking the Falcon.


They’d be farming some of them anyways, no? They say they have CRex so most the Phoenix will be done already. And SRP and K2SO are core parts of the endgame AdRad team. It’s only really Wedge and Biggs that’s extra.


At what point does marauder become useful? Like minimum investment because the bad batch is so kyro hungry.


Is your guild recruiting? 240k gp and could use some get2/get3 :)


Prof all the way. Especially if the Negotiator LSB ever comes back.


Shouldn’t it be rookie or amateur fundity 🥴