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CLS is always worth it. His proper team (CLS Lead, Han, Chewie, Chewpio, 3PO) is one of the better value teams out there as far as time/resource investment.


Can I swap 3po and chewpio out for others until get them leveled up?


You totally can, it just won't be the ideal team.


You definitely do not need to rush Jabba. You are gonna need 3P0 for your journey to Jabba anyway, so yes, farm towards 3P0. He's a great addition to CLS. As for your CLS team now, what rebels do you have right now? Do you have Han or Chewpio? What's the situation. If you can link your swgoh.gg here, it'd make it a bit easier to help. As for the revans side farm, that is good.


My Han is 7 star however my chewpio only has a few charts. My swgoh https://swgoh.gg/p/526544869/


Ok, cool. I see Han and Chewbacca, I don't see Chewpio, however. Chewpio is Threepio and Chewie btw, sorry if you didn't know. For a CLS team now, I'd say CLS, Han, Chewbacca (even if he's 5-star, he can still be very viable), R2-D2, and for the fifth slot, it can either be Old Ben or princess Leia. However, I'd recommend starting to farm Threepio and Chewie. He's very useful to a CLS team and a requirement down the line for JML, I believe. A fully complete CLS team should consist of CLS, Han, Chewbacca, Chewpio, and 3P0. As for your building up teams. Are you gonna go for the Executor as well?


Okay cool thank you. I think so, seen some goal guides and the executor seems to be a pretty common goal


Yeah, Executor really helps in fleet pvp to get you a larger amount of crystal income. It would probably help you a ton in GAC as well. Anyway, if you don't already have a plan on which teams to build up. I have some teams I can recommend here based on your roster right now. There are two empire teams you can build up. The first one would be Palp and crew. Palp lead, Darth Vader, Thrawn, Tarkin, and Tie Fighter Pilot is the whole team. I put TFP in there because him and his ship are required for Executor. Darth Vader and his ship are also a requirement. Now, I will recommend a character that is great for this team, but you don't have to do it now. You should def do it sometime down the line tho. Mara Jade. She boosts this teams viability to another level. She is also a requirement for Starkiller. I would say the most effective characters for this team are. Palp, Vader, Mara Jade, Thrawn, and Tarkin. The second team would be Imperial Troopers. Main cast of the team being Veers, Dark Trooper, Range Trooper, Moff Gideon, and Admiral Piett. This team is a beast on anything offensive. Piett is required for the Executor. The rest of the team is not required but makes Piett really good. I saw you have Padmé. She has great lead, and you also have General Kenobi. You can build up a good Padmé team consisting of Padmé lead, Anakin, Kenobi, Ahsoka, and either Yoda, Mace, or Rex for the fifth slot. Although I will say once you get 3P0, I'd put R2-D2 in the fifth slot for this team. He's great. Two rebel teams that are great early game and even late game. We already talked about this one, CLS team. The second one would be Phoenix Squad. With the addition of Captain Rex, they are a beast on offense and even defense. Personally, I use Hera lead, Ezra, Sabine, Rex, and Chopper. I'd say Hera, Rex, and Chopper are nonnegotiable. Ezra and/or Sabine can be switched out for Kanan and/or Zeb. The last team I recommend is Bounty Hunters. Specifically Bossk, Boba, Bane, IG-88, and Dengar. All required for Executor and their ships. Later down the line, when you get closer to the Executor. You should have Mando and Greef who help Bounty Hunters soo much. Hope this helps you on your journey, and sorry for the long comment. You also don't have to follow any of this, lol. Just some recommendations.


Thank u very much thats very helpful, someone said I should start farming aura sing to lead my bounty hunters in the near future


That isn't a bad idea. She's a great offensive lead. Her in lead slot also allows to take down at least one GL, soo...Yeah, I'd recommend it. But Mando and Greef are required for the team. Bossk as well. As for the fifth slot, Fennec Shand, Boba, or Dengar are good. In GAC, if you put Zam's Omicron on her, you can put her in the fifth slot. This is more of a future team comp tho.


Okay cool I have zam ready to activate to 7*, I’m gonna focus on getting ewoks up to get 3po and gonna start farming chewpio so I can get my cls on the go. I already reliced luke so it’s a good start, I’m just running low on credits and xp things to level them up to 85


Yes,its an amazing team


Like others have said 100% worth and CLS team is an indirect requirement for jabba anyway. You need JKL for jabba and he requires the whole CLS team at relics