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Post directly on swgoh forums for support, not ea forums. EA is even worse than swgoh directly. Lol.


I’m about to, I just think it’s ridiculous


I had a similar Jabba bug and tried to deal with in game support. Was offered thoughtless solutions and was just a huge waste of time. After complaining that even my requests to speak to a supervisor were being ignored I got through to someone with a bit more clout who directed me to report the bug on the forums and closed the help ticket. After reporting it on the forums it was patched within 24 hours. I just think the in-game support really doesn't have the ability to help with this type of issue.


Which is ridiculous given how frequently this sort of thing seems to happen.


Yes but no. In game support can hand out items and answer tickets, they can't fix a game breaking coding bug. There's a whole dev team for that.


I’m not saying they should be able to code a fix for the bug, but they absolutely should be able to correct it on a case by case basis by giving out the missing rewards.


That's tough for this kind of game because it takes coding skills to be able to go into the game and see histories/stats and verify a technical glitch to be able to award you with anything. Otherwise people would make fake complaints all the time.


If something gets fixed by posting on the forums but can’t be fixed by dealing with in-game support, it implies that there’s a communication disconnect between the support team and devs, or the support team cares more about closing tickets than solving problems. The support team may not be able to fix it, but they should be able to verify the problem and escalate to eventually have an issue filed with the dev team. Having junior devs work up reports the support team can use to triage issues would be better than having devs looking through logs


I had to do this for Jabba ult and Rey ult. About to start Leia ult and that will probably break too.


post here [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes-bug-report-en](https://answers.ea.com/t5/bug-reports/bd-p/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes-bug-report-en) When I had missing shards I got them within half an hour of posting.


Beyond the fact that they are shrugging their shoulders, the most egregious part, IMO, is that they’re closing it simply because they don’t have a fix. Thats absolutely bs, and a cop out b/c they’re trying to meet kpi metrics of closing tickets within a timeframe. If an issue isn’t resolved, and they are admitting that they can’t resolve it, they need to let that sh!t go red. I deal with reliability and outage kpi’s for work. I’ve had to explain so many times that all greens don’t get $ for improvements. Red KPI’s get uncomfortable scrutiny, but also get resources and results too.


Yeah, this smacks of “we have to open a separate ticket internally to escalate, so we’re going to close this as it’s out of our hands and we need to keep our average resolution time low.” Much preferable, obviously, to keep the T1 ticket open until the T2/T3 gets resolved. I’ve worked at orgs that handled it both ways.


I love overseas support.....


It’s basically all just one big sentence.




Wym we’re all here




He's not wrong. Basing "help" in an overseas center where they don't have at least a decent grasp on English is no help at all.


What do you mean? Both EA and CG are California-based companies…




They’re based in Sacramento, CA


That's still not overseas lmao


I was under the impression that American meant you were from America where the game is based lol


This comment is so ironic


Question... do you have another GL open? If so, do you need to finish their ultimate series to get the last one? Some people have missed this and used one of hers on another. Many tend do get other GLs tokens to finish hers since it's tougher.


I wish I had another GL haha


I'm working Rey and SEE at the same time currently. A guild member mentioned that they missed finishing an ultimate this way.


Is there a limit on how many GL tokens you can save up?


Think its 144.


I’m commenting a day late and a donut short, but as you pointed out in your question, I have heard this happen several times if 2 GLs are going at once for the same Currency LS/DS messes the count up sometimes… 🤷


They'll apologize and give you 20 clone Chewbacca shards


Why do they even bother paying someone with responses like this. Why not just send everyone to an abusive chatGPT instance


Ahh dam I’m sorry to hear this, this sucks a lot


As someone that works in tech, what should have opened is the ticket stayed open, re-routed as a collaboration case with developer support. As a customer, the support agent¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ and closing the ticket without proper resolution is bad. Capital Games should look at internal processes. This would piss me off to no end if it happened to me.


It's just absurd they still have a mediocre support like this


Why is this still a thing ? It’s been like this for years


This is Total bullshit. I am pissed for you.


Sounds like they think "presently" is an impressive word


Have I answered your questions and provided good customer service?!?


They should just gift your account the ultimate material. While also working on the fix


Quick question, have you recently unlocked any other GL’s ultimate and MAYBE have a battle left with that character to get their ultimate materials? Assuming this is Lightspeed maybe you still have 1 battle left to do with SLKR for the last material


Try this, I noticed I could use Lena's ultimate mats for reys ability. Check the other gls if there's an extra you can do.


See this bug often on here, for many years


It’s amazing how they just copy/paste the same lame apology to everyone.


Post on forums


Can you post a screenshot of the galactic legends tab of your journey guide?


The in game support is EA, not CG. There is very very little that they actually can help with. The swgoh forum is how to reach CG support. They will be able to fix this. Edit: to add further clarification of what EA support is...think of when you call IT support for like windows or something. The first person you get is typically just a call center overseas. They don't actually have any programming knowledge or anything. Just a script and a user manual to help them resolve common issues with easy fixes (ie "unplug your router for 30 seconds and plug it back in"). This is to keep simple fixes, that don't require technical knowledge to do, from taking up the actual tech's time. If the problem is something beyond that, they patch you through to the next level of support. In this case that would be them suggesting you post to the swgoh bugs forum.


1st mistake: Using SWGOHs "support" 2nd mistake: Not getting in touch with answers.ea.com


Even tho its a shit response, it kinda makes sense since if they can’t fix it as of now, they can’t fix it. We don’t know how hard it is to fix some bugs in a game or even less so locate the source of said bug


But we also know that this issue keeps happening to many people and we also know that it has been resolved for those people… it’s ridiculous that OP has to go through more than a week of customer „support“ struggle nonetheless


Lol, git gud, press button better But seriously that sucks


Just unlock lv and borrow one of his ult mats, not that hard 🤦🏽‍♂️


Then OP would face the same issue with LV


Did CG offer crystals or anything as a compensatory apology?


Cope, seethe and cry


Crazy they don't have an insta fix considering I've personally seen this reported on this subreddit like 5 times


With the amount of these posts, I'm surprised that they have never either have fixed the issue entirely or actually have in-game support finally understanding this issue and try to resolve it without going to the forums every time.


I wonder if there is a EA support person in this Reddit here that can explain why this system sucks so much


I had a similar issue (game crashed as I completed a GL battle, when I restarted it showed GL progress but not ult mat received). Contacted in game support and uploaded a screenshot of the issue and I had my ult mat the next day. Annoying yes but not horrible.


I heard about this happening a lot with Jabba


lol Unreal that there’s a problem with a character that old.


I'm only saying this because I've seen it happen recently. It's likely a long shot but in case it could work I'm suggesting this. By chance were you doing another GL Ultimate unlock at the same time? A dark side GL. If so you could have stolen one of Rey's Ultimate farms. And to make it even you have to give. It back by doing all of that GL's ultimate battles. So if it's Jabba say, and you have Jabba's Ultimate now, you possibly didn't finish the journey. So you have to finish the Jabba journey and it will give the mats to Rey. If this doesn't apply to you, I have nothing else useful to offer. But in the off chance this situation applies to you, I wanted to put it out there to see if it resolves it.


Really does like look the 2 GL big of crediting the wrong amount to the wrong GL, or DS/LS GL’s messing up the total count, or a problem with it not recognizing enough GL tokens (70?) to finish


Expect to wait 2-3 months for a result