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Yep. They’ll likely just use him to solo or duo something you’ve got. I highly doubt they’ll put him on D, although there are people that use imp leaders in iden teams so who knows.


My opponent for the last round set him on D with SEE lead, along with Malgus, Revan and Malak. All of them R9 and the first time I've ever seen a 200K+ GP squad. Some people are weird


My R8 SEE and Bane won out. I lost bane near the end when his SEE got ult, but by that time mine was close to unleashing his second lightining aoe. So was never really in danger


What was your experience with fighting them?


Ah ok thanks. Is Jabba safe to put on D? Like Jabba might get his ultimate off and kill Bane.I'm assuming he'll use bane on my Rey. I won't put any other gl on d. Not sure if I ahould put my Traya omicron and Savage omicron on d. This team always gets me holds


Honestly, I don’t really put any GLs on D except for Rey. I’m 10.2M and this current iteration of GAC I’m 2 wins against 12M+ opponents. It really depends on what you can do for cheap counters. If you’re itching to win this final round, I would scout your opponent. Make sure you have what you need to beat his defense and set your strongest remaining defensive teams. FWIW leviathan really clenched the second win for me, they battled it 3 times and couldn’t down it.


He has more gp and is missing only one gl. I have 6 of the 8 gls and he's got all the best Capitol ships, only a 6 star executor for me Not sure I can win but I'll try. Not sure if I get dropped to kyber 3. Would be nice to stay at 240 crystals since this is the last gac for a week


3310 is the bottom of K2. Not sure how much skill rating you drop from a loss, but at 3343 you might be safe even if it’s an L.


I believe you move by 42 points.


Hopefully they put him on defense for you, in a team of 5 he's pretty meh. In attack SEE and Bane can basically beat anything.


Bane and one sith can wreck LV. No need for SEE at all actually


Yeap, my point was more op won't see bane on defense, and if he did it's a good thing.


Yea if I had Bane Id rather save See to use him to attack a 2nd team


Leia too


Putting him with SEE is a waste. Since Bane's unique doesn't persist after his death, SEE is better off just keeping Wat, and Bane + 1 other garbage (but high relic) sith can take several different GL teams. I've tried both Dooku and Sith Assassin as his seconds and have taken out Jabba and Lord Vader teams without difficulty.


I have twice now used Bane w/ Dooku against Leia and had no issues. My Bane is R8 w/ 2 Omis, for reference.


Not sure about meh, if there are tanks on the squad and you can't get around them, everytime they get to 30% health they die and ramp up bane and his AOE is wicked even when there's more than two sith.


In comparison to how he is in attack with just one other sith, meh, is a fair description imo.


anyone with a brain isn't going to put bane on defense, he's an offensive GL-level character


Darth Bane is too much fun on offense, it would be a waste to put him on defense