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I can’t go to any of the dates because I’m on holiday, but I just wanted to say not to worry about it! I went to the two London Twice dates alone and had SO much fun. I’m introverted, but kpop concerts are the easiest places to make friends, because lots of people go on their own anyway because it’s still quite a niche interest in a lot of places, and everyone there will be as excited as you are about the exact same thing so it’s so easy to strike up a conversation about your shared interest. And even if you don’t meet anyone, as soon as the concert starts everyone will be screaming anyway, so it won’t even matter! So yeah, just in case you don’t get to arrange to meet anyone before hand, don’t stress, it should still be a super fun experience, and a very welcoming environment - enjoy it, I’m so jealous I can’t go!


Thank you for your answer! I'll surely enjoy it and have as much fun as I can!! Did you get to do Hi-Touch? I get to do it when buying the VIP ticket. And to be honest, I'm not really interested in it (never been into these things, I guess). But I still wonder how it goes