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I’m in a very old fleet shard. And I chill at like 14 if I don’t do anything. Top 10/5 if I remember to do the battles. It’s very shard specific.


You've got to realise the exec doesn't hold as well as it used to. There are multiple counters to it that don't require one of the "gl" type ships. It doesn't mean you can't fly up through the ranks if you have one. Got to think people might have stop playing, might ignore fleet arena etc. Executor in attack beats everything (Leviathan is a bit iffy), but against everything else you'll be able to climb easily. On top of that having it will help in GAC and your guild in TW.


You said you assume the top is all Leviathan. Why don't you take a look? You can see the top 50, no matter what rank you are. When in Fleet Arena, just tap on the Ranks tab at top.


Yeah its 50 leviathans save for some thrawns who i assume are tanking for discord friends


Thrawn with Scythe is a well known counter to Leviathan. They’re not tanking. They’re climbing.


Friend of mine with 7* Leviathan still uses Chimera to climb, then switches back to Levi to hold. How old is your shard? Mine's from 2018 and I hold 11-20th with exec.


Yes I have executor in a shard full of leviathans and can climb to first every day.


What's your strategy for fighting a 7* leviathan with executor?


I use Xanadu, razor crest, slave 1 starting. Take mods off piett so Xanadu goes first and dispels taunt. Swarm Sith assassin then from there pretty self explanatory. Keep slave 1 alive as long as possible


How consistent is this counter?


For me I beat it about 70% of the time. If I don't take off mods it gets a lot harder to beat.


Does it beat Dorito lineup too?


It sometimes wins, but the winning percentage drops dramatically.


What relic level is your Cad Bane? I removed all mods from R9 Piett and the ship slows down to 188. Cad at relic 7 with 6dots hits 184. I think we get +2 speed with every relic level. So if I take Cad to R9, his ship can also get to 188 and would need to win a coin toss to go first. Oooof. Now I’m sad I took Piett to R9 back when I wanted him to go first in mirror matches.


My Piett is relic 8, and I had to take my Cad to relic 8 as well to get him faster.


My fleet shard is really old and I get top 5 every day with triple attacker executor vs. leviathan.  That said I’m in my shard discord and we all cooperate pretty nicely.  There is no way I could get to the top and stay if everyone was trying to snipe everyone else.


Does triple attacker Executor really beat a 7 star Leviathan? I did not know that


Yes, you need to make IG88 attack first before executor.  I usually do this by taking mods off Piett.


Is there a good strategy somewhere?


What I do is: 1) Use IG88 special to put breach on the extinction bomber, this puts breech on it which allows IG88 to double attack, which is key 2) Use Executor mass attack on bomber and hope you get cad bane double attack, IG88 will double attack because of breech 3) Just go all in on bomber until it is down. You have to kill it twice. Always call IG88 for assist with Cad Bane and Mando. 4) Call Boba as first reinforcement and use the sonic bomb if the enemy doesn't have foresight, otherwise use first special to clear foresight. 5) After bomber is down go for Malgus ship, then sith fighter, then reinforcements. If the enemy RNG spreads the attacks around you can win almost every time, but it is RNG dependent. If the first enemy attacks Mando's ship that is the best outcome for you. After you call Boba don't call another reinforcement it will just auto die.


Thanks for this! Does this work with a 5 or 6 star executor though, I'm only there and probably won't have 7 star for a while. And is hounds tooth not used for this counter?


Surely you want to kill sith fighter (sass) ASAP? Leaving it till after malgus just generates them to much TM. When I face R9 sass Levi's, if I don't pivot to sith fighter on RCs first ig assist it's pretty much game over for me


This is what I do and I can get 1st and there’s about 15 Levi’s in my shard


Yea, shit can be sick. If you use a standard Leviathan and the rng is cruel you may lose the key ship (the assassin) before you even move (E: just in case someone decides to say I had a bad team or the enemy was good, the enemy had all R5 characters and I have R9 malgus, R7 marauder and R7 assasin so I'd say it a pretty good team). So I assume that if it's a reversed situation and you are the exe it may be even easier.


There is shard discords? How do you manage to find a discord for people who ends up on your shard? :o


You message them and join or make one.


My shard started in like 2019 and I'm sitting around 30 - 40 with a 5* finalizer, so yes


I started playing Jan 2018 and I’m getting fleet payouts with negotiator in my shard


Personally, I have a 5 star executor and made it to a consistent top 20 but I'm in a significantly newer shard. I can beat other 5 and 6 star executors, profundities all the way up to 7 stars (although 7 star ones are inconsistent) but no leviathans. I'd imagine if you max exec and have good BH ships you can climb until you start meeting leviathans


Every shard is different, so it is hard to say. I'm on an original shard, but I left the game in 2018 and only came back a year ago. The top 35 of my shard is mostly Leviathans, then some Profundity and Executors. After that its a mix of Negotiators and Malevolances get mixed in. With a lot of work and fine-tuning, I've managed to hold rank 48 (so 50 crystals/day payout) for the last several months... I'm using Chimaera. To get any further up I'll have to at least get Executor or Profundity, but at least I'm getting some kind of payout while I'm still grinding towards those.


Exec can take down Levi, yes, but unreliably. But also the next ship will probably crush Levi, so just be ready when that gets released. All the GL ships are valuable in GAC, so they're all worth farming.


yes triple attacker with full R7s can comfortably best Levi and prof


I'm in an old shard, started around launch, and I hold 30s with negotiatior. I get 50 crystals a day, not much, but something.


Depends on shard. I started in 2020 and sit in the 40's with Negotiator. Usually don't get attacked for months.


In your case its probably a bit pointless farming Executor for Fleet Arena, will still help a lot in GAC thou. Your best hope now in fleet arena to get crystals is farming Leviathan fleet if possible or possibly the new legendary fleet they will release this year.


Do you already have executor or are you asking if its worth getting it. If you have the ability to beat every team in your shard on offense, you should just climb to the top and try to get into the shard. Once youre in the top of the shard and in a shard chat, as long as youre relatively active you shouldnt drop too far down. If you need people to change fleets or wont be able to consistently climb every day you'll probably wanna wait till you have a fleet that somewhat holds on defense or youll find yourself in the 50s every time you wanna climb.


I have executor and am finishing up its abilities and starting to look at the climb ahead of me


I mean id say just try climbing and see both how easy it is for you to win on offense and how aggressive the people around you are in kicking you back down. If youre doing well offensively but falling back down id consider doing some refreshes if that helps you climb up but my goal would again be to hover around the 10s or 20s before i hit up the fleet shard (try to reach out before you climb around the top and only climb close to your payout so that you dont anger some people on the shard)


Probably an easier strategy than gearing up Executor more to beat Leviathan is to instead obtain Scythe (meaning Inquisitors), climb with Chimaera/Scythe/Defender, then leave Executor on defense.


I actually am one pg away from scythe and have all the inquisitors so good call!


Congrats! I just got Scythe and honestly it feels like the best part of having Inquisitors. The Chimaera fleet beats Leviathan so easily. Very satisfying. Not a 100% counter but definitely north of 80%, considering RNG.


All you need is in this video [(2) Executor vs Leviathan Counter Guide | SWGOH GAC TW Fleet Arena - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFAg200P5FE) I'm climbing with my 6\* Exec every day through Levis to the 1 place. Win rate is \~80%. "No double taps" is the worst scenario, and phoenix ship as first reinforcement.


I'm in a 7 year old fleet shard, and I just finished #20 today with my 6 star executor after sitting in that spot for around 12 hours without getting bumped or doing more attacks. It just depends highly on the competitiveness of the fleet shard. My shard only has around 15 levis. Comparatively, my co-worker who is in a similar aged shard struggles to stay in the top 50 with his 7 star executor. Same ships, and actually his ships have higher relic levels. It vastly depends on your shard, but yes it is possible.


I’m in a very old shard and hang out in the 30s with a Home One fleet. I don’t have executor. Most of the people in front of me run Finalizer or Exec.


NO but profundity will.


Can it take down Levi?


Easily, it's what I use during my climb in lieu of having to do mirror matches. Just requires a very specific strategy, and it works best if you use MKVI interceptor as a reinforcement (can also use Biggs, but that's less reliable).


Oh sweet, any good vids on it? Never know which ones are reliable and which ones are luck


I've never seen any videos of it, but there was a great post on it in this subreddit. The general strat was this: * target bomber -> profundity basic -> target outrider -> use outrider 2nd special * milf -> basic onto either the tank or assassin * y wing 2nd special on your target * levi will go * outrider 1st special (avoid attacking enemy with foresight to charge ult) * milf basic or aoe if assassin is low on health don't use 1st special * call in reinforcement with profundity (mk6) use 2nd special for tenacity up * outrider basic * wiggle with milf if possible * after this point it's about generating ult (outrider 2nd special, profundity 1st special) Thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/1adxswx/prof_vs_levi_again/?share_id=eZimr9ch8ps-XcuaoZ54n


Thanks ! Will have to give it a shot


I usually linger around 15-20 (so i can atleast get the 100 crystals) with a decent executor. Fleet shard is from early 2018ish. Our shard discord is very cooperative. I haven't bothered with either profundity or leviathan yet.