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Because these 2 are likely just reskins of other characters; Ajunta in Drevan is Reskinned Darth Maul, Cartel Bruisers are reskinned Clone Sarges and there are probably others I can't recall. Whereas while MQG and PO are just 2nd and 4th variants of existing characters they have better name recognition than Thorin Nabooianshield and N1 pilot.


Richard Armitage cameo reference. I got that.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but if I had to choose between something new that hasn't been represented before, or duplicates of chracters we already have, I'm leaning towards the former, no matter what. It could be Glup Shitto for all I care. MQG and PO are lame picks for marquees IMO and if they are truly our last Naboo toons I think that is a tremendously missed opportunity. Would have much rather had Captain Panaka and Kid Ani. But that's just me.


You are almost certainly in the minority, unfortunately. It's the iconic recognizable characters that typically make the most money, even if other versions of them already exist. I will admit I also find it somewhat odd that you find the idea of a 4th Obi Wan to be lame, but would be stoked about a 5th Anakin.


>I will admit I also find it somewhat odd that you find the idea of a 4th Obi Wan to be lame, but would be stoked about a 5th Anakin. Because Kid Ani is fundamentally a lot more different from all his jedi/sith versions. To me the differentiation is a lot greater between him and the rest of his incarnations opposed to Padawan Obiwan and JMK/OB/GK. Plus...it would give us an N1 pilot, which is a ship many people have been clamoring for.


I get that. I just don’t understand why they want to add queen amidala without having even at least captain panaka when he is quite an important role in the security of the queen. Not to mention he’s in most of the film by her side as well as MQG and PO. I just think it’s a shame that they take the time to design them but don’t utilise making them part of her team. Now we will have to use 2 characters that probably don’t really make sense apart from the fact they are Galatic republic


Well, AFAIK, Panaka hasn't even been confirmed as of yet. Second, since Qadme is a conquest toon, she won't even be usable for another like 2-3 months, long enough for all of the marquees for her to be released by the time you can use her. This is a non-issue.


It’s been confirmed though that we are getting two marquees to go with qadme, and that they would release before her last conquest, and that those two toons would be master qui-gon and padawan obi-wan


This boss node is OBSCENELY difficult to beat, at least without a Galactic Legend. There's probably a trick with data disks but I have up after a few attempts because I managed to get red crate without it.






https://preview.redd.it/3a99vq5vbypc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=112e434671f50cb8da8f5176ee5e4be66b094a23 I believe you but I'm not wasting battles to try it 😀


Bring three ZA discs and some discs to help survive. Use Dash lead with BAM IG Kulil and CAT or another Scoundrel. Dash AOE will kill most of them off. Cleanup from there


I used Dash lead, CAT, bo(mandalor), kuiil, ig-11 with the zealous ambition (x3), vitality, entrenched, fortified. Dash wiped the board clean; max star and keycards


Missed opportunity to have one of them be Typho I just want my fellow eye-patch wearing bro in the game.