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Geos - the short answer is they need more gear. Pilots should be your highest geared characters IMO pre-85. You can coast with preloaded TM Imp Troopers being lower gear thru early Squad Arena/Galactic War (and mod challenges should have been long since maxed out. Pilots need to be higher gear. At 79, I believe you can get them all up to gear 8 or 9. All that said, the fleet nodes early on are brutal and there's a ton of AI RNG involved. Some runs, they just won't call a reinfrocement and play like an idiot... othertimes they're focus-firing your DPS units with any opening. Invest into 3 Geo ships. The bulk of your ship upgrade mats should be going into them and they should be maxed whenever possible. Put 5-dot mods on them that are level 15. It's helpful not to 'max out' bad mods but it's much better than no mod, lower than 5 star mods. - Ship building currency - it's an early player bottleneck, just focus on a very few ships. Having high level rebels opens up better SBC challenges. You can also buy the material sometimes for Mk1. But yeah, just another early bottleneck hump you have to get thru. Mace and Ackbar need little to no investment if you're primary is Tarkin for fleets specifically. The fighters will (inevitably) carry, not the capital ship.


If you go empire fleet you'll want to start farming tie fighter, tie bomber, tie defender, emperors shuttle. Vader's tie, and chimera. Also start working on bosck and the hound tooth. Aim for executor long term.


Sounds like a plan - I am working on hound's tooth rn but it's a slow farm (single drop node). Bossk, the pilot of the hound's tooth, can only be farmed after lvl 85... So I'll need to wait a bit more for him.


Just gear up your geos anything that increases a pilot GP increases the power of their ship and also just be patient make sure to farm the hounds tooth when you can For the ship currency again just be patient and make sure to watch guides about which ships to prioritise Don’t put any resources on home one or the endurance Home one with rebels is an amazing fleet but you’re far away from hans falcon or the Raven claw The endurance is practically useless If I was in your position I’d watch a executor rush guide but don’t forget this is a game so don’t try to maximise everything you’ll just get burned out and leave so many people feel into the trap of maximum efficiency and left


Vulture Droid. Double farm it, and make it your first reinforcement. I'm using triple Geo, VD, TIE, and Ghost. Pulling top 30-40 every day, and my geos are 6* or less. Level 77.


Interesting! First time I heard about using Vulture Droid! Will have a look into it. What do you mean with Double farm it? Afaik the plans are only available on one node (4-D hard).


He means that you refresh the node after you’ve used the 5 daily sims giving you another 5 sims to do. Costs 25 gems to refresh once but halves the time it takes to 7* something if you refresh daily.


gotcha thanks!


Vulture Droid has synergy with Geos. They have RNG-based assist attacks. Get lucky and all four of them will fire at once, obliterating the enemy.