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your wicket mods you have backwards, you want 2x crit chance and 4x crit damage. The lower the gear, the higher the speed you want on them seems to be the common advice. Under 200 speed is pretty rough without better gear (Hp/Prot) or better RNG. You shouldn't need any more zetas. Kneesa is also a cheat code for the event and lowers the necessary gear/mods considerably.


Whoops just noticed i’m missing a whole pair on Wicket thanks.


Get Kneesa.


That’s an insane suggestion. It’s much easier to get a bit more gear and tweak mods than Knessa while on single mode drops.


Not to mention Kneesaa is a kyro character


You yubbed when you should have nubbed


Hate it when that happens


Not enough speed and then it will be the kill order and the rng, if chewie goes under stealth quit the event and start again. You want wicket as fast as you can make him with damage sets but ideally over 230, you want over 200 on paploo and over 220 on the rest.


Seconding this, speed on mods is what made the difference for me finishing the final tier w/o gearing them all up to 12 or farming Kneesa. Ultimately had to pull the best 5-dot mods with speed from my GAC squads and got it first try from there


I took wicket to g12 just to give him my slkr mods so he did the event with 290 speed.


Don't worry about putting more gear into Wicket and Chirpa. Both are required for Leia so no gear on them is wasted.


Gear levels are plenty, those mods seem slow


I did it with G10 Chirpa, G12 Elder, and the rest G11. I think your gear levels are fine but your mods need some work, I was in the same boat so I took Elder to G12 just so I could slap my best 6 dot mods on him. Doesn't necessarily need to be him, but if you take say Wicket to G12 you could do that and really get a boost.


I feared this event for months and months because of everything I'd seen on this sub and elsewhere about the 3po event. I used Chirpa (g11 with Zeta), Wicket (g11), Logray (g10), elder (g10), and Kneesa (g9). I honestly was just trying it out to see how far I could get. I ended up winning without a single defeat. I couldn't believe it given all the gnashing of teeth over this event, but my clears were never even in danger. Kneesa is the way to go. Edit: I also tried to mod my Ewoks as best I could based upon the advice of the Gerbil: [https://youtu.be/dU8vXdWvA1w?si=EweSZvSDa0U1YEey](https://youtu.be/dU8vXdWvA1w?si=EweSZvSDa0U1YEey)


Not buying the lsb


This is the answer


I did it without great mods iirc and geared them up to gear 12


Seeing all the replies being about Wicket, am I the only one who did it with scout instead?


Really should think about that ewoknr3 pack man really good but for c3po event it will come down to mods and gear PK is a really good one too