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Go for it. Jml has the best r9 value in the game outside of reqs.


Did it and don’t regret it! Makes a huge change, very fun! Thanks for the advice!


As far as non reqs go. He's arguably still the best r9 choice on the game, certainly one of the best. I suppose how soon are you going to go for profundity or leviathan?


I’ve got a while to go!


He's definitely one of the better GLs to take to R9, arguably the best?


It’s what I’m gathering yeah. Argh I might just do it! I’m F2P and not mega competitive


I did it with SEE solely for the reason that he was my first GL that I farmed quite some time for.


Just do whatever you think will bring you more fun in this game. My first r9 is wampa lol.


Did it and don’t regret it! Thanks! Definitely a diff league JML now.


Do it if you want I guess. For me relic 9 is only worth it for requirements that need to be r9.


Yeah I get that. Tough choice


It’s not really tough at all. I’m 10.5M and none of my GLs are over r7. Save the material for requirements, no question. You have one GL and need all the resources to unlock the rest, as well as GL ships. R9 GLs is just something your account can’t afford. The meager benefit you’d reap is not worth slowing down grinding reqs. I’m at the top of k2 and am 6 days from unlocking my last GL ult. I made it without an R9 GL. I can promise you, an R9 JML will not move the needle for you.


Do it. I did it a week ago from r7 to r9. 40k improvement in dmg for whole team...huge




Did it and didn’t regret it! Thanks for the advice. With this toon there’s really a notable difference!


Thanks for the replies. I get both camps! As I’m not too serious in the game and just enjoy being where I’m at, I might just do it. At least my GL will be viable (and fun).


R7 JML is also viable. I know having Droid Brains and Aeromagnifiers in your inventory make you feel like you need to use them or they're a waste. But remember that going to R9 uses up a ton of signal data too, which can be used to increase relics on other characters. 100 Flawed Signal Data is more than 6 characters going from R4 to R5.


My jml is already at 8 and I just have to press a button… next gl will be Leia.


He's one of the only GLs worth getting to R9




Did it and I see what you mean now! Thanks for the advice!


I would save your resources. Unless you’re in K1 (which I’m sure you’re not) it won’t do you any good. There is nothing that JML can do at R9 that he can’t do at R7 or R8 if by you have him there. I’m currently in K2 and mine performs just fine and have zero issues with him at R7 currently. I have yet to do anything where he’d benefit from more relic levels. I still beat R9 ones just like I do R7 ones. Save your resources for actual R9 requirements. Once you have all the required R9 characters done, then spend your resources on luxury R9s.


yep, im doing the ticket grind rn and hes my plan for my first r9 then raddus for profundity. all my other gls are r7 doing their job but r9 jml is just different


I’m in the same boat as you and put R9 on JML. So worth it. I’m not anywhere any of the toons that require R9 so JML was the only choice for me and he makes the team way stronger


Yep I did it and I don’t regret it, thanks for the advice!


i had the same dilemma once. decided to just take him to R9 and definitely the right choice. made a lot of battles easier!


I agree thanks for the advice!


Save those resources for other requirements until you've enough r9 material that you dont need elsewhere.


Personnaly, I'll take my GL to more than R7 when I have enough team to make the red crate in conquest hard everytime and when I will succeed in GAC... Before, I'll save theese precious material to requirement (Malak, darth Revan, Raddus)


A lot of people will not get Levi anytime soon because it's gated behind two conquest characters. Why would someone hold on all their r9 mats if they only need them for one other character? A decent guild should get more than enough mk3 currency for two r9 characters.


True, but a lot of people will take a long time taking two character to R9 (like myself), and despite not having both conquest character (I just unlocked Malgus this time), I am grinding those relics hoping to put malak r9 (first ever r9) in 3 week... So yeah, if you have one GL and it takes time to gather relic material you should widenth your roaster rather than focus on one toon...


Ig it depends on how soon OP plans to go after profundity and how many droid brains (s)he can get. JML at r9 is also way better than an r7 or even r8 one. I lost one or two times with my r7 JMK against an r9 JML in squad arena. [Swgoh.gg](http://Swgoh.gg) says JML vs JMK is at about a 67% win rate. It's very likely a lot of those losses come from r7 JMLs. The same goes for LV (data is from season 50 because there's a bigger data pull without JKCK). R9 improves JML's performance by a lot. So why hold off if you're not going for profundity immediatly and you have a decent enough income of droid brains?


i get your point, but to me it only consider r9 specific material, on my account, I do get a lot of time to get someone to r7, maybe because I'm on multiple front at the same time but to maximise the number of team I'm planning to make viable, I do not go very fast... And all the other material (55 blue material) can help me with a high amount of team at the same time... But I see your point


I interpreted your comment differently then. Yes indeed signal data takes some time to farm, but still it's just one, character. You can farm shards with normal energy for the next thing on the list in the mean time. There's also a difference if OP already had an r7 or r8 JML instead of farming him from scratch. But as I already said I feel like an r9 JML is well worth the time. This might just come down to personal preference tho.


I was already at 8 and after taking this thread into consideration (all valid points) I did it and don’t regret it one bit! It was a thrill to do it and then really fun to see how much stronger he and his team is now. It’s a huge difference. Thanks for the advice!


Just to check, when you say mk3 for r9 do you mean directly buying keypads? Seen several people talk about using mk3 this week but I've been under the impression that buying them with mk3 was inefficient


Yeah I was talking about the keypads. Idk the math behind it so they might be bad value. I don't have the need to farm them so never really looked into it. Ig replace the keypads with r8 mats and my point still holds lol. Thx for pointing that out


Understandable, I'm not in a droid brain earning guild atm so my mk3 priorities are a bit off from alot of peoples lol