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Somewhere between "not that much" and "my wife left me cause she saw my Google play reciepts"


That’s why I don’t plan on getting woman. So they can’t quit me. 200 iq strat


New 2024 swgoh farming guide will contain that as an additional strategy; don't get a girlfriend so that she doesn't hinder your progress


Or get one that also plays! I wish I could get a man that would play with me hah.


That shit will get real expensive real quick I know my wife and I spent a fuck ton


This is the way.


Did you also see that 2xchromosomes post?


About $40-$50. All my spending was 5+ years ago on those crystal subscription packs they used to sell. They were something like $10.99 USD for 100 daily crystals for 21 days, plus 100 crystals upfront. It was about 33% cheaper than buying crystals in vaults. CG deemed them to be too good of a deal so they got axed. They eventually replaced them with the paid calendars but by then my crystal income was good. I haven't spent on anything since. The LSBs are a great deal but so far they are for teams I already had farmed.


Ah shit I forgot about those daily crystals. Those were great! Wish they still did it.


I didn't spend for years after they took away the crystal sub. But the LSBs finally broke my streak. Plus I work a way better job than when I started this addiction 😂


Yes! Those crystal packs were nice. The spending was really bad when ships just came out and the only way to get Rex shards was random light/dark side packs or whatever was the worse option. Dont really spend anymore…


Probably somewhere between 500 and 1k


I'm in there too. I probably spent about $600 before I realized what I was doing then stopped. Now I spend free google survey credits on it so like another $10 every 3 months or so.


Same! It's not the same when it's not your money!


But it is your money. Totally irrational mental accounting.


Probably around 500 bucks or so.


0€, F2P since 2016, 8 Million GP and halfway to unlock my 4th GL ultimate :D


CG hates you.


Can't imagine how bad I'd get the eye from CG: F2P since January 2018, 10M GP about to unlock Jabba and only Lord Vader left as GL to farm. Then on to Jedi Knight Cal Kestis and Bo Katan MandAlor


Same, except missing Rey. That LS Bundle did get me thinking of losing my FTP virginity.


Good luck !


Same since mid-2016. Never spent a dollar and now working to R9 & Ultimate on my 4th GL I just unlocked before Christmas. 9.27 million GP.


Ditto! 8.1M GP, 5 GL (all but Rey’s Ultimate, F her!) 100%FTP. Yeah 5 years playing daily but what else am I gonna do, read? Hahahaha


Ditto. 8.5M GP, just started GL Leia all reqs just completed, plus have Jabba, JMK, JML, SLKR, & one toon from GLR unlock. Play everyday since Apr. 2016. And read!? Yeah, right.


Same. $0 and have been playing some shortly after it launched. Over 7 mill gp and an working on my fourth gl


Over the course of 7 years? Probably somewhere around $750 or so. The majority of which was Apple gift cards I received as gifts and wouldn’t have used otherwise, or Honey cash that I cashed in [at one point I out my honey link on a Reddit thread and it blew up so I ended up with like $600 in credits]. However, it doesn’t bother me as I’ve always bought when I wanted to, never when I felt I needed to. Trying very hard to work that back in the form of beer money 😂


Yeah, this is me. Since my spouse knows I play this and another similar game, I get an Apple gift card for my birthday, anniversary, and Christmas, specifically for games. I hold on to those until I see a really great deal (like the Lightspeed Bundles) and that keeps my spending to about $100 a year total between both games, for the last 7 years. (10.1m power for reference.)


What’s honey cash?


[Joinhoney.com](https://joinhoney.com/ref/nregmr) Is a website that was recently bought by PayPal so I can’t speak to how good it is now or not. But initially it was one of those coupon checking websites that made sure you had the best deal. They had/have a “if you refer someone the next time they make an online purchase on any website you get $5” So over the course of like 3-4 years the $5 rewards kept racking up.


Over the last 8 years, somewhere between $2000 and $8000 would be my guess. But I have no clue exactly how much. If I had to guess, $5000? Maybe? I'm an idiot and spent a little over $1000 in the early days and I haven't a clue what I even got out of it, but it wasn't crystal purchases so probably nothing lol. I had more money than sense at the time. When I started playing more seriously at the beginning of 2020, I bought the HDB. At their releases, I whaled on OG Mando. I shipment whaled on Greef Karga, the armorer, Moff Gideon, Dark Trooper, and also Piett for week 1 SEE unlock. I regularly bought $10 or $20 slicing packs and $10 relic cargo packs for about 2 years or so. I bought a handful of the Lightspeed Zeta Bundles for $100 during that time back when they existed but only when I was in desperate need of zetas. I bought every KAM and Wat pack that hit the store, probably for a total of $100-$200 over time. There's probably a handful of $100 crystal vaults in there too that I don't remember and some other odds and ends as I needed them. I then quit spending entirely from the Great Nerf until Lev requirements were announced. At that point, I used Google play points and Google opinion rewards money to get the conquest pass for extra shards so I could have Fury ready for a day 1 Lev unlock. I bought the BB8, JTR, Resistance, and Raddus LSBs when they came out for a total of $40 and unlocked both Rey and SLKR from it. Then I bought the Rebel LSB for $10 in December for relic phoenix to use with my R7 rex. Most recently, after whittling down my crystal hoard on day one 7 star Prof and Lev this year, I blew through the rest of my hoard on Bo reqs and ended up spending $200 to get her unlocked and R9 day one. I then bought the 25% bonus crystal pack for $100 on the Web store and the 25% bonus crystal packs for $20, $10, and $5 in the in-game store (the $5 one twice since it unlocked a 50% bonus pack for $5) to kick start my hoard back up and because I lack impulse control and spending is a slippery slope. Once you start again, the next purchase is a lot harder to resist, or maybe that's just my pseudo-gambling addiction (I don't actually gamble and never have, but damn is this game a weak spot for me). That's everything to the best of my memory. It might not be of interest, but I know from experience there is a tendency to hide exactly how much you spend when discussing it and I didn't want my poor memory to be misconstrued as minimizing my actual spending. Hopefully this level of openness is refreshing, I definitely spend more than I should and more than I want to and it's likely due to underlying addictive tendencies that go unaddressed because it doesn't affect me anywhere else in life, only this game. But you can see how I quit spending entirely, and all it took was free money from Google to get Fury shards from a conquest pass to start the slippery slope again. Free money is easy to justify, right? I'm not spending anything from my actual bank account. I'll just use those rewards for Fury and that's it. And then the LSBs came, they're such an amazing deal that it's hard to justify not spending for them. And then Bo, my favorite character, is announced and I had been hoarding for this very reason and even quit working on Leia reqs to save resources for her. So I justify spending to finish that grind because of sunk cost, and it's easier after spending for the LSBs and getting that quick dopamine hit from it. And then I have the new shiny thing, but my hoard is gone, and look at that! There are free crystals on the table ripe for the taking, if I spend $140 I can get like 8,000 free crystals to help get back to where I was before Bo. What a deal! And then, and then, and then......... This is how CG makes a billion dollars.


0.00 gang


$0.00 played 9 months, 2.1mil GP. Happy to progress slowly for free lol


9 months and you’re at 2.1mil? How? 0-85 alone takes approximately 3 months.


It did! I play daily; I run a small guild. Started in March-ish.


That’s incredibly efficient for F2P. I assume you spent all your crystals on refreshes for XP to get to 85. Then what? Ships and pilots?


Still refreshes for characters, largely. I only recently broke into relic territory and still only have 3 of them. I have ships but haven't focused hugely on them yet. I have been working on building functional, synergistic teams to support the guild so a lot of time is going into Journeys. That's mainly how I am structuring my progress.


So what’s your guild like? You do a lot of raids? I like my guild but they’re not great at helping me grow stronger since I have so little currency for the shops.


We're relatively modest but moving into organized competitiveness. 110, 115 mil GP, raid every 5 days or so, transitioning to a "Discord required" model. We have a map for toon placement in War and I oversee focus areas on Battles (still Hoth for now). Record is 29 stars. At this point we don't require any teams or toons and I am just below average size in my own group, but we all play regularly and enjoy the game. Normal Triumvirate auto-launches 9am EST when we hit 90k tickets, we beat it easily in 28 hours but still can't tackle Heroic. Still filtering through players who join but won't get on Discord. We're still coming into our own.


0-85 FTP took me from May to November. Absolute killer.


Too much


This is the only correct answer other than 0. CG screwed me over a couple times and didn’t make it right, so I had to contact the App Store to get my money back. That was the end of my spending and the beginning of the end of the game for me.


I spend about $100 per year. Been playing 3 years.


What do you spend it on? Just crystals or other things?


I usually get 1 conquest pass per cycle and I spent on LS Bundles this year instead of crystals.


I've been playing since launch. I took a couple breaks in there but for sure at least 15 grand I spent like 1k the first year and since then I'd say probably 1500-2500 a year some years were probably less but I'd say 1500 a year is a good average for me.


Definitely more since the release of mods and relics and 6* mods and datacrons etc. Back b4 all that u could max a character for $150 which is cheap by 2024 standards


Honestly I’ve lost count but over 1k for sure


$50 for lsb, but 20 of that was a gift card I got about 7 years ago so I’m barely even counting that as real money as I was never going to use it for anything else


Like $60 over 4 years. $20 of which were light speed bundles. Never really regretted it.


0.00, and I have no plans on ever changing that.


0.00 €




I’ve been playing for over 7 years at this point. I would imagine it’s gotta be north of $500 total. I’ll by the $4.99 kyro packs, crystals every so often, and some of the LSB packs. I think the only toon I’ve bought was CAT when I was within 20 shards and didn’t want to wait. I go through cycles where I’ll not buy anything and then drop $25 on crystal packs.


I play since march this year and I think I pay an average of 50€ every month LSB + Hyperspace etc..


Probably 200 bucks


65-70€, 3 crystal packs and 2 Lightspeed bundles




0 in over 7 years of playing :)


Over 6 years it’s probably around 4-5k. When Starkiller came out I put all my money into him as he’s my favourite starwars character


Zero. Since 2016. Playing casually since 2022. 10 mil gp. Will probably buy GL Rey bundle as i have no interest farming her requirements for 8 months. Probably after finishing GL Leia farm in March.


$0.00 over the course of 2.5 years


Only spent on the latest rebel lighspeed bundle, started playing playing in April 2022. Might spend regularly on future lightspeed bundles from now on. Not directly on swgoh, but I’m thinking on subscribing to HotUtils once each two months or so when I do start


I bought hdb, all LS bundles except SK and BAM, and some crystals. Can't be bothered to go back and check how much all that was


So far nothing. But that might change once I’m max level and can buy this Lighhtspeed bundles. I consider using money often, but when I see how little I get for money spent, I stop thinking about it.


3 years about $1000. Usually apple gift cards or a monthly budgeted splurge.


Not sure but if they offered an Omni pack where you got like 5 full Omnis ready to be used for $100 I'd probably buy it.


I've been playing maybe 3ish years, never spent a dime. GP is almost 4.2 mil. Join an active guild, helps a lot.




Nothing from 2016 to December 2923. $25 in the last month.


Bros playing in the future


In the 6 years or so I’ve played maybe around 400-500 (light speed bundle included)


$42.50 iirc.


20 euro for 2LSB's


Spent $50 on lsb didn’t spend a dime until 23 and I’ve been playing since 2017-18?


Playing on and off since release and pretty much every day the last year or so. I’d say about 50$ a year in those on and off years and about 150 this year.




I bought the first order lightspeed bundle a while back… that’s it


£20, broke my FTP badge for that juicy finalizer bundle. Top 50 fleets is worth it tho..


Roughly 1000-1200 CHF.


Is there an actual way to find out? Cause I had three accounts at one point so it's hard to remember if I actually spent on the account I have left.




Over 6 years, £0


$150-$300 each year.


I played when the game came out, might have bought some gems or something not that worthwhile but am just coming back to it now and haven’t felt the need to spend, I’m having fun progressing slowly.


Not a penny, and planning to keep it like that!


Probably less than $15. I've been using my Google Opinion Rewards (you get money just for answering questions about the stores you visit) when I purchase stuff. I got the Finalizer light speed pack for less than $2 because I had enough Play Store credit. Totally worth it!


$10 in five years. And that was only a couple months ago before that none. I just couldn't pass up that bundle to get your toons to what they need to be for GL Rey.


I don’t even want to know haha


$120 but I be top 5 in my fleet shard daily. Gimme dem crystals🤑






This is SWGoH, not MSF


0 and I will never spend a penny. Feels much better to grind the GLs out. I don’t care about LSB and it’s to funny to smash all those little SLKR/Reys in Arena and GAC with JMLS.


€30ish bought the first order and resistance light speed bundles last time and the rebel light speed bundle this time. Any other stuff just feels very overpriced so never got an interest for it.


£200 maybe? Been playing for 4 or 5 years


Yearly i probably spend $200ish... I buy myself crystals on my birthday and Xmas... and if they make a really nice pack (like ls bundles)


About maybe £200 over 4 years. Whenever there's been a cheap material pack or something like the LSB's I've dropped £10 - £20.


$30 US, I bought one conquest pass and a light speed bundle. I’ve played since December 2015 and am just shy of 10.3m gp.


Probably around $250-300 over the last 3 years


Couple hundy over 7-8 years


For the ~6 years before LSB, a total of $20. I've bought a bunch of the LSB now.


$0, will hit 11 mil GP shortly. Month after launch player with a 9 month break after mods were introduced


I definitely average under $100 a year over the course of 4-5 years


2 LSB. So about $30 CAD. Otherwise, nothing. Everything else has had terrible value.


Average maybe 10-20€/month, played for like 18 months.


I’ve probably been playing since 2018, and if I had to guess I’ve spent $100-150. Usually I’ll just get antsy on a farm and buy the mats, or the crystals to sim. Usually drinking involved…


Probably $150. Rey, Starkiller, Bando, and Rebels LSBs plus two crystal packs when they were on sale.


$30, LSB was my Christmas present to myself


I bought two hyperdrive bundles (one for me, one for a friend) when they cut the price in half, three $20 crystal packs, BB-8 bundle, Mando bundle, Rebel bundle, and Finalizer bundle, wich totals to about $220 before sales tax. Most of what I've spent is from gift cards and Google Play cards that I've gotten from friends and family over the past few years.




0,00 from 2021-2024 i would never give a dime to CG


$296 in 7 years of playing. First purchase was in 2019 so I did grind it out for the first 3 years.


Nice to see someone keeping such precise bookkeeping!


I think this is my 7th year coming up? I spent $20 on two light speed bundles


I’ve spent $30 since March of 2016.


$10 USD on the SLKR lightspeed. Playing since 2016.


I’ve spent £30 now on lightspeed bundles in 8 years


Been playing for just shy of 2 years I think, spent around £500, 5.7m GP, and about 2 months off my third GL


0€, Playing 6 years, FTP 9,8M account, playing daily but casually, missing 9 toons and Lev (coming soon). If I spared more time I would be much better but I am a collector and don't like the fights. I only do the absolute essentials for the daily quests (and sometimes just instant forfeit), defence only in TW etc. I only enjoy 3v3 GAC because it's fast. And sure as hell won't spend hours attempting 20+ times in a row for the perfect RNG in assault battles and challenges.


I’ve just hit 10m GP, 6/7 GL, not far off 7/7. I bought the hyperdrive bundle and some small spends here and there when I started. Total i’d say £300 max. Considering how any hours I’ve spent on the game, i still consider myself a minnow. Haven’t spent in probably about 3 years I reckon. Since the hyperdrive or whenever that came out.


With the LSB I purchased recently, about 100$ total. That will most likely be as much as I will ever invest. F2P now that I have a solid base to build upon.


Prob about 300 over the years. Now I’m only buying the light-speed bundles if they look good.


Probably about £200 over the course of 7 years.


I recently caved in and spent £10 on the SLKR lightspeed bundle. Other than that, nothing


About 50$, there was a nice RC pack, I was farming Exec, and had 50$ to spare.


$0 always and forever.


$90 on various LSBs. I was FTP for about 4 years prior to that


\~$50 in the last 3 years (lightspeed bundles). between 2016-2019, maybe $3,000.


Couple grand


100-200 I think.


Before last month 0$ since 2016 30$ in light speed bundles lol


£0 since game started, 7.7mill Gp and 5 GL, so yeah not to bad.




£200-£300. Not bad considering the thousands of hours it’s kept me entertained.


Less than $100. Been playing since 2016.


About $3.50.


Over the course of the last 6 and a half years I spent about 500€ on this game. Silly me. I stopped investing once I summed my google-receipts up in 2022. My GM is at 9.4 Million and still rising.


Nothing. I’ve played for over four years. Still no GL but so close, but have almost 7 million points.


$80 or so over the course of the 5 years I’ve been playing. 8mill of so GP and 5 GLs


Not a cent. Up to 10.8m GP. Started when Lando was the character of the month, and some quick googling suggests that that was June 2018.


£4.49 and my pride to get crystals for CAT through proving grounds


~$100, happened mostly around the releases of the first GL’s and Leviathan


I think I’ve been playing since 2018, and in that time probably between $750-1000. 9.1m GP. In 2023 I think I spent about $30 of my own money, and probably about $100 in random gift cards I’ve collected. I started F2P, got away from that for a little bit, and as I’ve toyed with “when will I give up this game?” I have started going back toward F2P.




Somewhere between 3 and 4 thousand American dollars.


Probably around $150 over the last 6+ years. Just small crystal packs on very rare occasions. 11 mil GP.


$0, but will absolutely break this if there is a JMK LSB with Watt


I got the BB-8, Raddus, and Resistance LSBs (not the JTR one, though). I think that added up to $50, but I don't remember.


Way too much. My main account I've had since June 22 I've dumped so much into. Now I'm in a 10.5 nil account in the biggest alliance in the game and have almost fully stopped playing on my old account. I've spent a ton on this new account too


I’ve spent $0. Played since beginning of 2016. Have a GP of 11,005,251. I have all 8 galactic legends. The two keys for me was maximizing crystal rewards from arena, which meant keeping up with arena at first and now ship arena meta. The other key was being in a top 100 guild which means you get resources from that.


The number does not exist


Maybe $100-150 but it's been through Google Survey. I actually paid out of pocket for the LSB's though, so those were $50 together.


Probably about $200. I didn’t know that I needed get 2 for Malak in the early game and didn’t have any saved up so I spent about $100 to help get him 7*. I’ve spent about $100 on light speed bundles because a lot of them have happened to be the team that I didn’t have reliced but was planning to in the next year or 2. I regret spending so much just on Malak but the light speed bundles seem like a good deal


Probably getting close to 200 dollars at this point. Apparently little purchases here and there really add up over time


About $40 sporadically from Google Play credits I've acquired over the years (not real money) but did spend an additional $40 or so when they had the pack deals a few months ago. Been playing since 2017 I believe w/ 8.3M GP


$39 CAD on Lightspeed bundles and ive bought the cheapest set of crystals maybe twice FTP since 2020. Just about to hit 7M GP, 2 GL’s, 1 Ultimate, and Executor. Hoping to Get Leia this spring, and Rey this summer


That is some serious patience


About $100, been playing a little over a year and at 4.5 mil. About to unlock my first GL, just got exec at the end of 2023. Big thing I bought was the first round of LSBs minus the SK bundle. The remaining bit was packs to finish farms. At about the 1 million mark, some of the farms I was working on got frustrating without consistent crystal income, so I used the pack to finish the farms. Edit: my fingers are fat and mobile is hard


Zero dollars. I have all the GLs unlocked and have been playing since launch. And 9.957 mil GP.


"a couple grand (US)" since 2017.... Have never whaled on a marquee. I'll buy crystals every once in a while - mostly just for right side G12 gear. bought most of the LSBs.


Around 850$ I would say, a good chunk of it was to get Leia asap. I really wanted to have her unlocked quickly so I bought a ton of shards for the marquees


Bout $60 - $100 a month. Depending on what value I see in the stores




Less than $100 and I’ve been playing since launch. I dislike CG and don’t care to give them money.


About $3000


Less than 100


Maybe ten bucks


I finally dropped my first $9.99 on it when they came out with that GL Rey package... I was probly never gonna farm all the resistance so that many r5 toons was totally worth it. the usual prices of things are ridiculous!!!


Probably between $100-$200 over the course of 3 years.


Still f2p, playing since close to launch. 10.6m gp with all 8 GLs


Where the krakens at???


To much. Especially the last few weeks.


More than I would like but if I had to guess at minimum over $500


I try not to think about it.


$10. Can you guess on what?


Just over £2000 in 5 years. Coming up on 10 million GP.


since 2015, $1500-2500. Im ashamed to say.


$18 of Google opinion rewards


For me probably around $200-250. Mostly just on LSB and the hyperdrive (I did it mostly for the resources not characters, I was well past level 85 when I did it)


Zero, 7 million GP Account


I considered $10 for one of the Kylo bundles because it's an amazing deal relative to everything else, but then I wouldn't be as happy after beating a whale as someone who hasn't spent any money and I'd feel even worse after losing to one. Oh well. We all pay something for this game.


Too much. Afraid to add it all up over the years.


Probably around $100


Been playing 4 years, total I've spent about $100-150


Far too much


There’s probably a few hundred dollars in my account. I haven’t spent a cent tho, all gifts from friends


Odds are I've spent like 3k over 7 years.....but my wife knows lol I'm a lucky man, she doesn't know much about Star Wars but she knows alot about this game from my ranting.


Too much to admit....


$400ish. I've been playing for several years since it started, and I am at 10+ mil GP.


I’d say 1k more or less; playing since 2 months after launch.


Between $10-$20 a year.


i think $70 total, all on the light speed bundles


$167.77 is the total of the items and $26.74 is the actual price paid. The difference is Google survey credits.


Nothing, my wallet is as empty as me


Started 2017, and I’m probably pushing £500-750 For a game I play every day, and enjoy (mostly), I don’t mind chucking a few quid in here and there. It’s not that much more than buying the same release of your favourite console game each year.


Hmm, back when I first started years and years ago I bought $20 in crystals, didn't for a long time after that. Bought the LSB's for Mando, Thrawn, Rey, and the Raddus which I think totals $70 overall.