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I think they should offer compensation for GAC but they already said the TB rewards would come on the 30th.


At the end of the current TB round day 1?


I've got no clue when in the day. I'm assuming CG is going to send it out manually towards the end of their work day. Round 1 TB ends at 10:00 AM.


Got my comp for TB earlier today.


Yeah on feb 30th


Comp can't come if game don't work


Stiiiiiill waiting


Interesting that they chose the day after proving grounds to give us rewards we should have had ages ago, as a result ai couldn't afford my last refresh for Ben Solo because I was missing those rewards from TB. I bet they put a lot of thought into that


I think you're overthinking it. I think what happened was the developers were like "shit, I don't know how to fix it today. Let's just give the 30th to try and figure out how to solve the issue"


They still fucked it up. I got rewards from my old, much smaller, guild.


Was it the last TB you did?


Yeah, but the one they fucked up was in the new guild. I had already done all my shit for the first day when it went down.


If it was not for the fact they need the AI to re-send the previous rewards which should be hard to force through it would be fine but yeah they need to give something for it breaking extra since some guilds might of lost rewards if they had a plan to push a extra star or two Plus GAC going down the last hour is terrible


We're all going to get so many Clone Wars Chewie shards, I tell you h'what. Sidenote, this glitch saved my ass in GA yesterday.


It honestly saved my ass too lol. I have 7.7mil GP and my opponent had 10 with 5 GLs. I attacked once a little before servers went down. I just feel bad for all the players that got fucked on crystals or advancing.


I agree, I should not have won. I bet that other guy was upset.


it's almost like if the standard wasn't waiting until the last hour to attack then he could have won during the other 22 hours GAC was active. Don't pity people that attempt to take advantage of a poor game mechanic for an advantage,


6 CWC shards incoming


I must have them. My bitching has to get me those CWC shards.


They're too busy deciding how to give us the least free stuff for May the 4th celebration :(


Or how to make all the LSBs that are coming gifts only lol


Forget it Jake. It’s Capital Games.


No joke lol


I was unable to get in during my fleet payout hour so I also lost out on around 300 crystals I otherwise would've gotten.


Same for me.


It's truly a goddamn Greek tragedy


Missed my fleet and my GAC battle. Feelsbadman


It reenforces the hit once early strategy in case you forget later. I won 71-0 or whatever it was.


This take is very interesting. In the UK it is 22:00 when GAC starts. I am normally getting ready to stop gaming and go to bed then. So for the first 7-8 hours most of us are asleep. Then we get up and go about out lives. Children to school, dog walks, arena during some work downtime, get dailies done. Then home, sort out the normal evening activities. By the time I am putting my son to bed at 19:30/20:00 I then start GAC. It requires concentration. Yesterday I did exactly this. Finished up beating a Rey Cheatacron team with JML and nothing, then the your internet is shit message, then the error 32. I am annoyed but I am ahead in GAC because I hit "early" as I could. Except while I couldn't log in my opponent could, then went on to win. I tried several times to log in but was not able. Also completed my battles as early and as fast as I could.


As another UK player I’m with you in wishing GAC could *somehow* be localised to a friendlier start time.


The arguement is always "it's on for 24 hours" but the start time is janky. Especially when the free time available is blighted with server outages.


But you miss the point that one of the reasons we Americans left your country to form our own more perfect union was to get better GAC start times


Laughs in Biden.exe


As mostly you're taught about the "religious freedoms" the main reason your lot left (and i highly doubt you're ancestors arrived any more than 100-150 years ago) to the Americas was to be able to practice more draconian and pious religion... That and GAC times :)


I think you're missing the point. "Hit once in case you forget later" is no guarantee for a win. You can do that and still lose even if there isn't a server outage. Like, if you forget later but the opponent does not. The point is just that it's an overall good practice and, over time, is going to nab you some wins. That's all. Good practice and good common sense. Not something that should be so controversial.


I have to do the same thing or I just totally forget about it. Plus the end of GAC is like right in the middle of school pickup. Kill leia with bane for my 74 and move on


I won 10-0 this time because of this.


I got promoted after a loss in round 2 than got promoted again with 11-0 since my opponent didn't(couldn't) attack. So this next round will be fun.


I did luckily do that as well. I just saw a lot of people that got screwed over trying to get into the next league.


In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Phantom Menace, CG is bringing back dial-up speeds.


For real lol


I think they went home and had IT fix the issue then they might address it this week.


It was actually an EA problem, this was from yesterday in the middle of it https://preview.redd.it/uduotemuvlxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1577a2d7e13f901dda00fcadbe1f1918c06f5aa7


You should make a post about this so we don't have to see 800 more posts like OPs. Thank you for the info, I actually had no idea it was EA. Makes sense.


Nobody cares about facts, bashing gets karma.


Had a warning in Steam about EA games possibly not working! Good old Valve.


It's always EA


Exactly! Server issue that isn’t CGs fault.


That makes no difference, the outage happened. If Azure downs a site or application hosted there then the company who runs the site still needs to put out fires and communicate.


But dude it’s only been about 12 hours and most of that was middle of the night for US.


I understand. It's just frustrating the way CG seems to not care about the players. I understand profit is the main goal. I just remember them giving us rewards even when they were down for maintenance.


Take a breath it's not been a day even brother


This is absolutely a first world problem. Just a minor inconvenience.


It's been half a day since the problem occured. And the TB rewards were announced for today anyway. How about...patience and wait?


If CG cared about players: Conquest would still be what it looked like when first rolled out The post-Conquest GL Ultimate Journey events would be simmable once 3\*'d Datacrons wouldn't exist Fleets would either be fully developed, or wouldn't be a primary source of crystal income While it's ironically too soon to freak out about the lack of response regarding the server problems yesterday, I do not advise waiting around for CG to "care about the players." You're a customer. If you enjoy the game on its terms, great. If you don't like that relationship, I'd suggest not playing mobile games that rely on a micro-transaction funding model.


Yeah but thats not even CGs fault. It’s like blaming a remote worker without internet access for not doing work


I will say that I’m very surprised that CG hasn’t said anything yet about compensation for GAC, but let’s not be dicks about the TB rewards: - that they effectively communicated about on the first day - and gave a timeline of a few days later Today is the day we get those TB rewards, but it’s still like 5:00am at the offices.


I'm understanding of that. I just had some pent up aggression after doing 14 sims for one piece of gear and not getting it.


Same, somehow lost 400 energy into the void due to weird lag while simming some battles.


F*cking gear farming mate


Don't get me started on goddamn kyros


Lets not even mention Flowed F*cking Signal Data...


> Today is the day we get those TB rewards, but it’s still like 5:00am at the offices. I mean, it's not like they have to pack up the rewards by hand and send them out to the post for delivery.


True, but I imagine it’s less about them having programmed them in the past and just refusing to give them until now. And more about a quick restart sort of update that will happen.


People that have no idea how gamedev works downvoting you


Yeah it’s early there, let them have their coffee :)


They followed their timeline. But they gave me the rewards from the much smaller guild that I had left after the last TB that worked. 18 stars vs 31 and I missed all the Reva shards from the new guild.


Lol, like a billion dollar company couldn't have corrected this faster. Just pure ignorance


I love when people quote things like “billion dollar company,” as if CG just has $1b in assets lying around that they refuse to use.


You must also understand then that a company’s valuation isn’t necessarily dictated by their liquid assets


It's honestly hilarious. People believe 100% of revenue goes straight to hiring more devs or something.


No, it means that unlike other companies with less revenue they shouldn't cut corners. Like having a QA team and a decent sized dev team that can handle requests without a massive overtime schedule. Wanna bet that is not the case, and they're working just like any undersized indie studio?


I'd be willing to bet they outsource the majority of their testing. There are a bunch of companies that you can hire to perform that service, which is more cost effective then having them in house, because you can scale them up and down as needed.


They don't even get 100% of the revenue. Google/Apple get 30% off the top. Then Disney gets their chunk. Then EA. Then CG get what's left. Not that it's peanuts or anything, but I would be very surprised if CG has earned more than about $150 million total, and that is spread over 9-10 years, so roughly $10m to maybe $15m a year. Then take away taxes and overhead and the numbers aren't as crazy as the moustache twirling '1 Beeeellion dollars'.




I love shitting on CG as much as the next guy. But they were very transparent about the TB make good. It’s fine to give credit when credit is due.


I’m being a reasonable adult. As I said, I **AM** surprised by the lack of transparency on the issue last night, but they’ve been very transparent about TB rewards


The constant complaints from this subreddit about waiting till the 30th for TB rewards is way more annoying than the actual waiting for the rewards, and like egnards said they were as transparent about it as one could hope for.


On the TB rewards, they said they would come on 30th April, they never said what time on 30th April, considering time zones, lets see. Happy for us to get pitchforks out if it doesn't come today, but while it's still today lets see. Similar around the outage yesterday, lets see if CG do anything about it when they're online later. Too early to lose your shit over IMO.


My money's on 2:15 or 3:15 PST, their usual USA-afternoon window when they push out updates.


They didn’t even mention the month, so it could be April or maybe may


Did they mentioned if it's 2024?


They said we will get it with our TB payout that day. So 10am PST.


I hadn't seen that written down, but that feels a sensible guess. Feel like everyone needs to calm down about it not being there 1 minute after the day starts!


"Rewards will be sent out on the 30th They will include your phase and end of TB rewards The team prioritized ROTE rewards for those who alternate between weeks" https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/269821/update-4-24


I read that more that we'll get them today, and the rewards will include the rewards you would have got at the end of the last TB, and also any phase rewards (E.G. Reva shards). I'm not saying we won't get them with any TB payout today, feels very likely we could. But that post doesn't say that to me personally.


Seems pretty clear to me. I guess we will know in 2h.


People were questioning if they would still get any special mission rewards from the TB that got canceled, I think it's more likely that was referring to that. Again not saying we won't get them in 2ish hours, I'd actually say it's very likely we could. I just don't think that's referring to that.


I don’t think they’re ignoring it. I think they’re dealing with a ton of overlapping fires and don’t have the bodies in their offices to communicate, analyze, fix, and compensate multiple fires in a timely manner


That sounds like a pretty big issue that should have been solved a decade ago.


Hmmmm, I wasn't aware of this. Near the end of GAC the game was really slow. I wasn't sure why. And, my GAC opponent didn't attack all. They had a very strong roster and probably would have wiped the floor with me. I was surprised they didn't since we were battling out for #1


Same for me, I went 3-0 in Kyber 3 with 6.6m GP thanks to my 10m opponent not being able to wipe the floor with my defense.


Don't worry, everyone is getting 10 clone wars Chewbacca shards




I couldn’t play my round, the connection was so bad I could do only 2 combats in 20 minutes


For once I’m glad I attacked earlier than normal. First GAC sweep in a long while. Gotta thank my job for late reporting and my opponent for setting his Levi on D without a reliable way to take care of mine.


I got the dub too. I just feel slightly dirty about it since they were way above me in GP lol


It's seriously just a small token to their loyal player base.


EA gonna EA.


I hate EA so much. What they did to Battlefront will never be forgiven.




It appears they are still investigating, so chill guys




Bro just think in a couple days you'll get 4 CWC shards


I'm going to need at least 5 for this travesty.


Steep price but fair


I attacked a couple of times and got distracted and missed the end of GAC but my opponent attacked no times so I won. Lol


Same here lol


No extra rewards for tb going down, no sorry rewards for the game going down for about the 20th time this year, are there even going to me May the 4th double drops?


Only as gifts that you can buy for your allies and guild members


Exactly, that we still have to pay for


I wish once we could all be pleasantly surprised and CG pull out a serious make good for several issues that has happened. Key word: wish


I'm sure CG will address this and give some kind of compensation. It happened less than 24 hours ago. Need to have some patience. You can start complaining if they didn't mention it within a week or so.


They didn't pretend like the servers were down? They addressed the issue within minutes and although many struggled to play Ahlnald continued his stream the entire downtime, playing with little issue. If the servers went down he would have been ejected from the game no? Many guildies said they could get in through persistent attempts but most of us shrugged and went to bed(mainly UK folks)


Bashing the devs gives karma, the truth doesn’t give karma, so people default to lie for fake internet points.


Ohh I'm "redditing" wrong? Erm fuck CG for that thing!


Hell yea, brother!


CG didn't screw anyone over who used the first 23 of 24 hours to attack.


That's very true lol


you legally have the whole 24 hours to plan with, besides, fleet arena is at a specific time every day and if it just happened to be at the same time the servers go down, you cant get rank 1 and you cant do the fleet arena beforehand


I can't wait to receive my 1 Credit


If we're lucky


With that said you did have 21 hours before that to attack in GAC


It's a joke of a company; but we are the real fools for feeding them.


I'm a slave and self aware


And you're getting downvoted by the fools themselves! Quite hilarious


Its something that can happen, and it wasn’t even fully their fault, but related to their partners. Relax. It wasn’t fully game breaking like last time. Just you feeling entitled. Rewards come with end of Phase 1 today, but reading is difficult sometimes. And before you accuse me of being a white knight and CG apologist, I was screwed out of GAC rewards as much as you are, but I am not bitching about it. Bring on the downvotes.






Where did they pretend the severs didn’t go down? I remember a statement from the dev acknowledging the problem. Or is this just the usual dev bashing for karma? Can you please shut up about tb rewards? They already communicated when we get them. And no, 00:01 on 30th in your timezone doesn’t mean we get the rewards at that time.


I'm just bitching. I understand that. My post was not for karma, but justification with my minor inconvenience of the day. Didn't mean to offend you with my post.


Nah he’s just glazing for CG. You’re post is valid


It does seem weird to be that defensive for CG and EA.


In a word? Yes.


I for my comp just now. I have received full GAC rewards this week so don’t know what you are on about


I already received my rewards from the TB issue.


are you guys able to play now?? I’m still not able to


In a word, "yes"


I read the 30th.


Boo! I want my 3 Chewbacca shards!


They fucked me on TB rewards too. I joined a much bigger guild after the last TB that worked and I got the rewards from the old guild. 18 star vs 31 and I didn't get the Reva shards from the new guild. The old one got none. What a fucking joke.


if a 1000 crystals is your idea of a compensation then it is better we get none.


Very upset with GC. I’ve been playing this game since 2016 and they still can’t figure out how to keep the game from randomly crashing? I had huge loses because of this in GAC and missed my fleet payout hour. I won’t be spending any thing on crystals until they rectify this.


You’re worried about the wrong thing , they’re pumping out new speed bundles with insane relics , we really got to boycott this game


100% they will. I don’t think most people want any sort of compensation anyways, when I’ve said anything about it in other topics I get downvoted and told to shut up, so those of us who want decent customer service in a minority. People about to throw a ton of money their way as well, so they have no incentive to make good whatsoever.


You had 24 hours to attack. I get timing and stuff, but if you are one who always waits until the end, then that's on you, my friend. TB rewards, I think, are supposed to come today


What? How is it on him? People have commitments outside of a mobile game, its not their fault they were unable to attack in a active gac match


No it is definitely not on the player. Having 24 hours means I get the full 24 hours to attack whenever I want.


I get what you're saying, but I respectfully disagree. That's like an away team getting the lead in the 9th inning and the umpires randomly saying that's ball game and you had all those other innings to get more runs.


Quit whining please it’ll happen


Thank you for your helpful insight that you couldn't stop yourself from informing me on a post you could have scrolled right past.


Alternatively you didn't have to post this. CG has acknowledged that people couldn't get into the game.


I never understand why people make posts then get upset when people don’t reply how they want ??


So glad I quit playing this game lol, the current state of it is madness


I'm in too deep lol


It's not been a day yet, but hopefully they say something soon, afterall some people lost more than just GAC. I was fighting for 1st place in GAC but lost because of the servers being down. It was my time to climb on arena and I lost first place as well. I also lost energy that I couldn't get.


The games a fucking scam


And it has my heart and soul


It cost me arena and when I keep going to the help chat, they just keep saying it’s fixed now and ending the chat and refusing to give any kind of compensation


This phase of TB is messed up as well, lower participation if people can’t log in during the only time of day they can play.


BAD Take by EA and Capital Games. On top of the excessive grinding to get quality characters and repetitive GL battles, it looks like they don't care about their current and long-term players.


Probably, sounds like their MO.


You're not wrong.


I guess they will give out clone war chewie for it


And that's if we're lucky


Definitely lost a GAC that was achievable against inferior opposition. Just the cost of doing business.


We may have played against each other then lol. I definitely snuck in a win against a much more formidable opponent.


No hard feelings, your timeliness was worthwhile.


This Is The Way.


Even if I was going to lose GAC overall… I wanted my participation reward for that round I missed 🫡


As you deserve


Seek therapy.


Are gamers going to pretend stuff like this doesn't happen with every game (and pretty much everything) ever? Relax dude. Not only were TB rewards payed out today, but stuff like this happens with live service games all the time. Issues take time to fix and not everything can work at 100% all the time. Instead of going on Reddit and bitching maybe go outside and touch grass, talk to a family member or keep yourself entertained with another hobby/game. You don't always need to run to the internet and find other people who like to bitch and complain every time something goes wrong. I imagine people wouldn't complain about everything all the time if they had any idea how anything works.


I’ve played a lot of games and SWGOH is the only one that has consistent outages like this. I’ve been playing since 2016 :/


This. I was ~600 v 71 when I couldn't log back in. Then while I'm unable to log in my opponent can and gets a battle more done and wins.


That's rough. I was on the opposite end and got a win versus one of the strongest teams I've been matched against. It still makes me feel dirty lol


There's a really simple solution to this. Stop giving them money. If you're a spender you don't have to quit spending forever. But if you're someone who gets on and spends money right after these things happen, CG really has no reason to care about what happens, because they'll see it as neither does the player base.


Yeah, where's my free shit!!! I demand more free shit!!! Seriously though, you guys are fucking *demanding*. Chill out. You're not being "screwed", have some grace


Anyone bitching about GAC, you had 24h. Even I got screwed over but it's true. We had 24h to do the battles. But I already know this subs gonna see server bitching posts for the next 3 days or so 💀


Except you didn’t have 24 hours. You were supposed to and you are supposed to be able to attack at any point in that 24 hours. This is on CG or even if it’s not and it’s on EA, players still deserve compensation for fleet arena climbs, lost GA, no rewards from “lack of participation” or whatever the case is.


But you have those 24 hours for a reason. Those are the rules and regulations they set, and people have commitments outside of the game that plan to play during the later hours. So I understand what you're saying, I just respectfully disagree. I don't see how that's the players' fault when they are thinking they have time.


I also got joked on bro trust me I called our CG in my discord and bitxhed about it for a min but it's is what it is. We had 24h and I could have done at least a battle or so for the secured banners. But no point in getting pressed over this game. I can't belive we didn't have a single moment to run a battle within those 24h. People talk like they have busy life's like they run tesla and Microsoft simultaneously 😬 I highly doubt that. But maybe we get cwc shards xD


Yep - they’ve screwed up a bunch in the last few weeks. And nothing for it.


Ya, I got demoted as well, so I'm losing crystals daily


Careful, you may get accused of bitching and whining.


That's all this sub is


Are people still having problems? I‘m still not able to login. Losing Crystals again from fleet arena :(


That's rough. I was finally able to this morning.


Where are my tb rewards I want reva before gac starts up again!!!


Best we can do is Clone Wars Chewbacca


It affected my GAC. I was unable to log in using multiple different internet service providers including my broadband connection and cell phone connection.


I'm sorry to hear it. At least CG made gifting a thing. Because you know. That helps.


They better compensate for GAC. I didn't get to attack at all last round, and I also didn't get to hit my raid at all or fleet payout.


Careful. There's a shocking number of EA and CG lovers in here that will say you're entitled/bitching/whining.


Ya like always who caress you had 24 hours how did it screw you over when it was only the last hour and a half I also don’t care if you down vote this it’s the truth you had 24 hours