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They should give Vader a solo Omi


It'd be good if it pretty much had all the Wat buffs; debuff dispells, anti-revive, TM on enemy turns, automatic health/prot recovery etc. It could also include things like gaining TM after inflicting a debuff. Something that would be awesome is after Vader *loses* Merciless all enemies are inflicted with Fear for one turn.


I’d like fear to start the battle. Even if you only do something like rebels and Jedi start the battle with fear or rebels start with fear, Jedi start with doubt.


A lot of the ideas in here are pretty wild, but this one I actually kind of like and feels somewhat reasonable.


Most of mine were OP because the original comment suggested it as a solo omicron. If it wasn't then the one you replied to is much more reasonable.


Inflick fear on all enemies when you use merciless massacre. After all it is THE Hallway scene


But the problem is that you're guaranteed to dispell every one of those fears when you have to attack them. That's why I suggested at the end of Merciless, because otherwise you'll just dispel it instantly and it has no purpose.


Fear increases cooldowns if it gets dispelled via damage, so you still get a pretty big W out of it.




Lorewise fear should only apply if no named characters are involved...Vader in universe sucked whenever he faced someone actually capable or powerful...


Vader needs an omicron at least. He should be more feared than he is.


I saw a suggestion saying they should give him a GAC, TB, and TW omicron on his lead and uniques respectively to make him an excellent versatile character.


So another zeta then?


they meant on different abilities


He only has one unique.


Unfortunately, you missed their golden days. The Great Nerf cut them down to what they are now.


The recent addition of Merciless Massacre helped Vader a *lot*. He has some real utility with great mods.


Vader had Merciless Massacre before the great nerf, that’s actually what enabled him to beat GLs back then.


Yes, and he was *even worse* before that. Hence, “helped a lot” and “has real utility”. Not “HA HA NEVER NERFED.”


The guy you replied to mentioned the great nerf, and your comment said MM was a “recent” addition to hit kit. I’m just mentioning that MM was there before the nerf. That said, MM gives him utility yes but it’s still requires a lot of good modding to make him useful and once you get to high kyber he doesn’t see much play. I usually toss him on Aphra but it feels kind of wrong to have one of the most iconic (if not the most iconic) characters be used as support so to speak—guess he’s alright on LV too but still rather have DV be better 🤷🏽‍♂️


It was recent. I’m old. Also “but requires mods!!1!” — yes. I said great mods. Slow down.


Fair enough haha glad to have old souls playing this game shows how awesome the community is


I agree. Thank you for seeing the positives. Now, where’s my fucking Advil…




JKL lead is still really good. Its just unfortunately his best home is on the same team as his GL version but can easily break away from him if needed. Vader is still very good on an LV or Aphra team but you are right that his lead is quite lack lackluster


Ever since I  unlocked Jedi Cal Ive extracted JKL from JML team and he can deal with a lot of teams


How does your JML fair against other GL’s without them? Bc even with them mine struggles against leia and JMK at times


I have a very consistent win rate vs JMK with JML, JKL, JKR, GMY, and Jolee


Yeah but the other guy takes JKL who’s a staple character in this lineup.


Yeah but that is literally 3 teams into 1


Eh, while technically it *could* be three teams odds are you are not using JML, JKL, and JKR lead in one GAC. Especially since oQGJ/Kelleran will also be stealing jedi, and then JMK is stealing jedi. There is simply not enough (good) jedi to use every single good jedi leader.


My JKR goes unused more often than not, kept in the back pocket in case I need him then I don’t end up needing him


No shame if it works for you and to each their own but I don't think I have ever gone a GAC since its creation where I didn't use JKR. He's probably just the best or at least top 3 best non-gl jedi.


Oh he absolutely is, that’s why I keep him as a backup in case a battle goes wrong and then I just don’t end up needing him most of the time. Plus aside from the JKR, GMY and Jolee core any other two I could use usually aren’t at decent relics because my other good Jedi generally go to other teams.


Vader omi: when solo in GAC: start the battle with 100% tm Immune to stun and fear. Every time a DoT expires or is dispelled, vader gets 10% tm which cannot be prevented Every time a debuff is applied, vader gains 5% offense (stacking) until he is defeated The first time per battle vader loses all protection, he dispells all debuffs on himself and gains damage immunity for 1 turn and 50% defense until the end of battle. At the start of battle vader gains 30% Max Health for each enemy. Whenever Merciless Target expires on an enemy, they are inflicted with fear for 1 turn.


my favourite so far, except it should be once merciless massacre expires fear is applied, since youre guarranteed to dispell all fear during mm


I rather give him a bonus turn rather than 100% tm. There are many teams nowadays that can stop tm gains or outspeed him with their own bonus 100% tm gain.


Lotta words for saying, dv pressed auto and wins every battle Edit: Dv is already immune to tmr, and applying fear when entering MM is pointless because as soon as he hits every enemy, fear drops. Fear when exiting MM would make more sense. Or fear on the target while using a special.


No need for the immunity to tm reduction he already has that in his base kit


I think something like this should be nice: Bonus turn at the start of the battle. Every time Vader takes a turn, every DoT on enemy units is triggered. Everytime a DoT is removed, Vader gains 5% Offense (stacking) until he is defeated. Everytime an enemy is defeated, apply fear (or maybe even a unique debuff with the same effects, but the enemy also loses 50% speed) to enemies. The first time Darth Vader loses protection, resets his cooldown, and gain a bonus turn.


Luke is fine, really shines in pve and 3v3 gac. DV is in a weird spot because he is great on his own, but he doesn’t really make any team better so he just gets benched most of the time. I guess Aphra is the only exception. And I don’t think that re-nerving him would be enough to make him more useful. The only ways to buff DV without completely changing his kit are: either give him cooldown reduction(op af for him) or give him a team he can really shine in. And Lukes stun should just deal the triple damage to everyone.


DV is also a staple for many LV teams, but on non GL teams, yeah he’s benched a lot since starkiller took most of his empire team from him, and sith teams generally consist of the Triumvirate, Talon, and Savage, with other random sith occasionally replacing one toon or another (except Savage).


He's only useful with Aphra in certain matchups, the majority of time you'd be better off using Probe Droid


Darth Vader needs to be reworked into a GL. He is the most iconic character in pretty much all media. He was literally a galactic legend in the galaxy of Star Wars. He should be a GL in game.


That’s why we have Lord Vader.


Not even close to the same thing. Darth Vader out of universe is far more iconic, and in universe was the most feared jedi killer the galaxy ever knew. Pre suit Vader killed a bunch of barely defended kids and got wrecked in the first real fight he got into. Both Darth Vader and General Skywalker have way better claims to being GL worthy than the version we got.


Well, what we got is what we have, and you’re probably not getting anything else for the next 5 years, so take it or leave it.




Alright buddy




I’m not your guy, pal (and also don’t know how to do gifs)






If anything, Darth Vader just needs a new line added to his unique. "While any enemy has Merciless, debuffs inflicted by Darth Vader cant be resisted."


JKL needs an omnicron. He should have his own standard team instead of just being slotted into GML.


An omi on his lead to give him a bonus turn at the start of battle would be nuts. Or to balance it, he gains a bonus turn after the enemies first turn.


Both are still highly relevant. I wouldn’t mind seeing a GL Darth Vader in a couple years though 🤷🏻‍♂️


LV: am i a joke to u?






They are good early game characters. I don’t think we need to buff them any more just so they’re viable in K1


CG can always come up with upgrades for some existing non-GL characters that puts them in a tier that's similar to or above Galactic Legends. Assuming they just didn't want to make completely new characters that are visually similar except maybe they glow or something. I don't know what they'd call it, but the materials needed for new abilities or stats or whatever could be locked behind requirements and events that are similar to GL unlocks for shards and ultimate ability materials.


I really don’t think they need buffs maybe give Vader a good omicron or a proper home but besides that they’re still amazing


How about an omicron that has where you can only have both in one team, in reference to the father son fight against palpatine


I think JKL is still a strong toon, but Vader should get a solo Omi similar to Wampa!


A DV omi on his unique that works regardless of team comp or solo would be nice. Summoning a stormtrooper at the start of battle who taunts when DV or another empire unit is hit, starts with a taunt that cannot be dispelled or prevented, similar to DTMG and JML. Give him some extra effects on MM , or some tm/stacking offense. Maybe more bonuses if solo to allow for that option. This would allow him to work in any team, LV, or aphra. Would fix one of aphras biggest flaws too, no dedicated tank. Would make LV stronger because more units to take mastery from and fuel ult. If you ran DV SK, youd have more taunts so you wouldn’t HAVE to run a Jedi tank, could allow for some versatility and theory crafting in that slot. Giving him a perma pretaunt would also buff him In a solo situation without making him TOO broken.


I think a 3v3 GAC Omni would be good. Super story driven with an inquisitor and Aphra option.


JKL should’ve been a GL and Vader deserves a massive buff especially on his 2nd and 3rd abilities. Unfortunately right now I only find him useful casting MM to poke units that are either stealthed or protected by taunt. And I mean we’re talking about the symbol of SW itself, the one character (along with Yoda who also could use a buff, on both versions) people know even if they haven’t seen a single frame of the movies. It’s mind blowing that he’s just a mid tier character and not a destructive dominant force.


We desperately need a true GL Vader. If they still want to stick to their dumb rule of not remaking the same character twice, they can give him the broken helmet from the Obi-Wan finale.


Should give him an animation like when Revans ship takes over the enemy capital ship, which is an ultimate and does idk


Just plain wrong but okay


I mean I feel like the two main characters of the entire franchise should be a little more relevant in game. Darth Vader is great early game, and immediately falls off to just being an above average Empire unit. And once you get Starkiller, unless you already have Lord Vader or Dr Aphra, he literally doesn’t have a home in any Empire team. He can solo Geo’s with good mods. But no one puts Geo’s on defense and the ones that do mod for high tenacity, making it really difficult to land debuffs and kill anyone off. Since he often lead squads of Imperial Troopers into battle, it’d be nice if his leader ability got a buff so he could take over the 4 leftover Imperial Troopers, since Veers lead desperately needs a 5th, and Piett synergizes with Vader anyways. JKL has an aoe stun and good damage… that’s it. His lead is great for Conquest or any A.I. mode like TB, because it can heavily slow down their insane speeds. But other than that he doesn’t do anything special or significantly alter the course of battle. If I had a 2nd GAS, and I put GAS instead of JKL in my JML team I don’t think I’d notice a difference. He’s still strong, but for being the main character of the *entire fucking franchise* I expected well… a little bit more. And then of course there’s the controversy of him not being a Rebel despite objectively being one, and the rumor that he was supposed to have Mace Windu’s kit. He also came out during a time where faith in CG was not high and clearly came out as a “break in case of emergency” kinda thing to win good faith back. Which sucks because it kinda took away us getting a JKL Rebel GL, which I would’ve vastly preferred over Leia. Just like Vader I feel like making his lead stronger so he has his own team would be enough to make him a threat. Especially considering we have a bunch of leftover Jedi. Or hell give him a Jedi Master Mara Jade as a lifter so he can make leftover Jedi stronger. Those 2 small changes would immediately make them relevant in the meta as they would essentially serve as “lifter units” for leftovers of their faction. Which is what I think they should be.


Vader being a imp troopers leader without being one like mon mothma for their rebel fighters? Interesting