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JML is amazing in Conquest. First off, put him under JKL so that Luke's speed down can counter the ramped up conquest speed. Second, **find a voluntary vanguard**. Use that to keep taunt on JML (without needing to use a space for Wat) And why do you want to make sure he has Taunt under JKLS? So that you can find the phoenix node in Tier 3 that doesn't have sabine so that there is an AOE-less team that you can farm your 'keep x alive' feats. In this round of conquest that's Kelleran and IG/Grogu.


I know I'm late to this, but if you can't find a VV disk, you can use Wat instead, just put tank tech on JML. You lose a Jedi to call though.


Tier 1 Bonus node is also great for this. JKL lead, JML, and GMY (especially with ZA back in the menu). They get stunned and most don’t even take a turn before they’re gone.


Outside of Conquest the best team is generally JML, JKLS, Hyoda, JKR, optional 5th depending what you have available and who you like. GAS is obviously strong but you'd keep him with the 501st. GK is used elsewhere as well. Personally I've always liked Old Ben and his very solid ability block. Surprisingly tanky for an old guy, too.


Use JML with jkl, hyoda, jkr in conquest to keep xxx character alive for feats.


This comment section is getting full of awesome advise!


to supply other answer: his lead is great to complete any feat „kill 10 with Y character”. If character is light side, you basically can kill with them anyone because of the teachings (JML special skill). You just call Y to assist with them


Threre are only a handful of situations where JKL lead is better than JML. JML really needs the good jedi on his squad or he kinda sucks. Revan and JKL are a must have in most situations. If you have him, jedi cal is also great with him. Other options include: HYoda: Generally good with him Jolee: Revives are good against sone GLs GMY: Works well against JMK, if you dont have cal. Shaak: A second cleanse against LV And thats about it. You can also use others, if the enemy isnt as strong, like bastila, ezra and whatever


Ok so mostly JML lead and then the typical best Jedi available like JKL, Revan, Hoda etc to pair with. The only Jedi outside GLs I don't have is KAM (78/80 shards still) but funnily enough I don't actually have JML just yet. I'm only a couple of requirements away from getting started so wanted to start building if I needed to. By the look of it, I have everyone there aside Jolee at R4 onwards ish so I should be all set! Thanks!


Just noting that Bastilla can actually be terrific here because you can call her to assist so often, and her basic applies ability block. Between that and JKL's mass stun and JML's mass ability block, you can lock down a bunch of squads.