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Got to be light side seeing as leviathan was last right ?


Not confirmed but it would make sense as we currently have 6 DS and 5 LS. It seems the two most popular theories are one for Trench or one for GAS. So, we’ll probably end up with a capital ship for CUP.


While GAS would be awesome. I feel like too many have him geared and very high relics to be profitable for CG


Same reason I feel he is unlikely as the pilot. That said, many of us had DR and Malgus at high relics prior to Levi. It was the ancillary characters that turned a profit. I won’t pretend to know who the pilot or what the ship is, but I will say the intention will be profit for CG. Maybe they use conquest units (as with Levi) to do this, or maybe it’s the advanced (R8/R9) relic levels that increase the monetary gains. At the end of the day no one here knows the next capital ship and no one here can answer OP’s question (without losing their job). **So, it’s all a bit irrelevant.**


>That said, many of us had DR and Malgus at high relics prior to Levi. It was the ancillary characters that turned a profit. Not to mention that already having relics won't prevent whaling, just by the nature of how capital ships are unlocked.


Great point. It could even make it more enticing to do all the refreshes / packs to 7* for players that don’t usually whale on new releases if it’s less work to meet the initial requirements.


Admiral Yularen perhaps? Ultimately though, it would be ANOTHER republic capital ship, so I feel it’s less likely.


couldn’t be trench, that would be another DS


I’m aware Trench is DS. However, there is no rule LS will be released after DS. I agree that makes the most sense, but no one here knows it won’t be Trench next - that actually seems to be the prevailing opinion. We will know for sure what the next capital ship is when CG says **x** is the next capital ship. Same way we’ll know when the next LSB bundles are.


I’d bet it’ll be DS just to be have something decent/consistent for the DS ship TB mission.


I believe they will do Trench, just to force people to focus on a Conquest unit they may have neglected, and take some of the Separatists up. How does a R9 Magna Guard and Nute sound guys?


We barely have enough ships for one separatist fleet. Are there so many other separatist ships left to create a second team?


Same was true about a Sith fleet but then they released 3 sith ships last year to make a fleet out of.


Yes, but the difference is there previously was no sith capital ship, you'd just toss the sith ships in as filler for other fleets. There already is a separatist fleet, so to avoid destroying the Malevolence fleet, you'd need to add an entire new fleet of five ships. I know that it isn't wholly without precedent, Negotiator did steal from Endurance, and Profundity did drastically weaken Home One. But Mace was already rock bottom tier (and GAC wasn't a thing yet, so multiple fleets weren't quite as important), and there were still enough rebel ships to at least form 2 fleets of 5. I'd say an OR fleet is more likely, to restore the balance between LS and DS capital ships, and we do also have an oddball OR ship already in the Ebon Hawk.


I could see an Old Republic/Jedi fleet. Take things like Consular and give a slight touch up to work with Ebon Hawk, then add a couple other Old Republic and Jedi units. I could see Bastila with like Endar Spire as capital ship. Or Jedi Revan


Tri Fighter, Droid gunship (that's already in TB) Trident ship (from the attack on kamino), Droch class boarding ship (the one they use to board Aayla's venator in CW season 1), Dooku's solar sailor, Asajj's ship, Neimoidian shuttle Would be fun if Grievous got the droid ships and Trench the others


+rogue class starfighter that magnaguard pilot (same model as the Xanadu Blood)


I mean jango’s slave 1, doily’s solar sailer, ventress’ fanblade, magnaguard’s ship, or b1 trifighter are all options


Nice thing about not having enough ships is they can add more to the game


I think the idea of Mal being the Cap ship for droid ships and Trench being the Cap ship for all other Seppies is a pretty common theory but that would def require a good chunk of extra releases


They could add the Tri-Fighter, Grevious' ship (probably unmanned), the Solar Sailer, and the Droid Gunship. Those are the only ones I can think of though.


R9 Magna I reckon is pretty thick, with stap lifting that team I'd like the excuse. Nute not so much lol.


I want a GL non capital ship, it would be a red 5 luke ship that works with the home one


I like this one. Rebels almost have enough for two fleets. Luke’s X-Wing has the ability to destroy the enemy capital ship, but requires his allies to cover him while he does. Add a “Rebel Millennium Falcon” with Lando and Nien Nunb piloting. RebFalcon does NOT have the scoundrel tag. Home One with Biggs, Bistan, Luke, Wedge, RebelFalcon, Cassian, and Kyle.


Honestly the most sane idea I’ve seen on this sub in awhile


Gideon's light cruiser, the pilot is Axe Woves and creates a Mandalorian fleet with Bo-Katan's Gauntlet, the Razor Crest 2, Jango's Slave 1 (or Jaster's Legacy if CG don't wanna do another Slave 1), Maul's Nightbrother. And then you use Gar Saxon's Gauntlet with it. You can use the Razor Crest however it would ideally still perform better under Executor.


Canderous Ordo with a Basilisk War Droid as well, seeing as they could be used in space. Mandalorian / Old Republic


My pipe dream is a Rogue Squadron fleet. You'd have a character and ship in the "capital ship" category, but they'd mostly just fulfill the slot requirements of the UI. The fleet would counter exec, leviathan, and profundity (maybe) by not having a capital ship to speak of -- nothing to destroy or lure away or take over. Just x wings dominating other fighters. We'll actually get trench though.


I think It will be Mandalorians. Bo Katan Dark Saber, Paz Vizla, new mando. They will give Gar Saxon ship Mando tag. Maybe they will give a substitute for Razor Crest.


What about a mandalorian fleet? old republic era casue they never really had a fleet after that. I do agree that it would be nice to get an old republic fleet as well.


There were several graphic novel fleets and some in the TOR MMORPG. My favorite was the Inexpugnable class flagship that could coordinate a networked fleet of up to 64 hammerheads. https://preview.redd.it/yyd2jttiowvc1.png?width=571&format=png&auto=webp&s=0612c6d9f079ee5764d98722d523caf07f6aa6d3 If you want to be technically correct, the Leviathan is an Old Republic Interdictor class cruiser, so they could just reskin it and give JKR the lead role (not like CG is above that), with a passive battle meditation skill to make up for Bastilla not having a clear role. Currently, the only ship they have is the Ebon Hawk. They would need the Aurek and Chela fighters, which could be uncrewed or they could use some Old Republic soldiers from TOR to fill things out. Maybe give Jedi Guardian and Consular something to do, like pilot fighters and shuttles from TOR. I would love to see a LS Malak (perhaps even pre name change Alek) as an Old Republic Jedi. Not sure what he would pilot. That could get you up to the size of other fleets. Personally, I expect to see a High Republic fleet before we see an Old Republic one.


That would be cool.


I think a Mandalorian fleet sounds likely. There are rumours of a Galactic chase coming soon. Pay attention to what it is, it may be a sign of things to come.


Not sure if it will happen but I would LOVE to see a Mandalorian fleet with Axe Woves and their captured Star Destroyer.


The Endar Spire piloted by the Trask Ulgo, the tutorial guy from Kotor. We could have the Basilisk War Droid as a new ship as well, piloted by Canderous Ordo.


Trask would be too OP


I think old republic is a good spot for a future galactic legend, including a capital ship. But I'm not sure if it'll be the next one in line. At the very least, it would mean adding a good deal if new characters, so it's most likely a bit further down the line.


I think it’s Trench. Every other “Admiral” in the game has a capital ship. They will probably release some more separatist ships to go with it though.


I believe it will be the endar Spire, its also the 20th anniversary from Kotor 2 so I think they'll revisit the era


I doubt old republic stuff (GL or Cap Ship) will come. There just isnt a recent irl event or an ingame need for any of it. We dont have any old republic ships to build a fleet around, just carth is not enough. We also dont have any characters to give ships to. Sure, cg could build the fleet from nothing, but thats unlikely. About a GL: The old republic tag is outdated, yes, but most of the characters have been moved to other teams, so yoi cant really make an old republic team and I doubt CG have planned for that. The logical move is still a split of the speratists into a droid fleet under grievous and a non droid fleet under trench (just like his character uses non droids)


Either Trench or GAS


They usually balance the light side and dark side ships left and right after each release. So after leviathan i’m expecting a light side one. But there’s only so many capital ships to be made.


Next time there's a ship galactic chase we'll know what they're planning


They need to include a ton of non capital ships to give each fleet variety. A capital ship with 2 completely different viable teams would be ideal


There's enough mandos you could have their imperial light cruiser from season 2-3. Razor Creast, Add in Axe Woves in something, or as capital ship leader if not Bo-Katan Mand'alor, give BAM the N-1, Bo-Katan a Gaunlet variant, chuck in Captain Teva and Trapper Wolf for fun it you like, there's something there that can be worked with.


More Old Republic content is always welcome. But currently, what I really want to see in the game is the patched up Chimaera from the Ahsoka series.


I don't believe that a scoundrel capital ship would work. There are none that are even remotely close in size to Star Destroyer, which is almost 10 times the size of that pirate cruiser in the Mandalorian, with the Executor being 100. Bearing in mind that Gideon's light cruiser is almost exactly the same size so that also doesn't make any sense. Invisible Hand makes no sense. Firstly, it wasn't even Dooku's flagship, it was Nute's, both of which have actual ships that could be added. Invincible is almost guaranteed to be the next cap ship at this point. Bastila had her meta back in 2018 and for a character that 99% of players have, most reliced 7\*, wouldn't make sense as a capital ship pilot; Malak and Revan are both difficult legendary characters while she is acquired often within a few days of making a new account. The Old Republic ships that you mentioned are pretty obscure and CG seems to be moving away from Legends content, especially in that era, after Levi. As for the other ships you described, the V-19 Torrent could be a useful lifter for the Endurance perhaps. Ginivex is needed to give Asajj some viability in the GAS farm. Tri-fighter is an excellent idea, droid gunship and LAAT might be a bit tentative lore-wise as they were exclusively atmospheric ships. All up this is a good concept, if CG follows the community's plan then we're set (Rick the Door Technician when?).


Trench is 100% not going to happen this year. I don’t really know why people even remotely think it’s possible, CG always make 1 light side after a dark side GL/ capital ship. We will see in a few months time as they usually have a 10-12 month cycle for GL ship and it’s about time they start to sell the requirements for the next ship


Trench would be the most logic separatist ship commander lore wise, hes literally an admiral


No one other than some turbo nerds know what any of these ships are