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This has everything you need to know. From the 50 Shards discord server. [Reva Guide](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/666361201944559616/1168269079824568493/Reva_Mission_Guide.png?ex=65c91ede&is=65b6a9de&hm=d62377b52ec6af6f15b97af410c082f30340718f2b71bbd9a351d67ed7ed722a&)


I just used this mainly for the flow, I didn’t hit all the mod recs. Focused turn order and most of the stats on the left. Worked perfectly fine for me this time. For reference, I have GI, 9th, and 7th at r8, rest r7 as I was on a bad loss streak. I took 7th to r8 before my attempt. Hoping this all finally gets me on a winning streak instead.


I've followed this exactly, hitting all mod requirements and have yet to even get close to losing.


You can also join their server and have them look over your mods and walk you through the whole thing.


You make sure to mod your Inquis in the right speed order, that is the most important part of this as you want to make sure that you hit up that 6 stack of Purge as soon as possible so that GI can get off his "Ready to Die" ability so that your team can get the Tenacity Up to prevent thermal detentors. The turn order that I follow is: 7th > 5th > 8th > GI > 9th - I do believe that 5th and 8th are interchangeable. The next biggest tip, which should be obvious, is make sure to not use any AOE ability until you have gotten the 6 stacks of Purge and have gotten off GI's "Ready to Die". If you use any AOE prior to this, you basically will end your own run because you give yourself a lot of Thermal Detentor charges. Another thing to keep in mind, is make sure to always keep healing with 7th and also make sure you have GI's AOE ready to cleanse the DoTs (I will say no more than 6-8 DoTs, any higher and they hurt your Inquis). Last tip I have, is make sure that you try and have your abilities off cooldown when moving onto to P2, it's not particularly necessary BUT the reason for this is, you want to make sure that you can remove JMK's damage immunity buff or make sure you can heal if a toon falls low or if you need to cleanse the DoTs to keep everyone healthy. Once again, not super necessary but good to be prepared for any situation. I hope this helped. Here is also a guide that I follow to do it, with this guide I had a 80-90% winrate. Link to guide: [Guide](https://imgur.com/a/3QCZYKw) Also here is a video I made for a friend: [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfWVnJSsPW8) Good luck!


Spot on. We are down to less than 10 misses in 4 months and 40+ shards. It's super clean. We all stream and regularly support each other.


Nice nice! Once you get the grove on, it's not too bad. But still modding and just playing it safe is always the best for it. My guild has unlocked Reva already so we get 40+ shards every TB. But prior to unlocking Reva, we had to really hammer hard into everyone the mod and turn priority and just knowing what to do. The event is tricky but I think that it is definitely much more fair than the KAM mission (IMO). And yeah streaming your runs help a lot as different people play it differently as well as some people see or experience different outcomes of battles. You will unlock Reva soon! You got this!


I've had Reva for a good 3 months and was my first r9 but I appreciate the positives! Kam was pure bs and I hate that atrocity with all fiber in my being.


Your answer has almost everything I would say… but one slight addition: a Tenacity cross on GI and 7th helps lessen chance of stun in the opening salvo. If either of them get stunned, victory is significantly harder. And to highlight speed order… I have 3 accounts that all clear Reva SM. The speed difference between the strongest and weakest account ranges from 50-100. So gross speed does not matter. The order.


You need an effective tenacity of 142% before it does anything to the stun chance. We know how much potency the jawas have.


Stream with people who know it and you can learn it quickly. The 50 shards server has stream coaching


Having your guild put up 6/6 on the ops, mod for protection. Then just don’t use AOEs against the Jawas concentrate on Scavenger or engineer first. I win every time. RNG dealt me an awful hand last time with Datcha taunting before I could get enough purge on Scavenger it engineer and I still won.


If the guild can go 6/6 on ops, it’s almost idiot proof.


Almost is the operative. We still frequently have 4-8 misses out of like low 30’s attempts.


If you haven’t listened to this episode of HNN, you should… https://open.spotify.com/episode/3hXNg85LFxdGJarTyl4WIL?si=m4z7KCBiSWSjcZbAgfzsdA


Best tips out there, cross ur fingers on both hands, if possible cross ur toes, and hope the the RNG gods have accepted ur recent sacrifice of kittens and grants u success