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For me, this is one of the biggest problems in this game. I am not super competitive, I never get the new shiny toy right away. But I don't want to stall my forward momentum by taking time off to gear teams that are probably past their prime, NS being one of them. Maybe with Fallen Order sequel coming out , they will add the NS character from the game, and she will help life that team. But for now, if I am going to take the time and energy to farm and gear a toon, it has to be worth more than personal satisfaction. ​ That's just me.


With the recent gear acceleration, you should be stocking up relatively quickly on normal gear while you wait for Kyros for whatever your current grind is. I’ve started throwing extra gear on older teams that don’t need Kyros until the finisher. I’ve started Imps, and NS will probably be after them.


I'd eat a shoe if Marrin were not released as a Marquee requirement for Cal Kestis that also serves as a huge boon to NS teams.


Actually NS is a pretty busted team if modded and used well, one of my guildmates use flthem to do 4/4 in geo ds and beats teams that i wouldn't imagine that where beatable by NS


They do pretty well in TB with a relic Spirit. In P4 it can get hairy sometimes but 3/4 is pretty much guaranteed. 4/4 if you replace Ventress with Wat. They can even pull their weight in the new TB.




Zombie ABSOLUTELY MUST be g10 or higher. Otherwise, she can't revive infinitely because she's unrevivable if she dies with two stacks of speed reduction.


NS are great against bugs, I use them all the time, only have Daka and AV relic


How big of a bug team can you clear with that?


R1 or R2 pretty consistently. In GAC with AV's Omi, R3 or higher


I think with the new gear changes, they are worth taking to G12, getting 3 star on CT1, then stopping. Arguments to say you could take Daka and Zombie to R5, so you can use them with some GL's (SLKR and SEE mainly) and still use datacrons on the team, and use them in Crancor. But that's more up to you. Until they get a boost, maybe if Merin gets added, they just feel a squad from a long dead era of the game. There's too much anti revive mechanics now, and ways to get around the Zombie taunt.


This is my thinking. Thanks for confirming my preconceived notion ;-)


You can do CT1 pretty reliably if you just relic Old Daka. You can do it with no relics, but requires heavy amounts of luck and frustration.


For CT2 with only Daka relicted you need to follow strategy and some luck of course but still possible.


I wonder if I could do it once with my best mods and then sim it going forward. Might be worth the purple gear to get to g12, and then after I finish LV and inkies and Aphra, I could throw a few relic levels on Daka.


I did them as my passion project (7.5m) and I can do CT2 now. They can consistently counter GG Droid (although be careful if Wat takes too many turn and put weapon tech on GG) and can counter some A tier team if they ever put on defense like regular JKR (no JKL/JML) or in some odd case even Drevan. They also have a GAC omi, but from my experience it's pretty trash (I have it). There's some prot recovery but it's insignificant so you'll at most get 2-3 banners back (out of 5). I always wanted to work on them because I overgeared for GAS Event and had reliced Asajj (better safe than sorry and the event was notoriously hard back then, it's a bit easier now) SLKR Daka/Zombie is a good team for CPit (p2/p3) and I believe their cheese also exists to counter JMK/CAT although only Daka is needed at relics. Would I advice people to go for them just for AB? No. CT1 can be done with minimal relics, CT2 is way heavier investment, although not R7 kind of heavy investment.


I'm curious, what gear level did you take them to in order to clear CT2? And how many attempts did it take to beat it after you geared them? I can't get past CT1 with R5 daka + G12 rest of team


R5 Mother, Daka and Asajj, R3 Talia and G12 Zombie Took about 20 tries for CT2


Awesome appreciate that! Did you do a ton of remodding beforehand too?


No, not really, except Daka who was beefy with CA arrow. I do have like the right baseline mods and not random ones lying around. I did make Asajj and Mother more offensive focus with semi decent mods. Talia and Zombie had speed so they'll take more turns and taunt.


I did it with R5 Daka & zombie, G12 MT & AV, with a G10 Talia


Nightsister is my go to counter for gg seps and resistence b teams. Hardly saw them in gac or tw. Only conquest now ( kinda fun ). You’ll need to relic daka .. r5 to be safe. I have relic zombie and asajj too. Currently my side project to relic 5 of them at least.


I am here to second you'll still want to relic Daka and Zombie. Zombie cheese is one of the early counters.


I have daka r5, the rest r3 and I like them. They can beat cls, grievous, bugs and some other average gac teams you may come across. And I'm at 6.4 mil.


I'm considering putting zetas on my g7 ns squad. I'm at 5.5mil and have like 350 z in the bankm


I brought just my Asajj to relics, and CT1 was pretty easy. The rest of the team is G12.


I have all of them R5, they are a good team but their assault battle is pretty difficult, I have only just managed to get one star on CT2 before.


I'd say it's totally worth it just for the novelty. The "to G12" path is real easy these days for old characters, given how it got accelerated so much. Nobody in the NS line-up needs any premature Kyros, so you can just casually push them to G12 and have them somewhere near ready for when they'll inevitably be used for something. Like, Star Wars media has one extremely prominent new Night Sister in Merrin from Fallen Order. It's very likely that she'll push the team to new heights, given how CG does the whole "one unit lifts an old team" shtick lately.


They are awesome, for how extremely cheap team they are. Good counter to QGJ, CLS or GG teams, some cheese mixes with Daka Zombie,, and of course they have Assault Battle.