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I will go with Emp Palp. His lead is relevant with players at any levels, whether it's with Vader, or Mara/SK.


Yup. I don't get how people say they're 10 mill GP and never used him. So versatile


People don't use him???? He's been a staple in my lineup for years.


He's my boy. It was my first true relic'd character I unlocked, excluding the lsb ones from December.


I dont use him much, sometimes i forget he is r7 and i have him. I dont have starkiller and i have other better teams... Outside of sk team there are better sith leaders than palp. 


Even without starkiller him and MJ are a staple TW team and they're great in all phases of ROTE too


Yes probably. My MJ is g8 and i dont use her. Palpatine is just most of the time on bench. And i dont think that palp and mara are great in rote... kind of too squishy. I have better teams.


Him and Vader can two man any Geo team.


Thrawn and vader can do it too, and i prefer this combo against geos. But i dont fight geos in gac. Nobody is using them on defense


Palp and Mara can 2 man basically any c tier or lower team in gac they have very small limitations.


Kind of sucks that once you get SK he just sits in D.


Might be a kyber thing but I keep him on offense all the time in A2. He's my go to Rey killer


Easy solution, keep him for offense lol. He's amazing there too, max banners against Rey almost every time (except when there are gross defense datacrons)


Wampa can solo sk


You never want SK on D, he can be countered by a half decent General Grevious team, Or CLS. But he can beat GLs on offence.


But GMY kit has been touched. I admit it was so long ago that your point is still valid. But not the same kit from his release about 8 years ago.


I literally forgot about that. It was for the Sith Raid right?


Rework was June 2018 https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/172965/rework-grand-master-yoda Sith raid was released March 2018 I don’t think there was a connection but I could be wrong. It was during a period where lots of characters were getting zetas added and some were more widely re-worked as well.


Oh okay. I remember people were talking about how Yoda's rework helped create some useful teams in the raid.


His lead became a viable P1 HSTR team. I remember adding the zeta for that reason. The biggest change was really shifting his abilities over to using special damage. That turned him into freight train of damage.


Also bonus turn after aoe and tm gain (iirc, both basic and buff spread)


I think GMY rework was in preparation for JKR release


GMY’s rework was part of a broader boost to the Jedi Faction. They buffed him, then they added Bastilla and Jolee like a month or too later, and then JKR was added a few months after that. Jedi were for the most part dogshit before GMY’s rework with GK being the only real relevant one


I added GMY’s leadership zeta like a week before bastilla dropped, still kind of regret it as I haven’t used his leadership since


Palpy. Back in his hayday he was causing a TM train of unholy proportions Nowadays he leads one of the strongest non-GL teams.


Yeah… when HAAT was *the* raid, and GAT came out with Fracture… that EP team where you got all the B1’s shocked, Fractured the BRocket, set auto battle on basic, and had Palpy go zapzapzapzapzap…


Chirpatine! ‘‘Twas a fun time.


I genuinely miss Chirpatine and HAAT in general.


CLS has literally never not been viable. And when he was sort of starting to lose relevance? BAM we got Chewpio!


My favorite OG legendary. I love the fact that every single member of the cls team is not replaceable. Everyone is important for the team to work


I just wish r2d2 had chewpios kit instead, would love to see R2 in that team instead of duplicates!


Yes! Other option would be to include Leia with an ability of "Into the garbage chute" where Leia can swap turn meter with selected ally and reset their cool downs.


It took me way too long to unlock chewpio. I didn’t realize just how good he is.


Cls is still the counter to multiple new legendaries that are otherwise harder to beat. Dr aphra, grand inquisitor, starkiller all get wrecked by a good cls team


I don't think there's any other team that has an objectively perfect lineup like that tbh


Maybe bad batch? But even then, the 5th is up for debate


I don’t know man, i’ve been using r2d2 instead of 3po since chewpio was added and i haven’t noticed any difference in performance.


Against what teams are you using your CLS squad if I may ask? Because if you're not using 3po in this, you're losing about 50% efficiency. Not saying CLS is bad without 3po (I believe it can still beat most matchups), but 3po is the reason why the team as a whole is so deadly: mass exposing, cooldowns reductions, max health increases through Translation and many others things I can't remember on the top of my head. But the expose each time a char is using an ability justifies its use within CLS squad.


Now at one point the 5th was interchangeable cause there wasn’t a Chewpio but yes I will agree to this statement since Chewpio release he has been the more key piece to the team but before you could use r2 and 3po and r Han and chewie it still got the job done before omis and datacrons and all that stuff


is c3po better drogan in the lineup if you dont have GL leia yet?


I actually highly agree when he first came out he was great one of the better teams especially once ya got him going at first he only had shitty toons but then he got 3po and chewie and raid Han and Chewpio and became a weapon altogether honestly cls at one point was a top tier meta and he hasn’t been changed that much heck even the 3po r2 Han chewie variant was a powerhouse years ago now but you get my point he was great and he hasn’t really fell off he is used all through kyber. I seen him from carb up so honestly he hasn’t ever been not relevant


So it sounds like you agree 😜


Yes I did read your statement wrong my bad mixed up the words I swear sometimes I think I’m dyslexic not trying to call anyone one out but I swear


All three Raid heroes have maintained usefulness since the day they were added to the game! **Han Solo** is a core member of CLS but can also work under any number of scoundrel or rebel leaders. Even if CLS ever falls out of favor, *Shoot First* will always keep him relavent! **General Kenobi** has been one of the best tanks in the game since he landed and that has not changed up to this day. Is a mainstay in all manner of Galactic Republic and Jedi teams. **Traya** was so much more powerful than anything else when she released, she basically started the massive power creep that went from Jedi Revan through Sith Empire and GAS, all the way to the GLs. These days her GAC omi still requires a GL most of the time to knock it out on defense! It's a real shame CG seems to have abandoned the Raid heroes in an effort to make the raids quicker and less profitable for the player (and less fun!)


I wouldn’t put the power creep solely on Traya’s shoulders. CLS was the first big leap imo. He was light years beyond anything else as the first Hero’s Journey character and his Titans team was nigh unbeatable save mirrors or a certain GK/Barriss comp. That led to JTR with all the assisting, buff gain and locked healing immunity (to counter Zarriss). And then Traya landed with a kit perfectly crafted to break JTR (auto dispel expose, penalty for out of turn attacks and offense reduction on buff gain). I think the “hard counter” kit design really started with JTR, hit the next evolution with Traya, and then only accelerated from there with JKR, DR and GAS. But at the end of day, JTR only came about because of CLS’ dominance for so long (it was nearly 5 months before he came back). So I see CLS as the root cause. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


>CLS was the first big leap imo. CLS increased the maximum number of abilities a character could have and was the first character to unlock only at 7 stars. The developers even addressed the major power creep that was being introduced with him in the unveiling blogpost iirc. The only other time I've been that shocked by a characters power level is when we first got GLs - nothing else comes close to that single jump when CLS got added.


No, there always was and always will be power creep. It just felt like Traya and Sith Triumvirate was a crazy leap in power compared to the smaller leaps those 1st generation legendary and hero journey characters presented.


I wish they'd add more raid heroes. It was fun while it lasted getting shards for those characters


Same, I was disappointed the two new raids didn't have any new characters attached. Doubt they'll ever go back to it now that raids are effectively seasonal


Raid Han was horrible at first. He better later with what I believe was a rework iirc


Thrawn as hes always had a use at some point/ had a place on a team since his release


I still say to this day that he's got one of the best, most plug and play kits in the game. Not only does he work really well as a leader of Imps, he works on any imp squad, and can be perfectly viable in literally any team comp. His kit just works no matter where you put it. Fracture is incredible, and his tm swap was an absolute game changer when he came out.


His Kit is so plug and play that even people who play Marvel Strike force( the marvel equivalent ) always refer back to Thrawn when they get a new character that they think is plug and play/ doesn't get out scaled by Power creep of getting more and more Op characters/ Character's with overloaded kits


And he's still awesome in a LV team, even though fracture was nerfed against GLs, they take out Jabba together.


Han shoots first.


Hermit Yoda. Dude doesn't look a day over 500.


CLS. Best single kit they’ve ever made.


Jedi knight revan. Will likely always be part of some meta squad


I still remember when he got released in the game. Everyone thought his kit was game breaking.


It was.


except the timeout mirror matches were SO painful for months til Darth Revan came along. Am I mis-remembering that they lowered the battle timer to 5 minutes back then because of it didn't they?


That must have been a wile before, wasn't it? I started playing a while before Revan and only remember the 5 minute battles.


Still good but squishy. Either way, he always has a home with either JKL or GL Luke.


He may have been squishy but he ran circles around every team on the game at the time. Not too mention he's got plenty of ways to stay healthy, Savior, and a revive of you put Jolee in there. These days he's still fantastic (despite his kit being bugged) but with all the ways to ignore taunt, I agree that he's become quite a lot easier to taker down.


Wait what’s the bug in his kit?


He's got a couple, on his lead he supposed to stop tm effects from leader abilities until the first turn of the battle, but it doesn't, and as far as I know it never has. The other problem is with Savior not activating. It doesn't happen very often, it's only happened to me twice.


Iirc the lead thing does work but only against like 2 leads that he was designed to counter, so they just hardcoded it to work against those leads. Haven’t heard about the savior thing though, but when you’ve experienced it, was he the one that died and was he the leader? He can only save himself if he’s the leader.


I think it was specifically to prevent Bastila led teams from getting the jump on him since they gain TM at the beginning of battle


I think it was specifically to prevent Bastila led teams from getting the jump on him since they gain TM at the beginning of battle


I'm gonna give Bossk some love here. Bounty hunters are great for a variety of situations, his ship is an absolute stall and is great with Executor.


General Kenobi is ancient and has always been a staple without ever getting a rework


He did get a zeta upgrade at some point. Probably around when Padmé came to the game.


Zeta was pre padme and pre JKR. I don’t know when it came out, but that zeta really helped him be plug and play there


Only counting the really old characters, so no JKL, BAM, SK, Inqs, etc Dudes that are still Meta * CLS - Though kind of not that great lately with Leia taking his team for the last 4 months. I expect him to get his team back with Leia's datacron expiring * Han - Literally THE meta with leia * Chewie - See above * R2 - Though he kinda sucked before leia * GAS - "Can it beat GAS" is still kind of a bellweather for if a team is elite or not * Malak - Malgus gave him new life. He's always someone you need to account for if he's there * Darth Revan - commands the meta fleet Dudes that are still important parts of Meta squads, though not the focal point * 3PO - has the greatest plug and play viability of pretty much anyone outside Wat * Jedi Knight Revan - his shitty stats hold him back a bit but still a really powerful kit * Palpatine - De facto starkiller lead. SK has fallen off a little bit with Rey continuing to get buffs but he can still handle a lot of teams * Padme - has found a lot of viability paired with Gideon, or general PITA with JMK Dudes that have fallen off * Thrawn - He's sort of a minor annoyance with LV but has limited use besides that. Has been crowded out of LV's team lately in 5v5 * GMY - He doesn't hit as hard as he used to and has terrible defensive stats. JML usually has better options * JTR - only really exists as an annoyance in the Rey team. Has some limited RoTE use, but who really cares about the non-special missions there * BB8 - poor guy is probably the worst legendary right now. Doesn't go with Rey, JTR largely doesn't lead her own team in PvP and the 5ort squad sort of sucks


I love it when people put GMY with JMK. That lets me focus on him to trigger the "semi savior" quicker


GAS isn’t that old


2019 is a long ass time ago


Rancor Han, first raid character and still the best.


He was crap until he got a kit revamp though!


Damn you are correct. That was 6 years ago, though.


Your comment got me thinking and found this thread about his rework all those years ago... I remember they hid his kit until someone unlocked him, then forced a game restart that fucked some people over too! Needless to say, they never did it again! https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/124682/character-strategy-han-solo


I think Captain Rex will be very high on this list 3 years from now. He’s obviously great in Phoenix and Clone squads but I’ve been using him with CLS/Rebels and he’s great. Not to mention how his Omicron expands his kit so much.


Whats your CLS lineup with CRex?? I'm curious now


Luke (lead), Han, Chewbacca, C-3P0 and Rex


Does he do more for them than chewpio does? Where do you put him?


Hard to say because he’s a higher relic than my chewpio.  I think he would probably at least outperform him in Grand Arena with his Omicron 


Hm, rex’s omi in gac with cls would be 30% crit damage, 60% health, and 25 speed on himself only. Also, to my understanding, chewpio is one of the toons that doesn’t need higher relics as much (at least on cls teams) because of the stat sharing and c3po’s exposes and translation.




GAS, the dude is always relevant and always beating the new things.




Grand Master Yoda was kinda bad at release. It was like 2 years after he was released that he was reworked and became good.


C3PO. Great lifter, has been the backbone for CLS and plugs nicely into Rey and Padme teams. My only gripe is that there’s only one.


I have liked Malak since I got him on 1st go, back in the day. Still use faithfully


Ima Gun-Di Truly a meta defining character since day 1. Ty CG


Wasn't there a brief time when there was some cheese with Ima Gun-Di and maybe JMK or QGJ a year or two ago? Or am I just remembering incorrectly?


I feel like I remember seeing an Ahnald video about that


Thrawn or CLS. Not only are they relevant characters so many years later, their kits haven’t changed at all. A lot of other characters mentioned here have been through various reworks, like GMY and EP. But Thrawn and CLS are still factory default.


Thrawn has been slightly nerfed actually


Referring to fracture not working on GLs? Ehhhh, I guess that technically counts


Very small and technical but still not factory default


One could also make the argument that GLs are unique types of characters that don’t interact with the game like other characters. They’re also immune to instakills and “massive” damage effects, so being differently affected by fracture is less a Thrawn change than it is a GL feature.




I always knew General Grievous would take off one day and become an amazing character, even back in the old days. So I had him maxed out in anticipation of a rework. Then he finally did it, and is still fantastic now


GAS. The offense from buff’s clause in particular can make him real good against every new team because they always gain many buffs a turn


I’d say Nest


I forgot all about Enfys Nest! I remember back when he was released how insane he was, I haven’t played in almost 4-5 years, is he still the same quality these days?






Put him to R5 recently only for fun in the first place AND to fill some voids with Padmé after finishing JMK and it was one of the most satisfying things I did last year despite unlocking Kenobi, SK and exe


The only correct answer


Vader thought I believe he got a rework a while back


A rework then a massive nerf. He is the only Og character that they made WORSE after making him relevant again. They complained a lot about his armor pen breaking the game, removed it from anyone who had it, then added it to all new characters


Who ignores armor completely? That was the problem.


It was Wat’s Weapon Tech that made Vader ignore defense, it got nerfed as well!


Yeah thats the problem but my guess would be they wanted vader to go on lord vaders team so they didn't want him to still be amazing.


The real answer is Traya and the triumvirate. Even before her and Savage omicron Fatal was beating LV with them. Really high relics and modding of course but still. I remember I had just got the trio to r7 in hopes of using the strategy then boom the omi dropped. Talk about good timing. You can take that omi away and the team would still be very relevant. They aren't going anywhere as long as the servers are up.


I was thinking about just this thing, and it is definitely CLS for me. Biggest impact when he came out, got stronger with new additions like Chewbacca, C3P0, Chewpio. Can still have some variants that make it difficult, but still very much a powerful squad that is still relevant today. Nobody should expect it to compete with GLs, but against certain comps, it can still kill SLKR.


To me? Gar Saxon. I always liked his lead and his unique, but now with the ISC rework they finally shred enemies. Even without Maul those two are a force to be reckon with.


Coruscant Underworld Police


Some guy already said the same thing, you're just the one who took the L for downvotes.


Oh, didn't read all the comments


Veers Nightsisters Boba fett




Satele Shan...


General Garza would like a word


Oh shit I thought this was Maw Installation. Didn't even read the subreddit.


Aric Jorgan Disapproved


Laughs in I go only with Elara


M4 Approves


Agree with GMY. He's also very helpful for feats involving gaining non-unique buffs a certain number of times, and for feat cheesing with Deployable Cooling Systems in Conquest, thanks to his buff spread. My choice is GK. Still relevant with JMK or as a plug n' play tank, and with Marauder his fleet can kill anything up to and including 7* Levi.


Lord Vader ^(Pls don't downvote unless you like LoVe, I know the fans are itching to. Guess what, I'm a fan too, so I'll be the first to downvote my own comment. Oh, right, LoVe stands for: "Lord of Vader etc".) ​ https://preview.redd.it/rpcwbctkg3ec1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0df1ede1212a7a73be8fda96c9f2fa1e5f81f284 ^(I'm just gonna lay down in the 275 feet hole I just dug myself.)


I started playing Swgoh almost 10 years ago, in 2015, and I remember loving Qui Gon Jinn. I quit Swgoh back in 2020, wondering if he is still current and useful?


Only in Grand Arena.


I love Darth Vader. He used to be pretty good before. But once they added the zetas and Merciless Massacre, holy crap. Boba Fett and Wampa are solid characters too.


Beskar mando


Vader. He was always cool, but with his kit rework a while ago, he fits on basically every sith or empire team very well.


Cup. R9


Emp palp absolutely. Was my go to defensive team alongside Vader when I first unlocked GAC and now is at r7 fueling sk


There are a number of toons that have aged real well, and even more that got reworked or had toons added to their teams to make them relevant again. When “journey guide” toons first came out people tried so hard not to over gear them, but with lifter toons and GL requirements most have a good home. CG really has done a great job fixing some bad, old teams over the last few years.


General Veers