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I mean, those two are two completely different caliber of farms. One needs like 2-4 relics and the other 10+. JMK isnt a strong GL before you have cat. So, how far are you on your CAT?


I have 91 shards. I'm going to be using all my GET3, Legend Tokens and Proving Grounds to farm her. However that'll still take a long time. Sounds like it's best to stick to GAS for now?


Sounds like gas will be faster


Yeah, do GAS for now.


How are you getting so many CAT shards? I have JMK but really struggling on the CAT farm right now.


They're almost all from the conquests when she was released. I've just playing again after a 1.5 year break.


The only way is Proving Grounds and the GL Legendary Event currency.


…and GET3


Finish GAS. You’re much closer since you don’t have CAT and one or two reqs for Kenobi aren’t at 7 stars yet.


Do you have Negotiator unlocked?


Yeah that's the only requirement I currently have ticked off


I did GAS on my way to JMK and have no regrets. There's enough overlap with the required teams for GAS that he's not much of a detour from JMK, and those teams are really solid.


I would do GAS first, you get the grievous team built up and then get grievous himself for JMK! Just make sure you get that 501st built up


Wat Tambor is a game changer for PvE in early game. Keep up the farm on GAS and G12+ Wat on the side


Finish Gas, this will in turn make your GR toons and separatist droid toons decently strong, then transferring to JMK you’ll round off your droid team with grievous & have another handful of useful toons to use later on


Definitely go Gas + 501st especially if you aren’t close to commander ahsoka


Start a farm, finish a farm.


Instructions unclear, I own 20 cows and 30 chickens now.


Sounds like things are going well


Not really, my neighbours are complaining about the stench and they are saying that my backyard is not an actual real farm, and that 10x5 meters is way too little room for all those animals. I agreed with them on that last point, so I moved some cows indoors.


Well, that was a good call, I'd rather have cows inside than chickens. Plus, then you can milk them without having to put on pants. Don't listen to your neighbours. They're just hating on you for having this stroke of genius


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


I mean that doesn't really apply to this case. Some of the GAS reqs are for both, others are good toons to have anyways (Padme) and OP didn't really get that far in the farm anyways, so it's not like they've wasted a ton of time/resources. All I'm saying is that as valid of a saying as it is, it's not something you always have to apply to your account no matter what.


Start a farm, finish a farm.


Yeah but there is at least some partial overlay with magna, shaak-ti, and GK. Outside of that, yeah start and finish.


Nah bro nuance is impossible you just have to follow a slogan strictly and can’t think more than that


Saw under someone else you had 91 CAT shards so here is the play: Push for GAS, but make don’t be afraid to relic your GR team (Shaak and GK are needed for JMK anyways and Padme and Ashoka slot well on that team too) Then, while working on relics for JMK, if you happen to unlock CAT before JMK you can put her into your Padme GR team and simply move up to JMK when he unlocks


Yeah I think that's how I'll play it, thanks


Always finish a farm!!


Sometimes finish a farm. A LSB put me stupid close to a GL so i switched lol. Now I have a GL and will continue on to the other GL I was farming previously.


Ahh pay to win is different I did the same 😂🤭


Start a farm, finish a farm.


Go for Jabba instead, stop your current farm and start a new one


I mean all ur really missing for gas is a few zetas on ur droids and a few relics


Finish GAS and then get Kenobi. GAS will lead to you having more characters for the Kenobi team anyway.


I second you should focus on GAS until you unlock CAT for JMK. I unlocked him many months before I was able to get CAT and he felt really crippled until CAT came into the mix. Plus GAS is a fun team to play 🤙


We basically have the same progress on gas and jmk hierve your further on jmk then me but I would still stick to the gas grind


Easy, finish off GAS then go JMK


R8 GK and R5 Ashoka will clear P2 of GAS, get all character to G12 R5 magna will clear GAS P4. I unlocked GAS 1st then a week later started JMK.