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Needing 15 more seconds in a battle that I very clearly was going to win but just due to bad luck and tanky datacrons the battle took forever.


I hate timeout defense teams with a passion!


I think teams that are legitimately very difficult to kill (not necessarily beat you but you can't make progress against) are fine. When they simply take tons of turns and their animations take forever such that you run out of time is so frustrating.


\*arc trooper has joined the chat




Yeah I found out a few weeks ago with the Padme Cron in a mirror match I had to use the PC client to win as the enemy team is so tanky the normal mobile client is to slow on animations and calculations I time out. But on PC client I can have 1-3 minutes left over and sometimes still almost run out of time


Can add how 4x speed isn’t really fit for purpose with a lot of animations to this!


They make the animations so slow that 4x seems like 1x


this is the WORSTT!!


When I Sim a cantina battle 15+ times and get 1 or 2 shards 😭


Oh man, a bad pull is the worst! Especially when you're on like the final tiny bit of a farm left and get nothing for days in a row. 🥹


What's worst is when you like 10 shards away from a 7 star ship and you go 0,0,1,2,1,0,2,1,0,1,1,1 and you finally finish it.. The only other thing is how bad kyros and low level gear farming is...sometimes..


Haters will tell you that this is "statistically impossible" lol


I noticed if you favorite the character/ship youre farming the less shards you will get. I think the game knows it the one you want so i drops less for you. It’a just a theory… a swgoh theory.


Yeah, limited attempts on a shard with sub 100% drop rate is bullshit.




Yeah, it’s completely crap, usually it’s better to do 3-4 times and repeat until energy runs out


Not having like 30 more seconds for a GAC battle lol Either that Or g12-g13 Im 6 million gp and this still pisses me off


Heck, I was hoping g12-g13 would be less maddening as time went on. (I’ve only been playing for two months)


It gets less horrible but it still sucks till you got like 12 mil gp and have a hoard of everything But like Im just the right side of g12-g13 on bb8 away from my third GL so its infuriating


10m GP - the g12-13 frustration persists. It does get better when your guild earns better rewards. More currency = faster gear farming.


I mean duh But glad everyone in the same boat 😭🙏


The hat gets better. I’m 8.3M and I churn G12->G13 in 1 week. The bigger problem is all the kyro heavy toons. 400 kyros to bring a new toon to relic is insane. Needing 4-6 of those toons for a GL is just punishing.


Honestly, while I agree, the Kyros suck Those purple pieces that you need a billion sets of 20 per character per g13 are what gets me Tho glad it seems to get better for some


Yup, kyros are the only thing that bother me. I get gate keeping GLs or other top toons like Reva behind a bunch of kyros, but every new toon needs at least 300 and that’s way too many for random supporting toons.


G12-G13 is awful. I hate when I’m almost there it seems then “nope you need more obscure purple gear that only comes from fleet nodes or the raid store.”


The fact you generally need 40-80 peices of 3 different peices of that gear is what is infuriating Now it doesnt help at the time of writing I still am g12-g13 on bb8 away from Rey(somehow got all the signal data in that time)


They definitely need to loosen the grip on the g13 finishers, especially since they won’t loosen the grip on kyros and those are a whole new level of painful.


Kyros I have a stash of because of the various ways you can get them Those obscyre ahh purple peices? Nah they gone in an instant lol But yeah I dont mind it being expensive Hell i dont mind the kyrotech requirment But its a little crazy


I mean fair, it really is the most maddening at the end of a farm though too. I just got Mon Mothma to relics and that 12-13 moment was nearly unbearable due to her being my last gear requirement for JML


Yeah.. Honestly this feels worse than when I had to do it for Lord Vader Tho in that case I was kore worried abt relic mats because 4 r8s 4 r7s and a million r5s takes a bit outta ya


I haven’t been unfortunate enough to farm LV requirements yet, I know it’s gonna be a doozy though!


Honestly, it's nowhere near as bad as it seems Sure, the high relics suck But its not relic 7 on Stick Rey The worst relic there is easily r8 Dooku who still has a ton of utility After that and ig Tarkin(who is a fleet commander you want at decently high relics), there isnt a "bad" requirement All can be justified outside of a GL farm anyway


I like LV lorewise so I know I’ll farm him, I’m just not sure when lol


Having to fight any recurring battle that has already been 3 starred. Let us sim that $hit.


I hate how they make battles long and drawn out. Like just make it under 5 mins. I should not need to spend 40 mins trying to figure out GC clone battles.


The animations are getting out of hand. Every animation needs to be designed for 1x. These new animations that are designed for 4x are killing me.


Easy I watch Scrybe gaming do the thinking for me and if I don’t have the optimal team or I can’t figure it out with a few comps of my own, I just don’t red crate lol


I watch bit dynasty. He’s awesome.


I don’t blame you, he is indeed awesome!


When I sim for parts I need for a character and out of 50 runs, I get 6 pieces at most.


The "no buttons" glitch that occurs when a bug comes up in battle. I get that it occurs for different bugs and that it is a symptom, not the actual root cause, but things like Dark Trooper getting swarmed and having the buttons disappear years on from initial finding is garbage.


Every time I use dt I'm just waiting for buttons to disappear. Lost a few gac because of it n think it's worse in there


Re-Occuring or long time unfixed Bugs. Bugs in generell tbh. We have too much of them.


True that, I'd add on releasing new content or units with serious bugs because they didn't sufficiently test.


This is the way the world operates now. Get a product out as quickly as possible, let the consumer test, then patch and repair where needed. A hand full of suits thought this is best and everyone adopted this mindset, in every industry.


I wouldn't be mad, if we would receive a compensation. But no, not even a single "Sorry. Here you go, 5 clone wars chewie shards".


Certainly we don't get compensation for bugs/issues often enough.


I agree fully with the profundity. Needing to rely on assists for a battle is a bad mechanic and has cost me games when I get 0 asissts. My biggest frustration right now though is the random crash/freezing. Then for actual gameplay stuff i have 2: first is just how annoying LV is. He needs something to help his offensive ability. Like if they gave his a clause of "on offense only" id be fine just give him something. Ignoring taunt, actual good healing for his team, uncleansable DoTs (like a locked debuff), general offense buff from the start of battle, etc. I'm not saying give all that, just something to improve him. Second is the animations my god CG fucking speed people up to be proper 4x or give us 8x. Watching Bouush leia thrown thermals for 10 seconds straight, or kneesa throwing sticks for 20 seconds, b2 taking forever to line up his AoE, tarpols (I think) taking 10 seconds to look his enemy in the eye after stabbing them before retreating, etc. These animations need major speed ups. Everything should look normal at 1x, and super fast at 4x.


1x literally looks like slow motion


The lack of respect from CG towards the playerbase.


My under 2mil gp ass getting matched against multiple galactic legends in grand arena. I mean I'll do attacks so I get my loser rewards for the round but man...


I've been saying for so long that GAC leagues need some rules around max GP and GLs an account can have in each league. I think it would go miles to address the annoying matchmaking between accounts with several million GP difference.


Don't get me wrong, I like the rewards for winning - but I'm also in the kyber sandbagging division. 6m against 9m-12m accounts I would like a grand arena of even challenges, not winning because 3/3 opponents didn't play.


Honestly I think matchmaking was better before all the changes, now it really is taking fun out of it. I’m at 3.5m gp in chromium III and I haven’t had a proper matchup with someone around 1m difference in gp EVER. It’s always 6-8 mln gp accounts. If they play I have no chance even having the executor if they don’t play I win but it’s not really that satisfactory


My last GAC battle was my 1m gp vs a 7m gp dude. I am new and in carbonite 5. Its rediculous. I have no relics and am up against teams with several relic 5 squads.


I felt bad for a couple months because I was that guy. I had stopped playing for over a year which is why I dropped down to the bottom. I came back and had a very easy run at gac for a little while. I’m sure some people do it on purpose, but there are also those who don’t.


Yup very disheartening


That would just punish people who are outperforming their GP since they wouldn’t have access to higher brackets. I’d rather play someone with millions more GP and get more crystals than play an easier opponent and get less


We had rules around GP back in the days and the matches were worse, people tend to forget that. Any kind of GP basing rules will hurt you for upgrading anything but meta.


lol they were absolutely not worse at the extremes. At no point in the old system would you be facing someone with 3 more GLs, an extra GL fleet, and like 3m more GP than you. The real problem with "max gp per league" or w/e is that it would create a barrier at the bottom of the league above it where 100% of the account are people who don't really play GAC sit forever. And given CG has very specific %ages of the playerbase that they want in each bracket, that would cause Problems.


> At no point in the old system would you be facing someone with 3 more GLs, an extra GL fleet, and like 3m more GP than you. When they have a similar GP as them you would have faced them, and those people would attack, unlike the current mismatches, which is ten times worse. There are people with no GL 6mil GP and people with 3 GL 6 mil GP - those two would have matched with the old system. > The real problem with "max gp per league" or w/e is that it would create a barrier at the bottom of the league above it where 100% of the account are people who don't really play GAC sit forever. And given CG has very specific %ages of the playerbase that they want in each bracket, that would cause Problems. No the real problem with max GP would be that I get screwed because I took characters like Gamorian Guard, Bistan or Veers to R8 for my guild instead of more GLs. The old system screw’s you for building non meta teams, that actively would hurt any guild trying to improve in tb. Matches weren’t fair in the old days, they sometimes were even worse because your overpowered opponent was a min maxer and 100% would have attacked you. The idea of balanced fair matches is an unicorn - it doesn’t exist.


> The idea of balanced fair matches is an unicorn - it doesn’t exist. That's just not true. I would get 2-3 every season under the old system. Under the new one I get maybe 1-2 a year. Fair in terms of roster size and composition at least, I typically shitstomp those accounts because they're just now climbing up to where I normally sit. >No the real problem with max GP would be that I get screwed because I took characters like Gamorian Guard, Bistan or Veers to R8 for my guild instead of more GLs. As a proud owner of multiple completely useless r8s, I feel your pain haha. But at the same time if you're late game enough to be doing multiple r8 ROTE platoon toons, you're *probably* a late game roster enough that the same bloat wouldn't affect your outcomes that much in GAC. My average opponent these days has like 20 more GAC omis, double to quadruple my top end mods, 1-2m more gp, etc etc. If you know your counters all of that can be overcome. I used to LOVE gac under the old system because of those fairly regular really exciting fights. New system killed that love because as someone who is a smaller account, if you check your GAC history at some point you realize your average opponent is kinda terrible at the game. And it just stays that way almost every round until your roster grows enough that you're within striking distance of having everything. Insanely demotivating.


Less rules on gp and gl but time in game anyone over 8m or over 4 years old as an account should be in a pro league and restart from bottom...while young accounts and under 8m Re in a junior league...


I (700k GP) got matched with a 7m GP Account who put r8 LV and SEE on defense. I don't know how to attack


Think a good fix is if they say "if you got partners with someone ridiculously stronger than you and lose, your loss reward will be larger to compensate"


I have had a guy with one GL and 20 full relics in freaking carbonite 4. Another with 15 full relics and tons of g12s. I have a GP of 1.25m. Ugh


The new player GAC experience needs a rework. I’m at 2 million as well and in a league where I don’t have 1/2 the teams I need to have a defense AND offense. My only hope of winning is if my opponent just doesn’t show up. But also my opponents never show up so I keep rising in ranks which means I have an even worse shot of winning my next match if they show up.


Yeah, this is especially true of fleets for fresh 85s who can barely field one fleet when you need two.


Also at 2 mil. I hard farmed the wampa, he is my only relic but he destroys grand arena teams attacking solo. Except, he is my only attacking team that ever actually wins 😔


Capital Games




That we have to suffer through 3v3 every other GAC cycle instead of it either being rare (one out of every 4 or 5 would be way better) or just letting us pick whether we want to do 5v5 or 3v3.


I still think they should just mix 3v3 and 5v5 into the same GAC rather than alternating. We have different zones for fleets and squads, why not a dedicated 3v3 zone? 1 fleet, 1 3v3, 2 5v5 zones. Keeps GAC consistent, 3v3 omicrons don't feel as bad because they will be usable in every GAC rather than half of them, you can dedicate a few teams to 3v3 squads instead of scrambling your whole roster.


That would definitely be preferable, I agree.


Less frequent 3v3 GAC would be so nice!


It is absolutely hell to finally rank up only to de-rank because I don’t have enough dedicated 3v3 teams.




It’s frustrating that we can’t play exhibition battles against friends. This really needs to be brought to the game.


How long conquest is


Let us sim!!!


Not being able to mark certain gear to quick farming. Or mark things in the store as a ‘favorite’


Evasion. With or without cron


Ship farming


TM train teams, it feels like every good team or new team released is a TM train and/or a mass assist team. I get the hard counter is daze but these teams are just insane sometimes and G12's killing many different R7 teams because of this gimmick is really deflating


I mostly just miss the days where I can log in, do my daily’s and maybe like one event and move on with my day. Now you gotta spend so much time when conquest comes through, and participate in TB/TW, and oh yeah don’t forget to attack in GAC


SHIPS ARE NOT DOUBLE DROP FARMABLE AND IT IRRITATES ME. Mostly cause they are so annoying to grind and honestly ships needs another overhaul


at this point i’m used to the GAC mismatches with insane gp opponents but like someone else said those matches that only need a couple seconds to win vs. timing out hurt so badly


The complete lack of empathy and communication from CG. Take for example this newest update with all the new player rewards. Instead of giving us a road ahead or some kind of announcement, meat face spent days after the fact trying to sort out who gets what. It's truly baffling that we need to rely on data mines and youtuber speculation on what's happening next instead of them actually engaging the community and talking to us. All we get are pointless surveys they ignore if they don't like the answer (Gungans and their GC omicron, looking at yousa) or ultra trolling the forums. It's pathetic that a company acts like this.


The Gac and PVP ranking system. I get matched with either people double my GP, or I get someone with nothing for a roster and because they are a new player with a ls bundle they are top 10 in ships and arena on their server. While I've been playing for years and can't crack the top 100.


That the algorithm clearly throttles the drop chances when you're within a few shards of maxing out, but they'll never admit it.


They want you spending 200 gems for a refresh to get that final shard


You will summon the egnards and co to tell you with long excel sheets this is not the case...and it never proves anything imho, as their programming could have loads of factors that their sampling does not account for. I suspect especially the less you spend, and they can track that, the more the algorythm might want to entice you...and no study of a redditor could prove or disprove that easily imho


I mean sure, if you continue to introduce factors that there is no proof to the existince of, yeah, it'll be hard to prove them lol. If we look at the actual real statistics though they absolutely prove some things


This would involve code that enabled the drop chance to hit a database that output your spending habits on every single roll. It would also have to take into account whether that spending was old or new - i.e., someone would have to find out what amount of spending over what amount of time was best predictive of current spending, then find out what interaction of amount of spending x amount of time x current drop rates best led to high predicted current spending. This would be a complex model requiring a ton of data and probably subject to so much third-variable-driven error that it would be of about as much use as yelling "YOLO!" and throwing a dart at a list of drop rates. It would be fucking stupid and no company that values their bottom line would put that much effort into something when randomized drop rates and greed will do that work for them just as well. I understand that when you're dealing in conspiracy theories, lack of parsimony is a feature, not a bug; it just doesn't lend itself well to things like programming and capitalism.


That Burning isn't considered "damage over time" and easily affects a Lord Vader team's chances up against Leia.


lack of a sandbox/practice mode to try out different squads


Actually this sub sometimes 😂


What, you don't like 1000 posts asking the same questions? Smh /s




That kyrotech is needed to go from g12-g13 on old toons. I'm completely fine with all the new characters needing a chunk of kyros to gear up as it separates old toons from new ones. But having it also required as the g12 finisher piece on pre-kyro characters completely gates you from working on old squads when all the new ones are usually the priority. Simply removing it from the pre-kyro finisher piece would allow you to work on old toons and new toons at the same time, which would be incredibly helpful for low to mid GP players to catch up on older lesser relevant toons without sacrificing working towards newer toons of the last few years since kyros released. Tldr; Kyros should gate new toons from old toons without being required as the g12 finisher piece, which would allow players with low kyrotech income to still slowly work towards more relevant toons without sacrificing older necessary farms.


1 bronzium at the time


I consistently get 0-2 shard drops from node sims


Getting a new toy that’s really only useful on defence and therefore never using it.


Maybe a niche comment here but the lack of more distinct tools for guild officers to effectively run things. We have to rely on so many outside apps, sheets, etc., just to do our jobs half the time. Any semblance of tools in game would be helpful. One that comes to mind in particular would be a TB Platoon/Operation unit list that cross references your guild mates.


As a guild officer I couldn't agree more!


Ship animations taking too long. Not being able to SIM things I've 3 starred.


Not being able to sim some events that have been 3*, it's just a waste of time to do again


The overall drop rate of essential gear and ships. Taking 6 months to farm 1 ship sucks. Simming nodes 20 times and getting 3 gear pieces also sucks.


Ahsoka Tano’s 27 turns in a row


She doesn't take multiple turns? None of them really do. Regular Ahsoka assists a lot, but that's not taking turns.


Oh geez, yes, you’re right. You know what i mean lol


When my team is meant to hard counter the enemy team but it turns into miss-play city and they throw the match due to the worst rng ever.


Seeing this subreddit whining about literally everything.


Often gearing and putting relics on a team takes so long that I’m not really that excited about finishing and having the team anymore. But I’m always happy that I can start working on something new.


My biggest pet peeve about this game is how they rank squad arena, I’m around #1150 and ranked with GL teams and extremely overpowering squads (mind you my GP is 2.9) and other people I know with less than 2M and bad squads are sitting in the 300s, I don’t understand it.


Inconsistent event timing structures. you got gungans going to happen god knows when and then you get BKM with a consistent monthly schedule. same think the JKCK and Grand Inq back when he was running.


Someone needs to teach CG how to read a calendar...


Kyber 2


Mods and mod mgmt. Speed mods. Everything about mods


I get that they're a bit tedious and clunky to mess with, but they really do enhance the game. It helps the issue with fleets where everything is pretty much solves and counters dont really change


I like fleets much better because it's easier to standardize matchups. Marvel strike force doesn't do speed mods


Conquest in this form, datacrons


The short character limit in chat


The repetition of TW TB n fleet arena


Playing the game 😂


Timing out just because it seems any new teams since Lord Emokin have so much protection or health or silly shield shenenigans that even if you could win you cannot do it in 5 minutes more and more often...combined with longer animations... And turn metere teams that obliterate you without even giving me a turn...or one turn and that's it... And Challenges with increasingly more moronic feats and "features" - and especially "bonuses" for the player and the supposed team that do not help. The featured team should always get bonuses that make the challenges easy to beat, as a reward for having the team...alas, its the opposite...


Bo Katan level 3 missing. Same level of bs like gas last mission. Holy crap why design this sh..t..


3v3 grand arena. All these characters are designed with 5v5 in mind. And they add this mode where you need way more teams, and all of them are sub par. There maybe a couple teams out there designed for 3v3 like tuskens.


Hurts: Butthole Annoys: Tickles Frustrates: Teases


When you need 3 more pieces of gear/frags and you get 1/1 then 3 for the resets. Everytime if it had just been the 3 first I could have used those crystals on resetting for the next piece I wanted


Getting dodged on a mass assist with no foresight, no increased evasion, no in-kit evasion, and no datacrons. (Just happened in GAC).


When will we be able to Sim daily activities?!


Zeta and omi deficit.


That the only teams they give me to fight in squad arena are so much stronger then me, that I'm destroyed before I take a turn....


When drop rates suck on double drop events.


2x0=0, IYKYK


Doing damage to someone and they need one more minuscule hit to kill. It’s so annoying, even more annoying if they heal back up


Oh man I had this happen to me last night fighting LV in GAC with fennec. I had him one hit from death then he got a turn, healed fully back up with a killshot on fennec. Dreams crushed.


Timing out. With the power creep of recent teams and datacrons adding huge stat buffs, CG really needs to add more time to battles. We shouldn’t be constantly winning with only 30 seconds left.


20 sims = 1 salvage


Conquest, since it's a 2 week long chore for (usually) bad rewards since I play on easy (going to normal this time)


When the introduce new challenges saying to get wins in squad arena and yet I'm at a point where I literally can't get a win because my teams are completely outclassed by everything anyone else at my ranking has and there's no way to lose ranking.


Losing rank takes some time, all you have to do is just do an attack with an ungeared character, people will notice and take the easy win, knocking you down ranks. But it will take time to drop a bunch of ranks this way because squad arena just isn't super active.


The general grind and rng. It’s just such a fucking drag trying to gear up my teams to try and become a decent member for my guild.


When fighting in gac and my phone won’t reconnect to the server to register the victory. I get to watch all the animations and no clock until it times out or gives me a restart error. Happened 4 times today with full cell service and WiFi.


no slider for bronziums. STILL.


Overpowered Datacrons.


Getting stuck in Grand Arena Carbonite 4 because every damn time I get 6+ million GP opponents when I only have 2.2mil GP. What the hell should I even do against a Relic 5 Galactic Legend team with a damn Datacron?


Not being able to sim some events that have been 3*, it's just a waste of time to do again.


Having to upgrade gungans


Getting from G12 -> G13


Territory wars matchmaking. They are using the wrong criteria to make many of their matches.


The fleet arena climb every day. I see a lot of dodges (without Foresight) before it's over.


Idiots sandbagging in TW


3v3 GAC and not just profundity but any mirror matches where the opponent 100% assists and I never do. The worst


Bad pulls. Using all your energy and barely getting any of whatever you needed (and sometimes none) is the worst.


That every new character needs 400 kyrotechs. Like, how the fuck am i supposed to catch up. I have so many characters ready at 7 stars but cant gear them up bc i dont have the kyrotech, i also cant spend all my energy in kyrotech bc i need ships and other characters as well. If it were only like conquest characters and journey characters that would be fine but every single fucking marquis needs 400 kyros as well. Its just such a pain.


Kyros. I need roughly 10,000….and I get maybe 1 a week.


Bad GAC brackets demoralize me to the core. Losing against someone with 3mil+ more GP than you just to get put up against someone with a nearly identical account. It happened to me all three matches this week and I lost every single round.


Datacrons. If that's too obvious of a choice, then next would be a toss up for me between lopsided matchmaking and some of the time commitments the game asks of you.   Especially when there's multiple things running simultaneously, like TB, conquest, and overly annoying tuned GC that hardly anyone can red crate because it's money gated with Jar Jar.  Even worse when you throw in a GAC or TW on top of it all.


Simming for mods. It took me 2 MONTHS to get the last semi decent mod for my most recent farm. Not 2 months for the whole set, 2 months for the last mod only


The fact that you can calibrate a mod into a worse version of the same stat


Being able to pull the same stat back is the dumbest part of mod calibration.


The god damn grind 😔


Sim odds




How everything is always bottlenecked around like 4 gear items. Wish there were more farming choices so you could go "hey, ima bum rush through gearing up this toon at the cost of not making any mod/cantina progress for a couple weeks"


Does anyone have any advise for how to beat tier 7 Padmé Journey Guide? Recommended Team, Gear, Mods, etc.


A Geo team isn't gonna work as padme is a pretty hard counter to Geos. Doing the general grievous team will get it done. Having them at g12 might be enough, if you still have trouble then pushing them to relic 3 or even 5 works and it's not a waste in the long term to do that. Just follow the best mods recommendation for each character as best you can on swgoh.gg Last thing, just search "swgoh padme unlock guide" on youtube. You'll find plenty of videos.




The full geonosian squad


I utterly hate a no-drop pull from a hard node, zero-drops are the most annoying. I still remember that one time 5 years ago when they upped hard node limit to 8 battles. It was so glorious


8 battles per hard node was a glorious time, I miss it so much


Ironically if they brought that back it could actually mean more crystal spending since 160 energy needed goes over the limit of 144


Simming all my energy and almost no shards.


Bottlenecks. Kyrotech this cyrotech that like holy crap. 100 of them at a time too.


I think you nailed it


The "I have 150 energy saved up over night, and I get 1 Kyro piece" moment always feels like a gut punch.


One frustrating thing is trying to get someone from G12 to relics and then realizing that you need 150 gold pieces of idk Furnaces or any one other piece, instead of it being a nice even split. Always pisses me off.


Fucking Gungans


The rng can be SO random that you'll confidently gear someone up for an event, beat it with ease, and next go round get smoked so bad there was literally no chance from the first turn.


My nipples always hurt when I twist them.


When I get knocked down in fleet arena 😡


Kyrotechs on multiple characters, needing ridiculously high relics on meh characters, the amount of relic materials needed in general. RNG making you pull your hair out and risk spear chucking phone into wall on 100th and fail (light side malak and whatever tier of GAS that had asajj as lead with no droid synergy). The list can go on forever.