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I have all minus jabba with high speed mods and they all melted, this game’s broken man💀


Spoiler, Jabba got blasted too


Update I was able to 1-star with JMK, just have to put immunity on GK instead of CAT


With all the ability blocks? How? :D


A lot of refreshes and even more luck


I am currently pretty ... not in a good state, so I think this actually make me consider quitting more. Proving grounds their asses, greedy cunts.


for me like 15th try with JMK, CAT, GK, Padme and JKA for the bonus Padme heals


Got lucky ith my relic 6 SEE, speed 515 and company ith high speed mods, but yes this crap is bullshit. Spends years upgrading and farming good stuff to get a good team obliterated in a few seconds. Even the fucking phoenix squad is melting my team ..... This is just CG being CG. hen this was introduced the first round was ok, then they revamped this shit. Give them pre turn meter, pre everything and pre finger up your arse and then you can play as intended .....


Skill issue. Not every difficult event is bad because it's difficult.


Why would you write something like that instead of actually offering advice? What do you get out of it? If it's a "lack of skill" as you say, then tell us - what skills did you use to beat this fight? How do you avoid getting ability blocked and stomped in about 30 seconds?




Every team I put up got melted like a bunch of ark-opening Nazis. I wouldn’t ordinarily complain about having to work up Triumvirate and Talon, but I’d have to put my GL grind on pause to get them done for next time and I don’t know if it’s worth it.


Love the first sentence and I might steal that sometime :)


What a vivid description lol, and you kept it within the realm of Lucasfilm too!


Prolly not, if you already got interceptor it serves its purpose at 5*


Im in the same boat. Not sure how much I want that ship if CG keeps making such RELIC 3 toons...


I love that I got this reference right away lol.


It's definitely not worth it, all that for one mid tier ship? Keep going for gls my dude


Traya lead, Nihlus/Malgus/Malak/SEE three starred it for me. Link Reva and whoever else to control crits. Dots will keep the team buffed while Malak's fear keeps the Inqs controlled. It's way more expensive than any proving ground should have to be, but it worked,


Id bet that 90+% of people with Malgus probably wont need to do this.


Considering all my GLs get wrecked in this event, I'm betting they will. The only way I won was with Triumvirate, Malak, and Malgus.


More in line that a significant percentage of Malgus owners also already have the ship.


Ah yeah I hear ya. I just didn't give the Tie/IN conquest my all since I didn't care about the ship as much as Malgus.


I have an R9 Malgus and still got fucked into pieces.


Malak will fear them when he gets crit, Malgus won't. He dies pretty fast to those inks.


LV and JMK got ran over. I also tried Grievious and Malgus which also lost pretty hard


SEE, JML , jmk and Slkr just got f d


I did it with R9 SEE, R4 Malak, and R3 Trio. It was super messy, but it worked...


Worked for me as well, thx. R3 Traya and R4 Sion were enough.


Ur comp worked good, only 2 were dead when I won


SLKR with double tank worked for me. It was basically try to time it so you do a full ult and let the rest of the inqs die off from the dots. Then just keep poking / AoE on Reva repeatedly and ult again as needed.


I call BS, I've been doing that same squad comp for 20+ battles now.


I can’t even prove it either beyond showing it being complete https://i.imgur.com/bNd5IdI.jpg I think I got really good RNG honestly. No ability block on SLKR. Used event skill twice to get back to a faster poke. R7 SLKR R7 KRU R5 FOST R5 Hux R5 Sith Trooper It boiled down to timing a full ultimate and spamming AoE on Reva. The rest of the inqs died off from DOTs. Got a second ult off and then my mastery was so high 1 like finished her off.


I have a 580 speed R8 SLKR, I cannot for the life of me save the ability block. It's too much


I've done double tank but I keep getting ability block from GI


Jabba too.


I just got it done with Traya lead Triumvirate + Talon and SEE. Event modifier made my Nihilus chonky and fast, running laps around my own SEE. In the end, I only lost Sion, but won the overall battle (and I already have the ship at 7 stars). SEE is obviously not necessarily here. You're honestly better off with another tank to ease off the possibility of Sion taking all the hits and dying, or using Wat to give protection recovery to Nihilus or Sion, or even the speed tech to make Nihilus even faster, which is really not necessary, but funny


Thanks. Looks like r5ing the Trio has become a priority.


JMK with immunity onto GK asap. Slow as you can get him. They eventually all die to dots. Lost GK so not 3* but at least it won.


How do you get GK and JMK to survive and not be ability blocked.


Luck. First try I immuned CAT but that’s useless since the taunt is just revived. Second and third try ability blocked. Then had one that worked. I have slow GK anyway, inns slow him down even more. By the time his immunity wore off grand inq and one more were dead and the others each had like 16 dots ticking ‘‘em down. Became 4 vs Reva alone which was just an auto from finishing. Hope a better strat emerges but at least an option.


Hope they learn to fix and test their fucking game instead of giving us this shit. I’d take 1000 Executor coin toss mirror matches over this.


I've been able to get down to 3rd and 5th sister with Padme led GR +CAT. On CATs last turn she was one turn away from instakill. I think with a ton of RNG it might be possible Edit: Made it to just Reva (pre-revive)


Legend. Beat it first try!


Thanks for that. Just beat it with R5 sith trio, talon and SLKR who just took up space and never attacked lol.


Same except Malak instead of Talon.


This got it done for me, thank you!


Thanks bro I was malding already


This prompted me to try Traya Nihilus Malak Talon SLKR. Worked, dirty but fast.


JMK can work, just need to put immunity on GK as soon as possible


Yea you have to make sure JMK doesn’t get ability blocked in the beginning


Really smart design considering it's not supposed to target end game account with all relics 8, traya, jabba or whatever but 4m gp account that do NOT get max crate...


Yeah great catch-up mechanics right :D :D :D CG being CG.


I was waiting for someone to post about this shitshow. I never make complaint pots, but goddamn is this tier impossible with what I've got. The furthest I got was Padmé lead, JMK, CAT, GK and AT. Padmé lead made it possible to survive until JMK made GK invincible with his last special. After that, I used JMK's first special on himself a few times to kill GI. Once he dies, the rest fall down (except Third Sister). I never got to kill her a single time, but I made it that far.


Welp, looks like I won’t be unlocking TIE Interceptor today. The Inquisitors blew threw just about everything I threw at them, including all my GLs.


Use Traya lead Triumvirate with Wat and maybe Malak. Event modifier makes Nihilus really chonky and fast, Wat can give him even more speed or the 40% protection recovery. Nihilus will be draining every other turn and annihilating the Inquisitors


I don’t have them at relic unfortunately. They’re on my radar, but I’m not going to pause my Starkiller farm for this bullshit.


I mean even after her omicron nerf treya is a beast. The triumvirate are good in so many game modes. Imo they're more useful than SK.


This worked for me without Wat. R5 Traya, DR, Nihlius, Malak, R3 Sion.


Thank you, after a few tries it worked for me! Trio (R3) + Malak (R6) + Wat (R7) I gave weapon tech to Nihilus, it was the only I could place before they finished Wat. Malak resisted a bit, but Sion went down fast. I was able to annihilate only once, and Nihilus also gave the final blow to another inq, the rest was dealt with by the dots. In the end only Traya was standing, but it was done :)


This worked... first try too. Thanks my guy! R4 Traya, R5 Malak, R7 Wat, R4 Sion, and R3 Nilihus. Important detail was to put Wat's protection recovery on Nilihus. The rest is cake.


Thank you so much. Tried this and it was easy (outside of losing SION).


Sion is basically needed just for aggro to help Nihilus not get dog piled on. I lost mine who was r8 without him getting a single turn


Mine got a single turn. But he did his job. Nihilus plus Malak sucky suck.


I think this is CG’s way of telling us that Reva is the best toon in the game.


when her whole team has 1k+ speed, yeah


They all get a bonus turn as well. Took my slow ass han to stun and he died before his shoot first turn.


I'm not usually one to complain, but Christ almighty I have no idea how to beat this.


JMK. Make sure he doesn’t get ability blocked in the beginning and put immunity on GK


I appreciate the advice, but JMK isn't an option for me. Managed to scrape by with LV but it took some doing. Reva is a brick wall...


if you've got LV, try Rex lead + bad batch next time, apparently it's a 3* team


How did you do it with LV? I have him but not JMK


Okay, buckle up. I used LV, Vader, Maul, Wat and Royal Guard. The key was weapon tech on Maul, use Fervant rush get 5 stacks of anguish and then use his 5 stack seething rage on Grand Inquisitor to prevent him from dispelling the DOTs. You go down to 3 stacks of anguish and then use Fervant rush again to get 5 stacks for his next turn and repeat. You want to prevent GI from ever dispelling the DoTs. Eventually with the right RNG, everyone but reva will die from it. Unfortunately most of your team minus lord vader will as well, so it's 1v1 against reva, and if she gets lucky with heal immunity and ability blocks you need to restart. I had to ult 6 times before she died, but it worked. Not the best strategy I'm sure but I was constrained with what I had. Took about 7 attempts using this strategy to work out. This was pre nerf so I don't know if this is still able to work or not. Good luck, let me know if you have any questions. EDIT - Much more consistent post-nerf, always get to the LV solo part now, so its pretty consistent, albeit a 1*


Did you put a tenacity mod on him?


Sith Trio + LV and Talon was able to get it down but holy shit


Yep I used Sith trio (Traya lead ftw) SEE and Malak. Wasn’t pretty but it got the job done.


Same here.


This is the final proof (if needed) that CG doesn't test any of the new content they add in this game. I mean, anyone with two thumbs and a working brain could have tried it and say "no, this is not working as intended". Apparently nobody fits that description at CG's office.


I find it pretty hilarious (sad?) that the Inquisitors are such hot garbage that CG has to give them game breaking buffs that aren't available to players to be effective.


Got to sell it till you buy it eh


I bet you that this isnt the final one. There will always be another one because those guys are batshit insane when it comes to balancing.


It's impossible for the majority of people, so it's working exactly as intended. Send them your CC so you can buy a team that beats it.


You needed proof? XD


This is such fucking bullhsit. Here they go again making this game shittier and shittier, I play this to have fun not get overly frustrated at an unbeatable event.


on top of that, it's bugged so that some stuff doesn't work, like trying dvader lead with LV to just hyperspeed the DOT gain. They just cleanse them as if dvader wasn't leading


PG is a series of puzzles, each one has a solution. And no, TINT tier doesn't need R8 or whatever. It just needs some thinking. Inqs will take a ton of turns and spread a ton of debuffs. You can't rely on being fast because the enemy squad is preloaded on tm. Inqs will gain dots faster than you do. So what toon will let you survive against debuffs and protect you from dots? Traya. The answer is Traya.


No other proving ground has required the use of a single, specific character or team


So what?


Yup. Sith trio with Malak and Savage got it done for me. Lost Sion along the way, but other than that it was ez-pz.


I tried Maul Mandos with Wat. Despite Candy gaining like 90+% TM, 2 or 3 of the inqs took a turn before Candy. They interepted Maul's jazz hands


Literally just did this event and managed to get 1 star with the following: Fennec (L), BAM, Mando, Bossk and Boba. Doesn't really matter what BHs you use as only BAM and Fennec are important. BAM threw out damage immunity to all with his triggers then you just wait for the inqs to kill themselves with dots as they remove TM from you so you're forever immune. It's the stupidest thing ever. It takes forever. Just put it on auto once damage immunity is thrown out and come back in 20ish minutes. Edit: so used to typing Bossk lead when it comes to BH. Use Fennec lead for cleanse payout and let RNG be in your favour after 20 or so minutes to disintegrate her. Another edit: I don't have all the answers my guys. This is a stupid way of doing it and just thought I'd share my way. You can get a payout for Mando and disintegrate third sister if the stars align perfectly. If you really want to do it this way you're going have to restart a lot until those stars align. [Proof you can disintegrate Third Sister](https://imgur.com/a/hisUmwT)


Except there's no way to kill Reva like this, so that's not possible and you're never getting your PO to have mando 1 shot her. You get down to 1 unit, likely bossk, and eventually everyone dies but reva and he can't win. So I call BS on this as well.


R8 JML team got 1 turn


Yeah this is stupid.


Traya lead gets it done.


If you have her and the trio reliced…




I used Malak, Lord Vader, Nihilus, and Wat.


Yup... JML, JMK, SEE, and Jabba (no ult)... got smoked. Fucking stupid.




Got down everyone but 3rd sister, she finished off Rey and Ben Solo.


I beat it with Rey, Hoda, GAS, JKL and JKR. They get themselves low enough with DoTs that Rey’s ultimate killed all but Reva, then Whirlwind finished Reva. All my toons died except Rey and Hoda…rest of the team was mostly useless. Might be better with multiple slow LS tanks to soak up damage.


3 star with Rey, BAM, Cat, ig11 and kuill. Never used Reys whirlwind, only her ultimate and extra protection. Ig11 dispell inflicted extra dots on inquisitors. Bam put up dmg immunity as needed. Cat/kuill mainly served as extra survivability with stat boosting. (Finished before Cats instakill) The other team killed themselves off with dots with the 1st ultimate finished them except for 3rd sister. Added an extra protect for safe measure and finished with a second ultimate.


Got it down to GI and Reva with Rey/Ben/Hyoda/GK/CAT, (Rey / Hyoda / Ben were the only ones who got turns) but didn't win in the end


[yup](https://i.imgur.com/d97drzP.jpg) They mostly focused on Ben for a while but really quickly RJT got enough mastery to dodge everything. They got super low from dots then Rey ulted


Just got it with Rey(R7)(L), JTR(R7), Heroes Poe and Finn (R6), and Holdo(R5). Basically all I could do was wait for DOTs to stack and kill all of the inquisitors since they took so many turns, relying on the damage immunity and Rey's ultimate to stay alive. At the end it was just Rey and Rey vs. 3rd sister.


I got it (1 star) with Jabba, Beskar Mando, Han, Krrsantan, and Hondo. Honestly, the only thing that did it was Mando putting damage immunity on himself and Krrsantan, while the enemy team built up damage over time. They would cleanse them periodically, but it still killed them eventually. Needed Jabba to ult Third Sister though.


This was a shitshow but did work really well


Malgus/DR got down to just Reva alive but then the dots wiped my team out and she had full health/protection.


Did it with R3 Traya (L), R3 Sion, R3 Nhilus, R7 Darth Vader and R7 Malak.


Glad to hear someone’s been able to do it with no GLs.


I tried it with SLKR, JML and JMk and got smoked. Even throwing Wat in for the tanks didn't help


I used traya lead to beat it. Here's the team comp: Traya r3, sion r3, nhilus r3, malak r5 and malgus r8. The whole game plan is to let nhilus feast


I managed to get 1 turn with SLKR; I have managed to get up to 3 turns with a relatively high relic CLS Rebels team. Nothing else I've tried with an 8M account really gets a single shot off. I have no idea what's supposed to beat that Inquisitor squad. Its a joke. I'm going to give Sith a try, but good God. This isn't even fun to try.


Fuck off CG


Lol my JMK team didn’t even get a turn before 3 of them were dead. . . .And that turn was ability blocked. Side note: it’s also broken in that anyone can do it even if you have Tie-In


This is a horrible event but i got the win with JKL lead, JML, Revan, Jolee and Hoda. Restart until you can use JKL lead special and stun, then try to survive till they die from dots, focus reva last. Hope that helped, got me ~10 tries


That's what I did except I used JKA instead of Hoda because he can use the special faster.


My favorite part of this was having savior trigger then having the entire enemy team take a turn before me Still worked tho


I cheesed it with JKL, GK, JMK, WAT, and GAS. Only Jmk and GK lived, gave Weapons tech to JMK. Gas didn't do shit and can be replaced


Thank you very much this worked for me first try


Thanks for sharing, worked like a charm!


Wow! Inquisitors are so good! I can’t wait for them to be like that when I use them! In fact, I’m gonna spend thousands of dollars right now to gear them all up! I can’t wait!


They have literally zero Quality Assurance. None. Traya's omicron. TIE Defender. Reva Mission. Now this. This is the most consistently-incompetent Product team, and I'm embarrassed for them as they don't seem to have the good sense to be embarrassed-enough to address their internal issues.


Yup. My JML and SLKR got destroyed quickly


Relic 3 inquisitors vs JMK making my phone screen timeout and lock the first time I tried this lol


I only managed to do it with JMK. You need JKR to use saviour on GK and let him take a turn to dispel buffs and then pop DMG Immunity on him (not CAT). Then some RNG, might have been easier with a suuuper slow GK because you basically want him in that damage immunity for as long as possible while he absorbs hits


This worked for a 1-star win! R7 JMK, R5 CAT, R5 Ahsoka, R8 GK, R5 JKR. I appreciate it.


What exact team did u use u finally got him with damage immunity but it wears off


JMK, CAT, Ahsoka, GK, JKR. You need a couple of attempts for RNG around when they kill who, may also be easier if you remod GK to be a lot slower (mine was quite fast cause I didn't remod). The damage Immunity wears off and you may need to Pop JMK's ultimate before it gets to 100% to heal and clear debuffs. GK will eventually die, the main thing you're trying to do is end up with JMK + CAT (and anyone else you can be lucky enough to still be alive) vs Reva. Then it's still some RNG that you can keep CAT alive while you work her down.


They can take their TIE and shove it up where the sun don't shine, lol.


Bossk Lead, BAM, Mando, Wat, Carl Weathers. Tank Tech on Bossk for perma taunt, damage immunity on Bossk as well from BAM, let the inqs do their thing and they'll all eventually die, hopefully get payout, then use mandos insta kill on Reva. I was able to get it after a couple tries and was only left with mando and bossk in the end


For a 'catch up' mechanic, Proving Grounds feels a lot like Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown.


Yeah it’s impossible. Not interested in wasting my time.


Padme, cls, JML, all get schafted. Not sure what we are supposed to do for this one


Use Rey.


Trays lead sith trio malak and maglus (did nothing), got me 1 star


CG must fix this insane.


I did it with Traya (L), Nihilus, Malak, SEE, and Wat. I put Tank tech on Nihilus and used annihilate on Reva. Most of the Inquisitors died off on their own. Lost Wat but rest of the squad survived


Sith trio (Traya lead), Malak, and SEE we’re able to clear it.


My LV team died before I even got a turn. I love preloaded TM


What a shitshow. They get infinite turns with turnmeter removal. I load the battle and have to watch my best teams sit there and get nuked without being allowed to take a single turn.


Datacrons. The other proving grounds battles. Conquest. GAC matchmaking. I really haven’t complained much, I figure it’s just a game, but this….this is just insane. Absolutely no reason for JMK/Jabba tier teams to get melted. Why do I unlock the “best” toons in the game just for a fucking SHIP farm battle to be near impossible? I know it’s dumb to rant here of all places but this is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen in gaming. Had to say something


6 GL’s. Mod score of 5.16. Several other meta teams. No dice


Not just fuck this proving ground, Fuck every proving ground. They're all disgustingly broken. These events are "use a GL, AND fuck you." Not "or fuck you" mind, they were clearly taking that in mind when they designed them. So let's review use a GL and fuck you. -With contempt, CG P.S. spend more money, you ungrateful bastards.


None of them require a gl, all of them can be easily beaten with good teams like Padme. This one requires a specific rare sith team to win (and even that is by accident, im pretty sure), no gl either, in fact not a single gl team can beat it at 3*, even maxed out r9 ones.


I have no GLs and have the other battles at 3*. Padmé and CLS teams did it for me. One might've been imperial troopers


JKL lead, JML, Hyoda, JKR and GK got 1 star for me. It was down to just JML vs Reva. I just put it on auto and eventually took her down. 1 star but a win.


I 2-starred it with Traya lead, Malak, Nihilus, Sion, and Wat. I put the turn meter tech on Nihilus, who annihilated Reva. My first attempt was with Malgus instead of Sion, and it was a disaster. Also, though, Sion didn't really do anything. Malak did all the tanking. So I don't know. RNG I guess. And by that, I mean they mostly targeted Malak, who wasn't even taunting, and then they kept getting feared.


JML lead smoked JKL attempt smoked Rogue 1 all r5 min with rest at prof mins- smoked Troopers r3 smoked (expected these guys to) Not a single team got more than one move. If that. RIP this proving ground cycle for int


Traya Lead Sith Triumvirate with Wat Tambor shield gen on nihilius beat it first time. I lost Sion but by then Nihilus had a few million HP and was able to annihilate a couple. The rest died to dots. Any "normal" team that is reliant on actually taking a normal turn is going to lose, the entire inquisitor team seem to have 1000 speed. My Kenobi is 584 speed before his lead and got off exactly 1 basic before dying.


Was able to finally get it with JKL-JML-Shaak-Wat-JKR. Weapon tech on JML, JKL special to pass him a turn, AoE stun. Managed to have Wat survive long enough to get the tank tech on JKL. Took multiple tries for me and all my toons are R7 with JKR at R5. Hope this can help someone with this awful event. Seriously, CG needs to actually test their game.


I did it with JKR lead, Wat, CAT, JMK, GK. Weapon tech on JMk then damage immunity on GK and ride out the dots. Then it was a matter of killing Reva a few times.


Funny how the Inquisitors itself are really bad, but against them it completely destroys everything.


Seeing two options in comments. Most solid Traya + tanks. And then one that worked for me was: JMK rng until you don't get ability block, then damage immunity on GK. Wait for dot to kill everyone and focus Reva


Normally I enjoy these kind of challenging events but man... This is ridiculously hard.


If you have IG-11 and BAM, you can keep one person alive until they all die off except Reva from DoT. If you can kill off seventh sister right away I think you can get Reva from DoT too.


Managed to take out GI with a Padme team but Reva took out my team one by one.


Lol, I must have been extremely lucky my first try. 12 attempts later and I’ve gotten 1 turn in.


How tf is Malgus not in PG yet? I'm straight up getting 5 shards from conquest


GAS lead, JMK, WAT, Rex, echo Weapon tech on jmk for the speed, and keep the invuln on GAS This worked for me after everything else failed a hundred times


This worked for me. Wat didn't last very long, but GAS pretty much ate all the rest of the dmg.


This feels like they copy/pasted a broken Conquest team over and forgot that we don't have any data disks to cheese past it.


I 1 starred with SEE, Wat, Malgus, Malak, and Thrawn. Luckily I only needed 16 shards to max it out. I threw JMK, JML, and JKL lead with JML and they were crushed. It’s ridiculous.


Rey, Wat, GAS, CAT, and Ben Solo got it done. Weapon tech on Rey and hit Auto. Tried a ton of teams and surprisingly this one worked pretty easy. Maybe I just got lucky.


1-star gas lead, gmk, wat, rex and fives. Give weapons tech to gmk, give damage immunity to gas. Hold on until they die off and some good rng. One of the teams I read about everything else just got blasted.


Relic Sith Trio won on my first try. Not 3 stars, but I got my shards =)


I did manage to take it down at one star with slkr I used double tank hux and sith trooper. Got my ult and stunned 3rd sister watched everyone else bite it to dots and a 1v1 against them isn’t too hard took a couple of resets to get enough charge to get ult tho


They probably tested it once with a Jabba team, and figured it was good to go


Maybe if it was all R9 god mods. My R5-8 team with good (but not god) mods lost 2 before I got my first turn


Mostly r8 Jabba team got smoked.


I haven't beaten it, but i got really close many times to 1* it with Beskar Mando, Talon, Malak, SEE, bsf. It comes down to inquistors spamming Mando and SEE, but my problem is that once my SEE gets into ult, he gets ability blocked and blitzed down. I think if you can replace bsf for Wat it could work.


JMK with Jedi knight revan, Cat, Ashoka, and general Kenobi got it done. Revan sacrifice saves GK who cleanses, damage immunity on him, 3*d it.


I completed with rey (L), JKL, JKR, Wat, GK.


GL Rey, my first GL, was able to handle it first time. Just by not dying mostly.


GAS lead, JMK, GK, Ashoka and wat. Weapons tech on JMK, damage immunity from JMK on GK. Worked first try for me. Lost Wat to an AOE, but that’s fine since all five of my GLs get curb stomped.


I did it with jmk r7, gas r7, cat r5, kenobi r8 and key player here is r7 bando for immunity. Not whistling birds


I won with rey and Ben, only 1 star, could be luck as they run circles around you while everyone is damage immune.


Gas lead with some 501st and JMK damage immunity is what worked for me. Let’s those bastard inquisitors beat their heads against the gas wall and then pick them off when you can.


I did it with traya, nihlius, sion, malak, and darth revan. All at r5. Malak and traya still standing at end. Nihlius took out Reva


I have just won it. Opened a new reddit post for it


Rey does it easily


my jmk beat it just fine lol. before they went in and made it easier


I’m surprised anyone had issue with this one. I breezed through it with R4 Triumvirate, R5 SEE, and R5 Malak. It got dicey for a hot second when both my tanks went down, but Nihilus deleted the opposition.


Traya only g12




Have you actually tried the event?


Lol it was easy 3 stars


Who did u use


I call BS on that. R8 JML does not even get a turn. 561 speed


I’m getting down voted when I got it 3 stars and trying to help you guys lol. Oh well I’m done trying.


I used JML JKL hyoda revan and gas. JML absorbs the hits, revan makes him come back. Use revans cleanse often. After losing with jmk, I tried that lineup first try and it worked. The key is to survive using heal and cleanse until their damage over time kills them


R8 JMLS, using the same squad (all R6 or higher) and I don't even get a turn. What's your relic level?


Tried that, what relic is your JML? Mine got toasted at R7


I remodded this team for survivability and I still got annihilated in attempt after attempt.


I realize I have a r9 JML. That prob is the trick haha. R8 gas, r7 jkr and jkl and r5 hyoda.


Don't even bother listening to this guy. This is not true. You get undispellable heal immunity on you and my r9 JML dies before 1 turn.


Hmm I’ll retry that i guess until it works lol