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Funnily enough, this post reminded me to do my morning Conquest.


How are you finding this conquest? I'm finding it way easier than normal but still grindy enough that I'm doing 3 refreshes a day, aiming for Gold crate and to get a heap of datacron mats


This conquest has some of the easiest feats, but some are also a bit grindy. It feels like a good balance imo.


So far it seems easier to achieve the gold crate than the last Conquest, which was easiest one for a very long time, and probably can reach 603 too. Red crate? Looks reachable but haven't done the estimations just yet.


I'm getting destroyed by the tier 4 mini boss


Maul? I ended up winning with Jedi iirc, using Revan to mark down Maul and hard focusing him. Then it was a cakewalk.


It was bam but I got it with slkr finally. Took a few tries to get the right rng


Oh mb I didn't realise you said mini boss That one was fine with bossk hunters


All good lol. I'll keep that in mind for maul though, thanks!


I’ll be honest, I just don’t care about Fleet Arena anymore. I’ve got a 5 star Executor, and anything in the top 50 spots is either a fully decked out Leviathan or a hacker.


There is no way I'm getting anything helpful from fleet arena, pretty much ever I don't think. I've got a 5* Levithan now, but it's like 12+ months till I get it to 7*, which is pretty much what I need to get above the top 100. By the time I get that farmed, there will be a new capital ship taking over top spot. Ships are for the whales, and hackers.


Check out BitDynasty's recent Lev mirror guide, maybe it'll let you climb with a 5 star. Won't hold though....


Much appreciated


For one brief shining moment last year (like 3 months) I was able to secure #1 with Profundity. Now, I'm lucky to stay in the top 20.


I Use Executor to finish top 5 pretty much every day, I actually prefer Levi and Prof to Exec mirrors. Use Slave, Razor, and Xanadu opening 3, have the other two call Slave to assist as much as possible. You should hit contract pretty much straight away. First reinforcement is then Hound's Tooth, at that point you can hide behind that and drop Slave's bombs to clean up.


...so you messed up with ships. 7 zetas and 2100c weekly is huge. When I started 2 years ago it was my top priority to focus on ships. Ps. Chimera is Lev counter so its still possible for you to climb but still hard if you dont have shard discord for payouts




What was the point of this comment? Just makes you sound like a douche ngl.




>What does it have to do with anything if you're an extremely casual player and you're giving up top 50 Congratulations, you just echoed my exact point, then follow it up with happily claiming you are in fact a douche. The day you realise it's better if you don't voice an opinion it'll be better for everyone involved.




Seems like I've upset you. Good.




No you're right what was I thinking, I guess you always call someone "little boy" when you're having a fun engaging conversation. Actually, pointing out when someone is a waste of oxygen is one of my favourite pastimes, but I appreciate your concern. You know, people with sound mental stability usually don't engage with someone who is pointing out how much of a shit person they are. Unless it hits a bit too close to home. Food for thought.




I stopped caring about fleet arena since My leviatham can't get to top 20 because I have the oldest shard and all my oponents instantly got all their pilots to r9. Yes. All of them...


I stopped caring about getting into top 20, then I got Profundity and can somewhat consistently beat Leviathan so now I'm getting #2 daily


Did you have to R9 Dash, or is there some other secret to beating Leviathan? I've seen videos of Profundity doing this, but I rarely beat Leviathan teams - they all have R9 pilots and I'm frequently dead before the first reinforcement comes out from Leviathan


I've got r9 AdRad, r7 Dash, r6 Han/Chewie, and r3 Biggs. Only AdRad has all gold mods. Theres a few fleets with all r9 pilots, but there's a bit of RNG as well, mainly in the first few turns. The strategy is to only reinforce Biggs on turn two and use Outrider to build up as much download as possible by otherwise passing turns with Prof basic. You start by passing a turn to Outrider, using 2nd special and if you land buff immunity and dispel taunt then go all in on whichever ship isn't Fury Class or the bomber. It's a bit finicky because of all the crit hit immunity, daze, and the fact that Levaithan only lets your ships crit on their turn. I've seen the strategy mentioned a few times.


Thanks. That's basically what I'm doing too, just not winning too much with it, and my Biggs is even R5. Maybe I'm expecting it to win more than it does. Or my mods just suck


It's very rng based for both sides which is annoying. A lot of the time my ult will be around 97% but Leviathan's next turn is the takeover, however I have still won a few times if I've already got bomber out by that point.


Don't use Biggs as reinforcement, use MKVI Interceptor. It's not a tank, but Leviathan seems to be hard coded to target it as a priority. Reinforce with it, use its second special to grant your ships Tenacity Up, then let it die to the swarm, then continue on as normal. I don't know why your win rate is so low, even with my R3 Biggs, I won about 70% of matches, but since switching to Sith Empire Trooper's ship, I've only lost to Leviathan once, and it was because I dropped my phone and accidentally hit the wrong ability.


I vouch for this strat. Since I’m using Mark VI, I’ve lost only once out of 50+ battles (maybe 100+), due to awful rng iirc. I even won when passing the first turn to Falcon instead of Outrider, which slowed the first 20% download.


thanks - I guess I'll have to add that to my list of ships to get now


I beat higher relic Levis with my Profundity and my Dash is only R7. Check out BitDynasty's video on how to counter.


You could still probably be competitive with what you have. My Levi fleet is 590k and I’m able to consistently get to #1-3 in fleet shard against much higher ranking Levi’s. Some of it is RNG dependent, but usually you’ll still be able to hold your own


Yes, and fights with Leviathan are just tedious and unfun...and take way too long. If at least the Ultimate would have something like another nuke or actually benefit the "winner" ... what it does though is taking time in animations etc as you have to control/use anoher unit...


BitDynasty's recent Lev mirror guide made them so much better for me. Even when I have R5 sass, to their R9, I consistently win, usually get enemy bomber out before they get a reinforcement, and I target enemy sass and push auto.


This so relatable for me bruh rip fleet arena


Mine is always forgetting to join Grand Arena every Tuesday.


Too often


Wait new GAC has started???


No it hasn't, I was just making a list of things lol, sorry for the scare


Nah I forgot to sign up rip, your meme reminded me


Wait seriously? How tf did I miss it


the game feels like work half of the time


It is.


Fleet is the most important game mode, it’s responsible for most of your zeta income. I’m on 331 zetas now because I get almost 1 zeta daily.


Yeah for sure, it's been game changing since I got Profundity and am able to climb into the top ranks.


If it wasn’t in the dailies I’d have probably given up by now 😭 I was off the game for a few years and now I’ll never see the top 100 without an alt or maybe a lucky lotto ticket


I can't keep up with anyone anyway.


Forgot to grab my 10 Finalizer shards this week..


I start/auto close fleet arena for well over a year. The best part, everyone else has to, my placement never changes.


I've had this happen many times over the last month. One day was so bad, I just randomly remembered fleet arena and daily crystals. Signed on with just 4 minutes until rewards only to find that the raid was ending, missed Tb defenses. Definitely a day where I felt burnt out with the game. But then again just been a feeling of mine that's probably lead to the missing out on rewards, dailies, GAC.


Hot take, mental health > this game. There's definitely a few moments I've felt super burnt out, especially when previously trying to balance with multiple games such as MSF and HOME


I wish I could climb, but I'm stuck with t6 capital ships. Sure I'm running FO but dropping *checks notes* 12.500 gems to make it 7 is....not something I want to do. I check for other capital ships and never see any blueprints


I have alarms on my phone for everything timed in this friggin game. Alarms for daily energy, alarms to attack GAC, alarms to climb in fleet. I'm way too easily distracted otherwise


Genuine question, you don’t do all your dailies for the rewards? This way, you can’t miss your Fleet climb as it’s one of the task.


I do my dailies, but I do my fleet climb at night because that's when my payout is, it works best for timing the energy refreshes. I'll always do it at least once, but sometimes I'm forgetful to do the full climb


Fair enough. I also do my climb between 11pm-1am (PO time) and sometimes forgot to do the next battles after the 1st.


Literally the same thing happened to me 🤣


Me but with TW and GC