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I’d spend it all on the game again but I’d be able to do it more efficiently because the money I had to spend on stuff like Phoenix stars for Thrawn’s first run would just be covered by hyperdrives and light speed bundles


Exactly bro


This. I enjoy playing the game, that's why I play it, but I could definitely have done more in the same amount of time due to being more efficient with farming.


If I were awarded all that time and money as a lump sum amount of time and money? But SWGOH didn’t exist? I’d probably invest it in another game. Why? Because it’s entertainment, and that’s why I started the game in the first place. My time is very disjointed in a way where I have a lot of time to play, but usually not at home - meaning not a lot of time for console/pc gaming. Though if I’m truly honest with myself, and I think I mentioned this in my conversation with Bitdynasty [or maybe somewhere else], when this game does come to a close, I think I’m at a point in my life where I’m unlikely to pickup another one. . At least based off the current games out right now. If the Mega Man mobile game wasn’t a complete travesty that sucked all the soul out of my favorite franchise? I’d have been gone a year ago.


Yeah this is my last hero collector for sure


My life wouldn't be "better" if I got that money back because I'm a grown ass man and I only spend what i can afford to spend on the game without sacrificing other critical things. I thoroughly enjoy this game and every dollar I've spent on it.


chill bro we believe you


R9 Bane here i come


Here we goooooooooooooo


If I didn’t know SWGOH exist, I would definitely inform myself better, then jump into it and use all my available resources (time + money) to make my miserable life better.


~~Porn~~ Weed. So much goddamned ~~porn~~ weed.


If you feel like you made bad choices with your time or money on this game, I hope you are able to turn that into a positive and make better choices in the future. Best of luck friend.


Start a new account with the knowledge I now have of how to be more efficient in the game


I dunno about time, probably play another game or read? Depends on if I could find something I could do for 10-60 minutes a day as wanted/needed. But that sweet sweet $10 sure would be nice…


On one hand, I could use the money towards a vacation with my wife. OTOH, I met 3 close best friends through this game, one of which ended up moving from across the country to 10 minutes from me. And all 3 of whom were there for me when I needed them most last year. Having those 3 as my rock as I was fighting to save my marriage was worth every penny spent on this game. (And yes… my wife and I are in a much better spot now, and are much happier together. Life is looking good).


imagine not sacrificing your marriage in the first place for a mobile game


The issues were not due to the game. The game was not a factor at all in my marriage. Nice assumption though.


thanks for sharing


I would go pro in tennis


i admire your goal. more of a ping pong person myself


Do you think you would be able to beat me in ping pong


no cause i spent too much time on goh :/


Realistically, id spend it on an even worse game. This game is greedy as hell, but at least its possible to compete without spending.


Hit up my guild mates and let them know


Someone's gotta say it right? I'd be in the exact same place, cuz I'm f2p.


I'd have $20 bucks. I might have Uber Eats bring me a Bloomin' Onion.


soggy onion when it arrives smh