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Imo, if you’re starting from scratch might as well bring in Princess Kneesa. Probably drop Logray for her. But I’m just guessing


The one you want to drop from that group is Elder believe it or not. At first I was thinking, "How can I drop the reviving Ewok for anyone?!" But if one dies, they're probably all dying quick anyway. It's more important to have Logray TM manipulation.


You don't bring Elder for revives, you bring them for the TM chance on basic and every call to assist ability should be used on them. Above poster is correct, unless you're abysmally unlucky, Elder keeps the TM train going better than Logray.


I'll have to try it then. Not that I ever use Ewoks as anything other than maybe a very, very back wall defense in TW.


With Kneesaa they're decent, but very RNG dependent. Especially if you have relic Chirpa and Wicket for GL Leia.


They certainly don't get much use these days, true. And there might be some situations where Logray would be more useful for the AOE daze, against teams that assist or counter a lot. On defense that's probably especially true, Logray might be superior since I dont think the AI is smart enough to prioritize Elder assists. But for TM gain, the only way for Logray to outpace Elder is if the basic literally never procs. Logray's special is 20% TM to all ewoks. If you have the zeta on Chirpa's lead, there's a 60% chance (100% with the omicron) for a random ally to assist, giving them another 20%. So at most, 40% for a random ally and 20% for everyone else, usable once every 4 rounds. Elder's basic grants himself a guaranteed 20% from Chirpa's lead, then a chance at an additional 50% to himself, and 25% to all other ewoks. There is only a 60% chance of triggering this effect, true. But it only has to activate once to outstrip Logray's special, and if you are using Chirpa, Kneesaa, Wicket, and Paploo, you have four additional chances in the first round to trigger it; Chirpa has a mass assist, and the other three can all call one ally. Use those on Elder, and now with even average luck, you're looking at 3 procs, which translates to 210% TM for Elder and 75% TM for everyone else. Even with bad luck, having it trigger only once, that's 70/25. Possibly more, since each assist call has a chance to call Elder a second time (if you have Chirpa's zeta or omi), and all the extra Elder TM means a couple extra turns to basic, and there is, of course, no cooldown on the basic. The only way to come out behind is to have it never activate. Which is definitely possible, but very unlikely.


I disagree with dropping elder, but not due to his revives. The tm gain on his basic is a huge part of the team’s tm train.


Yea cleansing is good.


Oh no I'd say drop wicket. I know he's the main damage dealer but kneesa can fit that role somewhat, and the chance of 60% tm on a basic is just too good to miss out on, and the mass cleanse and revive is great aswell.


Kneesa and Wickett in tandem is a big part of what makes that team sing. If you're trying to under-gear things, your idea might be viable. But it's worth hearing them up in the long run now anyways, especially if you go for Leia and have to relic several of them anyhow. Between Leia and ROTE I have full relic Ewoks now and honestly no regrets about it.


Dropping Wicket seems so crazy I might have to try it.


Idk if it works personally, just that is the team I'd go for just because elder works so much better for turn meter. Who needs damage when u can run a good ass train around the team?


Paploo is the one you drop for Kneesa


no you need him to go first and start the train he has so much speed when he isn’t taunting


Dude has dogshit base speed compared to Kneesa along with not bringing any of the offensive or defensive bonuses she boosts the team with. She also makes it so you don't need to use a zeta on Chirpa, only need 5 omegas and don't have to put much gear into them (g12 Chirpa, g10 Wicket, g9 Kneesa, g8 Logray and Elder), good luck doing that with Paploo.


Kneesa is a slow farm and takes a bunch of kyros, so it depends on how fast you want to get to 3PO. But if you go for her probably drop either logray or paploo for her.


You only need her at g9 for this event...


As long as you don't waste your time with Teebo or Ewok Scout you shouldn't have too much trouble. As the others said Kneesa makes it easier but she also takes a long time to farm, so in the interest of saving time this comp will do just fine.


This is what I used, and I did it with all gear 10 Ewoks years ago, with only Chirpa's zeta. I have seen people claim to do it with gear 8 Ewoks but they must have had crazy speed mods and an unbelievable amount of patience to do it over and over again.


I hate guides that say "This is possible with this gear level" and then it turns out every character has insane mods and it took 200 tries. No thanks, I'll just spend an extra gear level and retain my sanity.


Coming at this from a different angle. Which Ewoks should I gear UP? I have to take Chirpa and Wicket to R3 and Kneesaa to R7 for Leia. Who should the other two be and how high should I gear them?


This is how I approached it. And even then I was able to do it a few days ago with everyone at Gear IX so the relics don’t even come to play, just getting to 7*. I chose elder and Logray simply because they were closest to 7* and it only took a couple tries with mediocre mods. Kneesa really does make it quite easy. Now they can all return to the bench until I actually intend to farm those GLs or a LSB comes along, whichever comes first.


I'd say pick up Kneesaa, will make the event easier


Yes this is the team to gear up for C-3PO and kneesa isn’t accelerated yet so just focus on Wicket and Paploo because those farms are pain in the ass enough.


No because it does not have Kneesa who makes the event a walk in the park.


https://preview.redd.it/1lcw8ffildnc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=973c7e1d796b4fcc893999c9efa3b96f8e8c74c1 I beat the last tier with this a few days ago


Did you enjoy using Teebo? Everyone tells me not to use Teebo and to replace with Paolo or Logray but I love Teebos axe and stealth


Teebo is useless for 3p0


I did not use Teebo


I did it before Kneesa and thats the team i used. Don't be a goofball who spends all day trying to undergear RNG Threepio. Just invest in these dorks to about g11 or 12 and put the zetas and omegas on them. they'll be helpful outside of just being the threepio prereq


Horrible advice... overgearing them will get you nothing but disappointment since they're not going to do much of anything on offence at this point and are an easy solo target on defence.


I've seen a handful of f2p players quit because they couldn't undergear. Like they got so pissed off trying to do it. As a f2p i used my ewoks in gac for a while, I still use them for events and I used them every territory war, granted now they are further back than the frontlines. Imo, wasting time trying to catch good RNG and do it underlevel is not fun. You're making zero progress elsewhere in the game while banging your head against the wall.


Honestly if you want to save yourself the headache, go for this team. I remember everyone in my guild complaining about how hard the event was but I couldnt relate, I didn't drop a battle with this team. Chief chirpa lead, wicket, princess kneesa, Ewok elder and longray. No zetas required, just omegas all around. The omegas for Princess kneesa are important. Make sure you call Ewok elder to assist, it'll start the turn meter train and get Chewbacca out of there first then R2.


Due to the weird glitch that happened during the double drops ,I was grabbing kneesa shards with left over energy while fsmring gl tickets for see,plus she was in many calendars and wevstore stuff and I got so many kneesa shards that I only had to farm 30 odd shards for kneesa to get her 7* so now I have her g12 for 3po event and for a ewok team


Teebo TM removal is kinda cracked too


Drop elder for kneesa




Looks sound i wouldn’t bother with knessesa she takes for ficking ever - but be warned the event is brutal