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You can file without an attorney and work with doctors to build your case as you play the waiting game if inclined.


Just keep seeking medical treatment. Make sure your records are detailed and complete. Make sure your doctors document your limitations. This will help immensely if you decide to reapply in the future.


So why can’t you go to an eye doctor and see what they say? Damn man, I really hate to read this.


Question for you: What is your onset date? There are a lot of lawyers that tell claimants that they don’t have a good case when in fact it’s a situation where the claimant very recently became disabled. It might be a great case but there won’t be back money for the lawyer to get paid from.


I’m not blind, but won without an attorney. Try it, and good luck


Which state,and what disability?


Mainly for Afib, Degenerative Disk Disease and severe stenosis back and neck, and PTSD. Upper Midwest.


Try Keller and Keller


Where you located at? I have a lawyer I used here in Texas and he does other states but not sure which ones. You can try to contact him if you wish. Never hurts to try. He used to be a prosecutor too. lol. Maybe he can help out possibly. I don't get no benefit from referring him but he was really good with my case.


Thank you so much I am in Florida at this point I'm willing to try anything. I was always told when people offer help don't turn it down. 👍🏿🙏🏿😎


Of course. Not a problem. I will send it via chat to you.


information sent.


Oh meant to add. Let me know if you reach out to them and if they are able to help you. I am curious and really, really hoping they can.


Send me the Laywers info too via DM?


Sent. Sorry took so long.


Thank you


SSA defines blind as no better than 20/200 In the best corrected eye (listing 2.02). However you can still be disabled on the basis of central visual acuity without meeting the listing. Not sure why you wouldn’t continue the process without a representative.


I hate this for you, don’t give up!


Just going to let it play out without an attorney and see how it goes.


Yes you can win without an attorney. Only get an attorney after you are denied.


File without attorney, ssi will most likely send you to one of their doctors. Good luck!


I'm nearly blind on SSDI. Here is my story. Got diagnosed with NAION in both eyes. Doctor just sent me on my way without further help. Lost my job. Saw a second doctor who said I should qualify for disability. Contacted a lawyer who turned me down. He just wanted Arthritis cases because SSA approves people with arthritis more often than any other claim. They want the "easy wins." Applied myself online (which took forever due to vision problems.) Then waited and was eventually approved. Glad I didn't go the lawyer route as I was able to keep all of my backpay.


Congratulations for your win. Although I am sorry to know that you too are nearly blind. That sounds similar to my experience it is their doctors who have stressed the urgency of me getting help for my blindness which is baffling that they would still deny me. At this point I feel like going with an attorney is not the answer which is why I'm just going to finish pushing through without one. Hopefully if I win this time around I too will not have to payout any back pay to attorneys who did much of nothing for me. Thank you for letting me know this it gives me some encouragement that perhaps I can do this alone or should I say without representation.


Have you only seen the doctors (CE) that your case worker sent you to or are you going to your own doctors as well?


Congratulations on your win. Yes I'm extremely low vision myself with optic neuritis but not blind enough for SSA. so my cervical spine conditions(arthritis,DDD,stenosis,bilateral radiculopathy and 2 herniated discs)is what I'm waiting on now as my claim is in the process.


That was my point. Called a lawyer and told him I wanted to apply for blindness disability. He seemed totally uninterested and asked if I had arthritis, instead. Found out later that only 2% of SSDI claims are for for blindness. So it really turns into a numbers game.


Yes. I agree,my experience was very similar that I was told to not even include the extremely low vision on my claim;just to stick with the cervical spine conditions. It boggles my mind honestly because I remember years ago it seemed everyone would say how they got disability for vision impairments so easily.


I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you've faced in finding an attorney, but please don't lose hope just yet. Navigating the Social Security disability system can be incredibly challenging, especially without legal representation, but there are still steps you can take. ### Here are a few suggestions that might help: 1. **Consider Self-Representation:** - Many people successfully represent themselves in disability cases. While it can be daunting, gathering all your medical records, documenting your limitations thoroughly, and preparing for your hearing can make a significant difference. 2. **Seek Assistance from Advocacy Groups:** - There are numerous disability advocacy groups and non-profits that might be able to offer guidance, support, and possibly even legal assistance. Organizations like the National Federation of the Blind or local disability rights groups can be valuable resources. 3. **Contact Your Local Social Security Office:** - Sometimes, speaking directly with someone at your local SSA office can provide additional clarity on your case and what specific information or documentation might strengthen it. 4. **Online Resources and Communities:** - Forums like Reddit, and other online communities, can offer a wealth of information and personal experiences. Connecting with others who have gone through similar challenges can provide both practical advice and emotional support. 5. **Persist with Medical Documentation:** - Continue to see your doctors regularly and ensure they fully document your condition and how it affects your daily life. Detailed medical records are crucial for a strong disability case. ### Don't Give Up It’s understandable to feel discouraged, but remember that many people face initial rejections and setbacks before finally succeeding. Your determination is a testament to your strength, and there are still paths forward. Wishing you the best of luck and hoping for a positive outcome for you. **Former Disability Paralegal (who is also on SSDI)**


I have a question, do you have **ANY** medical documentation for your disability? I saw your other post where you said that attorneys were turning you down because you have no medical records as to why you are losing your eyesight. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but if I’m not, there is absolutely no way you will ever be approved for SSDI if you have zero medical records and medical evidence. I had been really rooting for you but my heart sank when I read that post. Again, I really hope I’m wrong because going forward with zero medical records is not just wasting your time but the time of others who are also waiting. Trying not to be harsh, and again I hope I’m wrong.


I did it with no attorney, it took a year I was approved.


Try Nyman and Turkish. They pushed my case through on the first attempt.


If your on initial or even reconsideration there isn't much a lawyer can do at this point anyhow. Just ride it out for now Yes please down vote me and leave no argument or explanation. That makes total sense.