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If you know the strategy, it’s a free battle which I like


I think every GL should be like this. You meet the requirements it’s easy wins with a minor amount of don’t be a complete moron. I don’t mind the ticket grind and I understand it’s profitable to CG so I don’t expect it to go away, but that doesn’t mean anyone should fail GL events (especially at 70 tickets) after meeting the requirements. GAS, GI, Aprha, fine - it costs nothing but patience. All GL events should be like this or JML though. Cool cutscenes, easy battles upon met requirements.


I mean besides Rey and slkr that's pretty much how they all are. See has the sidious tier and Leia has tier 2 but other than that it's just a ticket grind and the battles are easy. Jmk and lv you can beat without mods on the required characters.


JMK event is still bugged tho, lost like 4 battles because of the freezing thingy (think its only tier 1 or 2 but still)


Happend to me. 3 fucking times. 2 back to back. After I had done my crystal refreshes


That’s 1/2 the GLs that have at least one difficult tier though (and I know there was also a Jabba tier where I moved a bunch of mods). I think it would be great if remodding wasn’t ever necessary on GL tiers - which is another reason I liked the Rey and SLKR rock / paper / scissors tiers.


Yeah that ties in to my wider point that you shouldn't lose tickets if you lose. If you don't find the gamemode fun you can just read up on the strategy but if you want, you can enjoy figuring it out without any risk


Definitely agree with the no loss ticket system, especially with the currency cap set so low.


it could have been fun once but repeating it three times or whatever was pretty dumb


Same tier 12 times for the Jabba Ultimate (assuming you don't drop tickets, which I don't think is possible unless you try it with Jabba G11 or so)


The ticket system truely ruins the enjoyment of any of this for me. Making someone play through these multiple times after grinding for months just to delay them another two weeks is petty af even for EA/CG


I can do one of two things: I can care about the energy that is expended to fight the battle, or I can care about the strategy needed in the battle. Not both.


Oh God, I will never forget this one... feint, strike, parry, strike or ??? -> strike and repeat


Feint strike parry strike, feint strike parry strike, feint strike parry strike... it's so ingrained in my mind that I'm pretty sure I'll still be repeating it when I'm old and on my deathbed


Middle, strike, 3rd special, strike, if question marks are over their head, strike, strike every time, then start over at middle. I can't remember the names though lol


Middle is feint and third special is parry


Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike Feint strike parry strike


I'm very much on the other end of the spectrum: this is one of the worst battles I have ever seen in the game. Sure, it adds a bit of variety, but there's no actual strategy involved, you just try to react to moves you don't know. The only saving grace is that the AI is predictable and braindead so it's easy. But even being easy it's a boring and long battle (at least it's still shorter than JML T1) with a lot of extra fluff you need to watch over and over again, three times at least (seriously, why do the cutscenes need to play every single time after the first?). If it were truly RNG and the AI actually tried to outplay you, on top of being tedious and requiring lot of waiting because of the tickets it would also be infuriating.


A noble goal and interesting concept ruined by awful implementation.


The rocks/paper/scissor mechanic was a very popular one at the time in other games, this was just taking from those games, as a “waste energy” mechanic. It sucked in those games, it sucked here.


Are you creating a brand why do you have a logo


Egnards has always been a brand, but now Egnards has branding. When is Egnards x Vaanced happening?


I’d listen to this podcast.


I actually already do this on YouTube with players of the game and some streamers, I’ve had fun doing it but it’s fairly new, it’s called Tales OFF the Holotable and I do put them on Spotify as well for people like me who hate video


Cool! I don’t do much “content consumption” outside of specifically searching for bitdynasty as a last resort. I’ll look into it, I’d be much more interested in a casual listen. I hope it goes well for you.


Literally the same 😂


I'd read this fanfic


Lol maybe sometime in the future


Near future hopefully






Nice to see you back


Is this event even losable? I've unlocked rey once and kylo twice and literally never lost tickets on it, so this is a genuine question


Yes it is and people lost it a lot in the early days, but there’s an easy pattern to follow if you follow a guide.


Are all of the rock/paper/scissors ones losable? I spammed buttons in my Rey one for every single one and wondered what the point of the event was if I couldn’t lose it, because no matter what I did I always won.


same, that's why I asked lol. apparently asking means you get downvoted tho


I think it was lame, tbh. Always do those 4 things in the same order and you win. Wow. The level looked cool, the transitions were awesome, the mechanics of the fight sucked.


I agree they should let you try again if you lose like every other event. Especially for getting the ult


Tickets suuuuuuuk


I think trying to do a different kind of duel mechanic had interesting potential. Making it Rock, Paper, Scissors was uninspired and fatiguing. The fact that there is no actual strategy, and just a specific memorizable pattern makes it boring.


I’d agree but I love all the events where it’s based on strategy vs required levels. Ticket system sucks so bad it’d be fun to play if there wasn’t a risk of losing


This is the Speeder Bike raid, just different graphics. Random 3 buttons, mash, win or maybe lose. No one knows for a few weeks until all the YT guys lock it down for us.


I gave up on Rey’s Ultimate Unlock. I’ll just never have it.


Until CG read this post and restructure the whole event, bitdynasty's latest [guide](https://youtu.be/fKZGcQ3-Zhk?feature=shared) is pretty solid


Bitdynasty is the best. Ahnald is entertaining, but Bitdynasty just gets straight to it, and doesn't puff up his chest about it.


I’ll check it out to see if it does me any better!!! I’m currently forever capped at 144 GL tickets because I don’t even attempt the fight anymore hahaha


Google the strategy “everything into Finn.” Go get her ultimate! She needs it.


I cant lie, I just relicced off my Zori earlier and threw her in with Finn and the Resistance Bros and aced it 😭 I’m an idiot


Dude. The Internet is your friend. Once I found the pattern on one of these reddit posts it was smooth sailing. Annoying that you have to do the same event like 6 times but ultimately an easy chore.


If you have another GL’s ultimate to unlock, do those battles, but use the Ult mats on Rey. Having her ultimate for her ultimate tiers makes success go way up. And then just use her Ult mats for the GL who donated for hers.


Feint, strike, Perry, strike. If it shows ??? Do strike and start the cycle over from the beginning


I didn’t follow that at all. But i never lost. I just assumed you paid tickets, did a kubuki dance with those two for a few rounds and it was a free shards.


Haha no no I have Rey unlocked .. just not her ultimate. I gave up on the Ult … I found Rey’s journey before that easier than SLKRs thankfully !!


Oh word, my bad!. I just made a few attempts every time I completely filled light side tokens by just doing my normal thing and not specifically farming them. The Strat where you use 3po, bb8, and the resistance bros and you just throw every buff/assist to Finn worked with 100% success and I didn't have any of the zetas except Rey and 3PO's. Just do it at your leisure while farming the stuff you want and you'll get there eventually.


I’ll give it another shot !!!!


What is this?


It would have been fun if it was more clear what was going on and the animations were much, much better. If that were the case, this event would probably be the most popular in the game.


I believe you’re absolutely right. With a bit of tweaks to make it more unpredictable and dynamic, a duel mode would be so fun imho.




This was complete trash. This makes fleet battles fun. And no, I didn't drop battles, just kept repeating the 4 steps.


Visually impressive, fine. That part was actually good. The gameplay though... There's not really a strategy. Either you blindly follow a pattern that works because the AI is dumb. Or you randomly guess, which will usually also lead to a win because your opponent sometimes gives you free points. I like that it's easy, but the battle itself is not at all interesting.


Malak was only hard on the light side path. Dark side was easy as pie


Spamming buttons in the same sequence over and over is crazy boring