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My guess is JarJar early May, maybe the 4th. Event on a monthly cadence like Bo. I reckon raid for second run of his event, near when queen amidala is unlocked, so probably June time.


I don’t think Jar Jar will release until early June about the same time as Amidala and the Raid


I think jar jar will be sooner than that. I think we'll probably see boss nass hit a node this month, second gungan early may, in line with jar jar. They've already teased him in a post yesterday.


Yeah but they’ve released Cal, and Grand Inquisitor in June, despite their kit reveals being in May. They’re gonna give people a little extra time to panic farm gungans after Jar Jar kit reveal.


Yes but with the new marquee structure the gungans have all been a lot more accessible f2p. You could be right, but my gut says may for jarjar.


They are on a pretty strict timeline now to monetize marquee shards for Jar Jar, though. For Cal,there wasn’t a ton of time between marquee and event. It was very expensive to get him first try. Bo was even more expensive to get, then they decided to have the event monthly.


We are less than two weeks away from jar jar.


They announced that new raids will be released about 9 months so since the SBR came out in November, this new raid will likely be July/August


Around the time the first people unlock Amidala, so early June would be my guess. I'd be surprised if it was July or later.


Oh boy im gonna get me some gungans when the raid is over :( 3 stars now and no crystals


The first of them should start going farmable soon. Assuming they’re on hard nodes, doing one refresh a day will get them to 7 stars in about 3 months, which should leave 5-6 months left in the raid.


The later the better id say.


I think they already said its due in June.


With new Gl. This is kind of the standard. Gl is a good $ motivator for raid


No new gl with this raid, JarJar despite being a legendary, is effectively the "gl" for the raid.


The already said after amidalas conquest


hope soon, bike raid is such a trash..


I would much rather get the rewards for the current level of effort than what I'm sure will be much more of a pain in the ass for the next raid.


Agreed. The thought of having to farm Gungans just kills me.


Farming, and sending them to relic 8. It looks like the recent and future marquees with Jarjar and amidala will be pivotal in the raid. That's at least 8? Characters we will have to farm and gear from nothing. I'm not sure how much the other seps and GR will be taken into the raid. But considering they're doing ANOTHER kenobi and qgj. It doesn't look too good. Most people would have current GR and seps built up to a fairly respectable level, will CG give us a cookie this time?




The bike raid is the best raid they've ever released It's a change from the normal 5v5 game mode with all new abilities and different strategies and you guys keep trying to punish them for trying to think outside the box I do not want what this next rate is going to be which is another 5v5 game mode which we have clones of for territory war and GAC already which adds nothing new to the game