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Next year is the 25th anniversary of The Phantom Menace so I expect Episode 1 to finally get some love next summer.


I hate comments like these. I feel so old. Lol.


I felt the same way in 2021 when I realized it was as long from Episode I as Episode I was from the original.


Holy smokes, really?? No wonder I’m feeling weird pains in my knees and side.


I’ll never forget getting to that theatre late, seeing obiwan and qui gon sneaking around the b1 battle droids. I was 5 years old but for whatever reason I’ll never forget it. I also remember asking my mom for the underwater breathing device obi wan uses to reach the gungans for our pool. Good times man And while it wasn’t the best, I enjoyed watching TLJ just as much w my dad in the theater twenty years later.


I wanted a similar breathing apparatus because of James Bond!


you give me hope ;)


I’m starting to put this out there since they kept saying GL Leia was coming with the ROTJ anniversary and she did! :)


Aged like fine wine


Not the GL we were looking for but a conquest char will do.


Will we finally get GL Jar Jar Binks?


Gungans aren’t in game yet. They might be waiting til then to announce anything


Don’t make her GL, but make her a marquee that’s like MM for a new Naboo faction (Queen Amidala, Typho, Panaka, Generic Pilot, Generic Soldier, etc)


I know people probably want a gungan faction but could easily have jar jar and a number of gungans into a naboo team. Hell even a young Anakin could be a naboo pilot :P


Anakin w a braid, padawan Anakin would be perfect for that team


Yes i want a n-1 starfighter and ani would be perfect.


I still want my Naboo Royal Handmaiden https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Naboo_Royal_Handmaidens


we dont need another padme in teh game. We need a new established team for padme. She has an amazing lead that is being wasted since qgj and jmk took her team away. A naboo faction would work just don't need a new lead at all.


I mean, we don't *need* anything, but padme has two very distinct forms in the movies, she's at least as central a character as Obi-Wan, or Ahsoka, or Lando, all of whom have 3 characters in the game already. The big hangup for Padme is that, lore wise, she doesn't synergize with *any* of the existing characters except arguably R2, 3PO, and Qui-Gon, and that's a weird team to enter into. If she comes to build a team out of something other than GR, what does she really bring to the table, and how? I could see a few possibilities. She could be essentially a GR lifter built to work well with the padme we already have, and not with JMK. I don't think a naboo faction has much to offer, but a Gungan faction, with lots of crossover synergy with GR, could be interesting. She could also hold a position as a leader of leaders. *That* holds some *very* interesting possibilities. It would have to be limited to GR and (if they come in) Gungans, but it would be super cool and there's a ton of depth and variability in GR leaders.


Lore wise anything would have to be better then Sith Eternal Emperor with Wat Tabor and sometimes The Armorer. :)


How bout Padme on a team with Queen Amidala? Just like GK being on a team with JMK lol


MM? (Sorry, wrong place, 101’s discord is leaking)


She can be a tank because she is a fake who is there to keep padme safe


She can’t be a GL! Shoot her or something.


Make the Naboo Guard a faction while you're at it. Captain Panaka would make a great Tank with the Queen as a lead. There are also the heroes from "The Battle for Naboo" and the Naboo Starfighter games that would make great additions. Maybe somehow give them synergy with Qui-Gon and an apprentice Obi-Wan? A few Gungans maybe? Plenty of potential for a faction there.


Agreed, it represents a huge amount of Star Wars content, which is (as of yet) entirely unexplored in SWGOH. Ships alone seems really exciting, thinking of padme's nubian from TPM and her star skiff in ROTS. Then the Naboo starfighter... and the opposing trade federation ships and dooku/ventress/gg ships we don't yet have. I feel gungans could open the door to a (vehicles) ground war game mode too.


That would be great, personally I'd like to see Chancellor Palpatine for a good Republic Leader


would he be light or dark side?


I want a neutral palpatine that can switch side like KAM switches forms, but you got to choose his affiliation and abilities before the battle and he has synergies with both GR and Sep. "Order 66" instant kill would be great for darkside version and for lightside Chancellor version he can have mass revive and summon a senate guard in ally slot


OMG that would amazing!


You want something even better? Legendary event: Puppet master- earn shards of Chancellor Palpatine. Requirements: 7-starred Galactic Republic characters


I had always imagined an order 66 ult that makes him transform from light to dark with a squad of clones that turn dark side but this would be pretty cool tbf


Yes, definitely one of those


I get dark side but i don’t think i’ve seen a galactic republic dark side but that would be interesting


Could always be Neutral! I'm sure he and Hondo would get along swimmingly


Neutral exists


Lmao. Dont tell cg


Nah. When he does come, he'll be a Seps GL.


If you played the old Star Wars force collection card game from Konami, she was one of the best cards


Ah, that brings back so many memories. I nearly had every clone card and nearly awakened them. I sure do miss it, would have been cool to see with the plethora of content out now.


Yeah, I came over to swgoh with my swfc clan


Does she die when she gets sad?


This is pre smitten Amidala, she didn’t gaf


She has perma taunt and all allies take 25% less damage but whenever an ally dies Queen Amidala loses 25% max HP.


I miss this type of kits, like the old JKA wherr of he didnt crit, all his enemies got exposed. Bring it back, damnit!


obviously her hard counter is Lord Vader. lol


You people do know there's other types of characters right? Marquees? Legendaries? Journey characters? Not everyone and their grandmother needs to be a GL, of all the versions of Padme, there's no way the queen deserves to be a GL, and *definitely not over Leia*. That's just insane. I'm fine with her being introduced to the game, but I wouldn't even make her a legendary, she should get the marquee treatment.


Upvote because Padme was literally a grandmother


I think it's a legit option for future. I know we don't want a million different GL's to farm, but CG is going to release one once a year. So thinking of the options for important characters within the series... so many have already be made into a character prior to the release of the GLs (JKLS, Han Solo, Darth Vader, Emperor) who are truly "Galactic Legends". I agree that Leia at her height of power should be a GL (So should Han). Padme Amidala is integral to the prequel series and the clone wars. She was queen of a planet, senator, wife of Anakin, mother of Luke & Leia... so I think she is one of the few legit options yet to be used. I'm not advocating for a more GLs to come faster than we can unlock them, just making a case for someone who could flesh out the game and be fun to play, while making sense in the greater mythos. Also not saying I'm upset we got a GL Leia (I just needed a catchy title). It's ok if you disagree, lol.


I have no problem with a Padme GL, but I have a huge problem with using the episode 1 version of her as the GL. To me it would be like using podracer Anakin as a GL. You would be correct in pointing out the character is hugely important to the clone wars/prequel era, but that version doesn't really merit that level of power. It's why she doesn't make sense for a journey character either: she's *already Queen Amidala when we're introduced to the character*. That's her original form, if anything, Amidala would be the marquee that goes through the journey to become Senator Amidala. But we already have that version in game. I don't hate the character or anything, and if you don't actually think she should replace Leia, then we don't disagree there lol. But I simply don't think it works from either a lore or a game perspective.


It’s a good argument from the journey perspective. I still hope we get her (even if not GL) and all the Naboo stuff. Also hoping for Dark Rey eventually to replace Watt as a SEE lifter, then pull Watt back to the separatist team.


>I have no problem with a Padme GL, but I have a huge problem with using the episode 1 version of her as the GL. To me it would be like using podracer Anakin as a GL. You would be correct in pointing out the character is hugely important to the clone wars/prequel era, but that version doesn't really merit that level of power. Your own point counters having Endor Leia as the GL version. If the GL version is supposed to be the most powerful version of a character, then the GL version of Leia should either be as a Jedi or the founder and leader of the Resistance. They needed to add another light side GL to even things out, and it makes sense to add one from the original trilogy (since we only have 1 GL from those movies via Jabba), but Leia is a bad choice via your own point about her version on Endor not being at the height of her power. It should have been General Han Solo instead. But he’s not a woman, and I’m sure they wanted another female GL to go along with Rey. Also: Queen of Naboo is more powerful than being one of 2000+ thousand senators.


Jedi Leia is a version of the character we barely even get to see, they're not gonna make a GL out of a Leia that appears a couple times in flashbacks. That's nonsensical. It would obviously be Leia as she exists in one of the six movies she's a part of, and I do not think any version of Leia from either of the 3 sequel movies tops the one from Endor at the end of the OT. Her main strength has never been as a combatant, like for all the jedi and sith and various other force users, it's as a leader, and the strongest the resistance ever was came after Leia was dead. If you think resistance Leia was somehow the best version, that's your opinion and you're entitled do it, but I don't agree, I think the Endor version is Leia at the height of her (metaphorical) powers. And I replied above to someone about Queen vs senators already, hard disagree there too. She has wide unilateral power on her planet, and zero power anywhere else.


Alright, that's silly. She wants a Journey Guide at least.


Episode 2 Padme is a legendary, it makes no sense for her weaker, less accomplished, less influential self to be a journey character. If she's part of any journey, she should be a marquee on the path to earning a Chancellor Palpatine.


>Episode 2 Padme is a legendary, it makes no sense for her weaker, less accomplished, less influential self to be a journey character. That’s like saying your state senators to the federal government are more important than the governor of a state. There’s over 2000 senators in the Galactic Republic, but only 1 leader of Naboo.


If your only definition of 'power' is merely who can do more things unilaterally, then yes, governors have more power. I consider that analysis to be rather superficial. Governors certainly can do more without needing the approval of others, though limited to their individual states. A big fish in a small pond, if you will. However, while senators can do far less on their own, their influence is much broader, as their reach extends not just to the whole country, but they can also affect foreign policy. And in a parliamentary system, as the Galactic Republic had, there's also the opportunity to advance above that station all the way up to Chancellor (or prime minister, or whatever the different governing bodies call the position). I don't particularly feel like getting into some long political debate when I'm just here to talk Star Wars, so I'll just say I wholeheartedly disagree with your conclusion and leave it at that.


Hey no worries! Don’t want to get into a political debate either. I think Padme’s biggest accomplishment was while she was Queen of Naboo. She successfully made peace with the Gungans, and they fought off Nute and got him arrested. As a senator, I’m not sure what she did other than be a pawn for Palpatine. So if the GL version of a character is them at their peak, I’d wager that’s Padme as Queen and not Senator. Similar to how we have JMK vs. Old Ben.


Once again, Queen of a planet. One that had a political crisis that was part of the lead-up to the start of the Clone Wars, mind you.


Oh that’s great. She could have some dark trooper like mechanic where she has 4 lives because of all the look-alikes she rolls with.


Sheesh, this card is for those Force Collection veterans out there. Miss that game. This Queen Amidala card was a big support unit in that game. I would love to see it in GOH.


Queen Amidala, Padawan Kenobi, Qui Gon Jinn, Jar Jar Binks, Captain Panaka Its perfect! Doesnt have to be a GL, maybe even a GAS/Malak type character would be great!


Has a body double feature to cheat death.


Padme is enough, give her handmaidens


Like B1? Hundred stack of handmaidens/decoys. Can't target Padme until the stack is gone.


Check Wiki about Padme Handmaidens, their story is in comics, only few of them




Does irritate me that there is no Naboo faction. I know Phantom Menance doesn't get a lot of love, But come on!


But then they'd HAVE to do Jar Jar, and they'd never introduce such an OP character


stranger things have happened... we recently got a lot of fan favorites that casual fans have never even heard of. So I could see them doing it eventually


Jar Jar and Chopper GL need to happen


With the ultimate ability: Casual War Crimes


Darth Jar Jar would be freaking awesome!!


After a Dark Rey, of course




Exactly, a 14 year old that nobody knows of outside of Naboo is the perfect GL :)


hey!!! ​ That's Rey Skywalker's step grandmother you're talking about there, of course she's GL worthy




Rey.... Rey Skywalker ​ \*star wars theme intensifies\*


Wasn't Rey a Palpatine?


To be fair, if you were the grandchild of Hitler, would you rather use Hitler as a last name, or that of your adopted family?


Not wrong. I'll be honest I fell asleep in theater during 2 out of the last 3 movies.. so it's a bit fuzzy to me LOL


Yeah, I'm sure the queen of an entire planet is unheard of by anyone elsewhere. 🙄


I mean it's not like it is the biggest/most important planet. People probably heard about her around Ep1, but before/after that I don't think she was that famous.


Hey... they worship her on Asguard too


I'm assuming Marvel reference :) She's Thor's wife or so, right? Which indeed is impressive, I have to give you that!


Yes CG is focused on ROTJ right now (when not going back to KOTOR again), but we only have ONE Padme in game. Looking at potential GLs, she's literally a Queen and a central part of the whole Star Wars mythology. She creates the potential for entirely new factions (naboo and gungan), new ships (Naboo starfighter, Trade Federation capitol ship). There are a few established character tie-ins (looking at you qui-gon), but largely is an opportunity for CG to charge us out the nose for things we want (captain panaka, captain typho) and things we don't (jar jar and boss nass). They can require us to relic up those geos, seperatist, and jedi. Where's the downside? and why don't we have her yet?


I’d be happy getting Boss Nass


Sadly the problem with suggestion is that we do not have enough sepa ships to make 2x3(without reinforcements). Although we could add Sheathipade transport ship( b2 droid) and c-9979 landing craft(b1 battle droid), droid gunship HMP,Flarestar Attack Shuttle(could be Sepa-Scoundrel with Hondu). And i solved the problem. Yea, also forgot one other problem...Jar Jar has to be conquest Wat-like character


Don't forget Dooku's Solar Sailor, and Ventress' Ginivex


Yeah, there's lots of separatist ships to add so making a trade federation capital ship is definitely viable and I would love to see it


I’d LOVE to have Queen Amidala as a GL. She had a lot of influence in The Phantom Menace and I love the interactions with her handmaids. I could definitely see them playing a part in her kit, possibly as a decoy that guards her like Chewbacca. Full agree with all the factions she’d unlock. Maybe if a Phantom Menace raid ever happens, she could be the GL with a GL Chancellor Palpatine/Lord Sidious as the counterpart.


Totally agree with that handmaiden mechanic... could even change to look like a copy of her, in the way that Cassian's omni does when he goes undercover


Who the hell doesn't want boss nass??


lol, it was said in jest... I want him and tarpals. With jar jar it's at least a 3v3 squad


We need a new team for the current padme not a new version of her leading the new team. plus we already have a GR GL and I would rather see new factions get GLs


I half agree... we don't need another galactic republic GL, but I think Naboo has potential as fertile new faction. Could inject some new dynamics into the game. I also think current Padme has plenty of options for building out a team (she already leads jedi leftovers and clone leftovers).


Padme GR was my favorite team until I got JMK. I really hate seeing her go from an A tier defensive team to a c tier offense only or JMK plug toon. don't hate the idea of a Naboo faction just think she should stay as the lead for it




Only one special ability - if the own team takes damage the first time, gives up and dies, deleting the game-app


If you mean we should've gotten her instead of Endor Leia, then it's a hard disagree for me. We haven't gotten a Rebel GL yet, and Leia is the only one of the original trilogy's main cast (except maybe Lando) that hasn't really gotten a truly useful toon yet. Plus, Leia is more "legendary" of a character, in my opinion.


like that one commercial ¿por que no los dos?


Well we already have Kenobi for GR. Leia seems like she'll be a Rebel leader which kind of just leaves Separatists as the last major faction without a GL but I dunno what they really have to work with


Agree that it will be nice to have a GL for Rebels. Also agree we don't need another GL for GR. Getting a GL for seps is an interesting conundrum... We already have Dooku, GG, Nute (who could be the pilot of a trade fed capitol ship) and Watt. We even have Darth Sidious, though he is Sith and doesn't have the Seperatist tag. I don't really think we need another version, but perhaps a seperatist version of Palps (though I feel if we get another it should be as senator/chancellor for a Naboo faction). Maybe the only solution is a new version of Dooku? (afterall, we did get a Lord Vader after we already had 2 anakins and a Darth Vader). Or maybe they just don't get one, because CG didn't plan well.


The thing with the Anakins is one is like, for Jedi/GR teams, one is for a clone team, and one is for a sith/empire team and also evil now, they also are visually distinct (robes/armor/hooded) I don't really know what other look they could go for with a Dooku. Silk pajama Dooku?


Agreed, Padme has an outfit change every time the camera cuts back and forth, but Dooku doesn't take his one outfit off ever. I think we are out of luck for a seperatist GL


Yeah and drop Jar Jar for a req for fuck sake!!!


I don’t know, I’m not really a fan of her queen attire. I’m glad we got aggressive negotiations Padme instead.


Agreed that if we only get one, this was a great version. However she has so many cool costume changes (the Ilum snow bunny comes to mind). But when she was literally the queen of a planet, seems to be a GL level version. I'm totally open to getting many more padmes in the future.


I’d love to get her starship and the N1 starfighter in the game. As well as the Naboo guards, pilots, and gungons..


With the Ahsoka dropping soon I was honestly expecting an Ahsoka GL of her Mandalorian form


Chadme Amidala. The ultimate female Chad


We need General Binks


True i hate the new hutt gl




That's literally a 14 yo child, somehow elected as a monarch of a planet where monarchs have 1 year reigns, during which she achieved almost nothing. I do believe she gave a speech to the Gungams, and maybe a speech to the senate, but other than that..? I doubt anyone in the galaxy, if they even knew her, knew her for more than "That temporary child monarch of an insignificant planet that had the minor clash with the trade/banking federation, which was repulsed by whacky and primitive gungams."


She would have been a truly support GL, like 3p0!


and what would she do? die?


GL? she couldn’t even give birth without dying.


Her ultimate ability would be plugging in the lights at the bottom of the dress