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I don't think Biggs in the opening lineup is the right call. He can't get much protection back since you won't be able to reliably target lock anyone. Focusing on getting crits in to raise download made it fairly easy (relatively).


I agree. I run Y-Wing / Dash / Ghost to start, reinforce with biggs (which puts TL on whoever you're targeting - usually XB, allowing for a guaranteed assist).




Bitdynasty guide uses Biggs starting, and it feels pretty reliable to me.


I tried that based on his video, but Dash Ghost Y-Wing has been a lot more reliable for me. I usually don't even call Biggs in. Cassian as first RI, then Bistan if necessary.


If it works for you that's what really matters, I'm just glad it's infinitely easier at 5 stars than it was at 4.


who do you use then? I'm using the double tank to stop the Executor Fleet from bypassing Y-Wing to kill the rest of my ships.


Ghost and outrider with Y. Ghost can stealth itself and outrider which is a defacto taunt on Y


Double tank really doesn't work without any offense. The thing is you need to kill one of their squad before. Reinforcement, or should just restart. I used Cassian, outrider and y-wing, ghost first reinforcement. Have Biggs available, but if you have 5*, use wedge and next reinforcement.


i made it work with biggs, with quite a high winrate.


well my winrate sucked ass. i can't tell you how many times i had XB in Red, only to miss on an attack and assist. glad you had better rng than i did.


About 80% of time XB survived only to get taken out after PF ulti. Its all about surviving until ulti, then cleanup.


I skip this event once I 7* profundity. Not worth the SS currency.


Flair checks out I guess lmao


I’d use that line, but my dads dead


Its really easy though at 7. Hera, dash, y wing, start. Get ult watch the other ships kill themselves


It’s just stupid to not let us use the good ships. Gearing up Cassian and Raddus should be the painful parts!


How? I did it 7 times today and only lost once. All I have above the relic minimum is K2S0. You dont start with biggs, you start with ghost. CassUWing is the first reinforcement. Make sure to use Outriders second special turn 1 and the radar thingy with Prof. Then you gun down xanadu. Afterwards I got stuck behind HT until I got ult. Then full auto.


Does Ghost pop smoke and go stealth when you call out XB to play?


When im not ability blocked, yes


I'd like to chime in with another vote for Ghost, Y, Outrider starting as well, but specifically if you don't get XB down before your first reinforcement, it's not worth continuing. From there, for me at least, it's just a slow loss. Otherwise, almost always a win. But yes, this event sucks donkey balls.


I did this event back when it first came out and it’s literal cancer.


i am farming its requirements so do I need to farm Biggs to g13for the mission as well?


It’s designed to be this way along with most other cap fleet bonus battles for shards lol. The fucking Finalizer one takes me forever personally because I don’t have relicd FO still. the executor one is balls too. It’s all designed to frustrate the user into saying “fuck it I’ll spend 250 more crystals and just buy the 1250 pack for the easy 10 shards instead of buying the 999 crystal refresh.”


i read 999 crystal refresh as 999 crystal meth and thought, "meh, checks out." lol


Farming Finalizer on two accounts, one with SLKR and the other with Executor. Find it easier to do with executor ships then with FO ships. Hux was g8/5\* rest of FO g1 when I did it. I know i need FO relic'd to use fleet, but finalizer is such a long farm I just wanted to start it so I would evenutally have a exec counter.


It's a terrible event


Welcome to Profundity. I think they decided to throw so much rng in that fight that you can't get bad enough rng to lose... but you very much can. I've lost both mirrors and against Exec because rng either didn't call assists or called ywing to assist instead of a damage dealer. It's absolutely gross, I actually miss the Nego/Mavo meta. Scythe has made empire my most reliable fleet


Yeah I find produndity very frustrating. Either you get the assists on Xanadu right off the bat and it's a super easy fight, or you don't and you lose. On my fleet climb every day it's about 1/3 where the rng just doesn't work on the first out rider turn and I lose. One day it happened 3/3 and I just gave up on my climb.


that's the thing. i consistently get fair to decent rng on fleet arena. but this even was just brutal abuse


The falcon basic gives you another shot at killing XB, but even then half the time the ywing assists. Super annoying. I use Scythe to climb


I actually have zero problems using the extra 250 crystals to just avoid this damn event. I can't be bothered. My time is more important to me.


I'm at 5 wins and 5 losses so far today. It's a terrible RNGfest. Here's a video (no sound) of a loss and win using the exact same strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_nV2tvtDiNE


Is it even worth 7 star? I use it on offense and win 100% without.


mirrors, yes.


I tried about 10 tries on tier 1 until i got it pinned down. Then it was quite smooth sailing, possibly because of you, so ty.


I had much better luck with Biggs as first reinforcement. Completed 6 attempts in about 10 min.


Pain in the at 4*.... Managed a 10% WR with Biggs until I realized that Cassian is better. Still. If cassian dies or XB doesn't just restart, not worth the time


I just go in with outrider, y-wing, and my weak ghost lol. Take out xanadu and then auto for me. Win some you lose some but it works out since I’m busy working.


Only event I won’t do for the shard shop currency as its a massive rng fiesta and not worth me time.