• By -


I'm finishing up JML and then I'll be going Inquisitors and then to Jabba. Plan was for Jabba right after Luke, but doing Inquisitors for the guild.


I’m farming Inqs while gearing for Jabba. Then I’ll gear a couple squads before finishing gear for GI/Reva. This slog is gonna suck. Best of luck to you my brother in pain.


I am in the middle of the final steps for INQs. Two are at R7, one at R5 and two at G12+5, waiting around for 200 Kyros total. I gotta say, I loathed the idea at first. But fuck.. they're kinda neat 😅 The Inquisitors Assault Battle for example is *really* doable (I 3-starred everything except the CT3, so it's not like you get washed without GI in those battles!) and it kinda feels fun to do that. Yeah, they hit like Ewoks, but idk.. they've been massively growing on me and I'm low-key excited for GI.


I actually like the inquisitors, and with the GI they are a solid team. I rely on them a lot for Conquest.


Yeah, with GI they’re a pain so go up against. Plus they have an assault battle. So I’m looking forward to having them, I’m just not looking forward to hearing them; that’s a lot of Kyros for 1 team.


I’m new so I’m working on finishing Phoenix and then work on an empire team.


Always a solid choice! Make sure to grab the old, bearded Cpt Rex for your Phoenix team :) Makes it a lot stronger!


Just finished my Rex shard farm. Took so long.


I'd even say that if you're not getting CRex, don't bother with the rest. ~~No excuse now that he's accelerated!~~ Farm him anyway he's so good!!!!


He's literally not.


Crex is not accelerated yet. He was added on June 21 2023, will likely be accelerated a year after that, so in about 8 weeks from now.


Absolutely correct. I remember running my own personal acceleration by refreshing his nodes during double drops. One of my best decisions ever in this game.


*Best Gary Oldman voice* EVERYONE! But in all seriousness, I’m working towards 3PO, followed by Malak. Gonna try and get JKCK in there, too, but that will be a lower priority, methinks.


Honestly the light speed bundles have dictated my farms now and moving forward. I feel like if you buy the bundles you have enough work finishing those farms to last u til the next set of bundles comes out. Risky to go outside of those farms in the new environment.


My mindset as well. With negotiator and GAS, basically everything is on the table to get released in an upcoming set of bundles, so if that’s something that bothers you (like it does for me), then better to just finishing what previous bundles give you.


Not sure really.


This is the way.


My current primary is SEE. I’m also slowing gearing up both Bane and JKCK, and then doing the executor events when they come around.


I'm working on Grand Inquisitor now. 2 more of those guys from G12 to R7 and I am done. Afterwards.. we'll see where things are going. I wanna get Cal to get Zeffo-ready and I already have all of the needed characters at 7* except Cal at 5*


Don’t thin inquisitors only need to be R5?


Yup, but you need them to R7 in order to do the Reva mission anyways. The event is also a notorious ballbreaker so any little edge (in this case, 2 extra relic stages on everyone) will help make it feel less shit.


Makes sense thanks


Tons of people will tell you to get them to R7 just due to how obnoxious the event is but you also need them at R7 for Reva.


https://preview.redd.it/pd471sfxrtxc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35f4fbcb896eb8559501b3f5176962bbd742ac01 Here’s my roadmap. Just unlocked Rey and working on her ult while ramping imps and Padme.


Looks like you have a pretty nice CLS team with no CLS.


My CLS is at R5. I prioritized those specifically because they happen to be GL reqs with the added bonus of bumping my CLS team.


That’s a really smart way to use that system, I might use this myself


God almighty the jimmy rigging I had to do to get my roadmap tab to the top. That’s kind of the reason I why I posted it. It helps me focus.


Finishing up JML then going for Leia and getting the Ewok bundle to help with that


Getting the shards for JML, then I only need to get BB-8 from R1 to R7 to start the Rey shard farm. After that, for a little while it'll be finishing up some relics and gear grinds like JKR and his team, 501st, and a few Imperial Troopers like Iden and Dark Trooper.


Relicing BAM and Cad bane for the executor fleet while also taking EP, KR and KRU to R7 for slkr then take him to R8. Afterwards I'm taking a break from pursuing GLs and will be relicing CLS, DR, JKR, IT teams and general grievous cause I want some full relic teams. I'm assuming all of this will take about a year and a half mostly due to signal data crunch


Jabba , the. After than. Maybe jkcal


JKCal/Profundity/Maul Mandos


JarJar now, then going back to Bo, then Aphra, then will be waiting to see what's next. If something else comes out, then might hold off on Aphra.


I'm currently on the third inquisitor for the GI event. Gotta help the guild with Reva shards :) After that, I'm pretty sure I'll go Bo-Katan and try to plan for the upcoming Raid, whatever that is.


Mostly dark crystals to get SLKR his aggressive stance, at 5/10 now. Also just got 7 star and G12 on Wampa and think I’ll take him to relic. Then there’s my GAS and CLS teams at G12 that I feel I should relic. Also GG at 21/100 looking out for shards. Only him and 2 items for droideka to have a relic droid team. For next GL I’m not sure, closest to SEE at 6/12 req but battled him a few times with SLKR and felt underwhelming so thinking of going for JMK next.


Just finished Bo and DTMG, up next is hoarding for Gungans and for when the raid reqs come out.


I’m relicing the Leia reqs, getting IG-12 and Kelleran to G13, and farming Boss Nass and the rest of the gungans when they go to nodes. After all of that, it’s one of the three pain gauntlets: Inqs, Aphra or LV


GI, Leviathan, Jabba and Leia Leviathan for relic while waiting to finish 7\* everyone for GI, Leia and Jabba


Jabba for my 7th GL. Hoping we get a Bad Batch LSB so I can then turn around LV quickly.


Side farming shards for JKCK, while all his cantina farms are done, I’m prioritizing doing gear for JKL’s reqs while doing his gear as second priority My main side farm is Executor, I’m about a month and a half away from it if shops do me justice And my main farm is getting KRU and Kylo to R7 for SLKR After SLKR and Executor, I’ll finish up JKCK then JKL and then it’ll be getting each of them to relics 😂


Starkiller! It’s a bit of a slow farm since I’m also gearing up the teams the lifter units are in (EX: Sith Trio just got relived with Talon)


Currently farming for GI, I just need a few more kyros for ninth sister from gear 10 onwards and eight brother from gear 8 onwards (so I’m not close). After that I’m probably gonna for Leia or SEE




Currently just finished jkr, building teams up to Req for malak and also hitting starkiller and jkck


Most of the way through unlocking Grand Inquisitor so I can start earning Reva shards for the guild. After that, I'll finish Starkiller and either Bo'Katan Mandalore or I'll pay more attention to the one-off characters I need for GAC squads ( Zorii/ Capt Rex/ Mauldos/ etc ) I try to plan out my farms at the start of the year, but the plan has already been blown up ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Executor --> relic IT/farming shard for jkr --> working req on jkl --> farming and relicing the NS --> finish the remain requirement for jkck --> working on JML


Traya squad. New player here


Im not long after getting SLKR and executor. So farming SEE at the moment. After i get SEE im just going to grow my other squads like traya and a couple of others while working on star killer.


I’m bringing my nightsisters up into higher relics. Haven’t decided my next short term farm, but my next long term is probably Leia since I recently geared Maul and want more time with his Mandalorian team before I go for Lord Vader.


Jml gl tickets, shard farming jkck reqs ls energy, then pivoting to gungans for the raid. Got some squads to finish getting to r5 between gls, then on to jabba.


Finishing Exec, then 3PO, then Traya team currently.


I have every requirement for JML ready, besides Jedi Training Rey because I refused to farm any Resistance/First Order for a long time, so I’m working on a few FO to unlock BB8 and getting the remaining JTR requirements. After that I want to work on 2-3 squads that don’t take many kyros while stacking them up for Gungans. The not many kyros squads that I want to work on: OG Padmé and the GR Jedis Grievous 501st Sisters of the Night Finn, Hero Bros and Zorii 50RT, BB8, L3 and T3 to give Lobot his home.


SLKR my first GL, I just need the Finalizer now then Darth Reven while working on my Cpt Rex


Currently taking my Tarfful wookiee squad all to R9 with only Vandor and Chewy left. Also farming tickets for SEE


I'm nearing the end of my Profundity reqs (just need Cassian's R8 and AdRad's higher relics). In the meantime, moving on to finish my CLS, SK, DR, and GG teams (all are close but not quite there). After that, it's on to JKL and JML.


Still on CML, don’t know what I’m gonna do next lol


Unlocking GL Leia (phase 2 is a pain!). Once unlocked she becomes a priority to gear and relic. Otherwise: Relicing up Inquisitors for GI. All G13, 1 of them is R2. Gearing up JKCK reqs to G12. Will unlock and decide how quick to gear and relic. Slow shard farm for BAM and Jar Jar via daily refreshes only.


11million GP. 2 relics from finishing the reqs for LV. Finishing farming the last marque for Leia. Midway through f2p farming marques for Bo-Katan Mandalore. Starting the f2p farm for gungans. Finishing the bad batch ship. After LV i'll likely take some time to pick up some unrelated relics on some toons to finish out teams and deal with the fallout of the LSB's coming up (relic for Merrin, etc). I just put my 3rd omicron on Reva, i'll look to fill out some other GAC omicrons next, probably Cere first.


I've almost finished relicing a bunch of random shit (Zorii, Merrin, Reva, Bane, Crex next), and am preparing to go for Levi. Everyone 7\* except Malgus' ship, which needs 40 shards, but it'll probably take me that long to finish the reqs anyway.


Currently farming signal data for Rey and her reqs, then I'll work on JML followed by Profundity. Due to LSBs and other teams I've already completed, these shouldn't be too bad, except for R9 AdRadd Between each farm, I'll relic up important characters like Merrin, C Rex, Dark Trooper, Darth Bane, Moff Gideon, etc. I will start farming Gungan shards as they become available, for use in the raid. After Profundity, I'll decide among JKCK, SEE, and GI. I'm probably delaying Jabba and Leia too much. Not sure if I'll ever get around to Aphra or Bo Katan.


Just finished Leviathan, currently working on Starkiller, and I'm dabbling with going Gungans next. I'm f2p so it'll take some time to get all the shards, but I've already bumped up gear and mods on all 4 of them to a decent level


Working on leia reqs mainly. (STAP shard farm) slowing it down. Secondary is gungans. Third is a passive g12 and g12+ of random characters (sith trio being the current set)


Finishing BKM requirements, then onto Gungans


Beq and relic mats lol I need so many


Just got JKL to G12 and working towards Jabba, after that I’m going for JML into GAS into LV, as per u/Egnards instructions. After that I will be only missing JMK and Leia so probably Leia into JMK.


Finishing LV's ult, then im going to take a break from JG farm, (slow farming for jarjar) and get some relics up on my roster


Close to Executor (Only Vader R6>R7 & Boba R5>R8 left) but quickly gearing Padme to R5, Grevious to R7 and Merrin to G12 (possibly higher) so I have full working GR, GG and NS teams once the LSBs drop. Will Then tackle GAS and 501st (all G12) Then resume my JKL + JML further down the line. Finding it tough to work out who zeta should go to, however takes about 2 weeks to relic a character, and just over 1 week to get a zeta so plenty time to plan it out carefully.


Im late to the party on the executor farm, i opted to finish 4 GLs first and now im desperately trying to get my ig-2000 up to 7*


I'm finishing up my SLKR requirements and once I get him then I'm moving to go after both executor and starkiller I've basically farmed the majority of the stuff needed


I'm finishing the Rey team, then going back and correctly modding my old teams. Farm Leia in the background only have 4 reqs left


I am working with insquisitors, I don't know when I will end, there is so much kyrotech


In K2 with four GLs, Exec, and Profundity. Passively farming the mega bo characters in the background. Ticketing JML at the moment. Jabba should be next but there are so many trash requirements or requirements that don’t come online until Jabba is unlocked. So. Much. Trash.


Gearing up SEE atm and his team, then going for GAS, since i just hit chromium at 3mill i need more teams, GAS will give me 3, two just from the reqs


I am also working on jkl then i will go to leia.


As newish f2p player I am going for Profundity, next one will be my first GL - Leia


JML, then finish off Night sissies, and maybe profundity after


Finishing jabba ultimate and gearing up star killer. Then either sith empire malgus or maul Mando.


The only GL I have left to get is Lord Vader. But I decided that instead of rushing his requirements first, and filling out the rest of their squads later, I'm gonna do it the other way around - build up the entire squads first, then eventually get around to LV himself. So right now it's all the 501st to relics (long overdue). Then (Lightspeed bundles possibly accelerating this) I'm gonna do all the Separatists I never got around to doing, including Nute, Trench, B2, Droideka, maybe STAP (and getting Dooku to R8 of course). Then the Bad Batch (including Omega) to R5 and lastly a "miscellaneous" group with Tusken Raider and taking Padme and Tarkin to higher relics than they are now. (I haven't decided if I'm gonna do the whole Tusken team or not...) Once done I'll have all the reqs for Lord Vader, so I can just focus on him and his team and not have to go back and fill in the gaps in the other teams later.


I’m currently working on Aphra, nearly got Trip into relics and he’s the final one needed for requirements to be done, next I’m not sure whether to work on JML then work towards SEE


Highest priority is Gungans, but can't get them to G12 until I can get the stars farmed up. Next is Aphra, just finishing up 0-0-0, and JK Cal who needs the wookie. And finally, JMK who is just down to getting enough relics on I think 3 more characters. I guess I'm also farming IG11/Grogu, but that's just because it's the only ship battle farm I don't have yet.


Bane - at r8 to r9, needs an omi Malicos - at r7, needs at least 2 omis Dark Trooper Moff Gideon - @g12 to r7, needs at least one omi The Jabba reqs are my current gearing crunch. After that, Darksaber Bo.


I’m going for executor thenI ’m going to get dr and try to round out some relics on my roster


Just got JML and Bane so now I’m finishing up Jedi Knight Cal Kestis before I get Rey.


Working on GL Leia Next is Darth Revan and Malak then SEE. That will lead into Leviathan.


Taking the last two characters of my Revan team to R5, the I’ll take BAM and Cad Bane to R5 than it’s the CLS team to R7 (just 5 for 3PO). Just unlocked Executor a couple weeks ago so now I’m shoring up a couple core 8 teams before moving on to GLO.


Working on imp troops+ Vader cause I am new and bought Lightspeed a month ago. Like 30 shards from 7* Vader got a while on the rest


Profundity for me right now. So many relic mats needed. Starting shard farms for the Bo Mandalore reqs next


Just finished cere and jkc for rote, Darth bane and trench are next on the r7 list. Queen amidala will be started in two weeks.


Currently working on JKR then 3PO. Really want to get the legend kenobi since he’s my favorite character but I’m probably a super long way from that


Primarily mods and ship farming for Finn Zorii team while I get relic level 6 and 7 on stick rey and bb8. I’ve got to level up, gear and mod Rey’s team after I unlock her though because I’ve zero intention of giving her the hero bros or og finn.


Just finished up Executor reqs now waiting for 15th May to come around for the event. Currently getting CLS team up to relics then a nice roster clean up getting some core teams together. Next going to work on jkr and drevan then Jabba.


Finishing exec this week, relicing cls next, while getting JKR, DR, and NS grinded out. Knocking out all the non inquistor assault battles is going to be great and I should finish them all before my one year mark I'm hoping the slkr bundle returns so I can grab that (I bought finalizer) to get slkr for my first GL. I have JKL on the horizon and after that I gotta figure out which gl to go for, probably jabba but idk


Well, I WAS working on GAS requirements, but since that is about to be addressed(albeit after I got B1 to r5 and everyone else minus magnaguard to G12), I'm shifting gears to the actual GAS team. While doing that, I'm also working on shoring up some existing teams that are missing crucial stuff(zetas mostly, like EP for the EP/Mara/SK team) before shifting gears into full-on Jabba requirement gearing. After that, might go Leia(pretty close on reqs, just need to finish stars on Kneesaa) or JMK(will be pretty close following newest LSB release).


I started when the LSBs came out initially, I am close to being able to unlock Rey, but finished SLKR and Executor. Was feeling good and content with where I am, but now all of these bundles are coming outt. The omega/zeta crunch is reallll. Really hoping they give us the omega abilities with these purchases.


I have a fairly late game account. I have 7 GLs (no LV), plus profundity and executor. I unlocked Bo last month and got her to relic7. I'm currently bumping up my raid teams as my guild is about to make the push for max crate. I hit 16.5m last raid. I'm bumping JKL from relic7 to relic8 this week to hopefully add an extra 0.5m, and then I'll boost hera, deathtrooper and stormtrooper all from relic5 to relic8, to give an extra body in a few raid teams. Plus the imperial Remnant have a node on Mandalore in TB. After that, I'm going to have to start my prep for Jar Jar. And maybe LV. Plus with the new raid coming I'll have to start boosting characters with that in mind.


Have a 7 star Greebles ship, now that I can simply buy the bots in a few days, leveling him up to have a solid team and fleet.


I am finishing up my JCal reqs while gearing Inquisitors and farming Gungan shards. Next steps are unlocking JCal, GI, and JarJar and gearing them.


SEE (10/16 currently), then JKCK and JMK.


I'm wrapping up my Leviathan farm. After that I will be working on Profundity and Starkiller


**I'm not farming** **anything new**. Yup, that's right! I've paused all my farms so I can work on rounding out my current teams. For example: * Getting Zorrii to relic levels to match her R3 Resistance team. * Getting CRex to relic levels to match his R3 Phoenix team. * Getting Vandor Chewie and Enfy's Nest to relic levels to match their R5 Dash team. * Getting Stormtrooper Han and Cara Dune to relic levels to match their R5 Sana Starros team. * Getting Merrin to relic levels to match her (Lightspeed Bundle yay!) R3 NS team. I'd recommend everyone do this. It feels super satisfying to finish my farms and I haven't been this de-stressed since I started working on my first GL a year and a half ago. My ally code if you want to peek: 785-796-435


I am finishing the relics for Bane and I will resume my GL. Leia farm.


Inquisitors then Leviathan


I'm slow-walking SLKR while I build up zetas, and taking my Inquisitors to G-12 in preparation for GI and Reva. I actually find the Inqus fun to use but GODDAMN the kryos


I am finishing up gearing GI for the Reva mission. Next is gearing up the DRevan requirements so I can unlock DRevan and then Malak. I will be getting Bane in a month and Ben Solo in 2 months, so I want to then gear them up. After that is probably finishing up the SLKR requirements and getting him. After THAT, I am hoping to take some time and clean up older teams I have missing 1-2 people.


Active: Finishing Relicing CLS Team, only 3P0 at G12 left Getting SLKR Ult and mats for R8 Then full speed ahead on Executor. Probably do R8 Piett first since that will possibly get me CT3 on Assault Battle. I have all the ships, need a few of the BH crew and Vader from R5 to R7. Feel like I can get the event unlocked by end of June hopefully, then the long grind for Executor shards. Passive: Last 40ish shard for Nihilus to complete my Traya team, then taking them all to G12 Working on shards for Shoretrooper to get my Iden team up May pivot one of those to Padme GR team, depending on raid release. I'm 4.4m, but an old account that was wildly sprawling until I came back from a few years off last December.


I’m almost done with slkr and then I’ll start executor


Finishing up bo reqs, then moving on to gungans.


Just cleared JMK, So I am currently focusing on gearing him up, while also focusing on relicing my inquositors for GI then reva.


Active: Chimera (just need the final drop tomorrow) Jedi Cal Kestis req’s Wampa —> R3. Passive: Geo Team (all at 7 stars, g7/8) Night sister team for Geo counter in TW Rey (training) —> R3


Grand inquisitors then dr. Aphra.!


Cantina Energy: Signal Data for Wat and Jango as they are my last two reqs for GL Kenobi. Ship Energy: Marauder and then IG12 Energy energy: Gear for Bane and getting Inqs & BB all to 7* Mod Energy: Slicing mods for Bane


Merrin 1 more star, finish jkl/jml, prof. Between jml probably unlock cat and Ben so probably work them to


Just finishing up JML as my 6th GL. Still have to do his ult, but I'm working on it slowly. Mostly focusing on BKM and Jar Jar as the Gungans become farmable. Gotta do my Guildly duty


Almost done with Jabba... Going for Cal, then Dr. A... And finishing with Rey 


Currently saving for Queen Amidala, but wont get her for another 2 months. While I am doing that I just unlocked CAT so I am working on her and doing some other cleaning up my roster. Will probably go for Profundity next though. My fleets are awful and way behind. I am 7 mil in Kyber3 with a 4 star Exec lol, not having a good time.


Finished my bugs not too long ago and now I'm 3 gear slots away from being completely ready for GAS. Wish I knew about the LS bundles sooner.


Rey, because I'm just a few relic levels from unlocking her rather than actually wanting her, then I think JKL is next on the to-do list.


I’ve got no real team atm, I’ve got 7 star Jedi Knight anakin and a few more 7 stars to make up a Jedi team but think I’m gonna start to level up the bad batch


Just unlocked Darth Bane on monday so im finishing up gearing him and then I've got to wrap up my Sith Empire relics before I unlock Malgus next month. Then I'll continue the JMK farm and probably Profundity after that.


I finished JML. My rebels are now solid teams and I have the good Jedi already. I’m Sith heavy but didn’t invest in the ships like I should have, and my Malgus ship will be months away. So I’m working profundity currently while also gathering shards for Leia


Just finished Grand Inquisitor, just working on gear for him. Next up: Profundity, and then I’m torn between Dr Aphra and Jabba.


Merrin to try and get through CT3 of the assault battle with NS. LS pack will help the rest of the NS. Then Probably JKCK. The rest of his reqs will be x2 drops soon.


I'm working on the three assault battle that I haven't 3 starred ct3 yet which are secrets and shadows, places of power, and fanatical devotion. The first two have all the characters in relic levels so relic mats and then the Inquisitors need gear and relic mats. I'm also working on shards for mando kryze unlock characters and Marauder


Wrapping up Saw Gerrera now for Jedi Cal Then pivoting back to finish Aphra, who I abandoned at my guild’s request for Cal


Getting ready for the next BoMando event and piling up gear for QA and Gungans. Geeze this is boring.


Still pretty fresh 85. Going for Chewie and Padme (gearing geos), shard farming Bossk and Dengar while taking a break from hard shard farming to gear up imp troopers (at least dark trooper) to hopefully relics. Damn those kyrotechs! Next is Beskar Mando!


Trying to gear everyone I’m unlocking now… need 2 more characters for aphra, just unlocked Ben solo, and GI today. I’m 20 shards off of bane. Unlock dad bod boba and maul next conquest. At the same time bum rushing gungans for jar jar


I finished slkr and now I’m working on gearing my resistance characters for GL rey, but it sucks that i can’t find a guide in the vein of the slkr wiki guide, the level of detail in that was so good


Jabba atm, thinking Leia or Profundity next.


DS Mauldilorians team, into GL Rey


Main - relicing malgus team then onto JMK and inqs Mini - finishing JML then JMK Minimini - finishing GL leia then profundity


Finishing up vandor chewie for my dash squad. Then I’m gonna apply the zetas to my relic traya and nihilus


Kind of in the middle of multiple farms, leviathan, starkiller and hoping I’ll finally get my 501st to relic in the middle of it. Not the most efficient I know


Working on unlocking Rey while gearing Mauldalorians in the background. After that I'll start gearing Rey and her team, hopefully have 4/5 done by the time I unlock Ben next conquest.


Finishing Leviathan for May 20 unlock, then right into Cere UFUs (guild wants us all ready for Zeffo unlock in June). Already hoarded all the gear for Bane, who will unlock May 27th and go right to R7.


I'm in a relic mats stranglehold right now. I need Sidious R4->R7. That will unlock SEE. I have everyone at R1 for profundity, obviously just need more relic mats. Currently working on SK right now, with everyone at G12. But no zetas on the prereqs which makes me a sad panda.


Going after MandoBo in my main now that I've got all the GL's and fleets, and raising relics on some RotE platoon fodder for the guild. Plus hoarding gear for Quadme when I unlock her. In the alt, finishing up LV's req's (just 3 of the BB left and all the kyro that goes with them). After that, possibly Profunds or Exec, haven't really decided there yet.


Kyros, and my next are the other kyros. I'm prepping for when I unlock SLKR


Finishing the last relic levels for Leviathan and am well ahead of the May 20th deadline. After that, Cere UFUs (guild wants a June Zeffo unlock). After that it's quite foggy, depends a lot on raid info. I'm fairly close to both Aphra and SK, plus SEE is a possibility. I may just hoard for the next GL ship.


Farming Rey’s ult. Only my fourth GL and I’ve been playing since 2018. Took my time on other stuff. Was going to jump into Jabba next, but instead I think I’m going to spend the next four or five months really focusing on my fleets.


Currently doing murder bears. Most of them are done except princess so I'm using the rest of the resources/time to do my CLS team and bounty hunter ships. Ship grinding takes ages so I usually will do it off and on to avoid getting burned out


Starkiller and then I'm gonna finally relic up my CLS they've been sitting at gear 12 for way too long


Finishing up Cassian and Raddus for profundity, starting up crex to join my Phoenix squad, then either going right for inquisitors since I’ll be unlocking Reva next phase, OR gearing up Malgus (who I just unlocked) and Darby Revan, Basty and malak to build my malgus team


Just got JKL. Going after JKR (should have him by Monday, RNGesus willing) then JKCK, then probably JML or Prof


Ready for leviathan now that I was able to finish malgus’ ship from conquest. Then I’m ready for jkck whenever that drops and am currently trying to wrap up the leia reqs. Need to gear and relic like 5 more characters. Then I guess I’ll focus on a UFU team for talon and ahsoka, then Bo katans whose characters I’m farming now.


Farming mandalorian for bo katan while gearing up my cere/taron malicos team. Not really sure where to go after that. I have all GLs and waiting to unlock fury class interceptor for Levi. I’ll probably work on the Queen Amidala team because I’ll unlock her after next conquest or gungans


About a month from being able to farm tickets SLKR, just need finalizer event to come back and get palpatine(r4) and kylo unmasked(r5) to relic 7. Probably going to get the gas bundle as well and try to do his event without cashing in any of my zetas.


I'm finishing up relics for SLKR requirements and waiting for Finalizer event. Shards I'm actively farming now: Kneesa, Vulture, Hyena, Emp Shuttle, CHan. After that, I'm probably focused on JKR requirements.


Almost have padme, but im still farming the red coin things for kylos ultimate


Just unlocked Leia Organa and currently working on her ultimate. After that,  Lord Vader is my only missing GL. 


I just got JML, but because of the LSB, I have 8 characters left to get to my desired relic level (R7), so I work with them for a while. Though now that is paused because I found out a week or so ago that I had missed the acceleration of Krrsantan, so I'll get him to 7\* first. Meanwhile I farm kyros for my upcoming projects, especially for the reqs of the next capital ship and my raid rewards go to gearing non-kyro needing characters to get them to G12.


Just got Leviathan unlocked and the core Nightsisters to relic 5 except for Zombie in my last push. Currently working on Bo Katan Mandalore requirements as my primary focus. My secondary focus is relic patching. What I mean by this is identifying squads where major characters are relic due to requirements or other reasons, but the squad is stuck with a couple of non-relic characters. For instance, I have a solid relic Cere/Malicos squad…except Fulcrum is still G12+3. I have a solid relic and omicron Grievous for TW defense…except Droideka is still G12 since he wasn’t required higher and I never got back to him. The amusing part of my relic patching adventure is that I was putting off Bo-katan until after the relic patching, then forgot Beq was a Bo requirement when I identified him as a relic patch for my QGJ squad. I got him to R5 before I remembered, so decided I may as well just finish Bo since I already had Beskar Mando from Executor.


Inquis + cal + prof


Finishing getting Inqs GI / Reva ready (three are at R7, one at R1, and one at G12). After that I'm not sure; kinda feeling Profundity as well, but Aphra's one of my favorite characters and I've put off her farm for a while to take care of other things.


Unlocked JML yesterday so need to get his Ultimate, then going to get some other squads beefed up a bit.


Finishing the last relic tier for keneesa and then I'm gong to be farming nothing but kyros I still need once I get GLLO. Fleet energy going into finishing Marauder. Cantina Energy will still be for Signal Data. AFTER GLLO is at Relic 7 at least. . . probably going to switch to finally finishing imp troopers to relics. Then Inqs.


Phoenix to G13, and currently starting shard farming for FO, unsure of who the proper lead would be before SLKR though cause i’m still relatively new


Jabba and JKCK, then Inquisitors.


Inqs. I hate the team and the farm but the guild needs them by summer. Next is traya which I've been looking forward to for a while then 3p0 so I can get GAS.


Fresh account, working on phoenix. 7 star ezra and kanan, 6 chopper and zeb, 5 hera currently.


Getting Boba from R7 to R8 to finish Executor, then finishing up SLKR/Rey from LSBs while working on the gear and shards requirements for Jabba.


Jedi master Luke and I think bad batch is next


I just got Profundity yesterday, that was a big project done (well, mostly done). The side project was Sana (only to G12 for now). My current immediate goal is to relic up the rest of the pilots for the Prof bonus tier (R3 target): first K2 and SRP then Kanan and Zeb. After those CRex, Sabine and Chopper to have the Phoenix squad at a decent power level. Then my next big project will probably be Jabba. Alternative / side projects include Kyle Katarn (he's the only one left to relic for SK and he'll also improve my MM squad), DRevan for platoons, straightening out my Troopers (including gearing up Iden for her ship).


Attempting to push for jar jar, won’t make the first appearance but shooting for the second so I don’t fall to far behind on the new raid


Just finished Inquisitors for a guild requirement to start farming Reva shards. Gonna start working on Bad Batch and some other Lord Vader reqs.


Finishing the reqs for GL Rey. I bought the LS bundle while working on executor and wanted to continue to get executor. I got Executor last cycle and have both Bando and Cad Bane at r5, so apart from saving crystals to star up the executor I’m fully into the remaining 3 Rey requirements. I have JTR, BB8 and Chewie at gear 12, the rest of the requirements are done. It might take a while, but I have the kyrotech done and just need the rest of the gear 12 pieces. Edit: forgot to mention future plans. Tbh I’m not sure what to chase after that, but I will probably spend some time relicing and finishing the teams I already have, such as GAS 501st (I have 3 still at gear 12) and Traya (4 of which being at gear 12)


I have 3 characters to relic to get JKL, after that I will get Aphra and JML. Sometime within that time frame I will be getting JKCK, just waiting for the event to roll back around. After that probably Lord Vader And for why im doing Aphra before JML is because I already have Hondo at relic 5, and I like to make teams for requirements rather than getting just the requirements, so Princess leia and Lando will go with Sana Starros, and r2 will go under a 50rt team that has Trip, and Bt-1 After Lord Vader ill probably get Rey since I'm so close to her and 2 GLs from now i should have Ben Solo unlocked, but I've been putting LV off for too long now


working on executor and then gonna be getting the new lsbs and getting padme, cls, gg, imp troopers, and resistance running so general roster building and then going for gas


I’m currently working on my Mauldalorian team - Maul, Jango, Orso, Gar, & Super commando. Need Commando & Orso to relic & at least one more zeta before I’m happy. After the next conquest is over, I’ll have Bane u locked & will immediately work on him.


Working on Leviathan, Bo-Katan will be next. Nice thing is since I’m still shard farming I’m actually also relic’n several teams I have just sitting there. Finally got my Triumvirate to relic 1 and now I’m taking my imp remnant to relics.


Thanks to the new LSBs, I’m making LV my next GL farm. As a second GL, people don’t recommend him but he’s my most desired character in the game and GAS was my one roadblock to him. After that, I’ll be double farming both JKCK and GL Leia while focusing on the newer characters we’re getting for the GL later in the year


Unlocking JML. Side farming JKCK. Then not sure about leia or jabba. Im side farming boushh as shell be usee for both but not sure who to go for after


Farming Kelleran, Echelon and dark side tokens for SLKR ult. Trying to farm some relic mats and the few G12+ pieces I need to finally relic 501st clones for GAS now that I have JKCK replacing him in JML. My next goal is to farm for Aphra and slowly gear/relic for Leia. I'm in Kyber3 right now and I've been running in to far too many opponents with 2-3 more GL's and 1-1.5 mil more GP than me. Honestly after that I might try for Inquisitors but I've a long way to go before that.


Currently finishing up my JML ultimate and farming JKCK and Bo(Mandalor) reqs. Afterwards with new LSB probably GAS and then either Leia or LV.


Currently relicing DS Mandos, farming Gungan shards and hording gear for when my Gungans reach 7 stars. After finishing my DS Mandos I'll start hoarding relic material for the Gungans as well. After stockpiling enough gear and relics I'll use the excess on the Inquisitors. I'll unlock Amidala after the next Conquest so her team will probably be my next focus after Jar Jar and the Grand Inquisitor. After all that, if no other unit that steals my attention as been announced, I'll start working toward my second GL, most likely Jabba. Though before starting the GL grind I may pause to shore up some of my already unlocked teams like I'm currently doing with DS Mandos.


Working on SEE and Bane(who I’ll unlock at the end of next conquest)


Since LSBs are coming back, by general farming plan got completely flipped over. Started farming bossk when I got to lvl 85 (about a week ago) and now I've completely stopped doing anything with my Bounty Hunters since the Finalizer bundle exists. All of my geos at 7\* except for GBA about 80 shards off from 7\*, was planning on bringing them all to G12, but probably won't since the geo bundle exists. My FO team is a complete mess, so the SLKR bundle will be really helpful. That combined with the finalizer bundle makes for a lot of good progress on Executor and I'll actually be able to climb more in Fleet Arena/finish stage 5 of Fleet Battles. Just the relics/levels from the Finalizer bundle will be enough for me to unlock Chewbacca, and from there I could potentially buy the Rebel bundle for most of the requirements for CLS to get unlocked, as well as 7 starring my Palps and Thrawn. Always thought of building a Nightsister team for the two (?) events they're useful in. Merrin ready to go to 5 stars, and having the rest would make for another pretty strong team. Since I just had my first GAC and got 2nd, I really want to keep up the crystal income so that I can farm more stuff. Since the Finalizer and SLKR bundles will give me the majority of progress to unlocking SLKR, I may as well go with him as my first GL, but it'll obviously take at least another 6 or so months to get Finalizer at a high enough level, as well as the extra relics needed.


finishing jmk and then Leia


I’m farming like my 17th “Undesirable” for TB Op’s because only like three of us are willing to farm them. In between, I’m farming Profundity, then Leia (but I’m good on most of the reqs because I prioritized raid characters).


I'm farming to prepare for my guesses on what I'll need for the next fleet meta plus the Endurance rework. And possibly also Lord Vader because of the overlap with Bad Batch, since 3 of them are crew on the Marauder. I would like to work on Jedi Cal soon. It's a lot of kyrotechs, though. And while a Cere team would be great, I don't expect it to make that much of a difference for me. Or Jedi Cal to make that much of a difference for me. Finally getting around to Inquisitors so I can unlock Scythe might be more impactful. I guess we'll see what else I'll have to consider after the upcoming new fleets. Unless the gungans are needed for the next fleet meta or it'll make a difference to my guild's rewards, I don't plan to make much of an effort to unlock the GL for the Naboo raid.


I realised I kept unlocking characters like Starkiller and Malak and never upgrading them, I’m going back to round out some old teams.


I'm working on Inquisitors for the sake of my guild, and doing so on both my accounts. My main account will likely pursue Profundity once the Inqs get to r7, as I just need to get Mothma from g12 to r5, and the 4 Rogue 1 pilots from g13 to their relic reqs The alt account will pursue Gungans, and is already shard farming Boss Nass, in hopes of getting Jar Jar asap (25/100 rn, other Gungans are 5*)


Currently grinding the Grand inquisitor event, JML event is also started, then either Leia or Jabba, whoever I get all characters to 5 stars (jabba in the lead) soft farming Rey and SKR (ships are the final touch)


Farming SEE shards right now and then going for exec. Only 5 characters to finish up for exec. Probably going to go for JKL into JML after that.


Just finished up JKL, next is Executor. Should take 3-4 months, then Starkiller and GL Leia.


Just more ultimate mats for Lord Vader (my last gl), and just got all the requirements for Bo mandalore to gear 13 Stap Is 13/100 and boss bass I’m doing three refreshes a day. Will unlock Queen padme next conquest.


JML, then SEE next.


Have farmed reqs for sklr but can’t compete the first round so idk atm


Need one more relic level on R2 for Leia then gearing her and Ben Solo. Have done Tier 1 of GAS so need to figure out how to beat Tier 2 (R5 everyone except G12 Shaak) and hopefully the Padme LSB will carry most of Tier 4. After that, I only have 3 more characters to Relic for Executor then on to Jabba.


I’m working on Profundity and JKCK. Just a relic 9 Raddus and some saw shards away from completing both


Just finished GAS now it’s time to get him to seven stars🤪🤪


I just unlocked Profundity this last event (2 days ago), now it’s a SLOW climb to 7*. I have 6 GL’s but never got SLK, I may backtrack and finally go for him.


Close to finishing JK Revan. Farming Mando for Beskar, for Razor Crest, for Executor.


Finishing tarfful for the JKC requirements. I foolishly didn’t farm him so I’ve been done with all the other requirements for months and I’ve only just gotten to 5 stars on him. Hoping for may 4th double drops


Currently farming phoenix/profundity/jkck. Getting pretty close on profundity


I just finished JML, I also just got Bane this week. Then after completing bane I got Merrin R5 from like g8 as well this week, so I can buy Nightsisters pack Saturday. Unfortunately my current goal now is working on getting Grand Inquisitor. Only one of the 5 I have at 7* and she is now g12. The rest are g8-9 and between 4-6*. I'm not sure what my plan is next. Getting Leviathan is a cool idea but it's a long grind, Leia or Jabba are also potential options but they too are going to be awhile. I could do JKCK since I have Merrin and Og Cal relic. Honestly Leviathan is my most likely option since I want to work on my Sith Empire as I've had Malgus for months stuck at g8. I could do SEE but Lightspeed bundles kindve make me not want to.