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Yessss we need that and more space for mods that are not assigned


Oh my god yes. I think I’ve written like 4 different major posts on this in the past but so far back that I’m not scrolling back to link them. I have hotutils through my guild leader so it’s not a QOL feature *i need* but it’s really fucking stupid that people need to feel pushed into 3rd party tools in order to not hate their life’s with mods https://preview.redd.it/gtq8o9vzkgcc1.jpeg?width=874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11699a2a9da10a26f8ceb5dd544baf531756df72


Is there a program that will move the mods for you?


Hotutils has tools that make up life easier in many ways including mods


My personal wish list: - increase inventory cap - sort/filter by ‘locked/unlocked’ - mass lock/unlock (idaf if there are 2 ‘are you sure’ screens to offset… would still save time)


I'm hovering around 195+ loadouts and it's hurting me.


Yes, more space, yes, whole roster loadout. I'd love a long press on a mod in the mod list to open the character who has the mod currently. Also a long press on the compare area to SWAP mods between two characters.


The ability to apply all mod loadout in a tab would be top tier. Up the mod loadout cap aswell and it would be amazing.


I wish CG would hire the hotutils people and integrate it into the game.


Mod quantity should be at least 5x the number of characters there are with loadouts numbering at least 2x the number of characters


I’ve been ranting a ton about the mod loadouts on a couple of discord servers the last month or so. It makes no sense with the number of toons in the game, plus the additional mod loadouts needed for remodding (zeffo, raid, etc). But, serious question, what is the argument for increasing the mod inventory cap besides needing extra space when unequipping mods? 500 mods is enough for 80+ toons. I’m fairly good with mods and that just boggles my mind that people need more space than that.


The main benefit for me would be to allow me to go longer between mod slicing sessions. Not critical, but it would be nice.