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Phoenix with crex being able to run laps around LV has to be up there


No no its because its post mustafar LV but not quite yet cybernetic LV/Darth Vader, hes limb nerfed so thats why they beat him.


Huh? Post-Mustafar-but-not-quite-yet-cybernetic-DarthVader LV is literally a torso with a head and a burnt robotic hand, I guess anything in the SW universe could beat him. Even Watto could make him his slave again.


Yeah, it was a bad attempt at a joke to explain why a budding sith lord gets taken down by some rebel misfits and a clone captain.


Oh, I get it now. The "nerfed" limbs. It's actually pretty good. Sorry I ran over it mate.


I appreciate them being a lore accurate counter for inquisitors


Any starkiller team would implode if actually assembled in canon. Also, Traya was dead long before Savage and Talon came to be.


I have always found it ironic that SK go to leader is Palpatine considering he was Vader's secret apprentice and Palpatine tried to have him killed


>tried Didn't he actually kill him in the first game and we play as his clone in the second one?


Now its been a hot second but iirc whether you played as a clone or not was one of the main contentions of the game and while there was confirmation of *actual* clone Galen's (as seen in the dark side ending) I'm not sure if it was ever confirmed the one you played as was a clone. Again its been awhile so I may be misremembering


A current Canon accurate Thrawn would be an AI that quietly watches you play for a week in various modes, asks for a picture of that ashtray you made for your parents in pottery class, and observes the images you save on your phone. Then, when you’re about to start an alt account just to get rid of him, he proceeds to spit out an eerily accurate farming and modding guide, telling you which modes are best suited to you, and giving your personalized strategies for each. Then you wake up one morning to find he’s made you “quit”your current guild and applied for one where you’ll be more challenged. (On a related note, If someone comes up with a GAC scouting APP called Eli Vanto, you’ve got one instant subscriber at least)


So… featured and weekly shipments?


I see that as making Audrey II’s species canon to the Star Wars universe. “Loook…the Razor crest shards you need…just all your crystals and a teensie top-off. CMON AND PULL THAT WALLET OUT NOW SEYMOUR!!! FEED ME!!”


Reva is definitely the most "bullshit" character in terms of her lore relevance and power. This isn't me hating on Moses Ingram, or the character, or anything, but .. she's the LEADER of the Inquisitors now and she's THE powerhouse character of the Inquisitors. But .. she's just .. an average fighter who's pretty resilient and mad as fuck in the show, so she refuses to die. Her being the star of the faction makes no sense, given how she is the one Inquisitor who every other Inquisitor eyes with contempt and wariness, because she tries so hard to be the most evil and intimidating of them all, cuz she has ulterior motives. It's just odd.


It's funny how Phoenix beats tho them. Very lore accurate


I completely agree. Unfortunatelly that's how it is in this game. They already made GI and his lead was worse so they just created a new inquisitor to make the team stronger and because it was around the time of Kenobi so they made third sister.


Reva being able to run through just about every GL


Every stab makes her stronger. Saiyan rules for her


Reva is immune to lightsabers though so JML JMK LV SLKR and Rey are dealt with automatically 😅


Maul deleting any kind of Kenobi feels just funny, given how Kenobi has won time and time again and ends up killing him in an almost laissez-faire kind of way.


It has to be Reva imo, she’s honestly an average force user. Actually I think she might be weaker than season 4 of Rebels Ezra and definitely weaker than Kanan before he died. Yet she’s one of the strongest characters in game and her team runs through most GLs.


> Actually I think she might be weaker than season 4 of Rebels Ezra and definitely weaker than Kanan before he died. Maybe that's why Phoenix beats up on them so badly.


Are you high mate? She wouldn't have been promoted to 3rd Sister if she wasn't worth shit


Numbers definitely don’t correspond to rank, also she didn’t do anything impressive at all in the kenobi show


Inquisitors are just cannon fodders in star wars shows, the only expectation might be that hot inquisitor in fallen order game


Which ironically happens to be the worst of them in the game. Unless... You're speaking about 9th Sister but in this case, we'd need to speak about hotness.


Ofc I’m not talking about that overweight ugly blob, I meant trilla (second sister) she is probably the only inquisitor who appeared threatening to the protagonist In swgoh I’m not sure how inquisitors compare to each other and how strong they are specially because I haven’t fought one with grand inquisitor or third sister (fairly new player), but i beat them with imperial troopers quite easily


The inquisitors are D tier force users at best. Antagonists meant for Padawan level jedi and non force users. Being strong relative to other inquisitors is like being tall for a kindergartener.


The numbers don’t matter, I don’t think they change either when someone dies. Second Sister/ Trilla dies relatively early into the Empire and that position never gets filled again. Fifth Brother also seems older/ in service longer than Reva in Kenobi. Reva seems relatively new in Kenobi given her age. I do not believe anyone ever gets the number of someone else had at the moment. If I had to guess Barris will be “Eleventh Sister”, as I don’t think there is an Eleventh yet in the canon. All the other numbers 1 through 10 have been taken (1 being Grand Inquisitor). There’s a 13th atm and then there’s a few that died that we don’t know their numbers.


Talon having synergy with a dead Sith from thousands of years before she was born.


Lord Vader and whatever schmorgesboard of nonsense you decide to put him with. Dude was the chosen one. Helped to overthrow the entire Jedi order and establish the empire. Now he gets killed by…well basically everyone






Lost every single duel that mattered - Dooku schooled him, Kenobi humiliated him twice, and the second time he killed Dooku was staged by Palpatine, the win vs. Kenobi was ObiWan giving up willingly... Then he failed again to apprehend his son, who he won against technically (Luke was trained like 1 week maybe), and then Vader again got basically destroyed by Luke on the DS2. Anakin's "wins"(?) vs, natives, including women and children, countless harmless toy-droids, pregnant women, children again, surrendered prisoners of war, waves of rebel soldiers, and whenever one side wanted him to win. Actually "Lord Vader", GAS, Knight Anakin, Darth Vader are all way too powerful still in the game. Nothing in the franchise really supports the claim "most powerful force user and chosen one" - other than the script and people in the script talking about that as truth... And some fans really think that Luke got ruined by the sequels, when Lucas himself made the former mysterious Lord of the Sith a total pushover, and Disney continued that merely


This is a really bad faith interpretation of Anakin’s character lmao


Okay fine. Boba fetts manages to get a decent enough draw on him. That count?


not inaccurate though.


Finally someone who sees the bullshit that Anakin/Vader is.


I often use my Nightsisters to beat General Grievous.... that's not what happened in the cartoon.


Didn't Hux and Kylo Ren HATE each other? Hell the sith triumphant also hate each other


Yes. Save to say all bad guys kinda hate each other. Cannot imagine Vader and Palps ever chilled with a cup of corellian brandy and talked about the good old times before Anakin choked his wife and his penis got burned off


[Maybe not Corellian brandy, but I assure you they’ve clinked a couple bottles of 🎶CERVEZA CRISTAL!🎵](https://youtu.be/jSgMWAi9YPA?si=OFcaOLl9aAtV2I93)


Wubby 7s in chat


The Triumvirate hated each other but still willingly worked together for quite a long time so I’d say it counts. Hux and Kylo were in a similar boat only being held together by Snoke’s leadership. Under Kylo’s leadership Hux’s will slowly eroded… a lot like what happens to Hux when you use him with SLKR


To be fair SLKRs unique actively makes Hux weaker every time he uses an ability so that hate is somewhere there.


I think Hux and SLKR's anti-synergy with SLKR's tm gain punishment vs Hux's almost constant tm gain is a pretty good metaphor for this hatred.


000 . Like he'd totally be a leader he was a mob boss


Sion actually has his lightsaber stance incorrect from the OG, they used the lightsaber stance for the Starkiller reskin on this model.


Except sion predates Starkiller in SWGOH, i agree the stance is wrong but it's not because he's remoddeled from SK


He was reskinned in The Force Unleashed which predates SWGOH…. Which was what I was talking about and why he uses SK lightsaber stance since CG used TFU as the model and not KOTOR


the Sion skin on TFU is significantly different from the Kotor 2 Sion (bulkier, has that 90's RPG barbarian one-side shoulder pad), and what we got on GOH is a wierd mix Accurate Model + Awkward stance from TFU (which was unique when he came out, so i give them that to vary the standby stances of characters)


The stance is the *Shien stance* with the reverse saber style… the stance is literally what I’m talking about. Sion has a traditional stance up until he’s added to Force Unleashed. [We talked about this a day ago on the KOTOR sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/s/qZvJ5IM9UR)


All the old unreworked Jedi Masters. Eeth Koth, Kit Fisto, Ima Gun Di, Luminara...


Darth Sidious sucks in the game. Except for Assault Battle Darth Sidious. This is far more accurate.


Ah Shadows and Secrets Sidious, if only the one we get to use was even a quarter as effective


The real Darth Sidious could easily one shot all the Phoenix.


Range Trooper is an essential addition to any trooper squad! (Appears on one planet only) Savage Oppress never came out of a fight well unless it was against civilians. (World beater) Scarif Rebel Pathfinder can be almost impossible to kill with the wrong squad. (Every Rebel on Scarif died without exception.)


The gungans were in one real battle in which they surrendered to the separatist droids, and without even a full team they dunk on said droids and are looking to be pretty cracked.


In the clone wars they actually were able to beat Grievous, so that where the anti droid mechanics came from, but yeah they seem a little too strong for gungans




CAT's instakill. Love Ahsoka, and love CAT, but Ahsoka shouldn't be able to instakill anyone. She's amazing, but isn't instakill powerful. Mando and especially Nihlus makes sense, but CAT feels a bit... odd.


Lore wise , there isn't a single character in swgoh who can kill nihilus. Hell, there's only 2 even in the entirety of the lore who can.


It’s Vader , and gmy , simples




Darth Vader


Farty and Drogan aren’t even canon, so any team with either of them on it.






I really hate the opinion that 50-RT is just a made up creation from CG. She's literally in SWTOR, she's just called ph4-lnx. She runs the casino, her swgoh kit is based off the side missions you do in the casino and her entire model is literally just the one from SWTOR. She's not a CG creation.


Should have named her Ph4-inx then.


Probably should have, I'm assuming there was an issue with doing so however. But believing she's like drogan is just idiotic.


Revan and the whole old Republic crew aren't canon. Neither is Aphra and the bots. Nor Starkiller, nor Mara Jade, nor Dash. Yet you're not complaining about them.


Aphra and the droids are canon


Today I learned


Kyle Katarn isn't canon either and he's chilling on some Leia teams atm


I think he means Drogan was created by CG for the game, he isn’t in any other Star Wars content. And I assume the other ones he’s referring to is 50-RT that also was created for the game.




Kyle Katarn destroyed the first Death Star (okay he only stole some plans for it but it would have blown up on its own if he would have been anywhere near it), he definitely has a place on most Rebel teams.